Where are you?

What makes you think that isn't happening?

Is it? You don't see many examples (with the exception of Ireland) of it happening on the news. One example of that in my own life is that I have a Muslim friend, who is also gay. He had to move to Canada to escape oppression in his own country in Saudi Arabia. He has to hide his homosexuality from his parents or risk being disowned or worse.

Did you just admit you're gay?
Today, four gays died by the hands of the radical Islamist terror group, ISIS, they threw them from a high rise. For all of you celebrating the SCOTUS ruling legalizing gay marriage here, where are you? Where is your outrage against this atrocity? I have all along said that the fight for gay rights with some of you are nothing but a hollow cause. If anything, gays deserve the same rights worldwide. All gays won for them was a right to marry, here in America. But over there, nobody is fighting for their right to simply exist. But, alas, where are you? Where are all of the self professed gay rights warriors now?

Four gay men were executed by members of the Islamic State following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide Friday.

As was reported by a Syrian Twitter user on a tweet posted on the #LoveWins hashtag and picked up by Gateway Pundit, the men were thrown off the roof of a highrise building in the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor as a crowd gathered to watch below.

Several Islamists also reportedly sent out anti-gay messages on the social networking site using the hashtag #LoveWins. That hashtag was used by many worldwide to celebrate the ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges.

ISIS Responds to SCOTUS Gay Marriage Ruling by Showing 4 Gays What the Islamic State Thinks of It
Relax Obama is going to degrade and defeat ISIS so no worries.
Gays have consistingly decried the atrocious act committed by ISIS. We can decry their acts and at the same time worry about rights here. Perhaps you can't do two things at once but I sure as hell can.
We know...you can take it at both ends at once. Not that there's anything wrong wid dat...

Just one of my many skills.
We don't have enough Americans alive to force our ideals on ever other nation that disagrees with us.

Then I ask, why in America is it worth forcing those ideas on people of faith?

Name one Church that has been forced to perform a same sex marriage?

In church you have a right to be a bigoted close minded individual but in the Government and Business you do not have that right. You can not deny Same Sex couples the same basic rights you enjoy, and the USSC has made that clear.
To make people who support gay marriage feel bad?

Of course. Why else did I make it? If gay rights are that important to them, why stop in America? Why not spread the cause worldwide? Or are we so myopic that we don't see that the fight is far from over?

How is gay marriage in the US related to the persecution of LGBT people in other countries?

It isn't just about gay marriage doc. It's overall human rights, if I read Article 16 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights correctly, marriage is one of them. Therefore I feel that the world powers are obligated to act on the matter, if they are really about protecting human rights all over the world.

If it's about overall human rights - where are you?
We don't have enough Americans alive to force our ideals on ever other nation that disagrees with us.

Then I ask, why in America is it worth forcing those ideas on people of faith?

Name one Church that has been forced to perform a same sex marriage?

In church you have a right to be a bigoted close minded individual but in the Government and Business you do not have that right. You can not deny Same Sex couples the same basic rights you enjoy, and the USSC has made that clear.

Exactly. No one can force a church (unless it's a for profit enterprise) to marry someone they don't want to. There are denominations that won't perform interfaith marriages for instance.
Gays in the US have the ear of the POTUS and the attention of the MSM yet in a colossal failure of priorities they waste it suing people over wedding cakes vs leveraging the clout to rally support for gays being brutally tortured and murdered elsewhere in the world. I know that criticism stings gay people but you are throwing away an opportunity to lead.

That reminds of the huge outcry I've heard about abortion elsewhere in the world.

Or maybe that was a dream.
Gays in the US have the ear of the POTUS and the attention of the MSM yet in a colossal failure of priorities they waste it suing people over wedding cakes vs leveraging the clout to rally support for gays being brutally tortured and murdered elsewhere in the world. I know that criticism stings gay people but you are throwing away an opportunity to lead.

That reminds of the huge outcry I've heard about abortion elsewhere in the world.

Or maybe that was a dream.

First, you're deflection is noted. Second we are still fighting the war on abortion in this country with 50 million dead and counting. Third how do you equate someone not baking a cake for a gay wedding with brutally dismembering a human life form in the womb?
Today, four gays died by the hands of the radical Islamist terror group, ISIS, they threw them from a high rise. For all of you celebrating the SCOTUS ruling legalizing gay marriage here, where are you? Where is your outrage against this atrocity? I have all along said that the fight for gay rights with some of you are nothing but a hollow cause. If anything, gays deserve the same rights worldwide. All gays won for them was a right to marry, here in America. But over there, nobody is fighting for their right to simply exist. But, alas, where are you? Where are all of the self professed gay rights warriors now?

Four gay men were executed by members of the Islamic State following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide Friday.

As was reported by a Syrian Twitter user on a tweet posted on the #LoveWins hashtag and picked up by Gateway Pundit, the men were thrown off the roof of a highrise building in the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor as a crowd gathered to watch below.

Several Islamists also reportedly sent out anti-gay messages on the social networking site using the hashtag #LoveWins. That hashtag was used by many worldwide to celebrate the ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges.

ISIS Responds to SCOTUS Gay Marriage Ruling by Showing 4 Gays What the Islamic State Thinks of It
Gays worldwide do deserve equal rights, which we are still fighting the American Taliban like you for right here.
you have a lot of gall asshole.....your buddies the Taliban agree with your attitude about killing handicapped kids....yea you are right, we are still fighting the American Taliban like you right here.........
Today, four gays died by the hands of the radical Islamist terror group, ISIS, they threw them from a high rise. For all of you celebrating the SCOTUS ruling legalizing gay marriage here, where are you? Where is your outrage against this atrocity? I have all along said that the fight for gay rights with some of you are nothing but a hollow cause. If anything, gays deserve the same rights worldwide. All gays won for them was a right to marry, here in America. But over there, nobody is fighting for their right to simply exist. But, alas, where are you? Where are all of the self professed gay rights warriors now?

Four gay men were executed by members of the Islamic State following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide Friday.

As was reported by a Syrian Twitter user on a tweet posted on the #LoveWins hashtag and picked up by Gateway Pundit, the men were thrown off the roof of a highrise building in the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor as a crowd gathered to watch below.

Several Islamists also reportedly sent out anti-gay messages on the social networking site using the hashtag #LoveWins. That hashtag was used by many worldwide to celebrate the ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges.

ISIS Responds to SCOTUS Gay Marriage Ruling by Showing 4 Gays What the Islamic State Thinks of It
Gays worldwide do deserve equal rights, which we are still fighting the American Taliban like you for right here.
you have a lot of gall asshole.....your buddies the Taliban agree with your attitude about killing handicapped kids....yea you are right, we are still fighting the American Taliban like you right here.........
I am nothing like the Taliban. Like you they also hate liberals, and liberalism, and faggots, and non-believers...
Today, four gays died by the hands of the radical Islamist terror group, ISIS, they threw them from a high rise. For all of you celebrating the SCOTUS ruling legalizing gay marriage here, where are you? Where is your outrage against this atrocity? I have all along said that the fight for gay rights with some of you are nothing but a hollow cause. If anything, gays deserve the same rights worldwide. All gays won for them was a right to marry, here in America. But over there, nobody is fighting for their right to simply exist. But, alas, where are you? Where are all of the self professed gay rights warriors now?

Four gay men were executed by members of the Islamic State following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide Friday.

As was reported by a Syrian Twitter user on a tweet posted on the #LoveWins hashtag and picked up by Gateway Pundit, the men were thrown off the roof of a highrise building in the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor as a crowd gathered to watch below.

Several Islamists also reportedly sent out anti-gay messages on the social networking site using the hashtag #LoveWins. That hashtag was used by many worldwide to celebrate the ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges.

ISIS Responds to SCOTUS Gay Marriage Ruling by Showing 4 Gays What the Islamic State Thinks of It
Gays worldwide do deserve equal rights, which we are still fighting the American Taliban like you for right here.
you have a lot of gall asshole.....your buddies the Taliban agree with your attitude about killing handicapped kids....yea you are right, we are still fighting the American Taliban like you right here.........
I am nothing like the Taliban. Like you they also hate liberals, and liberalism, and faggots, and non-believers...
sure you are...go ahead deny right here that you did not call for the killing of handicapped kids as a "waste of life"...and asshole prove this about me...Like you they also hate liberals, and liberalism, and faggots, and non-believers.....i have 40,000 plus posts so it should not be too hard to find something...go ahead asswipe show everyone here what kind a lying piece of shit you are....

Why? Because, it stands to reason that Gays all over the world deserve the same treatment they get here. Life, liberty, happiness. But where are you?

EVERYONE deserves "Life, liberty, happiness", not only gays.
We should assist to capable degrees in providing that EVERYWHERE where those rights are suppressed by religious fanatics, Putin fascists, or any other selfish A-holes.
How do you expect we can "fight for them" not physically?

ISIS doesn't really respond to protests in the US.

I think what the OP means is, we don't even see online conversations in the US about the problem from the LGBT regulars. We all know here at least who you are, but you remain tellingly-silent on this atrocity against your group. Why?

EVERYONE deserves "Life, liberty, happiness", not only gays.
We should assist to capable degrees in providing that EVERYWHERE where those rights are suppressed by religious fanatics, Putin fascists, or any other selfish A-holes.

EVERYONE deserves "Life, liberty, happiness", not only gays. So where were LGBTs in fighting for polygamists rights to marry up until yesterday? Answer: conspicuously absent.
How do you expect we can "fight for them" not physically?

ISIS doesn't really respond to protests in the US.

I think what the OP means is, we don't even see online conversations in the US about the problem from the LGBT regulars. We all know here at least who you are, but you remain tellingly-silent on this atrocity against your group. Why?

EVERYONE deserves "Life, liberty, happiness", not only gays.
We should assist to capable degrees in providing that EVERYWHERE where those rights are suppressed by religious fanatics, Putin fascists, or any other selfish A-holes.

EVERYONE deserves "Life, liberty, happiness", not only gays. So where were LGBTs in fighting for polygamists rights to marry up until yesterday? Answer: conspicuously absent.

Dunno. Maybe it's a matter of "my rights first, then yours". So much one can do at same time.
Dunno. Maybe it's a matter of "my rights first, then yours". So much one can do at same time.
That's a bullshit copout and factually a lie.

What's more important? Gays right to marry or their right to not be thrown off high buildings? Either you don't care and this is a grab at marriage to get adoption rights/legal shoehorn for getting at orphans. Or you care and your priorities are so dysfunctional that you believe it's OK for gays to die so long as some of them can get into the orphanges without any ability of the custodians there to protest.

LGBTs should've started with muslims and worked their way back to Christians with ease after they won the hearts and minds of Islam.
Dunno. Maybe it's a matter of "my rights first, then yours". So much one can do at same time.
That's a bullshit copout and factually a lie.

What's more important? Gays right to marry or their right to not be thrown off high buildings? Either you don't care and this is a grab at marriage to get adoption rights/legal shoehorn for getting at orphans. Or you care and your priorities are so dysfunctional that you believe it's OK for gays to die so long as some of them can get into the orphanges without any ability of the custodians there to protest.

LGBTs should've started with muslims and worked their way back to Christians with ease after they won the hearts and minds of Islam.

Maybe this LGBT issue transcends religious DOGMA and making comparisons between Abrahamic religions is irrelevant.
Gays in the US have the ear of the POTUS and the attention of the MSM yet in a colossal failure of priorities they waste it suing people over wedding cakes vs leveraging the clout to rally support for gays being brutally tortured and murdered elsewhere in the world. I know that criticism stings gay people but you are throwing away an opportunity to lead.

That reminds of the huge outcry I've heard about abortion elsewhere in the world.

Or maybe that was a dream.

First, you're deflection is noted. Second we are still fighting the war on abortion in this country with 50 million dead and counting. Third how do you equate someone not baking a cake for a gay wedding with brutally dismembering a human life form in the womb?

Your hypocrisy is duly noted.
Today, four gays died by the hands of the radical Islamist terror group, ISIS, they threw them from a high rise. For all of you celebrating the SCOTUS ruling legalizing gay marriage here, where are you? Where is your outrage against this atrocity? I have all along said that the fight for gay rights with some of you are nothing but a hollow cause. If anything, gays deserve the same rights worldwide. All gays won for them was a right to marry, here in America. But over there, nobody is fighting for their right to simply exist. But, alas, where are you? Where are all of the self professed gay rights warriors now?

Four gay men were executed by members of the Islamic State following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide Friday.

As was reported by a Syrian Twitter user on a tweet posted on the #LoveWins hashtag and picked up by Gateway Pundit, the men were thrown off the roof of a highrise building in the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor as a crowd gathered to watch below.

Several Islamists also reportedly sent out anti-gay messages on the social networking site using the hashtag #LoveWins. That hashtag was used by many worldwide to celebrate the ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges.

ISIS Responds to SCOTUS Gay Marriage Ruling by Showing 4 Gays What the Islamic State Thinks of It

I think it's horrible and rotten, but there is really nothing I can do about what goes on over there in that hell hole. I just feel lucky that I was born and live here in the USA.
Today, four gays died by the hands of the radical Islamist terror group, ISIS, they threw them from a high rise. For all of you celebrating the SCOTUS ruling legalizing gay marriage here, where are you? Where is your outrage against this atrocity? I have all along said that the fight for gay rights with some of you are nothing but a hollow cause. If anything, gays deserve the same rights worldwide. All gays won for them was a right to marry, here in America. But over there, nobody is fighting for their right to simply exist. But, alas, where are you? Where are all of the self professed gay rights warriors now?

Four gay men were executed by members of the Islamic State following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide Friday.

As was reported by a Syrian Twitter user on a tweet posted on the #LoveWins hashtag and picked up by Gateway Pundit, the men were thrown off the roof of a highrise building in the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor as a crowd gathered to watch below.

Several Islamists also reportedly sent out anti-gay messages on the social networking site using the hashtag #LoveWins. That hashtag was used by many worldwide to celebrate the ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges.

ISIS Responds to SCOTUS Gay Marriage Ruling by Showing 4 Gays What the Islamic State Thinks of It

I just stumbled on this thread by accident. I heard the whole story about that the other day. They were going to have a midget toss but none of the midgets showed up.

When the ISIS headman looked around for something else to throw, they saw Akbar and Suhaib diddling around over in the corner so they threw them off instead.

I'm not sure if they were really gay, but they were kinda acting funny..

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