Where are you?

That reminds of the huge outcry I've heard about abortion elsewhere in the world.

Or maybe that was a dream.

First, you're deflection is noted. Second we are still fighting the war on abortion in this country with 50 million dead and counting. Third how do you equate someone not baking a cake for a gay wedding with brutally dismembering a human life form in the womb?

Your hypocrisy is duly noted.

I made a point and you had no counter argument so you pivoted to deflection using at a best a weak comparison.

Not much of a point. You deliberately use hyperbole to exagerate the comparison. The majority of abortions take place in the first trimester - there is no "brutal dismembering". Suing over a wedding cake is an outlier - a single case out of a handful of similar cases the media takes and makes a production with.

So only a million 2nd trimester abortions over the past 10 years, that's comforting.

If you say so.

You can always adopt a fetus if you are that upset about it.
First, you're deflection is noted. Second we are still fighting the war on abortion in this country with 50 million dead and counting. Third how do you equate someone not baking a cake for a gay wedding with brutally dismembering a human life form in the womb?

Your hypocrisy is duly noted.

I made a point and you had no counter argument so you pivoted to deflection using at a best a weak comparison.

Not much of a point. You deliberately use hyperbole to exagerate the comparison. The majority of abortions take place in the first trimester - there is no "brutal dismembering". Suing over a wedding cake is an outlier - a single case out of a handful of similar cases the media takes and makes a production with.

So only a million 2nd trimester abortions over the past 10 years, that's comforting.

If you say so.

You can always adopt a fetus if you are that upset about it.

I think we know where you stand now.
Your hypocrisy is duly noted.

I made a point and you had no counter argument so you pivoted to deflection using at a best a weak comparison.

Not much of a point. You deliberately use hyperbole to exagerate the comparison. The majority of abortions take place in the first trimester - there is no "brutal dismembering". Suing over a wedding cake is an outlier - a single case out of a handful of similar cases the media takes and makes a production with.

So only a million 2nd trimester abortions over the past 10 years, that's comforting.

If you say so.

You can always adopt a fetus if you are that upset about it.

I think we know where you stand now.

Where should she stand? You don't get to make such serious and life-changing decisions for strangers!
I think a lot of women who are getting abortions may be drug addicts, alcoholics, etc. too. Are you conservatives ready to pay for these drug addicted babies and their medical care and their hospital stays. These are unwanted children. Their own "moms" (if that is what you would call them) do not want them, and you want to make these women give birth? Oh yeah, GREEAAAT idea. :rolleyes-41:
Today, four gays died by the hands of the radical Islamist terror group, ISIS, they threw them from a high rise. For all of you celebrating the SCOTUS ruling legalizing gay marriage here, where are you? Where is your outrage against this atrocity? I have all along said that the fight for gay rights with some of you are nothing but a hollow cause. If anything, gays deserve the same rights worldwide. All gays won for them was a right to marry, here in America. But over there, nobody is fighting for their right to simply exist. But, alas, where are you? Where are all of the self professed gay rights warriors now?

Four gay men were executed by members of the Islamic State following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide Friday.

As was reported by a Syrian Twitter user on a tweet posted on the #LoveWins hashtag and picked up by Gateway Pundit, the men were thrown off the roof of a highrise building in the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor as a crowd gathered to watch below.

Several Islamists also reportedly sent out anti-gay messages on the social networking site using the hashtag #LoveWins. That hashtag was used by many worldwide to celebrate the ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges.

ISIS Responds to SCOTUS Gay Marriage Ruling by Showing 4 Gays What the Islamic State Thinks of It

Where am I?

I think that anyone- or any country that kills people because of their religious beliefs, ethnicity or sexual orientation is wrong, bad, despicable- evil.

I am an American- so therefore I am responsible for our laws in the United States- so yes I am more concerned about what happens in the United States than elsewhere in the world.

There are many countries, and regions in the world that promote bigotry, criminality and even just murder against homosexuals. The same regions often do the same against their own minority groups and religions- all wrong.

What should we do?

Should we invade every one of them to protect every group?

I look forward to your positive suggestions on how we can protect the rights of homosexuals, Christians and other minorities under attack in the Muslim world, in parts of Africa, Russia and other places.
I think a lot of women who are getting abortions may be drug addicts, alcoholics, etc. too. Are you conservatives ready to pay for these drug addicted babies and their medical care and their hospital stays. These are unwanted children. Their own "moms" (if that is what you would call them) do not want them, and you want to make these women give birth? Oh yeah, GREEAAAT idea. :rolleyes-41:

By your logic we should screen the unborn for defects and kill any who would be a financial burden. If only we could screen for addictions we could kill those unborn too and nip the problem right in the bud. Ooops.
Since Muslims kill people for being non believers are you suggesting that we must all convert TK?

That's not what I suggested. I'm suggesting that ISIS be punished for the way they treat gay people, and everyone else. I'm also asking that if gay rights are so important, why not fight for them all over the world? Or are we simply confining that cause to America only?

ISIS is committing so many horrific abuses that gay rights is a drop in the bucket. You start the fight at home. Yes? No?

To put it another way: we millions of surplus cats and dogs euthanized in shelters every year. Dogs and cats also suffer horrific abuses elsewhere in the world - many times, it's worse. So what do we do? Go out and rescue abroad while animals here are dying :dunno:

We first should fix the problems in our own house. Or at least, give it priority.

(and no - that isn't a deflection - just a good way of making a comparison)
I think a lot of women who are getting abortions may be drug addicts, alcoholics, etc. too. Are you conservatives ready to pay for these drug addicted babies and their medical care and their hospital stays. These are unwanted children. Their own "moms" (if that is what you would call them) do not want them, and you want to make these women give birth? Oh yeah, GREEAAAT idea. :rolleyes-41:

By your logic we should screen the unborn for defects and kill any who would be a financial burden. If only we could screen for addictions we could kill those unborn too and nip the problem right in the bud. Ooops.

No one said that. Ooops.
You know that there are hundreds of organizations whose purpose is to fight for LGBT rights worldwide, right?

Are they succeeding? From what I can tell, they aren't. Not in the Eastern Hemisphere.

It took a long time in the West and it still has a lot of opposition. Cultural change does not happen quickly.
Today, four gays died by the hands of the radical Islamist terror group, ISIS, they threw them from a high rise. For all of you celebrating the SCOTUS ruling legalizing gay marriage here, where are you? Where is your outrage against this atrocity? I have all along said that the fight for gay rights with some of you are nothing but a hollow cause. If anything, gays deserve the same rights worldwide. All gays won for them was a right to marry, here in America. But over there, nobody is fighting for their right to simply exist. But, alas, where are you? Where are all of the self professed gay rights warriors now?

Four gay men were executed by members of the Islamic State following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide Friday.

As was reported by a Syrian Twitter user on a tweet posted on the #LoveWins hashtag and picked up by Gateway Pundit, the men were thrown off the roof of a highrise building in the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor as a crowd gathered to watch below.

Several Islamists also reportedly sent out anti-gay messages on the social networking site using the hashtag #LoveWins. That hashtag was used by many worldwide to celebrate the ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges.

ISIS Responds to SCOTUS Gay Marriage Ruling by Showing 4 Gays What the Islamic State Thinks of It

Oh they're busy pretending that accidental church burnings are actually hate crimes committed by right wingers...though the police, pastors and the FBI say they don't think they're hate crimes.

Cuz it's more important to shit on Christians and Republicans than it is to actually protect people. I'm pretty sure AvgJoe has included that in his manifesto.
Today, four gays died by the hands of the radical Islamist terror group, ISIS, they threw them from a high rise.

The perpetrators of the crime had sincere religious beliefs that gays should be killed, didn't they?

Aren't sincere religious beliefs protected by our Constitution?

Their beliefs are protected. Not their actions...
Thing is, I think all life is worth fighting for, including the gay ones. I am still navigating the waters here because I am relatively new to this side of the issue. But make no mistake about it, I want gay people to have the right to live and be free wherever they are, without persecution.

How about those on death row?
I think a lot of women who are getting abortions may be drug addicts, alcoholics, etc. too. Are you conservatives ready to pay for these drug addicted babies and their medical care and their hospital stays. These are unwanted children. Their own "moms" (if that is what you would call them) do not want them, and you want to make these women give birth? Oh yeah, GREEAAAT idea. :rolleyes-41:

By your logic we should screen the unborn for defects and kill any who would be a financial burden. If only we could screen for addictions we could kill those unborn too and nip the problem right in the bud. Ooops.

Nice straw man. Perhaps you should try concentrating on what I actually said. Are you willing to pay for these unwanted children's upbringings, as they reside in state custody or foster homes?
I think a lot of women who are getting abortions may be drug addicts, alcoholics, etc. too. Are you conservatives ready to pay for these drug addicted babies and their medical care and their hospital stays. These are unwanted children. Their own "moms" (if that is what you would call them) do not want them, and you want to make these women give birth? Oh yeah, GREEAAAT idea. :rolleyes-41:

By your logic we should screen the unborn for defects and kill any who would be a financial burden. If only we could screen for addictions we could kill those unborn too and nip the problem right in the bud. Ooops.

No one said that. Ooops.

You are just uncomfortable with people pointing out the horror of abortion and poking holes in the excuses you tell yourself to make it seem okay to kill a helpless human life in the womb.
I think a lot of women who are getting abortions may be drug addicts, alcoholics, etc. too. Are you conservatives ready to pay for these drug addicted babies and their medical care and their hospital stays. These are unwanted children. Their own "moms" (if that is what you would call them) do not want them, and you want to make these women give birth? Oh yeah, GREEAAAT idea. :rolleyes-41:

By your logic we should screen the unborn for defects and kill any who would be a financial burden. If only we could screen for addictions we could kill those unborn too and nip the problem right in the bud. Ooops.

No one said that. Ooops.

You are just uncomfortable with people pointing out the horror of abortion and poking holes in the excuses you tell yourself to make it seem okay to kill a helpless human life in the womb.

No, I am just a person who tries to take on a realistic perspective of the world around me. I don't think it is a good idea to force women, who may not be very good people, to have babies.

Also, I find it rather hypocritical that a lot of conservatives would like to force women to have babies but then have NO plans on how to care for all of these unwanted babies.
I think a lot of women who are getting abortions may be drug addicts, alcoholics, etc. too. Are you conservatives ready to pay for these drug addicted babies and their medical care and their hospital stays. These are unwanted children. Their own "moms" (if that is what you would call them) do not want them, and you want to make these women give birth? Oh yeah, GREEAAAT idea. :rolleyes-41:

By your logic we should screen the unborn for defects and kill any who would be a financial burden. If only we could screen for addictions we could kill those unborn too and nip the problem right in the bud. Ooops.

Nice straw man. Perhaps you should try concentrating on what I actually said. Are you willing to pay for these unwanted children's upbringings, as they reside in state custody or foster homes?

You suggested that helpless human fetuses should be killed because nobody is willing to pay for the drug addicted mom and baby's medical care and hospital stays. I just expanded on your logic, why waste money then on fetuses with birth defects? Your attempt to excuse abortion puts you on a very slippery slope.
I think a lot of women who are getting abortions may be drug addicts, alcoholics, etc. too. Are you conservatives ready to pay for these drug addicted babies and their medical care and their hospital stays. These are unwanted children. Their own "moms" (if that is what you would call them) do not want them, and you want to make these women give birth? Oh yeah, GREEAAAT idea. :rolleyes-41:

By your logic we should screen the unborn for defects and kill any who would be a financial burden. If only we could screen for addictions we could kill those unborn too and nip the problem right in the bud. Ooops.

Nice straw man. Perhaps you should try concentrating on what I actually said. Are you willing to pay for these unwanted children's upbringings, as they reside in state custody or foster homes?

You suggested that helpless human fetuses should be killed because nobody is willing to pay for the drug addicted mom and baby's medical care and hospital stays. I just expanded on your logic, why waste money then on fetuses with birth defects? Your attempt to excuse abortion puts you on a very slippery slope.

Because those babies are WANTED by their parents. It is up to the potential parent whether or not they will become a parent, not you!
I think a lot of women who are getting abortions may be drug addicts, alcoholics, etc. too. Are you conservatives ready to pay for these drug addicted babies and their medical care and their hospital stays. These are unwanted children. Their own "moms" (if that is what you would call them) do not want them, and you want to make these women give birth? Oh yeah, GREEAAAT idea. :rolleyes-41:

By your logic we should screen the unborn for defects and kill any who would be a financial burden. If only we could screen for addictions we could kill those unborn too and nip the problem right in the bud. Ooops.

No one said that. Ooops.

You are just uncomfortable with people pointing out the horror of abortion and poking holes in the excuses you tell yourself to make it seem okay to kill a helpless human life in the womb.

BTW, I really do not consider a fertilized egg or an embryo to be a person. They are POTENTIAL people, but at the time when they are an egg or an embryo, they are just that - an egg or an embryo. I would certainly not, however, be against shrinking the time period in which a person would be allowed to abort the child. I would be fine with limiting it to the 1st trimester of the pregnancy unless there is a life threatening or altering complication. I think by the end of the 1st trimester, a person should have decided.

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