Where did Roy Moore's accusers go???

the silence is deafening

Roy Moore accuser sightings have gotten more rare than an honest reporter

Where are all these law suits the dishonorable judge was going to bring against these women. Oh that's right they will be tried right after Trumps law suits against his accusers!
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what really gets me is the republicans ability to raise the lowest scum up to look like heroes


the silence is deafening

Roy Moore accuser sightings have gotten more rare than an honest reporter

Just what do you expect them to do? They came out to tell the world what moore is/was really like, they did it, and they went home. This is pretty much the end of the story.

This whole "attack the accusers" thing has gone too far. Many people don't want to talk about things that happened long ago and then realize that the circumstances are such that they should speak out. Last week, I saw a piece on the funeral plans for Cardinal Bernard Law. Three people who were victims of his cover-ups of their sexual abuse by priests when they were children appeared with their attorney to voice their indignation about the funeral, two silver-haired men and a woman of indeterminate age. I can't see any reason for rejecting their stories. These are just normal non-celebrity people, like the people in Alabama, who concluded that they needed to step into the spot light. One of the men wanted Law to be chopped up and dumped in the ocean. I don't see any reason not to believe the men and women in the entertainment industry who have made accusations against Weinstein, Spacey, or any of the other honchos, or the accusations made by people in the journalism and broadcast industries, either.
Moore losing was a wonderful early Christmas gift. The fact people are still whining about that twat makes it all the more lovely.
What are they supposed to be doing?
what really gets me is the republicans ability to raise the lowest scum up to look like heroes
Democraps have the top notch on that forever. Hillary Clinton will be the worst candidate EVER in the history of the United States. Thanks for it though!
truth be told she wasn't a good candidate but republicans made her out to be far worse than she was or is they imho did a great job defaming her
What are they supposed to be doing?
what really gets me is the republicans ability to raise the lowest scum up to look like heroes
Democraps have the top notch on that forever. Hillary Clinton will be the worst candidate EVER in the history of the United States. Thanks for it though!
truth be told she wasn't a good candidate but republicans made her out to be far worse than she was or is they imho did a great job defaming her
She did that ALL alone...her actions and words speak for themselves. She was a self serving hypocrite who DESPISED even those she wanted to vote for her.
I'm giving this Xmas to all republicans the last of my remaining 2017 fu-ks,,,,god speed
Thanks but with the Trump tax plan, we will have enough money to buy our own! Thank you President Trump!
I'm giving this Xmas to all republicans the last of my remaining 2017 fu-ks,,,,god speed
Thanks but with the Trump tax plan, we will have enough money to buy our own! Thank you President Trump!
mike you can get bought off on the cheap Millions for trump and friends peanuts for you
Even a moron of your confirmed status must realize that the more you make and pay the more you get. Or are you really deluded and stupid and not just a liar?
I'm giving this Xmas to all republicans the last of my remaining 2017 fu-ks,,,,god speed
Thanks but with the Trump tax plan, we will have enough money to buy our own! Thank you President Trump!
mike you can get bought off on the cheap Millions for trump and friends peanuts for you
Even a moron of your confirmed status must realize that the more you make and pay the more you get. Or are you really deluded and stupid and not just a liar?
even a moron like you must have heard trump say this was a great big present to the MIDDLE CLASS ,,It was bullshit
I'm giving this Xmas to all republicans the last of my remaining 2017 fu-ks,,,,god speed
Thanks but with the Trump tax plan, we will have enough money to buy our own! Thank you President Trump!
mike you can get bought off on the cheap Millions for trump and friends peanuts for you
Even a moron of your confirmed status must realize that the more you make and pay the more you get. Or are you really deluded and stupid and not just a liar?
even a moron like you must have heard trump say this was a great big present to the MIDDLE CLASS ,,It was bullshit
And still you are stupid and a liar. Of course we heard it because the middle class is part of America and all taxpayers will benefit from the cut, no matter how much you cry and wet yourself. Rich people pay taxes too, even more than a confirmed troll like you and should get more money back, or pay in less..
the silence is deafening

Roy Moore accuser sightings have gotten more rare than an honest reporter

Why would they still be out in public? It was painful enough for them to come out in the first place.

Do you miss them?

Oh, and sorry about Creepy Roy :)
What else can they do now? They've spoken out. They've been heard or not heard. They've been vilified by the Rightwing. One woman said she was afraid to go out of her house. As they have said their peace, they have no other recourse. Either people believed them or didn't. And let's not forget that police, mall supervisors, security guards, and others backed up their stories.
They lied about a great man so they could make some money and get 15 minutes of fame....they should be scared....:) Oh and no none of those people backed ANYTHING up. The mall manager said Moore was NEVER banned from the mall and even an accusers step son said she was lying AND another forged his signature to her yearbook.
First, he was not a great man, just the opposite. Second, they didn't lie: their stories were backed up by mall security, police, and many others. The yearbook was not forged, that story has been debunked. You all ask why they didn't speak out before; well, look what happens when they do. And they were young girls then--even less likely to be believed than now.
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