Where are you?

I think it's horrible and rotten, but there is really nothing I can do about what goes on over there in that hell hole. I just feel lucky that I was born and live here in the USA.

Yes, where your lawyers can so miscontrue a premise so malignantly and neferiously that suddenly a new Constitutional Amendment and torpedo at criminal and civil regulation (essentially) has been created where behaviors (just some, we're not really sure how many or which all exactly yet) that are repugnant to the majority can skirt around their regulation to get at kids in orphanages (the only legal difference between civil unions and the marriage you all wanted so very VERY badly)..

Yes, thank God you live in America where with enough rich Liberaces and a platoon of lawyers, you can skew the foundation of our laws so badly that we'll be spending many years untangling the mess you coerced 5 idiots in DC to make last Friday..
I think it's horrible and rotten, but there is really nothing I can do about what goes on over there in that hell hole. I just feel lucky that I was born and live here in the USA.

Yes, where your lawyers can so miscontrue a premise so malignantly and neferiously that suddenly a new Constitutional Amendment and torpedo at criminal and civil regulation (essentially) has been created where behaviors (just some, we're not really sure how many or which all exactly yet) that are repugnant to the majority can skirt around their regulation to get at kids in orphanages (the only legal difference between civil unions and the marriage you all wanted so very VERY badly)..\

Yes, thank God you live in America where with enough rich Liberaces and a platoon of lawyers, you can skew the foundation of our laws so badly that we'll be spending many years untangling the mess you coerced 5 idiots in DC to make last Friday..

All this because two people who love each other can finally marry?
I think it's horrible and rotten, but there is really nothing I can do about what goes on over there in that hell hole. I just feel lucky that I was born and live here in the USA.

Yes, where your lawyers can so miscontrue a premise so malignantly and neferiously that suddenly a new Constitutional Amendment and torpedo at criminal and civil regulation (essentially) has been created where behaviors (just some, we're not really sure how many or which all exactly yet) that are repugnant to the majority can skirt around their regulation to get at kids in orphanages (the only legal difference between civil unions and the marriage you all wanted so very VERY badly)..

Yes, thank God you live in America where with enough rich Liberaces and a platoon of lawyers, you can skew the foundation of our laws so badly that we'll be spending many years untangling the mess you coerced 5 idiots in DC to make last Friday..

Oh, quit yer whining, will ya? It's tiresome and boring and OLD.
Today, four gays died by the hands of the radical Islamist terror group, ISIS, they threw them from a high rise. For all of you celebrating the SCOTUS ruling legalizing gay marriage here, where are you? Where is your outrage against this atrocity? I have all along said that the fight for gay rights with some of you are nothing but a hollow cause. If anything, gays deserve the same rights worldwide. All gays won for them was a right to marry, here in America. But over there, nobody is fighting for their right to simply exist. But, alas, where are you? Where are all of the self professed gay rights warriors now?

Four gay men were executed by members of the Islamic State following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide Friday.

As was reported by a Syrian Twitter user on a tweet posted on the #LoveWins hashtag and picked up by Gateway Pundit, the men were thrown off the roof of a highrise building in the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor as a crowd gathered to watch below.

Several Islamists also reportedly sent out anti-gay messages on the social networking site using the hashtag #LoveWins. That hashtag was used by many worldwide to celebrate the ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges.

ISIS Responds to SCOTUS Gay Marriage Ruling by Showing 4 Gays What the Islamic State Thinks of It

I just stumbled on this thread by accident. I heard the whole story about that the other day. They were going to have a midget toss but none of the midgets showed up.

When the ISIS headman looked around for something else to throw, they saw Akbar and Suhaib diddling around over in the corner so they threw them off instead.

I'm not sure if they were really gay, but they were kinda acting funny..
Religion at work...
Name one Church that has been forced to perform a same sex marriage?

Is that the default argument? Now, given the ruling yesterday the question for you should be:

How many churches WILL BE forced to perform same sex marriage?
Zero, of course.
hey fuckhead....you going to prove what you said about me earlier?....or is it just more bullshit from big asshole?...
Any proof needed, of anything that was said, has undoubtedly already been posted...
USA is not USA anymore

sorry to spoil your dreams

USA is shit really...under this Hussein Obama...

those who know are leaving this this pathetic shadow of a country.... so sad :(
USA is not USA anymore

sorry to spoil your dreams

USA is shit really...under this Hussein Obama...

those who know are leaving this this pathetic shadow of a country.... so sad :(
This is not a nation for your kind, and was never meant to be. Start packing...


is then...like Stalin Russia was????

my God you are so pathetic....
USA is not USA anymore

sorry to spoil your dreams

USA is shit really...under this Hussein Obama...

those who know are leaving this this pathetic shadow of a country.... so sad :(
This is not a nation for your kind, and was never meant to be. Start packing...


is then...like Stalin Russia was????

my God you are so pathetic....
Russia is your kind of place. Godspeed...
USA is not USA anymore

sorry to spoil your dreams

USA is shit really...under this Hussein Obama...

those who know are leaving this this pathetic shadow of a country.... so sad :(
This is not a nation for your kind, and was never meant to be. Start packing...


is then...like Stalin Russia was????

my God you are so pathetic....
Russia is your kind of place. Godspeed...
Name one Church that has been forced to perform a same sex marriage?

Is that the default argument? Now, given the ruling yesterday the question for you should be:

How many churches WILL BE forced to perform same sex marriage?
Zero, of course.
hey fuckhead....you going to prove what you said about me earlier?....or is it just more bullshit from big asshole?...
Any proof needed, of anything that was said, has undoubtedly already been posted...
ah the mystery posts that no one can seem to find....thats the way assholes like you roll....all talk,no backup....no wonder so many around here think you are a lowlife fuck....
Name one Church that has been forced to perform a same sex marriage?

Is that the default argument? Now, given the ruling yesterday the question for you should be:

How many churches WILL BE forced to perform same sex marriage?
Zero, of course.
hey fuckhead....you going to prove what you said about me earlier?....or is it just more bullshit from big asshole?...
Any proof needed, of anything that was said, has undoubtedly already been posted...
ah the mystery posts that no one can seem to find....thats the way assholes like you roll....all talk,no backup....no wonder so many around here think you are a lowlife fuck....
The feeling is mutual, only I'm correct, as always...
Is that the default argument? Now, given the ruling yesterday the question for you should be:

How many churches WILL BE forced to perform same sex marriage?
Zero, of course.
hey fuckhead....you going to prove what you said about me earlier?....or is it just more bullshit from big asshole?...
Any proof needed, of anything that was said, has undoubtedly already been posted...
ah the mystery posts that no one can seem to find....thats the way assholes like you roll....all talk,no backup....no wonder so many around here think you are a lowlife fuck....
The feeling is mutual, only I'm correct, as always...

Yeah, keep telling yourself that.
USA is not USA anymore

sorry to spoil your dreams

USA is shit really...under this Hussein Obama...

those who know are leaving this this pathetic shadow of a country.... so sad :(
This is not a nation for your kind, and was never meant to be. Start packing...
we dont need pussies like you either....crawl back to the shit hole you were formed from....
Is that the default argument? Now, given the ruling yesterday the question for you should be:

How many churches WILL BE forced to perform same sex marriage?
Zero, of course.
hey fuckhead....you going to prove what you said about me earlier?....or is it just more bullshit from big asshole?...
Any proof needed, of anything that was said, has undoubtedly already been posted...
ah the mystery posts that no one can seem to find....thats the way assholes like you roll....all talk,no backup....no wonder so many around here think you are a lowlife fuck....
The feeling is mutual, only I'm correct, as always...
but yet you cant back anything up....i can back up what i said about you....can you back up what you said about me?...remember the thread about Palins kid standing on the dog?...everything is right there...jerk.......
Gays in the US have the ear of the POTUS and the attention of the MSM yet in a colossal failure of priorities they waste it suing people over wedding cakes vs leveraging the clout to rally support for gays being brutally tortured and murdered elsewhere in the world. I know that criticism stings gay people but you are throwing away an opportunity to lead.

That reminds of the huge outcry I've heard about abortion elsewhere in the world.

Or maybe that was a dream.

First, you're deflection is noted. Second we are still fighting the war on abortion in this country with 50 million dead and counting. Third how do you equate someone not baking a cake for a gay wedding with brutally dismembering a human life form in the womb?

Your hypocrisy is duly noted.

I made a point and you had no counter argument so you pivoted to deflection using at a best a weak comparison.
Gays in the US have the ear of the POTUS and the attention of the MSM yet in a colossal failure of priorities they waste it suing people over wedding cakes vs leveraging the clout to rally support for gays being brutally tortured and murdered elsewhere in the world. I know that criticism stings gay people but you are throwing away an opportunity to lead.

That reminds of the huge outcry I've heard about abortion elsewhere in the world.

Or maybe that was a dream.

First, you're deflection is noted. Second we are still fighting the war on abortion in this country with 50 million dead and counting. Third how do you equate someone not baking a cake for a gay wedding with brutally dismembering a human life form in the womb?

Your hypocrisy is duly noted.

I made a point and you had no counter argument so you pivoted to deflection using at a best a weak comparison.

Not much of a point. You deliberately use hyperbole to exagerate the comparison. The majority of abortions take place in the first trimester - there is no "brutal dismembering". Suing over a wedding cake is an outlier - a single case out of a handful of similar cases the media takes and makes a production with.
Gays in the US have the ear of the POTUS and the attention of the MSM yet in a colossal failure of priorities they waste it suing people over wedding cakes vs leveraging the clout to rally support for gays being brutally tortured and murdered elsewhere in the world. I know that criticism stings gay people but you are throwing away an opportunity to lead.

That reminds of the huge outcry I've heard about abortion elsewhere in the world.

Or maybe that was a dream.

First, you're deflection is noted. Second we are still fighting the war on abortion in this country with 50 million dead and counting. Third how do you equate someone not baking a cake for a gay wedding with brutally dismembering a human life form in the womb?

Your hypocrisy is duly noted.

I made a point and you had no counter argument so you pivoted to deflection using at a best a weak comparison.

Not much of a point. You deliberately use hyperbole to exagerate the comparison. The majority of abortions take place in the first trimester - there is no "brutal dismembering". Suing over a wedding cake is an outlier - a single case out of a handful of similar cases the media takes and makes a production with.

So only a million 2nd trimester abortions over the past 10 years, that's comforting.

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