Where are the threads on Cohen secretly visiting Prague?

Let's look at what the dossier informants say about the meeting with Cohen in Prague and how it relates to COLLUSION.....I posted this earlier but with the threads and posts all merged you all may have missed it.....

-- it claims Cohen went there after Manafort quit, due to his UkrainRussia past dealings, to try to cover up this Russian connection

--and to cover up paying the hackers for stealing the DNC and Podesta emails, so there is no trace of Trump and Russia.

--Which we are learning now that this was Cohen's full time job for President trump....to pay off people to keep silent and cover it up through creating fake LLC's with fake names etc, to make their payments....

Why the question of whether Michael Cohen visited Prague is massively important for Donald Trump

What the Steele dossier alleged about Michael Cohen visiting Prague
The Steele dossier, you will remember, was a months-long research project in which former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele dug into Donald Trump’s connections to Russia. Steele was paid by the firm Fusion GPS, which was paid by a lawyer for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

The dossier, as publicly released, is a series of 17 reports written over six months, based on a plethora of sources, that allege deep and corrupt ties between Trump and Russian officials.

Cohen emerges as a major character in the final set of reports. In one dated October 19, 2016, Steele wrote (emphasis added):

Speaking in confidence to a longstanding compatriot friend in mid-October 2016, a Kremlin insider highlighted the importance of Republican presidential candidate Donald TRUMP’s lawyer, Michael COHEN, in the ongoing secret liaison relationship between the New York tycoon’s campaign and the Russian leadership. COHEN’s role had grown following the departure of Paul MANNAFORT [sic] as TRUMP’s campaign manager in August 2016. Prior to that MANNAFORT had led for the Trump side.

According to the Kremlin insider, COHEN now was heavily engaged in a cover up and damage limitation operation in the attempt to prevent the full details of TRUMP’s relationship with Russia being exposed. In pursuit of this aim, COHEN had met secretly with several Russian Presidential Administration (PA) Legal Department officials in an EU country in August 2016. The immediate issues had been to contain further scandals involving MANNAFORT’s commercial and political role in Russia/Ukraine and to limit the damage arising from exposure of former TRUMP foreign policy advisor, Carter PAGE’s secret meetings with Russian leadership figures in Moscow the previous month. The overall objective had been “to sweep it all under the carpet and make sure no connections could be fully established or proven.”

Then in a report dated the next day, October 20, Steele gave more specifics. He said Cohen’s “clandestine meeting” with Russian officials was in Prague, and mentioned a Russian NGO, Rossotrudnichestvo, as a potential host for the meeting.

The final report in the published Steele dossier, dated December 13 (after Trump was elected president), reiterated the claim of a Cohen/Prague meeting — now saying it happened in August or September 2016 — and gave many more supposed specifics (emphasis added):

COHEN had been accompanied to Prague by 3 colleagues and the timing of the visit was either in the last week of August or the first week of September. One of their main Russian interlocutors was Oleg SOLODUKHIN operating under Rossotrudnichestvo cover. According to [redacted], the agenda comprised questions on how deniable cash payments were to be made to hackers who had worked in Europe under Kremlin direction against the CLINTON campaign and various contingencies for covering up these operations and Moscow’s secret liaison with the TRUMP team more generally.

The report claims that Cohen discussed how to destroy evidence of this purported hacking operation in the event of a Clinton victory.

These are, of course, highly inflammatory claims that a Trump Organization executive and lawyer was collaborating closely with Russian government officials regarding paying hackers who had worked against the Clinton campaign in some way. But for 15 months after the dossier’s publication, no evidence emerged that this had actually taken place.

Cohen immediately tried to use the “Prague visit” claim to debunk the dossier
he visited Prague?? !!
really??!! OMG !! someone visited Prague !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trump and Trumpsters used the excuse that Cohen never went to Prague, for the past year plus, to discredit the Steele Dossier....which had 3 entries on the meeting with Cohen and the Russian government lawyers.

Now we KNOW, that this was an intentional, bold face LIE, a lie intentionally meant to Deceive and discredit the dossier, and cover up the Trump team's direct connections with the Russians and interference in the election....collusion, if it does turn out to be true.

Why the question of whether Michael Cohen visited Prague is massively important for Donald Trump

Then where is the proof he went to Prague?

where is the proof he didnt go to Prague ?
he visited Prague?? !!
really??!! OMG !! someone visited Prague !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trump and Trumpsters used the excuse that Cohen never went to Prague, for the past year plus, to discredit the Steele Dossier....which had 3 entries on the meeting with Cohen and the Russian government lawyers.

Now we KNOW, that this was an intentional, bold face LIE, a lie intentionally meant to Deceive and discredit the dossier, and cover up the Trump team's direct connections with the Russians and interference in the election....collusion, if it does turn out to be true.

Why the question of whether Michael Cohen visited Prague is massively important for Donald Trump

Then where is the proof he went to Prague?

where is the proof he didnt go to Prague ?

Where’s the proof you aren’t a terrorist?
You libs are cracking me up....:auiqs.jpg:

Stormy.........no one cares
Cohen.........will backfire
Whats next?:badgrin:


Collusion won't initially send Cohen away for years. Bit there are numerous other crimes that will.

Simple choice Michael...give up the goods in trump or miss your kids growing up. Gotta be a tough choice....huh?

I have a hunch he won't choose "Loyalty" over 15-20 years less in prison. :D
if this is all true, then President Trump CHEATED big time and broke the law, in the 2016 presidential election.....that's a BIG deal...that I and others, will never ever forget or forgive.
he visited Prague?? !!
really??!! OMG !! someone visited Prague !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trump and Trumpsters used the excuse that Cohen never went to Prague, for the past year plus, to discredit the Steele Dossier....which had 3 entries on the meeting with Cohen and the Russian government lawyers.

Now we KNOW, that this was an intentional, bold face LIE, a lie intentionally meant to Deceive and discredit the dossier, and cover up the Trump team's direct connections with the Russians and interference in the election....collusion, if it does turn out to be true.

Why the question of whether Michael Cohen visited Prague is massively important for Donald Trump

Then where is the proof he went to Prague?

where is the proof he didnt go to Prague ?

Where’s the proof you aren’t a terrorist?

youre proving youre a moron - good job btw
if this is all true, then President Trump CHEATED big time and broke the law, in the 2016 presidential election.....that's a BIG deal...that I and others, will never ever forget or forgive.

his senile butt is gone in 2020 ...

F him
his senile butt is gone in 2020 ...

F him
But you said he wouldn't win and then you said he wouldn't last through his first year then you said he would be impeached and he wouldn't build the wall or deliver on tax cuts....
I'm so happy to see your latest prediction....BUUUUUUUAAAAAAAHAHAHA
so lets get Cohen under oath and find out who is a douchebag ..

That is what led to the raid. Mueller knows Cohen is as dirty as Capone. He knows he charges will send him away for the rest of his life. Either he flips on the Liar in Chief or his wife raises the kids alone.

Actually...pretty simple...

Only for simple minds. What do two ifs and a conjecture add up to? A good reason why progressives should never be allowed to sit on juries.
How do you know he deliberately avoided having his passport stamped. Is it against US law to vis Prague via Germany?
None of that matters except that Cohen LIED LIED AND LIED about it with trump and Trump followers who believed him....

And for the past year, Trump and his followers used Cohen's lie that he did NOT meet with the Russians in Prague to clean up the Russian help in the election and cover up any traces of Russian / trump connections, to say that the dossier was fake, a lie, Cohen never went there crapola.

to refresh your memories, here is what the Dossier said about the meeting and lots more at the link explaining the timing and Cohen's claims:

Why the question of whether Michael Cohen visited Prague is massively important for Donald Trump

What the Steele dossier alleged about Michael Cohen visiting Prague
The Steele dossier, you will remember, was a months-long research project in which former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele dug into Donald Trump’s connections to Russia. Steele was paid by the firm Fusion GPS, which was paid by a lawyer for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

The dossier, as publicly released, is a series of 17 reports written over six months, based on a plethora of sources, that allege deep and corrupt ties between Trump and Russian officials.

Cohen emerges as a major character in the final set of reports. In one dated October 19, 2016, Steele wrote (emphasis added):

Speaking in confidence to a longstanding compatriot friend in mid-October 2016, a Kremlin insider highlighted the importance of Republican presidential candidate Donald TRUMP’s lawyer, Michael COHEN, in the ongoing secret liaison relationship between the New York tycoon’s campaign and the Russian leadership. COHEN’s role had grown following the departure of Paul MANNAFORT [sic] as TRUMP’s campaign manager in August 2016. Prior to that MANNAFORT had led for the Trump side.

According to the Kremlin insider, COHEN now was heavily engaged in a cover up and damage limitation operation in the attempt to prevent the full details of TRUMP’s relationship with Russia being exposed. In pursuit of this aim, COHEN had met secretly with several Russian Presidential Administration (PA) Legal Department officials in an EU country in August 2016. The immediate issues had been to contain further scandals involving MANNAFORT’s commercial and political role in Russia/Ukraine and to limit the damage arising from exposure of former TRUMP foreign policy advisor, Carter PAGE’s secret meetings with Russian leadership figures in Moscow the previous month. The overall objective had been “to sweep it all under the carpet and make sure no connections could be fully established or proven.”

Then in a report dated the next day, October 20, Steele gave more specifics. He said Cohen’s “clandestine meeting” with Russian officials was in Prague, and mentioned a Russian NGO, Rossotrudnichestvo, as a potential host for the meeting.

The final report in the published Steele dossier, dated December 13 (after Trump was elected president), reiterated the claim of a Cohen/Prague meeting — now saying it happened in August or September 2016 — and gave many more supposed specifics (emphasis added):

COHEN had been accompanied to Prague by 3 colleagues and the timing of the visit was either in the last week of August or the first week of September. One of their main Russian interlocutors was Oleg SOLODUKHIN operating under Rossotrudnichestvo cover. According to [redacted], the agenda comprised questions on how deniable cash payments were to be made to hackers who had worked in Europe under Kremlin direction against the CLINTON campaign and various contingencies for covering up these operations and Moscow’s secret liaison with the TRUMP team more generally.

The report claims that Cohen discussed how to destroy evidence of this purported hacking operation in the event of a Clinton victory.
Answer me this if you will. Why were you never concerned about Obama’s lies, about Rice’s lies, about Holder’s lies, about Hillaries lies?
What lies? Everyone keeps saying that cuz you were programmed to, but no one ever shows with facts what these lies were? The only one you all repeat is bama talking about saving money on ocare and being able to keep your doctor, when in those cases Obama could have believed the plan would do such, but a year later through congress's actions, it may not have.... on Rice and Benghazi, she was vindicated by the 8 Benghazi investigations....

All False statements involving Barack Obama | PolitiFact
if this is all true, then President Trump CHEATED big time and broke the law, in the 2016 presidential election.....that's a BIG deal...that I and others, will never ever forget or forgive.

Poor libtards. Two years later you’re all still fantasizing about the big “we got him!” moment, and still hasn’t happened yet.
It seems all the RW conspiracy and moon in the sky theories can be posted...and they are left alone.

A critical event like Cohen meeting with a Russian Hacker after months of denials is buried...

Yep - The many musings of Alex Jones nearly always stay in Current Events

The Liar in Chief gets his news from the National Enquires....Alex Jones....and FIX News....particularly the lunatic Hannity who has never had both oars in the water.

Your hatred is strong, Grasshopper.
Hillary vindicated? I don’t think so, she just had big friends in high places!
he visited Prague?? !!
really??!! OMG !! someone visited Prague !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trump and Trumpsters used the excuse that Cohen never went to Prague, for the past year plus, to discredit the Steele Dossier....which had 3 entries on the meeting with Cohen and the Russian government lawyers.

Now we KNOW, that this was an intentional, bold face LIE, a lie intentionally meant to Deceive and discredit the dossier, and cover up the Trump team's direct connections with the Russians and interference in the election....collusion, if it does turn out to be true.

Why the question of whether Michael Cohen visited Prague is massively important for Donald Trump

Then where is the proof he went to Prague?
We'll find out soon enough, IF the President doesn't put in one of his own thugs to replace Rosenstein, purposely to CATCH AND KILL the report that Mueller intends to release to the Justice department Deputy Attorney General.

If he "catches and kills it", like he does with all of his other wrong doings....we may not know for decades.... or if the investigators are smart, they have made copies of the report, before they are axed by the Gangster n Chief in office and it will leak for the best interest of the Public....like the Pentagon Papers.
My thread was closed and I was told there were 5 or 6 of the threads that stated....Mueller has evidence Cohen made secret trip to Prague through Germany to prevent his passport from being stamped. Just asking....WHERE ARE THEY?

Hey dumbass, Czech is part of Schengen and no passport is needed when coming from any other Schengen country in the EU. That’s the whole point. It doesn’t make a trip there “secret”. If you come into a Schengen country from outside, you go through customs and passport is checked, then you are free to travel to any other Schengen country. I doubt there are many direct flights from the states to Prague. Most US flights will stop in London or Frankfurt.
There might be some direct flights from NYC, but if he had a stopover, he would only have gotten stamped in London or Frankfurt. The airline would still know his final destination though.
Let's look at what the dossier informants say about the meeting with Cohen in Prague and how it relates to COLLUSION.....I posted this earlier but with the threads and posts all merged you all may have missed it.....

-- it claims Cohen went there after Manafort quit, due to his UkrainRussia past dealings, to try to cover up this Russian connection

--and to cover up paying the hackers for stealing the DNC and Podesta emails, so there is no trace of Trump and Russia.

--Which we are learning now that this was Cohen's full time job for President trump....to pay off people to keep silent and cover it up through creating fake LLC's with fake names etc, to make their payments....

Why the question of whether Michael Cohen visited Prague is massively important for Donald Trump

What the Steele dossier alleged about Michael Cohen visiting Prague
The Steele dossier, you will remember, was a months-long research project in which former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele dug into Donald Trump’s connections to Russia. Steele was paid by the firm Fusion GPS, which was paid by a lawyer for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

The dossier, as publicly released, is a series of 17 reports written over six months, based on a plethora of sources, that allege deep and corrupt ties between Trump and Russian officials.

Cohen emerges as a major character in the final set of reports. In one dated October 19, 2016, Steele wrote (emphasis added):

Speaking in confidence to a longstanding compatriot friend in mid-October 2016, a Kremlin insider highlighted the importance of Republican presidential candidate Donald TRUMP’s lawyer, Michael COHEN, in the ongoing secret liaison relationship between the New York tycoon’s campaign and the Russian leadership. COHEN’s role had grown following the departure of Paul MANNAFORT [sic] as TRUMP’s campaign manager in August 2016. Prior to that MANNAFORT had led for the Trump side.

According to the Kremlin insider, COHEN now was heavily engaged in a cover up and damage limitation operation in the attempt to prevent the full details of TRUMP’s relationship with Russia being exposed. In pursuit of this aim, COHEN had met secretly with several Russian Presidential Administration (PA) Legal Department officials in an EU country in August 2016. The immediate issues had been to contain further scandals involving MANNAFORT’s commercial and political role in Russia/Ukraine and to limit the damage arising from exposure of former TRUMP foreign policy advisor, Carter PAGE’s secret meetings with Russian leadership figures in Moscow the previous month. The overall objective had been “to sweep it all under the carpet and make sure no connections could be fully established or proven.”

Then in a report dated the next day, October 20, Steele gave more specifics. He said Cohen’s “clandestine meeting” with Russian officials was in Prague, and mentioned a Russian NGO, Rossotrudnichestvo, as a potential host for the meeting.

The final report in the published Steele dossier, dated December 13 (after Trump was elected president), reiterated the claim of a Cohen/Prague meeting — now saying it happened in August or September 2016 — and gave many more supposed specifics (emphasis added):

COHEN had been accompanied to Prague by 3 colleagues and the timing of the visit was either in the last week of August or the first week of September. One of their main Russian interlocutors was Oleg SOLODUKHIN operating under Rossotrudnichestvo cover. According to [redacted], the agenda comprised questions on how deniable cash payments were to be made to hackers who had worked in Europe under Kremlin direction against the CLINTON campaign and various contingencies for covering up these operations and Moscow’s secret liaison with the TRUMP team more generally.

The report claims that Cohen discussed how to destroy evidence of this purported hacking operation in the event of a Clinton victory.

These are, of course, highly inflammatory claims that a Trump Organization executive and lawyer was collaborating closely with Russian government officials regarding paying hackers who had worked against the Clinton campaign in some way. But for 15 months after the dossier’s publication, no evidence emerged that this had actually taken place.

Cohen immediately tried to use the “Prague visit” claim to debunk the dossier
So Clinton paid to have a foreign agent interfere in an American election. How damn cool is that?

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