Where did anti-semitism originate from?

dilloduck said:
<<< not the one who says Israel isn't a democracy------also doesn't care if gays get married.

I asked if you could define, in your own concept, the defintion of a democracy.

How did gay civil rights or Israel get into your non-response?

DEFINE DEMOCRACY... (First request)
ajwps said:
I asked if you could define, in your own concept, the defintion of a democracy.

How did gay civil rights or Israel get into your non-response?

DEFINE DEMOCRACY... (First request)

Ask your comrade about the gay thing

You define democracy ---this thread is regarding anti-semitism
dilloduck said:
All gentiles are sinners in your eyes AJ
DECLARATIVE STATEMENT about ALL gentiles in my perspective. Is that a question?

Arabs in Israel cannot invite fellow arabs to immigrate !

My response is that any Arab can invite fellow Arabs and themselves to immigrate at any time they choose.


Not very.....
democracy=rule by the people

As far as Israel is concerned, people include the arab population who reside there in 48 and their children.

Since 40% of the people is excluded from israeli elections, this country can't be considered a democracy. At least, not by today's standards
dilloduck said:
Ask your comrade about the gay thing

You define democracy ---this thread is regarding anti-semitism

Sorry but you changed the subject from anti-semitism to the propostions found in a democracy. Nice try...

What is your definition of a DEMOCRACY (second request).
dilloduck said:
all inhabitants of Israel are free to invite anyone to immigrate to Israel?

and the catch is??

The catch is that no individual can invite anyone to immigrate to any country. The government of most democratic countries have immigration laws specific to that democracy.

The Congress, Parliment or Kinesset makes laws that govern who and how many shall immigrate into their country.

No catch..
José said:
democracy=rule by the people[/b]

democracy is defined by the rule of the majority of the citizen population of that country.

As far as Israel is concerned, people include the arab population who reside(d) there in 48 and their children.

Are aliens and subject to the existing immigration laws of a democratic Israel.

Since 40% of the people is excluded from israeli elections, this country can't be considered a democracy. At least, not by today's standards

Resident aliens in any country are not eligible to vote in any elections. All those Arabs and Jews who are legitimate citizens can vote at every election.

It doesn't matter if resident alliens are 99%, they just don't get to vote on public elections.

Is that too difficult for you???
dilloduck said:
Ask your comrade about the gay thing

You define democracy ---this thread is regarding anti-semitism

Well screw the whole line of debate then, and don't answer my question specifically. Pleast don't get into the homo insinuations because I'd just rather retire this thread instead.

I've been to several Dead shows and so that's a common basis for starters, right man?
ajwps said:
Are aliens and subject to the existing immigration laws of a democratic Israel.

Resident aliens in any country are not eligible to vote in any elections. All those Arabs and Jews who are legitimate citizens can vote at every election.

It doesn't matter if resident alliens are 99%, they just don't get to vote on public elections.

Is that too difficult for you???

AJ---when you debate me please use my quotes---I can't argue someone elses quotes
José said:
democracy=rule by the people

As far as Israel is concerned, people include the arab population who reside there in 48 and their children.

Hell, why not let the UK take control of Transjordan and have the French back in Indo-China. We're only talking a few months and God knows their rights are just as valid. Why are you dissing the Euro weenies and their own rights to their sweat and blood?

Since 40% of the people is excluded from israeli elections, this country can't be considered a democracy. At least, not by today's standards

I agree, the Palestian Authority is not a democracy.
Comrade said:
Hell, why not let the UK take control of Transjordan and have the French back in Indo-China. We're only talking a few months and God knows their rights are just as valid. Why are you dissing the Euro weenies and their own rights to their sweat and blood?

I agree, the Palestian Authority is not a democracy.

me too-------it's hard to have a democracy without a country !
I can criticize the solar system all I want. I can say that Jupiter should be bigger so it could offer our planet more protection against incoming asteroids and comets. But this is surely a totally useless criticism, because there’s nothing our species can do about the size of Jupiter.

To criticize the way celestial mechanics operates is an exercise in futility.

But Israel is not an astronomical object or a natural law we are unable to change, it is a social construct, an abstract entity, a country, a human creation that can be modified at will.

What really lacks as far as the peaceful dismantlement of Israel is concerned is political will in the West.

The absolute priority in the process of dismantlement of Israel would be the safety of the jewish population.

Ajpws, I guarantee you that absolutely nothing would change in the routine of the jewish population of Israel.

Israel would continue to be the economic powerhouse it is...

The jewish people would continue to be the entrepreneurial people they have always been

They would continue to enjoy one the highest standards of living in the world.

Almost nothing would change in their lives after the peaceful dismantlement of Israel...the only visible difference would be a greater number of arabs on the streets of some israeli cities...

Look aj... the peaceful dismantlement of Israel would mobilize the entire world...I believe that the zionist army of Israel is more than enough to provide security for both communities...but if the jewish leaders deem it insufficient US, Russia and other countries would be more than happy to provide peace keepers to temporarily oversee the creation of a multi ethnic state in Israel...

The return of the arab population would take several years, because THE WHOLE WORLD wants an orderly migration to avoid ethnic strife.... the returnees would be interviewed by psychologists, screened and able to enter Israel only after aproval...All palestinians would be get jobs so they can live in cities since most of their land is now occupied.

THE SECURITY OF THE JEWISH POPULATION WOULD BE AN OVERRIDING PRIORITY.... At any sign of problems the return would be interrupted until conditions improved...

The arabs wouldn’t be allowed to bear arms in any circumstance...there would be so many security officers on the streets that the arabs couldn’t fart without being noticed.

Many other measures could be implemented, as I said, WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT LAWS OF NATURE HERE.

Movements of (bi) national reconciation would be implemented along the lines of the Truth and Reconciliation Comitee in SA. The spread of hateful propaganda against any ethnic group would be prohibited

The arab population could be subjected to birth control programs in order to keep the populational balance of Israel.

They could elect an arab and a jewish prime minister who could not decide things alone. There would be a series of checks and balances regarding the military and other security forces and all three branches of the government so they could protect both communities

The jewish leaders of Israel need to stop their campaign of psychological terrorism on the jewish population of Israel and the world. “the sky is falling...the arabs want to eat us alive”.

Many jews, both in America and Israel, seem to be infatuated with the notion of jews being always victims, somehow being always oppressed by mindless and heartless societies that they always seem to accidentally find themselves suddenly appearing within and being trapped inside, etc. This "perpetual victim status" security blanket suddenly loses its merit and validity in today's world. As this "perpetual victim status" is so deeply engrained in the self-identity of some jews, this explains their defensiveness and hostile responses to any proposal of a multi ethnic Israel.

Research has also shown return to be feasible and not a threat to order. If 1.2 million Palestinians (currently citizens of Israel) can remain peaceful and obeying the law (for the majority) while being abused and treated as 4th class citizens, imagine how they and their relatives and other returnees would behave in a state that treated them fairly and decently and removed the biggest complaint they have (exile).

I say, the loss of a single jewish life would be entirely unacceptable during the process of peaceful dismantlement of Israel and if the whole world help, as I’m sure it will, we can achieve the blodless creation of a civic state in Palestine. The safety of the jewish people would be EVERYBODY’S PRIORITY myself included.

In this message, I tried to build a bridge, I extended an olive branch to ajpws, comrade and all the others who support Israel. I don’t know if they will finish the bridge I started building or blow it up with accusations of al taquiyya etc etc but, at least, no one can say I didn’t try.
The threat of Jews being thrown into the sea is just a lame attempt to justify legalised racism in Israel.

Peace between the two communities CAN be achieved and it can be observed in the peaceful coexistance between arabs and jews in Israel even with the racist laws being fully enforced. Israel provides a microcosmo of what would be the multi-ethnic state of Israel/Palestine. Be honest with yourself and recognise that when and if the apartheid state of Israel is dismantled only a vocal palestinian minority will wish to do harm to Jews.

Why do you always highlight the anger of the arabs who were expelled instead of the relative harmony of those who were not? Because you want to justify the unjustifiable: the existence of a jewish supremacist state.

Was the presence of black extremists in South Africa a valid reason to maintain the south african apartheid? No.

Is the presence of radical palestinian arabs a valid reason to maintain the israeli apartheid? No.

What José is saying is not an utopian dream of racial harmony, it’s a reality in South Africa right now and to a certain degree even in Israel!!!!

This is a beautiful thing, people... The peaceful dismantlement of a racist state and its replacement by a multi ethnic state, neither jewish nor arab...a state for all the peoples who now live in historical Israel... It was beautiful in South Africa and it would be beautiful in Israel too... The whole world would watch and celebrate the peaceful end of master race based Zionism and I’m sure Jefferson would be smiling in his grave too.
José said:
I can criticize the solar system all I want. I can say that Jupiter should be bigger so it could offer our planet more protection against incoming asteroids and comets. But this is surely a totally useless criticism, because there’s nothing our species can do about the size of Jupiter.

To criticize the way celestial mechanics operates is an exercise in futility.

But Israel is not an astronomical object or a natural law we are unable to change, it is a social construct, an abstract entity, a country, a human creation that can be modified at will.

What really lacks as far as the peaceful dismantlement of Israel is concerned is political will in the West.

The absolute priority in the process of dismantlement of Israel would be the safety of the jewish population.

Ajpws, I guarantee you that absolutely nothing would change in the routine of the jewish population of Israel.

Israel would continue to be the economic powerhouse it is...

The jewish people would continue to be the entrepreneurial people they have always been

They would continue to enjoy one the highest standards of living in the world.

Almost nothing would change in their lives after the peaceful dismantlement of Israel...the only visible difference would be a greater number of arabs on the streets of some israeli cities...

Look aj... the peaceful dismantlement of Israel would mobilize the entire world...I believe that the zionist army of Israel is more than enough to provide security for both communities...but if the jewish leaders deem it insufficient US, Russia and other countries would be more than happy to provide peace keepers to temporarily oversee the creation of a multi ethnic state in Israel...

The return of the arab population would take several years, because THE WHOLE WORLD wants an orderly migration to avoid ethnic strife.... the returnees would be interviewed by psychologists, screened and able to enter Israel only after aproval...All palestinians would be get jobs so they can live in cities since most of their land is now occupied.

THE SECURITY OF THE JEWISH POPULATION WOULD BE AN OVERRIDING PRIORITY.... At any sign of problems the return would be interrupted until conditions improved...

The arabs wouldn’t be allowed to bear arms in any circumstance...there would be so many security officers on the streets that the arabs couldn’t fart without being noticed.

Many other measures could be implemented, as I said, WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT LAWS OF NATURE HERE.

Movements of (bi) national reconciation would be implemented along the lines of the Truth and Reconciliation Comitee in SA. The spread of hateful propaganda against any ethnic group would be prohibited

The arab population could be subjected to birth control programs in order to keep the populational balance of Israel.

They could elect an arab and a jewish prime minister who could not decide things alone. There would be a series of checks and balances regarding the military and other security forces and all three branches of the government so they could protect both communities

The jewish leaders of Israel need to stop their campaign of psychological terrorism on the jewish population of Israel and the world. “the sky is falling...the arabs want to eat us alive”.

Many jews, both in America and Israel, seem to be infatuated with the notion of jews being always victims, somehow being always oppressed by mindless and heartless societies that they always seem to accidentally find themselves suddenly appearing within and being trapped inside, etc. This "perpetual victim status" security blanket suddenly loses its merit and validity in today's world. As this "perpetual victim status" is so deeply engrained in the self-identity of some jews, this explains their defensiveness and hostile responses to any proposal of a multi ethnic Israel.

Research has also shown return to be feasible and not a threat to order. If 1.2 million Palestinians (currently citizens of Israel) can remain peaceful and obeying the law (for the majority) while being abused and treated as 4th class citizens, imagine how they and their relatives and other returnees would behave in a state that treated them fairly and decently and removed the biggest complaint they have (exile).

I say, the loss of a single jewish life would be entirely unacceptable during the process of peaceful dismantlement of Israel and if the whole world help, as I’m sure it will, we can achieve the blodless creation of a civic state in Palestine. The safety of the jewish people would be EVERYBODY’S PRIORITY myself included.

In this message, I tried to build a bridge, I extended an olive branch to ajpws, comrade and all the others who support Israel. I don’t know if they will finish the bridge I started building or blow it up with accusations of al taquiyya etc etc but, at least, no one can say I didn’t try.

Well, you dodged me on my lenghtly responses, and I'm rather cynical about such a reality coming to fruition, but I'm quite content to let this stand as the ideal resolution on the subject. Here's to that thought.
José said:
I can criticize the solar system all I want. I can say that Jupiter should be bigger so it could offer our planet more protection against incoming asteroids and comets. But this is surely a totally useless criticism, because there’s nothing our species can do about the size of Jupiter.

To criticize the way celestial mechanics operates is an exercise in futility.

But Israel is not an astronomical object or a natural law we are unable to change, it is a social construct, an abstract entity, a country, a human creation that can be modified at will.

What really lacks as far as the peaceful dismantlement of Israel is concerned is political will in the West.

The absolute priority in the process of dismantlement of Israel would be the safety of the jewish population.

Ajpws, I guarantee you that absolutely nothing would change in the routine of the jewish population of Israel.

Israel would continue to be the economic powerhouse it is...

The jewish people would continue to be the entrepreneurial people they have always been

They would continue to enjoy one the highest standards of living in the world.

Almost nothing would change in their lives after the peaceful dismantlement of Israel...the only visible difference would be a greater number of arabs on the streets of some israeli cities...

Look aj... the peaceful dismantlement of Israel would mobilize the entire world...I believe that the zionist army of Israel is more than enough to provide security for both communities...but if the jewish leaders deem it insufficient US, Russia and other countries would be more than happy to provide peace keepers to temporarily oversee the creation of a multi ethnic state in Israel...

The return of the arab population would take several years, because THE WHOLE WORLD wants an orderly migration to avoid ethnic strife.... the returnees would be interviewed by psychologists, screened and able to enter Israel only after aproval...All palestinians would be get jobs so they can live in cities since most of their land is now occupied.

THE SECURITY OF THE JEWISH POPULATION WOULD BE AN OVERRIDING PRIORITY.... At any sign of problems the return would be interrupted until conditions improved...

The arabs wouldn’t be allowed to bear arms in any circumstance...there would be so many security officers on the streets that the arabs couldn’t fart without being noticed.

Many other measures could be implemented, as I said, WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT LAWS OF NATURE HERE.

Movements of (bi) national reconciation would be implemented along the lines of the Truth and Reconciliation Comitee in SA. The spread of hateful propaganda against any ethnic group would be prohibited

The arab population could be subjected to birth control programs in order to keep the populational balance of Israel.

They could elect an arab and a jewish prime minister who could not decide things alone. There would be a series of checks and balances regarding the military and other security forces and all three branches of the government so they could protect both communities

The jewish leaders of Israel need to stop their campaign of psychological terrorism on the jewish population of Israel and the world. “the sky is falling...the arabs want to eat us alive”.

Many jews, both in America and Israel, seem to be infatuated with the notion of jews being always victims, somehow being always oppressed by mindless and heartless societies that they always seem to accidentally find themselves suddenly appearing within and being trapped inside, etc. This "perpetual victim status" security blanket suddenly loses its merit and validity in today's world. As this "perpetual victim status" is so deeply engrained in the self-identity of some jews, this explains their defensiveness and hostile responses to any proposal of a multi ethnic Israel.

Research has also shown return to be feasible and not a threat to order. If 1.2 million Palestinians (currently citizens of Israel) can remain peaceful and obeying the law (for the majority) while being abused and treated as 4th class citizens, imagine how they and their relatives and other returnees would behave in a state that treated them fairly and decently and removed the biggest complaint they have (exile).

I say, the loss of a single jewish life would be entirely unacceptable during the process of peaceful dismantlement of Israel and if the whole world help, as I’m sure it will, we can achieve the blodless creation of a civic state in Palestine. The safety of the jewish people would be EVERYBODY’S PRIORITY myself included.

In this message, I tried to build a bridge, I extended an olive branch to ajpws, comrade and all the others who support Israel. I don’t know if they will finish the bridge I started building or blow it up with accusations of al taquiyya etc etc but, at least, no one can say I didn’t try.

Jose before we can talk about the dismantling of Israel in a meaningful way we must first discuss the orderly process of desalinization of the world's oceans.

It may take several millenia but with the help of Russia and the United Nations and with the determined political will of the West the peaceful expulsion of all the Na2Cl from the oceans can be achieved.

Once this very important task is undertaken and with the political motivation of Syria, the total peaceful disembowelment of Mecca and Saudi Arabia can be accomplished. This would allow Jews, Muslim, Hindus, Hutus, Australians and wambats to live in Mecca, Saudi Arabia 01967. We don't want anything to happen to the Muslims in Mecca but the majority of the world deserves a place to come to for a vacation where beer can be imbibed and homosexual sex is no longer considered only for Prophet Muhammad.

In this message, I tried to build a bridge, I extended an olive branch to Jose, Dilloduck and all the others who support Mecca. I don’t know if they will finish the bridge I started building or blow it up with accusations of ethnic cleansing but, at least, no one can say I didn’t try.

Think of it, a world without Mecca and Kaa'bah to keep everybody getting along with each other. Let's all sing Kumbaya and Allahs got the whole world in his hands.

ajwps said:
Jose before we can talk about the dismantling of Israel in a meaningful way we must first discuss the orderly process of desalinization of the world's oceans.

It may take several millenia but with the help of Russia and the United Nations and with the determined political will of the West the peaceful expulsion of all the Na2Cl from the oceans can be achieved.

Once this very important task is undertaken and with the political motivation of Syria, the total peaceful disembowelment of Mecca and Saudi Arabia can be accomplished. This would allow Jews, Muslim, Hindus, Hutus, Australians and wambats to live in Mecca, Saudi Arabia 01967. We don't want anything to happen to the Muslims in Mecca but the majority of the world deserves a place to come to for a vacation where beer can be imbibed and homosexual sex is no longer considered only for Prophet Muhammad.

In this message, I tried to build a bridge, I extended an olive branch to Jose, Dilloduck and all the others who support Mecca. I don’t know if they will finish the bridge I started building or blow it up with accusations of ethnic cleansing but, at least, no one can say I didn’t try.

Think of it, a world without Mecca and Kaa'bah to keep everybody getting along with each other. Let's all sing Kumbaya and Allah's got the whole world in his hands.

bridge? olive branch? All I see is satire :blowup:
ajwps said:
Jose before we can talk about the dismantling of Israel in a meaningful way we must first discuss the orderly process of desalinization of the world's oceans.

I couldn't think of anything more unrealistic, destructive, and senseless than that image you just left me with, desalinization. Good one! LOL! :cof:

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