Where did anti-semitism originate from?

Human Rights Infringements in 2002 Hit Hardest the Weakest Sectors


This is the most salient trend that emerges from ACRI’s Annual Report on the State of Human Rights in Israel, that was presented on 16.7.02

The Association for Civil Rights in Israel presented on 16.7.02 its annual report, detailing the state of human rights in Israel over the past year. The most salient trend that emerges from the report is the policy-makers’ decision to restrict both civil and economic rights, especially for the weakest sectors of the population. The report was written by Naama Yashuvi, Director of the Information Center at ACRI.

Alongside the denouncement of the severe human rights violations in the Occupied Territories, the report emphasizes the serious infringement of the rights of the weakest sectors of the population: new immigrants, the elderly, the physically impaired, the unemployed, the Arab sector, prisoners and detainees, foreign workers, and children. For example, the current government has approved discriminatory legislation that was previously rescinded in the 1990’s, cutting child allowances by 20% to parents who haven’t served in the defense services or in national service. This impacts hardest upon the new immigrant, physically impaired, and Arab sectors. Similarly, there has been an increasing trend making it more and more difficult to qualify for unemployment imbursements.

Whereas, in previous years, ACRI has pointed to the disturbing correlation between an individual’s financial means and his access to health care, this year the report highlights the increasing correlation between economic means and access to the judicial system. The report details various examples of this phenomenon, including the reduction in the right to Legal Aid for civil matters and the reduced right to representation by the Public Defender in criminal matters. This reduced representation has led to the situation where an individual can lose his liberty (forcibly committed to a psychiatric institution, or forcibly detained by the Contractual Execution Office, or arrested in a petty criminal matter) and still fall through the cracks, lacking sufficient means to hire his own attorney and yet ineligible for state-sponsored representation. In addition, the report details the cancellation of state-sponsored translation services in the civil courts, and the sharp increase in the costs of petitioning the courts ever since jurisdiction over certain matters was transferred from the Supreme Court to the Court of Administrative Matters earlier this year.

Discrimination against the Arab population grew worse in the past year. Official government plans to reduce the service gap between Jewish and Arab communities have not been implemented, and budgeting towards the Arab community, which was supposed to have increased under government plans, was actually decreased. The government’s plans to cut child allowances would adversely affect more Arab citizens than any other population in Israel, and other government policies and budget cuts (detailed in the report) tended to hurt a disproportionate number of Arab citizens.

Also covered in the report are the restrictions that the government (specifically the Ministry of the Interior) has placed on applications for citizenship submitted by foreigners who marry Israeli spouses. These restrictions infringe the right of families to live together, causing the separation of spouses from each other, and the separation of children from their parents. This policy reached its peak this year when Minister of the Interior Eli Yishai decided to freeze the processing of all citizenship applications submitted by spouses of Israeli Arabs. This decision, approved by the government, has officially established discrimination based on nationality, and it has sown the seeds of hatred, xenophobia, and racism. ACRI petitioned the Supreme Court against this decision. In an additional petition submitted in the name of four families, ACRI demanded that the state grant official legal status to foreigners who had children with their Israeli spouses and later divorced. The Ministry of the Interior sought the deportation of these non-citizen ex-spouses. ACRI also continues to work to prevent the passage of any legislation that would make it harder for foreigners who marry Israelis to obtain citizenship.
dilloduck said:
Human Rights Infringements in 2002 Hit Hardest the Weakest Sectors


This is the most salient trend that emerges from ACRI’s Annual Report on the State of Human Rights in Israel, that was presented on 16.7.02

The Association for Civil Rights in Israel presented on 16.7.02 its annual report, detailing the state of human rights in Israel over the past year. The most salient trend that emerges from the report is the policy-makers’ decision to restrict both civil and economic rights, especially for the weakest sectors of the population. The report was written by Naama Yashuvi, Director of the Information Center at ACRI.

Alongside the denouncement of the severe human rights violations in the Occupied Territories, the report emphasizes the serious infringement of the rights of the weakest sectors of the population: new immigrants, the elderly, the physically impaired, the unemployed, the Arab sector, prisoners and detainees, foreign workers, and children. For example, the current government has approved discriminatory legislation that was previously rescinded in the 1990’s, cutting child allowances by 20% to parents who haven’t served in the defense services or in national service. This impacts hardest upon the new immigrant, physically impaired, and Arab sectors. Similarly, there has been an increasing trend making it more and more difficult to qualify for unemployment imbursements.

Whereas, in previous years, ACRI has pointed to the disturbing correlation between an individual’s financial means and his access to health care, this year the report highlights the increasing correlation between economic means and access to the judicial system. The report details various examples of this phenomenon, including the reduction in the right to Legal Aid for civil matters and the reduced right to representation by the Public Defender in criminal matters. This reduced representation has led to the situation where an individual can lose his liberty (forcibly committed to a psychiatric institution, or forcibly detained by the Contractual Execution Office, or arrested in a petty criminal matter) and still fall through the cracks, lacking sufficient means to hire his own attorney and yet ineligible for state-sponsored representation. In addition, the report details the cancellation of state-sponsored translation services in the civil courts, and the sharp increase in the costs of petitioning the courts ever since jurisdiction over certain matters was transferred from the Supreme Court to the Court of Administrative Matters earlier this year.

Discrimination against the Arab population grew worse in the past year. Official government plans to reduce the service gap between Jewish and Arab communities have not been implemented, and budgeting towards the Arab community, which was supposed to have increased under government plans, was actually decreased. The government’s plans to cut child allowances would adversely affect more Arab citizens than any other population in Israel, and other government policies and budget cuts (detailed in the report) tended to hurt a disproportionate number of Arab citizens.

Also covered in the report are the restrictions that the government (specifically the Ministry of the Interior) has placed on applications for citizenship submitted by foreigners who marry Israeli spouses. These restrictions infringe the right of families to live together, causing the separation of spouses from each other, and the separation of children from their parents. This policy reached its peak this year when Minister of the Interior Eli Yishai decided to freeze the processing of all citizenship applications submitted by spouses of Israeli Arabs. This decision, approved by the government, has officially established discrimination based on nationality, and it has sown the seeds of hatred, xenophobia, and racism. ACRI petitioned the Supreme Court against this decision. In an additional petition submitted in the name of four families, ACRI demanded that the state grant official legal status to foreigners who had children with their Israeli spouses and later divorced. The Ministry of the Interior sought the deportation of these non-citizen ex-spouses. ACRI also continues to work to prevent the passage of any legislation that would make it harder for foreigners who marry Israelis to obtain citizenship.

Interesting you should pick an Israeli ACLU group with a board composed of Arabs and Jewish leftists.

Among this ACRI board members are two unbiased terrorists now under investigation by the Mussad.

Two ACRI Board Members who seek civil rights for their killers ONLY.


In the alien non-citizen's own language site.


Mussa Hassadya
Amira Mussa

It is also interesting that the only rights that this group protect are the Arabs. This ACRI group has no history of protecting the rights of the Israeli's who have been murdered by those Arabs and lost their civil rights to live and those Arab killers who enjoy the freedoms in Israel.

Do you find some sort of dichotomy in this groups civil right objectives?
OK, Comrade... it’s pretty obvious by now that you simply don’t recognise the right of return of the arab population. This is your right. I recognise it and respect your right to hold your opinion even if I dont respect the opinion itself.

At least, , you are somewhat sympathetic to the idea of turning the jewish state into a state of citizens and recognise this as the ideal even if not feasible solution, which is more than I can say about our resident fundamentalist jew : )

But international law and common morality tell us they have the right to return to their or their parents places of origin, AT LEAST, the same right as any individual who’s now returning to a place he and his family have never been for the last two thousand years. Most of the times, only 0,01 per cent of his genes are REALLY returning : )

And as long as Israel continues to deny them this right, people who still haven’t lost their moral bearings can’t even start considering to call Israel a democracy, only a racial dictatorship.
ajwps said:
Interesting you should pick an Israeli ACLU group with a board composed of Arabs and Jewish leftists.

Among this ACRI board members are two unbiased terrorists now under investigation by the Mussad.

It is also interesting that the only rights that this group protect are the Arabs. This ACRI group has no history of protecting the rights of the Israeli's who have been murdered by those Arabs and lost their civil rights to live and those Arab killers who enjoy the freedoms in Israel.

Do you find some sort of dichotomy in this groups civil right objectives?
Comrade wanted me to provide a link so I did! Israel civil rights groups are spyed on by the Mussad? Now there is some real freedom in action!
Jewish rights need no protection. They have the right to do anything. They control the government, army and intelligence agencies. The same ones that spy on the US.
originally posted by ajwps
Israel is not apartheid but the Arabs would love to make a palestinian divided, impoverished and HIV ridden population of women mutilators and Islamic terror.
How many times will I have to repeat that the details of the peaceful dismantlement of Israel would have nothing to do with the details of the dimantlement of South Africa under white rule?

I don’t want the IMPLEMENTATION of the dismantlement of Israel to have nothing to do with that of South Africa, BECAUSE I CARE FOR THE JEWISH PEOPLE, and don’t want to see them being victims of any increase in the crime rate like in SA.

The dismantlement of Israel would have NOTHING to do with majority rule. Both communities would elect a prime minister, WHO WOULD NOT HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE DECISIONS ALONE AND WOULD HAVE NO DIRECT CONTROL OVER THE MILITARY.

There would be so many checks and balances separating the executive branch from the military that would be absolutely impossible to deploy those forces against any ethnic group.

The arab population would be subjected to birth control until there was populational balance between the two communities. Then the population would be kept 50/50.

No civilian would have access to firearms and the borders would be controlled in a draconian way to prevent smuggling. The arabs inside Israel would find themselves much more defenceless than they are now living in the arab Bantustans. Today they have access to automatic weapons, rockets etc etc. Once in Israel, they wouldn’t be allowed to bear not even knives.

Fundamentalist political parties would be totally banned. Only secular parties with a platform stressing religious and racial tolerance.

The arab community would be massively bombarded by a propaganda campaing through the schools, media and associations emphasising racial harmony and civic values.

The REFORMULATED zionist army of Israel would be more than enough to provide security for both communities. But nothing would prevent the presence of hundreds of thousands of US, Russian and European troops to provide security during the first phases of the transformation of Israel in a civic state comprising the entire area of Palestine.

The whole world would pour millions of dollars to help the resetlement of the arab population. New villages and cities could be created just like they are now in the WB and Gaza.

The international community would make clear to all the neighboring countries that any kind of intervention in the internal affairs of the new country would not be tolerated and armed aggressions would be met with massive retaliation.

If the majority rule in SA, caused only marginal increase in crimes against whites, there can be no doubt that the jewish people will be totally protected in Israel/Palestine, once all these measures are implemented.

The only people, outside the arab world, who propose this simple form of majority rule are supporters of Israel themselves, because they are more than willing to turn the proposal of the peaceful dismantlement of Israel into a bloodbath.



José said:
OK, Comrade... it’s pretty obvious by now that you simply don’t recognise the right of return of the arab population. This is your right. I recognise it and respect your right to hold your opinion even if I dont respect the opinion itself.

At least, , you are somewhat sympathetic to the idea of turning the jewish state into a state of citizens and recognise this as the ideal even if not feasible solution, which is more than I can say about our resident fundamentalist jew : )

But international law and common morality tell us they have the right to return to their or their parents places of origin, AT LEAST, the same right as any individual who’s now returning to a place he and his family have never been for the last two thousand years. Most of the times, only 0,01 per cent of his genes are REALLY returning : )

And as long as Israel continues to deny them this right, people who still haven’t lost their moral bearings can’t even start considering to call Israel a democracy, only a racial dictatorship.

Jose for some reason you have decided that alien Arabs have some sort of right to return the land that their parents and grandparents lived on before they left Israel some 56 years ago.

Generally speaking, every Democracy in the world recognizes that any property abandoned and on which no property or structure taxes have been paid, return to the ownership of the government.

If the Arabs consider their property to have been confiscated, then as in any Democracy they have a right to seek redress in the civil courts. Israel is no exception to this democractic rule of law.

Remember a similar occurance in most of the countries of Europe when the Jews and others were taken off in cattle cars to death camps, their property, homes and businesses were confiscated and sold to the remaining indigenous populations of those countries.

That is final and as far as I know, not one of the survivors have been able to regain possession of their property or assests. These European countries are also supposed to be democracies. Why are you not bothering the European nations to return those stolen assests to the Jewish decendants who did own that which was truly stolen from them?

Why is Arab property that Arabs consider to still belong to them or their genetic decedants who voluntarily left their homes, businesses and lands at the behest of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem before Israel was attacked by their brother Arabs?

I suggest that you start with Europe before coming to Israel where there are courts willing to hear any such proofs of ownership.
ajwps said:
Jose for some reason you have decided that alien Arabs have some sort of right to return the land that their parents and grandparents lived on before they left Israel some 56 years ago.

Generally speaking, every Democracy in the world recognizes that any property abandoned and on which no property or structure taxes have been paid, return to the ownership of the government.

If the Arabs consider their property to have been confiscated, then as in any Democracy they have a right to seek redress in the civil courts. Israel is no exception to this democractic rule of law.

Remember a similar occurance in most of the countries of Europe when the Jews and others were taken off in cattle cars to death camps, their property, homes and businesses were confiscated and sold to the remaining indigenous populations of those countries.

That is final and as far as I know, not one of the survivors have been able to regain possession of their property or assests. These European countries are also supposed to be democracies. Why are you not bothering the European nations to return those stolen assests to the Jewish decendants who did own that which was truly stolen from them?

Why is Arab property that Arabs consider to still belong to them or their genetic decedants who voluntarily left their homes, businesses and lands at the behest of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem before Israel was attacked by their brother Arabs?

I suggest that you start with Europe before coming to Israel where there are courts willing to hear any such proofs of ownership.

Jews are already in the process of suing for reparation in several EU countries.
José said:
How many times will I have to repeat that the details of the peaceful dismantlement of Israel would have nothing to do with the details of the dimantlement of South Africa under white rule?

I don’t want the IMPLEMENTATION of the dismantlement of Israel to have nothing to do with that of South Africa, BECAUSE I CARE FOR THE JEWISH PEOPLE, and don’t want to see them being victims of any increase in the crime rate like in SA.

The dismantlement of Israel would have NOTHING to do with majority rule. Both communities would elect a prime minister, WHO WOULD NOT HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE DECISIONS ALONE AND WOULD HAVE NO DIRECT CONTROL OVER THE MILITARY.

There would be so many checks and balances separating the executive branch from the military that would be absolutely impossible to deploy those forces against any ethnic group.

The arab population would be subjected to birth control until there was populational balance between the two communities. Then the population would be kept 50/50.

No civilian would have access to firearms and the borders would be controlled in a draconian way to prevent smuggling. The arabs inside Israel would find themselves much more defenceless than they are now living in the arab Bantustans. Today they have access to automatic weapons, rockets etc etc. Once in Israel, they wouldn’t be allowed to bear not even knives.

Fundamentalist political parties would be totally banned. Only secular parties with a platform stressing religious and racial tolerance.

The arab community would be massively bombarded by a propaganda campaing through the schools, media and associations emphasising racial harmony and civic values.

The REFORMULATED zionist army of Israel would be more than enough to provide security for both communities. But nothing would prevent the presence of hundreds of thousands of US, Russian and European troops to provide security during the first phases of the transformation of Israel in a civic state comprising the entire area of Palestine.

The whole world would pour millions of dollars to help the resetlement of the arab population. New villages and cities could be created just like they are now in the WB and Gaza.

The international community would make clear to all the neighboring countries that any kind of intervention in the internal affairs of the new country would not be tolerated and armed aggressions would be met with massive retaliation.

If the majority rule in SA, caused only marginal increase in crimes against whites, there can be no doubt that the jewish people will be totally protected in Israel/Palestine, once all these measures are implemented.

The only people, outside the arab world, who propose this simple form of majority rule are supporters of Israel themselves, because they are more than willing to turn the proposal of the peaceful dismantlement of Israel into a bloodbath.




Calm down Jose. You are getting your panties into a knot.

You are the one who equated Israel with an aparthied South Africa. NOT ME...

It is you who wish to peacefully dismantle a democratic country called Israel which fought and died for this their own land.

Why are you trying attempting to change the LAWS OF GRAVITY?

Your statements to this effect are patently moronic. Why not peacefully dismantle Saudi Arabia and Mecca as these lands were won by warfare against other Arabs.

You say:

The only people, outside the arab world, who propose this simple form of majority rule are supporters of Israel themselves, because they are more than willing to turn the proposal of the peaceful dismantlement of Israel into a bloodbath.

This statement is totally irrelevant. Who cares what any other people wish about another country? What does anyone's desire to destroy another country have to do with the price of green olives?

You are placing weight on what other's think or believe. In any court of law in the free world this is equivalent to a non-sequitur.

Luckily you carry no weight on the world stage but you are simply making yourself a joke.
dilloduck said:
Jews are already in the process of suing for reparation in several EU countries.
And been very successful in Germany i might add!!!!

Dang AJ---doing a little research it appears that the jews are seeking reparations from a shot load of countries including Iraq ! Why should Germany give you any money?--They CONQUERED you----- does might make right in this instance??
dilloduck said:
Jews are already in the process of suing for reparation in several EU countries.

Actually reparations have been granted for many years to Jews who either survived the holocaust or their decendants.

But only a very few have regained their property, homes, businesses or valuable assests of their murdered families. How would you like to receive the gold from the teeth taken from your murdered parents by the same people who killed them? Does Israel not pay Arabs for any property they own when they sell it to the Jewish people. Even the Jews of Israel are only leasing the property that their homes and businesses are on for 99 years. This is the law of the land.

How do you pay reparations to those whom you have murdered their families?

Israel does not slay innocents nor confiscate their property or assests. This is something made up by the haters of the Jewish people (sometimes a few Jews are among those who hate themselves). If a child is killed because a killer was using him as a shield, then that is considered non-intentional death of civilians.

No Israeli lines up Arabs against a wall and shoots them, tortures them in boiling water, cuts them open alive or burns them alive in ovens.

This beastial activity is left up to the those Arabs who want to immigrate into the democratic state of Israel.

Are you one of these wild beasts who do not eat those whom you kill?
dilloduck said:
And been very successful in Germany i might add!!!!

Dang AJ---doing a little research it appears that the jews are seeking reparations from a shot load of countries including Iraq ! Why should Germany give you any money?--They CONQUERED you----- does might make right in this instance??

Zionists killed Arabs in palestine prior to 48. They killed British in Palestine before 48----where is the reparation for these murders??
dilloduck said:
Zionists killed Arabs in palestine prior to 48. They killed British in Palestine before 48----where is the reparation for these murders??

Actually the Arabs and British were killing all the Zionists they could find since the early 1920s while the Jews were emptying the swamps and making the deserts bloom.

The Arabs and British are now paying reparations to those Jews and their families in the form of Arab terrorists dying by their own hands in Israel and the British by becoming a servant and valet of those whom were their previous colonies on the north American continent.

Soon the reparations from the British and Arabs will be PAID IN FULL. But they won't be happy with their spoils.
originally posted by ajwps
Why not peacefully dismantle Saudi Arabia and Mecca as these lands were won by warfare against other Arabs.

You are preaching to the choir, AJ. If I had my way, that obscene, medieval, theocratic monarchy would have been replaced by a democratic government long time ago.

In Iraq, at least, you had a parliament, and there were presidential elections. OK, the politicians were all pupets who had no say in the decision-making and the elections were a sham. But at least, they tried to PRETEND they were a representative democracy. In Saudi Arabia, you dont have anything... no parliament, no elections nothing at all... the king embodies the functions of the three branches of government...so you just have a despotic royal family and religious laws inspired in a ultra-fundamentalist interpretation of Islam. I condemn Saudi Arabia in the strongest terms.

The few times I had the opportunity to talk to saudi citizens on the net, they tried to justify the saudi mixture between theocracy and dynastic monarchy saying that since Saudi Arabia is their Holy Land the muslim world is afraid that democracy will bring moral decadence and all the other thing that goes with freedom.

OK, I understand that the place where the Caaba is located must be preserved and respected.





What part of “it’s wrong to impose islamic laws on the non-muslim or non-observant muslim citizens of a state” Saudi and Iran can’t understand??

As long as the muslim world keep on looking for excuses to justify these feudal regimes of the Dark Ages, that breeds the most unjustifiable anti-americanism,


I advise them to be prepared for more invasions because invaded they will be...
dilloduck said:
And the King David Motel?

Glad you brought up the King David Hotel. The British soldiers who were hanging Jews in the local brig were billeted in the King David Hotel. Just as the Jews target their muderous terrorists, the British were targeted for their killing of the Jewish people living in Israel.

The British had England and the Jews had Israel. The British ARMY not civilians were in the King David Hotel.



The bombing of the King David Hotel occurred in July 1946 and some saw it as a pivotal moment in recent Middle East history. The King David Hotel was the site for the British Military Command in Palestine. It also served as the headquarters of the British Criminal Investigation Division. The bombing of the hotel galvanised the British into realising that their time in Palestine was coming to an end.

On June 29th 1946, the British unexpectedly entered the premises of the Jewish Agency and took away with them a large number of documents – some of which were deemed to be sensitive. All the documents were taken to the King David Hotel where they were to be assessed by intelligence analysts. At around the same time, the British arrested 2,500 Jews in Palestine. Irgun, a Jewish secret organisation (deemed to be a terrorist group by the British) decided to target the hotel for vengeance and also as a way of destroying the documents that had been taken by the British.

The leader of Irgun, Menachem Begin, claimed that Irgun saw the hotel solely as a military building – and therefore a legitimate target. Begin claimed that three warnings were sent out on July 22nd 1946 about the planned attack to keep casualties to the minimum. Begin claimed that three phone calls were made to a) to the French Consulate b) to the hotel itself and c) to the "Palestine Post".

Any warnings were to no avail. The British did not evacuate the hotel and the bombing killed 91 people and injured 45. Ironically, few people in the hotel itself were killed – and Jews were among the casualties.
José said:
You are preaching to the choir, AJ. If I had my way, that obscene, medieval, theocratic monarchy would have been replaced by a democratic government long time ago.

In Iraq, at least, you had a parliament, and there were presidential elections. OK, the politicians were all pupets who had no say in the decision-making and the elections were a sham. But at least, they tried to PRETEND they were a representative democracy. In Saudi Arabia, you dont have anything... no parliament, no elections nothing at all... the king embodies the functions of the three branches of government...so you just have a despotic royal family and religious laws inspired in a ultra-fundamentalist interpretation of Islam. I condemn Saudi Arabia in the strongest terms.

The few times I had the opportunity to talk to saudi citizens on the net, they tried to justify the saudi mixture between theocracy and dynastic monarchy saying that since Saudi Arabia is their Holy Land the muslim world is afraid that democracy will bring moral decadence and all the other thing that goes with freedom.

OK, I understand that the place where the Caaba is located must be preserved and respected.





What part of “it’s wrong to impose islamic laws on the non-muslim or non-observant muslim citizens of a state” Saudi and Iran can’t understand??

As long as the muslim world keep on looking for excuses to justify these feudal regimes of the Dark Ages, that breeds the most unjustifiable anti-americanism,


I advise them to be prepared for more invasions because invaded they will be...

Jose you seem to be fixated with your definition of a democracy where all people can live in peaceful coexistence and no one should not be allowed to immigrate into its borders.

But unfortunately that is not in any definition of a Representative Democracy. You can define a Democratic form of government any way you like but in the real world there is no such place with your form of a Democracy. You are talking about a utopian form of government where the wolf can lay with the lamb and lions eat hay.

Name one country for us that has your form of Democracy where anybody can immigrate into its borders, even the sworn enemy of that country!

In my humble opinion, there is a much greater form of government than a Democracy and this form of government has happened only once in recorded history.

That is called a Benevolent Monarchy where the King is the servant of the people and runs the country on the priniciples of justice, fairness, equality and eqal rights. Even then, the Monarch has the right and duty to protect the subjects of that land by expelling those who would bring this utopian peaceful land to an end by the sworn desire to take it over and make it run by the rules of the beasts.

But that is just my opinion as to the perfect form of government. You can forget about dismantling any present Israeli government by some decree or mandate of anyone. The government of Israel, like the rest, has an immigration policy, voted on by the Arab and Israeli members of the government. That was their decision and not yours.
r2200t said:
So you are saying people left their homes and all their belonging without even selling them, not even for a dollar??
If i left my house in Canada, and went to the US for a year, does that give you the right to live in it

If you voluntarily left Canada because you knew that the Canadians were to be attacked and all destroyed by say the United States and you had every expectation of returning to a now Canada free of the Canadians so that you could move back into your home and the homes of the now dead Canadians, you would have effectively given up all rights to your land and home based on that assumption. That is the law of reality.

Dead?? WTF! I spoke to my Grandma and Grandpa Last Tuesday! They are not dead and they never intended to leave permanently (they peacefully avoided the war and left). That's why they locked everything up, left during the war and returned right after only to find Holocaust "victims" (thieves) who broke in to claim their home AND Jewelry store (with all the jewelry in a safe.)

You just gave a perfect example of the reasons your grandparents left town. They expected to return to a land void of the Jewish people and the no longer existent state of Israel. They did what they were told by their leaders and followed these instructions to avoid being caught in the middle of a war of Armies against a rag-tag group of concentration camp survivors.

They lost their homes and lands as surely as if they moved out without any expectation of returning to their homes. That is what is called 'making the wrong decision' by siding with the Arab armies and the resultant fortunes of the 1948 war. All wars are exactly the same as the Jews who survived in Europe lost their homes to those who now occuppied them after the war.

Do you think that someone that fled and abandoned his home and Jewelry store would also leave gold and diamonds behind????? My Grandparents and family, were allowed to immigrate to Lebanon because they were Christians, they had to start from scratch, but worked very hard to survive.

They are lucky that by taking their chances with the Arab armies, they didn't lose their lives as well. Your grandparents must have had the expectation of returning after the destruction of Israel and pick up their gold and diamonds left on their hasty exist from Israel.

Muslims were put into camps.

Muslims chose to go into refugee camps as their brother Arab countries REFUSED to assimilate them into their populations. Ever wonder why?

r2200t said:

So you swallow the bi-national Arab/Israel hate board of the Israeli equivalent of the legal group in America, the ACLU.

How many Jews are on such a civil liberties group in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Qatar or any other country in the middle east.

No such freedom of speech against their countries I'm afraid.

r2200t said:
Law of reality??? LOLOLOL, What about law or ownership, Law of what is mine is mine? International Law, Moral Laws, Ethics?

Yeh what about it?

Nice Assumptions... Not reality though..My grand parents had young kids (dad) and feared for their safety, that's why they left in the time of war.

Is that what they told you?

Wrong again.

Nope I'm right.

They just hoped they could return to live a normal life, they left temporarely, locked everything up only to return once the bloodshed has stopped.

If they left temporarily and had the leisure time just to lock everything up then why did they leave their gold, diamonds and family heirlooms instead of taking it with them like the refugees in every other country that the Nazi's attacked. The roads around Europe were packed with fleeing refugees with every bit of valuable possessions with them. Why were your grandparents so sure that their stuff would be there when they returned? Could they have been told that the Arab armies would destroy Israel?

If you have a car and desert it on the road of your town, do you expect it will be still be yours years later? Not likely.... If you lose your throw of the dice with the Arab armies, you lose your possessions and property.

Did they think that there would be no more Jews or Israel or was that not why they left their possessions. It looks like your grandparents have not been totally honest with you.

Please name one human who wants to live in a refugee camp all his life.

Not a one. Just those kept in run down refugee camps by Arab force of arms and left to rot by their brother Arabs. Israel offered to absorb them into Israel but low-an-behold they refused. There master mullas and Arafat had other plans for his people. He had to rob them of a good stardard of living and keep them hating those evil Jews to keep his Intifada going.

How do you think Arafat would have got his billions without those refugee camps?
Yesterday we could see the striking difference between a secular supporter of Israel (Comrade) and a religious one (ajwps).

Confronted with the most reasonable proposal to turn Israel into a state of citizens he compared it with the desalinization of all oceans of the world. I remember him comparing a palestinian state with the prime minister of Iceland promising to melt all the ice there.

He does believe he’s talking about natural laws when he discusses Israel!!

“God gave us this land and ethics be damned!!!”

Ajwps is beyond redemption. No amount of rational arguments will ever convince a fundamentalist jew that Israel must evolve from a jewish to a state of citizens.

When people expose the theological nature of his case for Israel, he changes his arguments to even more sick and depraved ones (equating civilians fleeing a war zone with deserters and traitors pffffffffffffftttttt), but his comparisons between natural phenomena and social constructs like Israel give him away.

Best thing you can do is focus on people who can actually be reasoned with (Comrade), and respect/ignore his religious faith and messianic dreams about a greater Israel comprising the whole Middle East, the entire Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto, Alpha Centauri, the Andromeda Galaxy etc etc etc ....

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