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Where Are The Left’s Success Stories?

Leftist California created the modern world & has the largest GDP!

Nothing useful invented by right wingers.
Right... Does that include forest fires, rolling black outs, droughts and massive homelessness
A Liberal is a Liberal is a Liberal

Also known as situational awareness.

Which takes effort.

The reason why conservatives oppose change.

Also known as trifling.

It is funny when Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA Democrats attempt to equate themselves with Libertarians.

Oh, you mean like Love Canal.
Oh yes the Social Security Program looted by LBJ and will be insolvent in 10 years.
Eisenhower brought about the first Civil Rights Acts that Democrats fought and refused to vote for while screaming about it.,
Oh, you mean like Love Canal.
Oh yes the Social Security Program looted by LBJ and will be insolvent in 10 years.
Eisenhower brought about the first Civil Rights Acts that Democrats fought and refused to vote for while screaming about it.,
Love Canal helped push Environmental Legislation

Social Security is another Liberal success story. It will become solvent as soon as Conservatives in Congress get off their asses and revise it.

Eisenhower embraced the Liberal demand for Civil Rights. It was Conservatives who opposed it. You are still confused about Democrat/Republican and Liberal/Conservative
Freedom, liberty and individual rights are Liberal ideals.

We won those rights from a conservative named George III.

socialism, and marxism are a mental illness of the right.

Part of that mental illness has so deluded their minds, that they actually believe religious laws, and inequality somehow equal freedom and liberty.

They are the exact opposite of freedom and liberty. Where inequality and religious law exists, only oppression exists.

Read this, and this time pay close attention to the actual words.

The Preamble to the Constitution of the United States

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Jeffersons Statute For Religious Freedom

I. Whereas Almighty God hath created the mind free; that all attempts to influence it by temporal punishment or burthens, or by civil incapacitations, tend only to beget habits of hypocrisy and meanness, and are a departure from the plan of the Holy author of our religion, who being Lord both of body and mind, yet chose not to propagate it by coercions on either, as was his Almighty power to do . . .

II. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, that no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.

III. And though we well know that this assembly elected by the people for the ordinary purposes of legislation only, have no power to restrain the act of succeeding assemblies, constituted with powers equal to our own, and that therefore to declare this act to be irrevocable would be of no effect in law; yet we are free to declare, and do declare, that the rights hereby asserted are of the natural rights of mankind, and that if any act shall be hereafter passed to repeal the present, or to narrow its operation, such as would be an infringement of natural right.

You are one of the most educationally challenged people on the board, for someone who allegedly has a degree. Contrary to popular belief, capitalism, conservatism, or religion have absolutely zero to do with the very concepts of freedom, and liberty.

And now for the remedial lesson you are so sorely in need of.

Those classical liberals at the start of our nation are what are known as conservatives today.
You've been tricked to vote for the same values and methods of the Nazis and the Bolsheviks......the worship of government.

And the reason you accepted the trick......and there's no reason to sugar coat this.......is because you don't read books, and .....

....you're stooooopid.

Socialism was held in such disrepute that the Communist John Dewey had the Socialist Party change its name to ....

....wait for it.....

...."Liberal Party."

How Socialist John Dewey Switched Labels​

by Jim Peron

  1. Pity the poor liberal. And I mean the real liberal. Not the modern watered-down socialist who calls himself a liberal but a real, honest, classical liberal. There is so much confusion over the term and real liberals have allowed fake liberals to get away with this subtle destruction of the language.
  2. The classical liberals proposed laissez faire and this led to prosperity. The economics of 19th century liberalism brought about a major increase in the standard of living of all people. Thus real liberalism produced the effects which socialists dreamed their system would provide.
    1. Many socialists wanted prosperity and thought socialism would lead to such results faster than classical liberalism. But at the same time many socialists saw their ideology as a means of grabbing power for themselves and it was the power, not the promised prosperity, which attracted them.
  3. [Socialists] knew that liberalism had a good reputation with the working classes — the very audience which they were targeting. The idea was to adopt the name liberal to describe socialism. Socialism, as socialism, was harder to sell. But by taking a name they did not deserve they felt they could make political gains on the backs of classical liberalism. And they did.
  4. In the United States, where liberalism most clearly reversed its meaning, in common parlance, it was the socialist John Dewey who openly promoted the idea of stealing the liberal label. Dewey, in his book Individualism Old and Newargued that liberal individualism had in fact disappeared and been replaced by state capitalism and that collectivism already existed in America.
    1. But he noted the collectivism of that day was a “collectivism of profit” and not a “collectivism of planning”. He said the only way liberalism could return to its true meaning was to adopt socialism as the means by which liberal goals would be achieved. As he put it central economic planning was “the sole method of social action by which liberalism can realize its professed aims.”
  5. Peter Witonski, in his essay The Historical Roots of American Planningsaid: “Dewey was the first to argue that the world ‘liberal’—which once stood for liberal, free-market capitalism—could better serve the needs of social democracy in America than the world ‘socialism’.
    1. The liberalism of Adam Smith was out-of-date Dewey argued.” In his book Liberalism and Social Action, Dewey suggested that the goals of a free society could best be obtained “only by a reversal of the means to which early liberalism was committed.” But the means of liberalism were fundamentally connected to the basic premises of liberalism. A reversal of means, while keeping similar goals in mind, also changed the premises of liberalism. The “new wisdom” of Keynes with the “reversal of means” of Dewey really meant stealing the name of liberalism and applying it to another very different species. The famed economist Joseph Schumpeter noted that “the enemies of private enterprise have thought it wise to appropriate its label.”
  6. Today a great deal of confusion reigns because socialists decided to deceptively call their own ideology liberal. And, to a very large degree, the academics who wrote the recent texts on liberalism were socialists. Hence they were quite willing to pretend that socialism was a modern form of classical liberalism.
  7. [Classical] liberal describes individuals supporting free markets, private property, profit management and limited governments. o-called “liberals” support socialism, state ownership, bureaucratic management and statism.


Democracy & free markets vs socialism



A Liberal is a Liberal is a Liberal

Also known as situational awareness.

Which takes effort.

The reason why conservatives oppose change.

Also known as trifling.

Can you list some of the issue on which conservatives are wrong?

BTW.....those original Liberals, classical liberals, are the conservatives of today.

The Founders, classical liberals, conservatives
.... individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
“free markets, free voices, free people”
This is a documented thread of communists who saw the light and became anti-communists.

Where are all the "Bolshevik/Democrat success stories" of how conservatives saw the light and became totalitarians????

Seems that there are none.

Guess why.
10. In the prescient novel, "1984," George Orwell's sort-of hero, Winston Smith, has the job "to overwrite the truth, to replace the history of what happened with a revised version. Winston enjoys his work and is good at it, yet at the same time he worries about the rewriting of history, and wants to know 'what really happened'."
Winston Smith s role in 1984

a.Lest one think that Winston Smith's occupation isn't a real one, you should become acquainted with Victor Kravchenko, captain in the Red Army. And the first Soviet “defector.”
On April 1, 1944, Victor Kravchenko left Washington for New York, where, at a press conference arranged by the NYTimes, he revealed the truth about the Soviet Union. Two years later he published “I Chose Freedom,” which played a crucial role in the formation of public opinion in the formation of the incipient Cold War. Defectors like Kravchenko faced the same sort of barrage that McCarthy did later…and for the same reasons.

b. Kravcheko revealed that the Communists did in reality what Smith did in the novel.He wrote in "I Chose Freedom,"....
."Shamelessly, without so much as an explanation, it revised half a century of Russian history. I don't mean simply that it falsified some facts or gave a new interpretation of events. I mean that it deliberately stood history on its head, expunging events and inventing facts.

It twisted the recent past--a past still fresh in millions of memories--into new and bizarre shapes, to conform with the version of affairs presented by the blood-purge trials and the accompanying propaganda... The roles of leading historical figures were perverted or altogether erased.... More than that, living witnesses, as far as possible, were removed. The directing staff of the Institute of Marx, Engels and Lenin in Moscow, repository of ideological truth, were removed and the more important people among them imprisoned or shot.

The "new history" became possible. To brand the shame more deeply on our minds,"study" of the new version was made obligatory for all responsible Party people. History classes met nearly every night in this period and lecturers from Sverdlovsk came to our town to help hammer home the lies, while most of us fumed inwardly.

Whatever human dignity remained in our character was humiliated.. But even the most gigantic lie, by dint of infinite repetition, takes root; Stalin knew this before Hitler discovered it. As I looked on I could see terrible falsehoods, at first accepted under pressure, become established as unquestioned "facts," particularly among younger people without personal experience to the contrary to bother them."

Text collection

American universities......the same paradigm: "...become established as unquestioned "facts,"

Clearly evident in the posts by the apologists and deniers in this tread.

Kravchenko was yet another communist who saw the light.
And now for the remedial lesson you are so sorely in need of.

Those classical liberals at the start of our nation are what are known as conservatives today.
You've been tricked to vote for the same values and methods of the Nazis and the Bolsheviks......the worship of government.

And the reason you accepted the trick......and there's no reason to sugar coat this.......is because you don't read books, and .....

....you're stooooopid.

Socialism was held in such disrepute that the Communist John Dewey had the Socialist Party change its name to ....

....wait for it.....

...."Liberal Party."

How Socialist John Dewey Switched Labels​

by Jim Peron

  1. Pity the poor liberal. And I mean the real liberal. Not the modern watered-down socialist who calls himself a liberal but a real, honest, classical liberal. There is so much confusion over the term and real liberals have allowed fake liberals to get away with this subtle destruction of the language.
  2. The classical liberals proposed laissez faire and this led to prosperity. The economics of 19th century liberalism brought about a major increase in the standard of living of all people. Thus real liberalism produced the effects which socialists dreamed their system would provide.
    1. Many socialists wanted prosperity and thought socialism would lead to such results faster than classical liberalism. But at the same time many socialists saw their ideology as a means of grabbing power for themselves and it was the power, not the promised prosperity, which attracted them.
  3. [Socialists] knew that liberalism had a good reputation with the working classes — the very audience which they were targeting. The idea was to adopt the name liberal to describe socialism. Socialism, as socialism, was harder to sell. But by taking a name they did not deserve they felt they could make political gains on the backs of classical liberalism. And they did.
  4. In the United States, where liberalism most clearly reversed its meaning, in common parlance, it was the socialist John Dewey who openly promoted the idea of stealing the liberal label. Dewey, in his book Individualism Old and Newargued that liberal individualism had in fact disappeared and been replaced by state capitalism and that collectivism already existed in America.
    1. But he noted the collectivism of that day was a “collectivism of profit” and not a “collectivism of planning”. He said the only way liberalism could return to its true meaning was to adopt socialism as the means by which liberal goals would be achieved. As he put it central economic planning was “the sole method of social action by which liberalism can realize its professed aims.”
  5. Peter Witonski, in his essay The Historical Roots of American Planningsaid: “Dewey was the first to argue that the world ‘liberal’—which once stood for liberal, free-market capitalism—could better serve the needs of social democracy in America than the world ‘socialism’.
    1. The liberalism of Adam Smith was out-of-date Dewey argued.” In his book Liberalism and Social Action, Dewey suggested that the goals of a free society could best be obtained “only by a reversal of the means to which early liberalism was committed.” But the means of liberalism were fundamentally connected to the basic premises of liberalism. A reversal of means, while keeping similar goals in mind, also changed the premises of liberalism. The “new wisdom” of Keynes with the “reversal of means” of Dewey really meant stealing the name of liberalism and applying it to another very different species. The famed economist Joseph Schumpeter noted that “the enemies of private enterprise have thought it wise to appropriate its label.”
  6. Today a great deal of confusion reigns because socialists decided to deceptively call their own ideology liberal. And, to a very large degree, the academics who wrote the recent texts on liberalism were socialists. Hence they were quite willing to pretend that socialism was a modern form of classical liberalism.
  7. [Classical] liberal describes individuals supporting free markets, private property, profit management and limited governments. o-called “liberals” support socialism, state ownership, bureaucratic management and statism.


Democracy & free markets vs socialism



By this point in a thread
Does anyone read these cut and paste screeds out of Political Chic?
11. Whether you vote Democrat or against the Democrats, depends, largely on whether you apply value to each human life, or you see each of us as merely a bean to be counted.

When Koestler writes " a collective aim justifies all means, and not only allows, but demands, that the individual should in every way be subordinated and sacrificed to the community..."

...think about the basis of ObamaCare....Liberal Utopian healthcare for all....except we may have to kill off the sick.

a. A key administration figure committed to cost cutting is Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a health policy advisor in the Office of Management and Budget and brother of Rahm Emanuel, the president's chief of staff wants doctors to look beyond the needs of their own patient and consider social justice. They should think about whether the money being spent on their patient could be better spent elsewhere.
Betsy McCaughey
Downgrading American Medical Care | The American Spectator

b. Democrat Governor Dick Lamm once created a firestorm in Colorado (a few years after leaving the Governor’s office) when he said: “the elderly have a duty to die.”

c. Democrat Tom Daschle, original nominee to head the Health and Human Services Department, and says health-care reform “will not be pain free.” Seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of treating them.
Ruin Your Health With the Obama Stimulus Plan: Betsy McCaughey - Bloomberg

Koestler makes the choice clear.
Those missing "Leftist success stories" would have to be based on some dunce suddenly seeing as his life being placed in the hands of bureaucrat or politician.
12. From the OP: ….government school grads, who are trained and programmed to be Leftists, and who don’t read books.

The demand by the Bolsheviks and Democrats, that may be redundant, not to read, is a direct order from that sort:

Ex-communist Hollywood director Edward Dmytryk wrote, in his memoir "Odd Man Out: A Memoir of the Hollywood Ten," that the party listed anti-Communist books that members were forbidden to read. He tells of conversation with producer Adrian Scott, in which he mentioned that he was reading Koester's "Darkness at Noon," "Adrian stopped short, and as I turned to face him, he spoke in a subdued voice, 'Good God!' he said. 'Don't ever mention that to anyone in the group!' 'Why not?' I was honestly puzzled. 'It's on the list! Koestler is an anti-Communist, and no member of the party is allowed to read him.'"
Dmytryk, "Odd Man Out," p. 14.

In 1942, Bennett Cerf, chief of Random House, proposed that the American publishing industry withdraw from sale all books critical of the Soviet Union. Billingsley,
"Hollywood Party," p. 88

" Even later, in the 1950s, Tebbel writes that Bennet Cerf of Random House published Witness, a book by Whittaker Chambers, even though Cerf hated Chambers and his political leanings, because the book was too well written to ignore."

And if nothing else, Democrat voters are really good at following orders.
Just like the Good Germans.
13. Democrat voters are ignorant, and malleable…..and cowardly.

They know full well what will happen if they deviate. They’ve seen it before.

In the novel, “Darkness at Noon,” Arthur Koestler tells the tale of Rubashov, an Old Bolshevik who is arrested, imprisoned, and tried for treason against the government which he had helped to create. He has been arrested on the baseless charge of ‘deviationism.’ The tale is based on the infamous Moscow Show Trials, or ‘Purge Trials’ of the 1930’s.
Moscow Trials 1936, August 19 (morning session)

“Deviationism” is possibly the worst of crimes to the Left. Not the slightest straying from the orthodoxy can be allowed. To be an accepted member of the Leftist herd, one must behave, not as a human being possessing a God-given intellect…but as an iron filing in a magnetic field.

The concept of deviationism, of course, differs in various nations, and cultures, as the same economic system differed slightly in Hitler’s Germany, Mussolini’s Italy, and FDR’s America.

Today, in America, we refer to ‘deviationism’ as ‘political correctness.’
And there are severe penalties for those who deviate.

Hence….they vote Democrat.
14. Still waiting for the Democrat voters to post some glowing reports of victories and success of Socialism/ Democrat policies….

….no, not the stolen election, that’s not much of a success as shown in the headlines about Afghanistan, inflation, the economy, crime, mandates.

But not all were so benighted as our crop of Biden voters.

It is one of the striking features of anti-Communist literature that its great writers are all former Communists. This feature is compounded when one realizes how few other “antis-“ such as anti-Semites, anti-racists, anti-vivisectionists, or anti-Americans are former Semites, racists, vivisectionists or Americans.

What did they learn than turned them 180 degrees?

All four of these anti-Communist authors we Communist renegades.

  1. Arthur Koestler
  2. Jan Valtin (Richard Krebs)
  3. Victor Krvchenko
  4. Whittaker Chambers

I’ve challenged the know-nothing, go-along, camp-followers of the Democrat Party to offer the stories of anti-conservatives who reversed political course.

The haven’t.

They can’t.

Whatever it is that makes them Democrat votes, it isn't intellect, experience, logic, or evidence.
It is something that appeals to the primitive, reptile-portion of their unevolved brains.
1. The title is meant to spotlight a famous author who began as a Bolshevik, and later reversed his political perspective.….and when I say ‘famous,’ clearly I don’t mean to government school grads, who are trained and programmed to be Leftists, and who don’t read books.

There are quite a number of formerly-communists who saw the light, and any who would care to read of a few,….

View attachment 535349

2. Prominent in Fleming’s book is the story of our birthday boy:

“Arthur Koestler, (born Sept. 5, 1905, Budapest, Hung. —found dead March 3, 1983, London, Eng.), Hungarian-born British novelist, journalist, and critic, best known for his novel Darkness at Noon (1940)…. his break with the Communist Party are reflected in Darkness at Noon. Published in 30 languages, it is the penetrating story of an old-guard Bolshevik who, during Stalin’s purge trials of the 1930s, first denies, then confesses to, crimes that he has not committed.

Specifically dealing with the plight of an aging revolutionary who can no longer condone the excesses of the government he helped put in power, the novel is an examination of the moral danger inherent in a system that sacrifices means to an end.” Britannica.com

3. Communism lost a number of formerly inveterate supporters, not as a result of the Moscow Show Trials, which were almost as hidden as the starvation of the Ukrainian farmers…but due to the crimes of the Communists in Spain. Arthur Koestler and George Orwell both grasped that every move was intended simply to secure an absolute Stalinist hegemony…right down to Stalin finding an accommodation with Hitler.

4. Koestler resigned from the German Communist Party on April 22, 1938. At that point he was a non-Communist, not an anti-Communist.

The God That Failed is a 1949 book which collects together six essays with the testimonies of a number of famous ex-communists, who were writers and journalists. The common theme of the essays is the authors' disillusionment with and abandonment of communism….The six contributors were Louis Fischer, André Gide, Arthur Koestler, Ignazio Silone, Stephen Spender, and Richard Wright.”
The God that Failed - Wikipedia

5. It is government school “education” and the fact that they don’t read that accounts for a huge number of votes that the Democrat Party, a party that mirrors both the aims and the methods of the Bolsheviks, accumulates.

Koestler is not the only formerly-communist that I can name.

Now…..where are those authors who began on the Right and became Communists?

Go ahead ducky. Name them all.
It's not as if your revelation will spin the earth off its axis.
Still waiting for the Democrat voters to post some glowing reports of victories and success of Socialism/ Democrat policies….
Social Security
Disabilities Act
Affirmative Action
Gay Rights
Communism lost a number of formerly inveterate supporters, not as a result of the Moscow Show Trials, which were almost as hidden as the starvation of the Ukrainian farmers…but due to the crimes of the Communists in Spain. Arthur Koestler and George Orwell both grasped that every move was intended simply to secure an absolute Stalinist hegemony…right down to Stalin finding an accommodation with Hitler.

Eric Blair is an interesting person. A Socialist and Communist, but interestingly he was largely disgusted by Marxism. In fact, when he settled down to start writing he named his poodle "Marx". And it was not intended as a complement.

And even though he was a Communist and Socialist, most of his famous writings are very critical if not outright hostile to Marxist Communism. As Orwell saw first hand in Spain. He went over to fight for the "Republic", and soon found out it was all a sham, it was backed secretly by the Soviets and Pro-Soviet Marxists who had no actual concern for Spain or the people. They only wanted to add more territory to their own empire. And after battling them also, he finally returned to England very bitter towards them.

Animal Farm and 1984 were both fascinating to read, as they are the views of an actual Communist on what they thought of Marxism. The fact that he was one of the "Pro-Communist" fighters who went to Spain and then was marginalized and then attacked (figuratively or literally) made him a very effective "Anti-Communist" writer and speaker. Not unlike somebody who was a strong National Socialist in Germany, who only finds out once they are in power that his grandfather being Jewish and his son having a serious birth defect meant they could all be liquidated. As both part of the cleansing, and Aktion T4.

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