Where Are the Jobs?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Not a political rant - I am just wondering if we will ever again have enough private sector jobs to achieve "full employment." It seem that production efficiencies are leading us in the opposite direction. If this turns out to be the case, what is our best course of action? More public sector "employment?" Guaranteed annual incomes? Any thoughts? :confused:
We will be able to achieve full employment provided we understand it will not happen overnight, it will require investment in education and training programs to ensure that American have jobs that can’t be sent overseas or replaced by automation.

This can be realized if we take a pragmatic approach with both public and private sectors contributing – this would be an effort not unlike winning World War II or the manned space program.
We will be able to achieve full employment provided we understand it will not happen overnight, it will require investment in education and training programs to ensure that American have jobs that can’t be sent overseas or replaced by automation.

What does that mean? Trade wars and make-work requirements? That would seem to be a sure road towards further economic deterioration. While it is true that some high tech jobs go to foreigners, it is unrealistic and unnecessary for all Americans to become highly skilled workers with college degrees. Aside from government employment, we have yet to find a replacement for the millions of middle income jobs that have eliminated by computers and automation.
I read there is in fact a shortage in skilled trades. Machine operators, welders, etc. are difficult to find.
North Dakota has a real shortage of workers and housing, go there if you need a job, just take a tent.
One of the greatest obstacles to more full employment is home ownership.

Folks own (or co-own with a bank) a home and are unwilling to sell it (if they could) to move to a place where they'd have to find a place to rent 'cause new mortgage rules would make it difficult for them to buy.

Even when they're out of work they cling.

In the past, and in much of Europe, it's not a homeownership nation; it's a renter nation and people are more willing to leave where the jobs are NOT to go to where the jobs ARE.

Of course once government owns all housing and allocates it to individuals then it all becomes simple. You live in Florida and have a skill that's needed in North Dakota? No problem! Government just kicks you out of the place where you've been allowed to live and allocates you a spiffy new place in ------ NORTH DAKOTA!

Would you move under those circumstances?


Then prepare to be frog-marched. Or left homeless.
Where Are the Jobs?

Ask the TeaP members of congress who were elected in part to improve job growth.
If you can't find or get a job, your too picky or just lazy.
--and in that same line if you think others can't get a job, you've either got to hire them them or you're just too stingy. All this talk about solutions from the fed'l gov't is a crock. Considering that they only hire less than 2% of employees anyway, our only hope is that they simply get out of the way.
One of the greatest obstacles to more full employment is home ownership.

Folks own (or co-own with a bank) a home and are unwilling to sell it (if they could) to move to a place where they'd have to find a place to rent 'cause new mortgage rules would make it difficult for them to buy.

Even when they're out of work they cling.

In the past, and in much of Europe, it's not a homeownership nation; it's a renter nation and people are more willing to leave where the jobs are NOT to go to where the jobs ARE.

Of course once government owns all housing and allocates it to individuals then it all becomes simple. You live in Florida and have a skill that's needed in North Dakota? No problem! Government just kicks you out of the place where you've been allowed to live and allocates you a spiffy new place in ------ NORTH DAKOTA!

Would you move under those circumstances?


Then prepare to be frog-marched. Or left homeless.

Lifted from the USSR Handbook?

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