Where are all of the “bake the cake” progressives NOW?

Well, you gotta see, the thing with the restaurant, that was JUSTIFIED because the owner was just following her personal ethics, but the gay cake bakery, well now, that was totally different because those bakers were, ah, . . . . following their morality. o_O
Remember when MLK Jr. hoped for a time when people would be judged by the content of their character? That's what it looks like when Huckabee Sanders was kept from the food trough.
Remember when MLK Jr. hoped for a time when people would be judged by the content of their character?
Amen! And remember - being queer is not a skin color. Being queer is 100% about the content of your character. So don't cry when you're denied service.
Um...the restaurant serves the public and they targeted a specific member of the public to discriminate against. This is pretty cut and dry, snowflake.

Um, no actually it isn't, Poodle.

Was she discriminated against because of her race, gender, national origin, religion or sexual orientation.

No, she was not.

She was ejected because people objected to the cruel, racist policies she supports every day.

Um...that was the Obama Administration, snowflake. The Trump Administration has done nothing but put America and Americans first. Stop with your idiotic propaganda. You’re pissed off that Trump won’t continue the fascist agenda you supported under Obama.

Trump is throwing kids into concentration camps..

Decent people should be upset about that. Awful people defend it.
Concentration camps?

These children have to be taught to use a toilet that actually flushes.

Ripping thousands of children from their homes and throwing them into America, expecting the U.S. to have accomodations for evry single one of them without question is asinine.

To insult those who provide for these abandoned children is ignorance.
Yeah, it's mighty hard to scream about Christian bakers who politely decline to bake gay wedding cakes and then turn around and say it's okay for a liberal restaurant owner to decline to serve a meal to a Christian family because the mother happens to work for the President of the United States.

Well, it is when the President is opening Concentration camps and she's out there lying about it. Then it's really kind of okay.

Can you just imagine how liberals would have screamed and howled if a conservative restaurant had refused to serve an Obama administration official?

They did. A Bakery refused to serve Vice President Biden... and you know what, we all kind of shrugged.

Remembering when a baker turned away Joe Biden and received praise from conservatives - NY Daily News

Yeah, it's mighty hard to scream about Christian bakers who politely decline to bake gay wedding cakes and then turn around and say it's okay for a liberal restaurant owner to decline to serve a meal to a Christian family because the mother happens to work for the President of the United States.

Can you just imagine how liberals would have screamed and howled if a conservative restaurant had refused to serve an Obama administration official?
One was allegedly about morals, the other one should be about politics.

Where is the right wing crowd claiming an owner should have the right to refuse to service to anyone?

Yeah, it's mighty hard to scream about Christian bakers who politely decline to bake gay wedding cakes and then turn around and say it's okay for a liberal restaurant owner to decline to serve a meal to a Christian family because the mother happens to work for the President of the United States.

Can you just imagine how liberals would have screamed and howled if a conservative restaurant had refused to serve an Obama administration official?
One was allegedly about morals, the other one should be about politics.

Where is the right wing crowd claiming an owner should have the right to refuse to service to anyone?

Right here. Its her business so no need in the government telling her how to run it. Of course I am hoping she goes bankrupt now...and suspect she will. The Red Hen is already closed for the time being. I doubt it will reopen. Such is the consequence of choice..but it is so nice to have a choice.

Yeah, it's mighty hard to scream about Christian bakers who politely decline to bake gay wedding cakes and then turn around and say it's okay for a liberal restaurant owner to decline to serve a meal to a Christian family because the mother happens to work for the President of the United States.

Can you just imagine how liberals would have screamed and howled if a conservative restaurant had refused to serve an Obama administration official?
One was allegedly about morals, the other one should be about politics.

Where is the right wing crowd claiming an owner should have the right to refuse to service to anyone?

Right here. Its her business so no need in the government telling her how to run it. Of course I am hoping she goes bankrupt now...and suspect she will. The Red Hen is already closed for the time being. I doubt it will reopen. Such is the consequence of choice..but it is so nice to have a choice.
why is it closed?

Yeah, it's mighty hard to scream about Christian bakers who politely decline to bake gay wedding cakes and then turn around and say it's okay for a liberal restaurant owner to decline to serve a meal to a Christian family because the mother happens to work for the President of the United States.

Can you just imagine how liberals would have screamed and howled if a conservative restaurant had refused to serve an Obama administration official?
One was allegedly about morals, the other one should be about politics.

Where is the right wing crowd claiming an owner should have the right to refuse to service to anyone?

Right here. Its her business so no need in the government telling her how to run it. Of course I am hoping she goes bankrupt now...and suspect she will. The Red Hen is already closed for the time being. I doubt it will reopen. Such is the consequence of choice..but it is so nice to have a choice.
why is it closed?

Citizen rage as best I can tell. The communist who owned it simply announced she was closing it at least until July 5th. I doubt it re opens.

Red Hen Owner, Meryl Streep's cousin, protesters have kept the restaurant closed [video]

She has her hand out now begging for fellow communists to bail her out since she no longer has a business.

Click here to support Support Red Hen Restaurant Owner organized by Faye Martin

Yeah, it's mighty hard to scream about Christian bakers who politely decline to bake gay wedding cakes and then turn around and say it's okay for a liberal restaurant owner to decline to serve a meal to a Christian family because the mother happens to work for the President of the United States.

Can you just imagine how liberals would have screamed and howled if a conservative restaurant had refused to serve an Obama administration official?
One was allegedly about morals, the other one should be about politics.

Where is the right wing crowd claiming an owner should have the right to refuse to service to anyone?

Right here. Its her business so no need in the government telling her how to run it. Of course I am hoping she goes bankrupt now...and suspect she will. The Red Hen is already closed for the time being. I doubt it will reopen. Such is the consequence of choice..but it is so nice to have a choice.
why is it closed?

Citizen rage as best I can tell. The communist who owned it simply announced she was closing it at least until July 5th. I doubt it re opens.

Red Hen Owner, Meryl Streep's cousin, protesters have kept the restaurant closed [video]

She has her hand out now begging for fellow communists to bail her out since she no longer has a business.

Click here to support Support Red Hen Restaurant Owner organized by Faye Martin
Now is the best time to upgrade infrastructure.
She has her hand out now begging for fellow communists to bail her out since she no longer has a business.

Click here to support Support Red Hen Restaurant Owner organized by Faye Martin
This makes me happy on so many different levels. I love to see communists/fascists failing. And she’s in for a rude awakening when she finds out her fellow communists aren’t nearly as generous with their money as they are with their words.

Yep..though they are quite generous with my money.
why is it closed?
Because she pissed off 90% of her community and 75% of the entire United States. She was also forced to resign from a local board she sat on.
what a drag. if only political freedom was free.
She was completely free to do what she did. But likewise, people are free to disapprove of it.
I would upgrade the facility with a petty cash fund, for that purpose.

Well, you gotta see, the thing with the restaurant, that was JUSTIFIED because the owner was just following her personal ethics, but the gay cake bakery, well now, that was totally different because those bakers were, ah, . . . . following their morality. o_O
Remember when MLK Jr. hoped for a time when people would be judged by the content of their character? That's what it looks like when Huckabee Sanders was kept from the food trough.

Not sure how to take that other than to say that I've never questioned Sarah's integrity. I've found her father Mike to be a man of exceptional integrity, among the highest in the political world, and intelligent. He should have been president and would make a great president, the kind that everyone says they want (but never vote for) unfortunately, he just isn't "marketable" enough to the voters and like Rick Santorum, just doesn't have the personality and "stage presence" to capture the hearts of the American people. That said, when someone like the owner of the Red Cluck does what she did, that speaks volumes. Apparently the Leftwing Media have fully succeeded in brainwashing their base of useful idiots.
Remember when MLK Jr. hoped for a time when people would be judged by the content of their character?
Amen! And remember - being queer is not a skin color. Being queer is 100% about the content of your character. So don't cry when you're denied service.
Remember when civil rights were not just about race? Oh, that's right. Too complex.
I would upgrade the facility with a petty cash fund, for that purpose.
First of all, you don’t understand what a “petty cash” fund is if you think it can upgrade a facility (petty cash is less than a couple of hundred dollars). Second, how would that help? People aren’t staying away because they don’t like the facilities. They are staying away because they don’t like what she did.

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