Where Are The USMB Independents On The Romney/Trump/Birther Issue?

Are you still whining about Wright?

Are you still whining about the birthers, Romney and Trump?...waaaaa

Um, yeah, considering that Rawmoney is running for President with Trump at his side... I think that's a fairly important issue.

I don't want a president who will take Trump's calls. Why would you?

You guys are such hypocrites.

Not a one of you bitched about the million dollars Bill Mahr donated to Obama, and he is a vile piece of shit.... so fuck off with your faux outrage JoeB.

Obama brought the birther issue on his self by not showing the supposed document to begin with.
WTF was or is he hiding?

Personally I could care less..... its too fucking late!



Hat tip Pale Rider
Of course this birther thing with Trump is being driven by the Democrats and it's lapdog media..

that way they can distract from having to talk about the Obama failure..

I doubt the people are buying it, they are sick of all the PETTY distraction by this administration and his comrades in arms
Are you still whining about the birthers, Romney and Trump?...waaaaa

Um, yeah, considering that Rawmoney is running for President with Trump at his side... I think that's a fairly important issue.

I don't want a president who will take Trump's calls. Why would you?

You can't always get what you want.

You avoided the question.

If Romney can't stand up to extreme and vile characters like Trump, Limbaugh and Nugent now, what is he going to do when he's president?

Will he sit quaking behind his desk that Limbaugh is going to go on a harang against him if he tries to find a comprimise with the Democrats?
Are you still whining about the birthers, Romney and Trump?...waaaaa

Um, yeah, considering that Rawmoney is running for President with Trump at his side... I think that's a fairly important issue.

I don't want a president who will take Trump's calls. Why would you?

You guys are such hypocrites.

Not a one of you bitched about the million dollars Bill Mahr donated to Obama, and he is a vile piece of shit.... so fuck off with your faux outrage JoeB.

Obama brought the birther issue on his self by not showing the supposed document to begin with.
WTF was or is he hiding?

Personally I could care less..... its too fucking late!

Romney is going along with Rush Limbaugh/Nugent/Trump RIGHT NOW. In real time.

Obama is supposed to be upset about something a news clown said on a cable show three years ago? Really?

If you have fresh offenses, yup, happy to talk about those.

Incidently, I was perfectly ready to support a GOP candidate, as long as it wasn't Romney, but you all went there. And Now Romney is showing exactly why I wasn't right to trust him.
I'm not talking about those rabid RWers that are ashamed of the Bush legacy that's afraid to be called Republican now, I'm talking about the real, true, bonafide middle-of-the-road folks. The ones that have voted both parties at all levels.

How is this Trump/Romney/Birther thing sitting with you?

To me, it's just another way to get Mittens into power so Trump can have successful business investments. You should learn from trump's last few political mishaps. The guy is not credible at all and is just doing this for $$$.
I'm not talking about those rabid RWers that are ashamed of the Bush legacy that's afraid to be called Republican now, I'm talking about the real, true, bonafide middle-of-the-road folks. The ones that have voted both parties at all levels.

How is this Trump/Romney/Birther thing sitting with you?

It's a far right-wing nutter fantasy.
If Romney can't stand up to extreme and vile characters like Trump, Limbaugh and Nugent now, what is he going to do when he's president?

I have little doubt that the plan is to kiss their butts to keep the base fired up for the election, then do the ol' Potomac two-step to keep them at arm's length if he gets in. For all the negatives they obviously bring, the top priority is always the base. Without them, forget it.

And of course, Mitt's one helluva dancer if the music is right.

If Romney can't stand up to extreme and vile characters like Trump, Limbaugh and Nugent now, what is he going to do when he's president?

I have little doubt that the plan is to kiss their butts to keep the base fired up for the election, then do the ol' Potomac two-step to keep them at arm's length if he gets in. For all the negatives they obviously bring, the top priority is always the base. Without them, forget it.

And of course, Mitt's one helluva dancer if the music is right.


Meeeh, not really.

The only reason why this guy isn't in Goldwater Territory right now is because unemployment is still at 8.1%.

I think his inability to stomp on Trump shows desperation, not skill.

Heck, if he did it, the Media would praise the crap out of him for it.
If Romney can't stand up to extreme and vile characters like Trump, Limbaugh and Nugent now, what is he going to do when he's president?

I have little doubt that the plan is to kiss their butts to keep the base fired up for the election, then do the ol' Potomac two-step to keep them at arm's length if he gets in. For all the negatives they obviously bring, the top priority is always the base. Without them, forget it.

And of course, Mitt's one helluva dancer if the music is right.


Meeeh, not really.

The only reason why this guy isn't in Goldwater Territory right now is because unemployment is still at 8.1%.

I think his inability to stomp on Trump shows desperation, not skill.

Heck, if he did it, the Media would praise the crap out of him for it.

We might be saying the same thing. Romney has no choice, he needs to kiss hard right butt (maybe not a good visual there). So definitely, he's gotta do it. Funny thing is, both guys are kind of lucky: Obama's lucky he's got Mitt to run against, Mitt's lucky the economy is still in the shitter.

The rest of us, not so lucky.


Definitely not a good visual.... Some of us are getting ready to have dinner, Mac!
Trump is a liability, and Romney just got over his CRS, regarding Bullygate. DDs is, as DDs does. Some are Democrats. Others . . .
Definitely not a good visual.... Some of us are getting ready to have dinner, Mac!

Perhaps this vaguely disturbing image will help.


No, not really. Thanks, you've totally ruined my dinner. Happy now?


You're the far left wing "know it all" on this board, right? Tell me this, let's see if you can actually give a straight answer to the question or will go off on some bullshit tangent......ready?

Why did the obama administration decide to present a document that anyone with any graphics experience can tell you is a "built" fake while claiming it was a photocopy of the original birth certificate. When you make a photocopy of something, it can't be broken down into 9 separate layers. I understand that the layman doesn't necessarily know what layers are but there are plenty of videos on you tube that break it down for the very most ignorant followers of the 1 out there.I wonder also why so many of those on the left lack the intellectual curiosity to ask the same question........after all, you are the ones being played like assholes.
Why did the obama administration decide to present a document that anyone with any graphics experience can tell you is a "built" fake while claiming it was a photocopy of the original birth certificate. When you make a photocopy of something, it can't be broken down into 9 separate layers. I understand that the layman doesn't necessarily know what layers are but there are plenty of videos on you tube that break it down for the very most ignorant followers of the 1 out there.I wonder also why so many of those on the left lack the intellectual curiosity to ask the same question........after all, you are the ones being played like assholes.

The National Review debunks the photoshop layering argument.

The PDF is composed of multiple images. That’s correct. Using a photo editor or PDF viewer of your choice, you can extract this image data, view it, hide it, etc. But these layers, as they’re being called, aren’t layers in the traditional photo-editing sense of the word. They are, quite literally, pieces of image data that have been positioned in a PDF container. They appear as text but also contain glyphs, dots, lines, boxes, squiggles, and random garbage. They’re not combined or merged in any way. Quite simply, they look like they were created programmatically, not by a human.

What’s plausible is that somewhere along the way — from the scanning device to the PDF-creation software, both of which can perform OCR (optical character recognition) — these partial/pseudo-text images were created and saved. What’s not plausible is that the government spent all this time manufacturing Obama’s birth certificate only to commit the laughably rookie mistake of exporting the layers from Photoshop, or whatever photo editing software they are meant to have used. It’s likely that whoever scanned the birth certificate in Hawaii forgot to turn off the OCR setting on the scanner. Let’s leave it at that.

UPDATE: I’ve confirmed that scanning an image, converting it to a PDF, optimizing that PDF, and then opening it up in Illustrator, does in fact create layers similar to what is seen in the birth certificate PDF. You can try it yourself at home.

PDF Layers in Obama’s Birth Certificate - By Nathan Goulding - The Corner - National Review Online
You're the far left wing "know it all" on this board, right? Tell me this, let's see if you can actually give a straight answer to the question or will go off on some bullshit tangent......ready?

Why did the obama administration decide to present a document that anyone with any graphics experience can tell you is a "built" fake while claiming it was a photocopy of the original birth certificate. When you make a photocopy of something, it can't be broken down into 9 separate layers. I understand that the layman doesn't necessarily know what layers are but there are plenty of videos on you tube that break it down for the very most ignorant followers of the 1 out there.I wonder also why so many of those on the left lack the intellectual curiosity to ask the same question........after all, you are the ones being played like assholes.

Okay. There's a simple answer.

If you actually believe that shit, you are batshit crazy, and are in serious need of professional help, and copious medication.

Take a look at that recent birther thread and ask me that question again.

Again, there are A LOT of RWers on this very board who are giving credence to that asinine meme. I've lost a lot of respect and good will for many of them. Many of which we've made strides w/in the past two years, all lost in that crazy thread.

You better start looking at and questioning your side bub.

waaa, and there were a lot that of people who gave credence that Bush was AOL from his military service..Dan Rather PRESENTED FAKE papers on a news show even

so as for you ALL whining about this so called, birther issue...this is for you:eusa_boohoo:

And when they were proven to be fakes, they repudiated the story and Dan Rather eventually lost his job.

But stories that Bush was less than an ideal Guard Member long preceeded the Rather story. Such as the fact he reported to few drills in his last year.

Now, a lot of that was because people just didn't understand how the National Guard worked back then (and still works now, to some degree).

CON$ and their constant false equivalency BS. If RepubliCON$ didn't lie...they'd have nothing to say.

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