Where did anti-semitism originate from?

José said:
Yesterday we could see the striking difference between a secular supporter of Israel (Comrade) and a religious one (ajwps).

Confronted with the most reasonable proposal to turn Israel into a state of citizens he compared it with the desalinization of all oceans of the world. I remember him comparing a palestinian state with the prime minister of Iceland promising to melt all the ice there.

He does believe he’s talking about natural laws when he discusses Israel!!

“God gave us this land and ethics be damned!!!”

Ajwps is beyond redemption. No amount of rational arguments will ever convince a fundamentalist jew that Israel must evolve from a jewish to a state of citizens.

When people expose the theological nature of his case for Israel, he changes his arguments to even more sick and depraved ones (equating civilians fleeing a war zone with deserters and traitors pffffffffffffftttttt), but his comparisons between natural phenomena and social constructs like Israel give him away.

Best thing you can do is focus on people who can actually be reasoned with (Comrade), and respect/ignore his religious faith and messianic dreams about a greater Israel comprising the whole Middle East, the entire Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto, Alpha Centauri, the Andromeda Galaxy etc etc etc ....

So you find that my arguements cannot be disproved and you tumble back into a total loss of reality. Your positions on dismantling lsrael therefore becomes REASONABLE PROPOSALS which is instead simple ignorance and hate.

In effect when you are forced to face reality you quickly change the subject and ignore my points. Instead of understanding reality you fall back into a foggy irrationality with an inability to realize Israel has been present for 3,316 years and will not go away. The holiest site of the Jewish people is not going to be dismantled peacefully (by guile and deceit) or by more wars waged against it.

You fail to understand satire that exposes your overtly anti-semitic views and dismiss equating it with your own greater evil.

You can dream and wish that Israel must be dismantled or destroyed but as you will soon find out you are pissing into the wind.

You are simply dreaming in a self delusional state. Israel will stay and your Islam will pass away into the emptiness of history.
Instead of understanding reality you fall back into a foggy irrationality with an inability to realize Israel has been present for 3,316 years and will not go away.

They are indeed a great people. Nothing to discuss here.

You fail to understand satire that exposes your overtly anti-semitic views and dismiss equating it with your own greater evil.

IF (big IF) it really was satire, then I take back my words.
José said:
They are indeed a great people. Nothing to discuss here.
IF (big IF) it really was satire, then I take back my words.


I have a news flash today reported on Yahoo news today. No collateral damage reported today in TARGETED STRIKE against Arab who wanted to peacefully dismantle Israel.

Israel Kills Militant Chief in Gaza Air Strike
Thu Jul 29, 9:03 AM ET Add World - Reuters to My Yahoo!


GAZA (Reuters) - Israel helicopter gunships killed a Palestinian militant leader and one of his gunmen in a missile strike on a car in the southern Gaza Strip hursday.

Reuters Photo

The strike targeted Amr Abu Sitta, 30, identified by residents as head of the Abu al-Rish Brigades, a faction behind numerous anti-Israel attacks and which briefly took four French aid workers hostage during a recent wave of Gaza unrest.

"He was responsible ... for hundreds of attacks against troops and civilians," the Israeli army said in a statement confirming it carried out the air raid in the town of Rafah, a militant stronghold.

Witnesses said helicopters fired two missiles at the car, reducing it to charred wreckage.

The second dead man was identified as a 41-year-old member of the group.

Abu al-Rish, a small offshoot of Palestinian President Yasser Arafat Fatah movement, played a key role in this month's explosion of anarchy in the Gaza Strip.

Demanding anti-corruption reforms by Arafat and his Palestinian Authority the group's gunmen seized four French civilians and held them for several hours.

Israel has launched frequent deadly air strikes in the Gaza Strip against the leaders of militant groups spearheading a Palestinian uprising that began nearly four years ago.

Rafah and its refugee camp have been regular flashpoints, the target of numerous raids by Israeli forces searching for tunnels used by militants to smuggle weapons across the border from Egypt.
dilloduck said:
Good morning!
Good shot AJ---This is sure to stop attacks on Israel.

Not only was it a good shot but it also appears to be 'slowing down' the terrorist attacks against Israel.

Now the leaders and planners of the Islamic terrorist attacks against Israel are busy hiding themselves out of the site of Israel with a limited ability to contact or work with their suicidal bomb carrying or attacking mules.

In hunting, when you tree a racoon, you keep it from going about its usual routine. (get the pun?) masked racoons----

Until the time Israel expells its terroists, this seems to be their temporary means of slowing or stopping the attacks against the cities of Israel.

It looks like its working that way.....
r2200t said:
A Targeted strike (aka murder) by the IOF(Israeli Offensive Force), Is a breach of the 4th Geneva convention.

See Israel has the moral duty/and if it is to follow international law (this would reduce anti-Semitism worldwide...) it must go into Rafah , arrest the individual (peacefully), try them in a legal court system (in this case the Israeli Court system has no jurisdiction in the Palestinian territories, and cannot be considered a legal court system...) ...A new Palestinian Court system must be created to try the Palestinian people. If Israel suspects someone of wrong doing, then as an occupier, they may arrest that individual(rather than create havoc in the streets!), and send them to a newly created Palestinian Court system and present the evidence against the accused.

Using such euphemisms (Targeted strike) to describe such barbaric Israeli actions only categorizes Yahoo (short for yahoodi???) as another pro-Israeli News source. see proof below!!!

Yes i do think that every news source that uses such euphemisms is clearly pro-Israeli in some cases, pro-zionist. In the large majority of the cases, The presidents/CEO's of news/media co. are Jewish, and Most of their staff and even news anchors are Jewish as well...Although Not all Jews are Pro-Israel, it's a safe assumption to say that most of them are, since many of them are on Pro-Israeli Boards (!!)

BBC: Johanna Solms
CBC: Robert Rabinovitch
Global: Ofspring Of Israel Asper(dead), (owns 40% of news media in Canada, over 80% of newsprints!!!)
CNN: Richard Kaplan
NBC: Andrew Lack
Disney: Michael Eisner
Disney Picture Group: Joe Roth
ABC: Steven Bornstein
Time Warner, Inc.: Gerald M. Levin,
Warner Brothers Records: Danny Goldberg
CBS: Tisch
Viacom, Inc.(Nickelodeon, Prentice Hall...), Sumner Redstone (born Murray Rothstein)
Paramount Pictures: Jewess Sherry Lansing.
New World Entertainment:Ronald Perelman
DreamWorks SKG: David Geffen, Jeffrey Katzenberg & Steven Spielberg.
Seagram: (MCA and Universal Pictures) Edgar Bronfman, Jr., who is also president of the World Jewish Congress.
YAHOO! :Terry Semel, Also on board for Jerusalem Fund of Aish AhTorah
So here we have a Yahoo(di) (yahoodi is "Jew" in Hebrew) article about a situation that occurred in the Palestinian territories, and as expected we get a thwarted biased story. The assassinated is guilty from the start, never suspected.

Concluding, IMHO, 90% of all news media in the US is Anit-Arab, Pro-Israeli, Pro-Male Domination, Pro-White.... This is my opinion and I'm convinced of it. This is also why Americans, Canadians get shocked when they travel abroad and have a chance to hear different news/media sources. This is why the rest of the World is Against the war on Iraq...


shhhhh this could be construed as anti-semitic
r2200t said:
This is also why Americans, Canadians get shocked when they travel abroad and have a chance to hear different news/media sources. This is why the rest of the World is Against the war on Iraq...


I travel a lot and all you see overseas is CNN International which makes CNN USA look conservative.

The whole world is NOT against the war in Iraq. I know LOTS of people overseas that support what they USA is doing.

Jews might control the media, but they are also VERY LIBERAL. So all we get is the liberal view. Many of the LIBERAL Jews that control the media are actually unsupportive of Israel.
I go based off my discussions with the folks I meet in the hotel lounge, do business with, etc. Sure, my Muslim friends in Malaysia and Indonesia are not as supportive, but the Koreans, Singaporeans, Taiwanese, Mainlanders, etc. are pretty supportive. As one group recently told me, somebody needs to do it and if it isn't the USA, who is it going to be?

I don't travel to Europe as much (once a year maybe) but in my travels THROUGHOUT Asia, I find a lot of support from those on the streets.
r2200t said:
A Targeted strike (aka murder) by the IOF(Israeli Offensive Force), Is a breach of the 4th Geneva convention.

I think you mean the ITMF (Israel Terrorist Murderous Force) targeted these murder planners living in the Jewish state.

Great point. Could you please provide the specific breach of the 4th Geneva Convention. That would be a really good thing to do.

See Israel has the moral duty/and if it is to follow international law (this would reduce anti-Semitism worldwide...)

Is that your considered legal opinion or are you just having flatus in your gutty-works?

it must go into Rafah , arrest the individual (peacefully), try them in a legal court system (in this case the Israeli Court system has no jurisdiction in the Palestinian territories, and cannot be considered a legal court system...)[/quote]

The Jewish government doesn't have jurisdiction in the Arab territories in the boundaries of the land of Israel? Where did you get that bit of wisdom. I thought you already emptied your bowels.

Yes all the news media in the world is run by the Jews and the world is run by proxy by those Jews. What else can you find to blame on them?

r2200t said:
I agree with CNN internaional, About the war in Iraq, Polls show that of all the countries in the world, other than the US and Israel, not one country had more than 20% in favor of the US pre-emptive attack (this is strikingly undemocratic considering that most members of the coalition of the willing joined the war against their populations will: US33%, UK10%, Spain4%,..., ). I will concede that polls may have changed a year later, some may have changed their mind etc...I also agree that most media is Liberal. But compared to media overseas, most US media is clearly pro-Israel.

Did you get this information from the following CNN site?


Is this CNN also a Jewish run news media site?
originally posted by freeandfun
The whole world is NOT against the war in Iraq.

This is an absolutely appropriate thread to discuss the war in Iraq, because it has more to do with Israel/Palestine than most americans are willing to admit. Let me throw my two cents : )

Freeandfun... Just like r22, I also find morally difficult to support something that results in the death of thousands of people, but I FULLY support the democratization of Iraq.

Look, you can say all you want about Bin Laden’s real grievance... American troops in Saudi Arabia... etc etc

But without help from thousands of supporters, he would be just a guy living alone in a cave waiting to die of kidney failure...

Bin Laden is nothing ... can’t do anything without his followers.

Well...Osama’s supporters, for the most part, couldn’t care less about american troops in Saudi Arabia...Their real grievance and for that matter, the real grievance of the whole muslim world is Palestine.

The videos Al quaida uses to get followers sometimes look like a documentary about Palestine. They know exactly what can most effectively fill arabs with rage and lead them to fly planes into american skyscrappers

This is the truth:


America didn’t help create a liberal democracy, a state of citizens there, but instead, it created a racial dictatorship. America helped create a society where jews lord it over arabs and steal their homes by force. But I don’t blame America the Tribe for this betrayal of the values of America the Idea. I blame the jewish pro-Israel lobby.

And maybe this betrayal will cost the democratization of Iraq. People in the arab world think:

“Americans want a democracy in Iraq, in Saudi Arabia, in Syria and an APARTHEID state in Palestine.”

And they are ABSOLUTELY right. This is exactly what the US government, under the influence of the jewish lobby, really wants for the Middle East.

This leads even some westernized people in the Middle East to reject the process of democratization of Iraq:

“If America don’t want democracy in Israel it won’t have it here either. They are not interested in democracy in Iraq, they couldn’t care less about the arab people. What they really hope is that a democratic Iraq will also be a DOCILE Iraq, in other words, they hope democracy will make our people stop fighting against apartheid in Palestine.”

It’s really sad.

And if you think I’m just rambling about the degree of anti americanism Palestine generates in the Muslim world, let me tell you, fliers have been picked on the streets of Baghdad reading “US AND ISRAEL”, or in other words, the US and its ally, the jewish racial dictatorship that expelled our people from Palestine.

Many iraqs see the occupation as an extention of the israeli occupation in Palestine. And they are, to a certain extent, right because what America really wants from the arab world is DOCILITY towards Israel and consequently towards itself.

Everybody, and I repeat everybody who travels to the muslim world can attest to the resentment they feel over Palestine. Everybody from Mauritania in North Africa to Malaysia in South East Asia says the same thing, like a broken record, complaints and more complaints about the palestinian ordeal. If americans could have the slightest idea about their huge resentment they would get appalled.

But I said before and I’ll say it again, NONE of this constitutes a valid reason to reject democracy.

I disagree completely with this mindset. I believe it’s better to have a democracy in Iraq and an apartheid state in Palestine than no democracy at all.

People shouldn’t think about democracy as a kind of punishment that they want to see equally distributed among their peers.

Democracy is not a punishment, a burden, democracy is a gift. I believe the ordinary iraqi should think along these lines:

“OK, americans want a democratic Iraq and an apartheid state in Palestine. Kurds can return to their homes here, but arabs can’t there. But I will support a democratic Iraq, not because it’s what America and Israel want me to do but because it’s the best future I can provide for my children. I'll do it for them, not for America and Israel.”

Unfortunately most people don’t think like that. Whether I like it or not, people find it irresistible to think in tribal terms.

And this resentment arabs feel will almost certainly lead to more violence inside and outside the US.

Even NYT columnist Thomas Friedman says America has become so radioactive in the Middle East that the democratization of Iraq runs a serious risk of failing. I would like to ask Mr. Friedman: What’s the source of so much radioactivity?

Yes, it’s the answer americans do not like to hear:


Israel plays a much bigger role in anti-americanism in muslim countries than muslim fundamentalim ever will.

If only America wanted democracy for the ENTIRE Middle East and not just for the ARAB WORLD, the democratization of Iraq would stand a much better chance to succeed.

I’ll tell you what, american jews have been, FOR THE MOST PART, a blessing to America (William is gonna kill me for this one). They helped draft and place laws to protect minorities, have done a tremendous service to protecting civil rights of all minorities and have a massive influence in the sciences, medicine, business etc. of that country.

José said:
This is an absolutely appropriate thread to discuss the war in Iraq, because it has more to do with Israel/Palestine than most americans are willing to admit. Let me throw my two cents : )

Freeandfun... Just like r22, I also find morally difficult to support something that results in the death of thousands of people, but I FULLY support the democratization of Iraq.

The democratization of Iraq cannot be done as long as one Jew lives on the earth. says Bin Laden. He blames the Jews!

Look, you can say all you want about Bin Laden’s real grievance... American troops in Saudi Arabia... etc etc But without help from thousands of supporters, he would be just a guy living alone in a cave waiting to die of kidney failure...Bin Laden is nothing ... can’t do anything without his followers.

Could Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Tse Tung or any mass murderer done anything without followers? Blame the Jews!

Well...Osama’s supporters, for the most part, couldn’t care less about american troops in Saudi Arabia...Their real grievance and for that matter, the real grievance of the whole muslim world is Palestine. The videos Al quaida uses to get followers sometimes look like a documentary about Palestine. They know exactly what can most effectively fill arabs with rage and lead them to fly planes into american skyscrappers. This is the truth:

Where is the country called palestine that Bin Laden makes his cave videos about. Blame the Jews!


Blame the Jews!

America didn’t help create a liberal democracy, a state of citizens there, but instead, it created a racial dictatorship. America helped create a society where jews lord it over arabs and steal their homes by force. But I don’t blame America the Tribe for this betrayal of the values of America the Idea. I blame the jewish pro-Israel lobby.

Exactly date and time America created Israel? Blame the Jews!

And maybe this betrayal will cost the democratization of Iraq. People in the arab world think: “Americans want a democracy in Iraq, in Saudi Arabia, in Syria and an APARTHEID state in Palestine.”

Blame the Jews!

And they are ABSOLUTELY right. This is exactly what the US government, under the influence of the jewish lobby, really wants for the Middle East.

PROOF????? Blame the Jews!

This leads even some westernized people in the Middle East to reject the process of democratization of Iraq: “If America don’t want democracy in Israel it won’t have it here either. They are not interested in democracy in Iraq, they couldn’t care less about the arab people. What they really hope is that a democratic Iraq will also be a DOCILE Iraq, in other words, they hope democracy will make our people stop fighting against apartheid in Palestine.”

Blame the Jews!

It’s really sad. (boo hoo) And if you think I’m just rambling about the degree of anti americanism Palestine generates in the Muslim world, let me tell you, fliers have been picked on the streets of Baghdad reading “US AND ISRAEL”, or in other words, the US and its ally, the jewish racial dictatorship that expelled our people from Palestine.

You, rambling? Blame the Jews!

Many iraqs see the occupation as an extention of the israeli occupation in Palestine. And they are, to a certain extent, right because what America really wants from the arab world is DOCILITY towards Israel and consequently towards itself.

Blame the Jews?

Everybody, and I repeat everybody who travels to the muslim world can attest to the resentment they feel over Palestine. Everybody from Mauritania in North Africa to Malaysia in South East Asia says the same thing, like a broken record, complaints and more complaints about the palestinian ordeal. If americans could have the slightest idea about the size of this resentment they would get appalled.

Blame the Jews?

But I said before and I’ll say it again, NONE of this constitutes a valid reason to reject democracy.

Blame the Jews!

I disagree completely with this mindset. I believe it’s better to have a democracy in Iraq and an apartheid state in Palestine than no democracy at all.

Blame the Jews! Always....

People shouldn’t think about democracy as a kind of punishment that they want to see equally distributed among their peers. Democracy is not a punishment, a burden, democracy is a gift. I believe the ordinary iraqi should think along these lines: “OK, americans want a democratic Iraq and an apartheid state in Palestine. Kurds can return to their homes here, but arabs can’t there. But I will support a democratic Iraq, not because it’s what America and Israel want me to do but because it’s the best future I can provide for my children. I'll do it for them, not for America and Israel.”

Always blame the Jews!!

Unfortunately most people don’t think like that. Whether I like it or not, people find it irresistible to think in tribal terms.

Blame the Jews!

And this resentment arabs feel will almost certainly lead to more violence inside and outside the US.

Blame the Jews!

Even NYT columnist Thomas Friedman (ONE MORON) says America has become so radioactive in the Middle East that the democratization of Iraq runs a serious risk of failing. I would like to ask Mr. Friedman: What’s the source of so much radioactivity?

Blame the Jews!

Yes, it’s the answer americans do not like to hear: ISRAEL, ISRAEL, ISRAEL...

Always blame Israel and the Jews!

Israel plays a much bigger role in anti-americanism in muslim countries than muslim fundamentalim ever will.

Any proof? Always blame the Jews!

If America wanted democracy for the ENTIRE Middle East and not just for the ARAB WORLD, the democratization of Iraq would stand a much better chance to succeed. I’ll tell you what, american jews have been, FOR THE MOST PART, a blessing to America (William is gonna kill me for this one). They helped draft and place laws to protect minorities, have done a tremendous service to protecting civil rights of all minorities and have a massive influence in the sciences, medicine, business etc. of that country.

Big of you. Always blame the Jews!


Always blame the Jews! The Arabs are innocent lambs
Not picking on anyone Dillo, just stating the truth.

Why didn't America just open the doors during the Cold War to 300,000,000 Russians who, by your theory of Democracy, had every right to immigrate to America?

The government of Israel, like the rest, has an immigration policy, voted on by the Arab and Israeli members of the government. That was their decision and not yours.

It's really sad and disgusting to see people using the modern, western idea of nation-states and countries, AN IDEA THAT WAS INTRODUCED IN THE MIDDLE EAST BY BRITAIN, AND NEVER EXISTED THERE BEFORE, as a pretext to justify the denial of citizenship to the NATIVE POPULATION of Palestine.

The Palestinians are the INDIGENOUS people of Palestine-Israel, whether or not they were "citizens" of some Westernized idea of a proper country with precise borders.

The Palestinian's homeland is the entire region known as Palestine (INCLUDING Israel). DUH. They have been living there for hundreds, even over a thousand years.

They should have been THE FIRST ONES to be granted citizenship of any country founded on their homeland.

It doesn’t matter IN THE LEAST whether or not the country was conceived as a haven for another ethnicity.

If the country in question, comprised the city they lived in, they had (and still have) the right to be citizens of that state.


José said:
Not picking on anyone Dillo, just stating the truth. It's really sad and disgusting to see people using the modern, western idea of nation-states and countries, AN IDEA THAT WAS INTRODUCED IN THE MIDDLE EAST BY BRITAIN, AND NEVER EXISTED THERE BEFORE, as a pretext to justify the denial of citizenship to the NATIVE POPULATION of Palestine.

You are bag of giggles. I love it when you say words like NEVER in the context of prior to a certain time in history. Can you name one, just one, country that allowed open immigration to anyone?

How you ever heard of the myth of Greek writer, Homer and his 'The Odyssey and The Illiad' after the Trojan War. I believe that it is safe to say that the chronicles of the the Trojan War through Homer's writings gives a great example of unwanted immigrants who entered the city by stealth and slew all the inhabitants. This Homeric story is really accounts of many smaller conflicts between Troy and the Greeks between the years of 1500 BC and 1200 BC.

Was the Trojan war horse immigration before Britian's new policy of immigration to the Middle East? You fail to understand that history is not the present where each country on the earth has an unalienable right to keep deadly immigrants from either entering for the first time or returning to lands and homes that they had in times past. That is the way of the world and you cannot wish it were different.

The Palestinians are the INDIGENOUS people of Palestine-Israel, whether or not they were "citizens" of some Westernized idea of a proper country with precise borders.

The palestinians were also indigenous people to every country in the Middle East at one time or another. But guess what, they cannot obtain immigrant status to any other Middle East country in which they once killed their hosts. A sort of analogy would be that your body, being made of living cells develops one or two cells that become cancerous. Do these cancer cells have any right to occupy their old place so that you can be destroyed. Or do you cut them out, take in anti-cancer drugs or radiate the cells to maintain your continued existence? Maybe you would choose to allow them to live and prosper in your body for a short period of time, live in peace with them while they spread throughout your body sapping your life away. That is your choice.

The Palestinian's homeland is the entire region known as Palestine (INCLUDING Israel). DUH. They have been living there for hundreds, even over a thousand years.

Any proof other than your words that there was a palestinian homeland anywhere? We would all like to see a copy of the palestinian declartion of statehood anywhere in the world. That would give you a tiny bit of credibility. But your word for this palestinian homeland is baseless on its face.

They should have been THE FIRST ONES to be granted citizenship of any country founded on their homeland.

Whom do you think should have granted citizenship to palestinians who never had a country founded anywhere? The palestinians have now turned down a homeland in Israel TWICE. If they don't want a homeland, why do you think that they should be treated any differently than any other people on the face of the earth?

It doesn’t matter IN THE LEAST whether or not the country was conceived as a haven for another ethnicity.

Conceived? It wasn't conceived but was fought for with the blood of their young men and women. Israel was also fought for and died when the survivors of the death camps that your brother palestinian arab made for them with their partner in ethnic cleansing named Hitler in Europe.

Palestinians have a right to Israel only if they can take it away from the Jewish peoplel. The Arabs (so-called pals) have been trying just that since 1965 and so far have failed miserably. Why should these Arabs get any land that belongs to someone else LEGALLY?

If the country in question, comprised the city they lived in, they had (and still have) the right to be citizens of that state.

By what or whose right? The Arabs who live in Israel turned down their own state (CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THAT CONCEPT?). Palestinians don't want a state of their own. How many times will it take for you to understand this fact of life?



You had better guess again on your belief that Arabs are entitled to a land belonging to the Jewish people as we speak. If you and your bitches don't like it, go into heat and come on over. Maybe you can procreate with one of your bitch dogs and make more palestinians.


Boy are you correct on that one...
Hey AJ----the Maccabi Jr olympics are in Austin this week but only Jews can participate---how does one prove that they're Jewish?
dilloduck said:
Hey AJ----the Maccabi Jr olympics are in Austin this week but only Jews can participate---how does one prove that they're Jewish?

Is that like the YMCA competitions for non Christian Muslims or Hindus to particpate in?
ajwps said:
Is that like the YMCA competitions for non Christian Muslims or Hindus to particpate in?

never heard of that stuff
heres what I'm talking abouthttp://www.maccabiusa.com/17Maccabiah_applicationinfo.htm

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