Where Are Their Balls?

Proves who has balls...

Fine then YOU explain to the members how Sanders a man who is SO clean he almost squeaks is behind a swindler. Go ahead, should be interesting.

The Democrats have normalized corruption, graft and corporate crony networks within their own party. Nothing Hillary has done raises eye brows among them because most of them would have done the same damned thing she has or they would be voting for Sanders.

Also, Democrats are so used to acting as if they are offended and posturing as though some trivial word usage is such a scandal, etc, they have inured themselves to real authentic corruption and evil.

A party that supports the rights of mothers to kill their babies by the millions and sits by as urban machines wreck people lives for political purposes are not the kind of people who feel anything if a Paula Deen or Bernie Sanders gets run over trying to play fair. IT's ho hum every day for these crooks.
People are scared off by the "socialist" label. Even though he has explained numerous times what he is as a democratic socialist, people are still too ignorant to really think about what that means. Look at this site as an example of that. "I'm not voting for that crazy socialist!" But they can't say what they have against any of his specific policies. This is what is keeping him back from beating Hillary.

I am not a democrat but would gladly vote for Bernie and genuinely be excited to have him in office. However when Hillary wins the nomination I'll vote for her simply to ensure we don't end up with regressive supreme court justices. Beyond that, I don't trust her for shit and she'll be more of the same we've had for far too long in this country.
Atheists and Socialists can't get elected here. Carry on.

I can't disagree. It's a shame.

Of course you can. Think for yourself.


Did my wording confuse you? I agree with his statement.

Yes I know you did. Did my post confuse you?
If he could run again right now we wouldn't even need to hold an election, he'd be 40 points ahead of everyone.

Of course he would Gallup has him currently at 44%...NOT EVEN HALF the country approves of that piece of shit Muslim terrorist lover!
Compared with who they could have, he'd kick their asses...

Hell, he can't even muster 45%!!!! ...and he is a LAME DUCK doing NOTHING!
If he could run again right now we wouldn't even need to hold an election, he'd be 40 points ahead of everyone.

Of course he would Gallup has him currently at 44%...NOT EVEN HALF the country approves of that piece of shit Muslim terrorist lover!
Compared with who they could have, he'd kick their asses...

Hell, he can't even muster 45%!!!! ...and he is a LAME DUCK doing NOTHING!
People are ready for a change, but not this group of assholes.
You have what you have. Is Sanders more honest then Obama?
Than, and yes.
But he is STILL a loser in your eyes which PROVES my post. Sanders supporters lack sacks.
Sanders can't win, dumbfuck.

Just because you like to vote for losers doesn't mean the rest of us do.
Of course he can't win...he's a FOIL for the Hildebeast...just to make it look like she has competition!
You have what you have. Is Sanders more honest then Obama?
Than, and yes.
But he is STILL a loser in your eyes which PROVES my post. Sanders supporters lack sacks.

You haven't "proven" jack shit, Pinkie. You set up a strawman/generalization double-fallacy and then sit back never answering my repeated question of what the fuck you expect this Borg you imagine --- to DO.

Wassamatta Pinkie? Don't have the balls to answer?
If he could run again right now we wouldn't even need to hold an election, he'd be 40 points ahead of everyone.

Of course he would Gallup has him currently at 44%...NOT EVEN HALF the country approves of that piece of shit Muslim terrorist lover!
Compared with who they could have, he'd kick their asses...

Hell, he can't even muster 45%!!!! ...and he is a LAME DUCK doing NOTHING!
People are ready for a change, but not this group of assholes.

Right they are ready for a bitch under FBI investigation who's IT MAN just got IMMUNITY to talk about her! The FBI doesn't give IMMUNITY UNLESS they already KNOW the answers!
You have what you have. Is Sanders more honest then Obama?
Than, and yes.
But he is STILL a loser in your eyes which PROVES my post. Sanders supporters lack sacks.
Sanders can't win, dumbfuck.

Just because you like to vote for losers doesn't mean the rest of us do.
Of course he can't win...he's a FOIL for the Hildebeast...just to make it look like she has competition!
If true, it isn't, it worked...
If he could run again right now we wouldn't even need to hold an election, he'd be 40 points ahead of everyone.

Of course he would Gallup has him currently at 44%...NOT EVEN HALF the country approves of that piece of shit Muslim terrorist lover!
Compared with who they could have, he'd kick their asses...

Hell, he can't even muster 45%!!!! ...and he is a LAME DUCK doing NOTHING!
People are ready for a change, but not this group of assholes.

Right they are ready for a bitch under FBI investigation who's IT MAN just got IMMUNITY to talk about her! The FBI doesn't give IMMUNITY UNLESS they already KNOW the answers!
It gives immunity because it doesn't know jack-shit, dummy. If it did, it wouldn't.
You have what you have. Is Sanders more honest then Obama?
Than, and yes.
But he is STILL a loser in your eyes which PROVES my post. Sanders supporters lack sacks.
Sanders can't win, dumbfuck.

Just because you like to vote for losers doesn't mean the rest of us do.
Of course he can't win...he's a FOIL for the Hildebeast...just to make it look like she has competition!
If true, it isn't, it worked...

Until INDICTED, and if NOT indicted, the FBI will LEAK all the info FOR INDICTMENT just to fuck up the Obomanationand the Hildebeast!
I'm talking to you democrats here. There seems to be a real sack shortage in your group and I want to know why? Here you got a decent man, an honest man getting his ass handed to him by a real estate swindler. That's right, Hillary "Whitewater" Clinton.

What's up with that? One one side you have Sanders pretty much dirt free and you have him going up against a real estate swindler and losing? What honest voter is buying into that crap?

People lost their savings their that swindler. Bernie maybe only worth 330k but he came by it honest. So what gives? You reward the swindler and punish the honest person? That IS what the American voter sees.

And what is with this PRE pledged delegate crap? Before even one single issue was EVER on the table you were backing the real estate swindler. In a system, ANY system sold to the public as just and fair that really blows the mark you know?

How do you argue party ethics AFTER that? Feel free to explain how those ethics denote anything positive for you or about your party. PRE pledged delegates going to a real estate swindler. That's what supports your platform?

So please feel free to explain to the members here how PRE pledged delegates going to a real estate swindler show you are the party above corruption and truly are the beacon of freedom of liberty and truth and justice in the American way.

To you Sanders supporters I ask where ARE your balls? Why do you NOT defend him? Why does it appear that he is standing alone? Are you afraid of the DNC? Are you afraid to say what you think?

Why are you Sanders supporters letting "Team Swindle" run over you? Are you Sanders supporters in name ONLY but not heart? I like him, don't agree with his politics but like him. Why is it I a rabid conservative find myself starting more PRO Sanders threads then Sanders supporters?

I do it because I think he is at least honest but from you folks, the ones who SHOULD matter? Close to squat, too close. Some of you so called Sanders supporters are about as much help as a limp dick in a whore house. Why are you letting that real estate swindler Hillary "Whitewater" Clinton beat on you that way?

You sound frightened.
Not at all, same question. Who is MORE honest Clinton or Sanders?
You are freighted all right. That's why you started this thread.
You have what you have. Is Sanders more honest then Obama?
Than, and yes.
But he is STILL a loser in your eyes which PROVES my post. Sanders supporters lack sacks.

You haven't "proven" jack shit, Pinkie. You set up a strawman/generalization double-fallacy and then sit back never answering my repeated question of what the fuck you expect this Borg you imagine --- to DO.

Wassamatta Pinkie? Don't have the balls to answer?
Nope, hell Paintmyhouse. Sanders is MORE honest than Clinton OR Obama. Aint that the shit we AGREE.
BUT, PMH lacks the sack to back the MORE honest person.
Its not even a party line cross for him so it must be fear.
Of course he would Gallup has him currently at 44%...NOT EVEN HALF the country approves of that piece of shit Muslim terrorist lover!
Compared with who they could have, he'd kick their asses...

Hell, he can't even muster 45%!!!! ...and he is a LAME DUCK doing NOTHING!
People are ready for a change, but not this group of assholes.

Right they are ready for a bitch under FBI investigation who's IT MAN just got IMMUNITY to talk about her! The FBI doesn't give IMMUNITY UNLESS they already KNOW the answers!
It gives immunity because it doesn't know jack-shit, dummy. If it did, it wouldn't.
I see YOU know jack shit about FBI immunity! LOLOLOL!:ahole-1:
I'm talking to you democrats here. There seems to be a real sack shortage in your group and I want to know why? Here you got a decent man, an honest man getting his ass handed to him by a real estate swindler. That's right, Hillary "Whitewater" Clinton.

What's up with that? One one side you have Sanders pretty much dirt free and you have him going up against a real estate swindler and losing? What honest voter is buying into that crap?

People lost their savings their that swindler. Bernie maybe only worth 330k but he came by it honest. So what gives? You reward the swindler and punish the honest person? That IS what the American voter sees.

And what is with this PRE pledged delegate crap? Before even one single issue was EVER on the table you were backing the real estate swindler. In a system, ANY system sold to the public as just and fair that really blows the mark you know?

How do you argue party ethics AFTER that? Feel free to explain how those ethics denote anything positive for you or about your party. PRE pledged delegates going to a real estate swindler. That's what supports your platform?

So please feel free to explain to the members here how PRE pledged delegates going to a real estate swindler show you are the party above corruption and truly are the beacon of freedom of liberty and truth and justice in the American way.

To you Sanders supporters I ask where ARE your balls? Why do you NOT defend him? Why does it appear that he is standing alone? Are you afraid of the DNC? Are you afraid to say what you think?

Why are you Sanders supporters letting "Team Swindle" run over you? Are you Sanders supporters in name ONLY but not heart? I like him, don't agree with his politics but like him. Why is it I a rabid conservative find myself starting more PRO Sanders threads then Sanders supporters?

I do it because I think he is at least honest but from you folks, the ones who SHOULD matter? Close to squat, too close. Some of you so called Sanders supporters are about as much help as a limp dick in a whore house. Why are you letting that real estate swindler Hillary "Whitewater" Clinton beat on you that way?

You sound frightened.
Not at all, same question. Who is MORE honest Clinton or Sanders?
You are freighted all right. That's why you started this thread.
Who IS more honest? Sanders or Clinton? Or get on your camel and jockey your way the hell out of here.
I'm talking to you democrats here. There seems to be a real sack shortage in your group and I want to know why? Here you got a decent man, an honest man getting his ass handed to him by a real estate swindler. That's right, Hillary "Whitewater" Clinton.

What's up with that? One one side you have Sanders pretty much dirt free and you have him going up against a real estate swindler and losing? What honest voter is buying into that crap?

People lost their savings their that swindler. Bernie maybe only worth 330k but he came by it honest. So what gives? You reward the swindler and punish the honest person? That IS what the American voter sees.

And what is with this PRE pledged delegate crap? Before even one single issue was EVER on the table you were backing the real estate swindler. In a system, ANY system sold to the public as just and fair that really blows the mark you know?

How do you argue party ethics AFTER that? Feel free to explain how those ethics denote anything positive for you or about your party. PRE pledged delegates going to a real estate swindler. That's what supports your platform?

So please feel free to explain to the members here how PRE pledged delegates going to a real estate swindler show you are the party above corruption and truly are the beacon of freedom of liberty and truth and justice in the American way.

To you Sanders supporters I ask where ARE your balls? Why do you NOT defend him? Why does it appear that he is standing alone? Are you afraid of the DNC? Are you afraid to say what you think?

Why are you Sanders supporters letting "Team Swindle" run over you? Are you Sanders supporters in name ONLY but not heart? I like him, don't agree with his politics but like him. Why is it I a rabid conservative find myself starting more PRO Sanders threads then Sanders supporters?

I do it because I think he is at least honest but from you folks, the ones who SHOULD matter? Close to squat, too close. Some of you so called Sanders supporters are about as much help as a limp dick in a whore house. Why are you letting that real estate swindler Hillary "Whitewater" Clinton beat on you that way?

You sound frightened.
Not at all, same question. Who is MORE honest Clinton or Sanders?
You are freighted all right. That's why you started this thread.
Who IS more honest? Sanders or Clinton? Or get on your camel and jockey your way the hell out of here.
You have what you have. Is Sanders more honest then Obama?
Than, and yes.
But he is STILL a loser in your eyes which PROVES my post. Sanders supporters lack sacks.

You haven't "proven" jack shit, Pinkie. You set up a strawman/generalization double-fallacy and then sit back never answering my repeated question of what the fuck you expect this Borg you imagine --- to DO.

Wassamatta Pinkie? Don't have the balls to answer?
Nope, hell Paintmyhouse. Sanders is MORE honest than Clinton OR Obama. Aint that the shit we AGREE.
BUT, PMH lacks the sack to back the MORE honest person.
Its not even a party line cross for him so it must be fear.

That isn't anywhere near even close to resembling an answer. And "PMH" has nothing to do with me.
This Borg you imagine is in your fucking head. It does not exist.
Many democratic voters just have ovaries.

Which would not be troublesome except that so many of those "present" themselves as men.....

Women tend to favor the Democratic party because they are the ones who aren't trying to insert government into women's reproductive systems. People who favor individual liberty agree with this stance.

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