Trying to interject between you and ding is not only futile, but would break up the fun. Now go report me again so you can get my posts erased. I know it only means that you think that I'm right. But go on, I'll be back. :D

Sorry you had your troll posts erased, if you followed the forum rules that wouldn't happen. But you're the kind of retarded idiot who doesn't understand basic rules.

Actually, ding and I have been having a pretty interesting discussion about space, time, the universe and laws of nature. He has made some interesting points and I think he'll agree that I have as well. You have offered nothing as usual. All you ever do is flame and troll. USMB should rid themselves of posters like you. This would be a much better place indeed.
Trying to interject between you and ding is not only futile, but would break up the fun. Now go report me again so you can get my posts erased. I know it only means that you think that I'm right. But go on, I'll be back. :D

Sorry you had your troll posts erased, if you followed the forum rules that wouldn't happen. But you're the kind of retarded idiot who doesn't understand basic rules.

Actually, ding and I have been having a pretty interesting discussion about space, time, the universe and laws of nature. He has made some interesting points and I think he'll agree that I have as well. You have offered nothing as usual. All you ever do is flame and troll. USMB should rid themselves of posters like you. This would be a much better place indeed.
The reason I don't interject here between you guys is because I've tried to have normal discussions with you two, but you both sit up on your high horses and spout total gibberish as though it were obvious facts. And you guys do it over, and over, and over again... to everyone on this board. So get a new act, this one's gotten completely worn out. All that you guys have left is that I just want to see what you two noobs will do head to head. Should be funny. :D
The reason I don't interject here between you guys is because I've tried to have normal discussions with you two, but you both sit up on your high horses and spout total gibberish as though it were obvious facts. And you guys do it over, and over, and over again... to everyone on this board. So get a new act, this one's gotten completely worn out. All that you guys have left is that I just want to see what you two noobs will do head to head. Should be funny. :D

The reason you don't interject is because you lack the mental capacity to be anything other than a drooling little retarded (and boring) troll. And you do that over and over... to everyone on this board. You're especially nasty to those who've cleaned your clock in previous debates such as myself. In fact, I feel somewhat responsible for reducing you to nothing more than a drooling troll who can't even find anything original to say.

Now the forum rules say that I need to include in my post, something relative to the OP topic... So I'll just say that your moral laws come from inside your empty cranium where they rattle around with nothing to play with but themselves. Occasionally, they may come tumbling out as you spew your obnoxious troll spittle onto the rest of us and we get an insight into what a mouth-breathing inbred you really are.

Sorry Mods, if this doesn't meet the criteria of forum rules, I did the best I could given the piece of shit I'm dealing with here. It's hard to have an intellectual conversation with someone so devoid of intelligence.
The reason I don't interject here between you guys is because I've tried to have normal discussions with you two, but you both sit up on your high horses and spout total gibberish as though it were obvious facts. And you guys do it over, and over, and over again... to everyone on this board. So get a new act, this one's gotten completely worn out. All that you guys have left is that I just want to see what you two noobs will do head to head. Should be funny. :D

The reason you don't interject is because you lack the mental capacity to be anything other than a drooling little retarded (and boring) troll. And you do that over and over... to everyone on this board. You're especially nasty to those who've cleaned your clock in previous debates such as myself. In fact, I feel somewhat responsible for reducing you to nothing more than a drooling troll who can't even find anything original to say.

Now the forum rules say that I need to include in my post, something relative to the OP topic... So I'll just say that your moral laws come from inside your empty cranium where they rattle around with nothing to play with but themselves. Occasionally, they may come tumbling out as you spew your obnoxious troll spittle onto the rest of us and we get an insight into what a mouth-breathing inbred you really are.

Sorry Mods, if this doesn't meet the criteria of forum rules, I did the best I could given the piece of shit I'm dealing with here. It's hard to have an intellectual conversation with someone so devoid of intelligence.
Like I said, from atop your high horse... You spout nonsense... Your theories don't even make any sense... So you get all upset and mad... And always make it personal... Because you know you have nothing rational to argue with... As for your moral laws, those are likely totally messed up as well...
Like I said, from atop your high horse... You spout nonsense... Your theories don't even make any sense... So you get all upset and mad... And always make it personal... Because you know you have nothing rational to argue with... As for your moral laws, those are likely totally messed up as well...

You've not addressed my theories, or anyone's theories for that matter. All you did was all you ever do... drop in, deliver boring and uninteresting trollery, then stick around way past your welcome. I am happy to discuss any aspect of anything I've posted whenever you feel you have the mental capacity to engage in conversation. As of now, all you've done is troll and be obnoxious.

What's really sad and pathetic is, you're not even a very good troll. If you're intent on being a troll, at least find a good troll to study and emulate. You're sort of the Keebler Elf of trollery. But at least they have cookie making going for them.... you have nothing.

ding : No offense man, I am going to "unwatch" this thread. We've both made our cases and we'll have to agree to disagree on this. I don't have time to waste on boring trolls like Mudda. Good luck and carry on!
Like I said, from atop your high horse... You spout nonsense... Your theories don't even make any sense... So you get all upset and mad... And always make it personal... Because you know you have nothing rational to argue with... As for your moral laws, those are likely totally messed up as well...

You've not addressed my theories, or anyone's theories for that matter. All you did was all you ever do... drop in, deliver boring and uninteresting trollery, then stick around way past your welcome. I am happy to discuss any aspect of anything I've posted whenever you feel you have the mental capacity to engage in conversation. As of now, all you've done is troll and be obnoxious.

What's really sad and pathetic is, you're not even a very good troll. If you're intent on being a troll, at least find a good troll to study and emulate. You're sort of the Keebler Elf of trollery. But at least they have cookie making going for them.... you have nothing.

ding : No offense man, I am going to "unwatch" this thread. We've both made our cases and we'll have to agree to disagree on this. I don't have time to waste on boring trolls like Mudda. Good luck and carry on!
No worries. Honest men can have honest differences of opinion.
Like I said, from atop your high horse... You spout nonsense... Your theories don't even make any sense... So you get all upset and mad... And always make it personal... Because you know you have nothing rational to argue with... As for your moral laws, those are likely totally messed up as well...

You've not addressed my theories, or anyone's theories for that matter. All you did was all you ever do... drop in, deliver boring and uninteresting trollery, then stick around way past your welcome. I am happy to discuss any aspect of anything I've posted whenever you feel you have the mental capacity to engage in conversation. As of now, all you've done is troll and be obnoxious.

What's really sad and pathetic is, you're not even a very good troll. If you're intent on being a troll, at least find a good troll to study and emulate. You're sort of the Keebler Elf of trollery. But at least they have cookie making going for them.... you have nothing.

ding : No offense man, I am going to "unwatch" this thread. We've both made our cases and we'll have to agree to disagree on this. I don't have time to waste on boring trolls like Mudda. Good luck and carry on!
No worries. Honest men can have honest differences of opinion.
It's official, NOBODY agrees with you. :lmao:
Like I said, from atop your high horse... You spout nonsense... Your theories don't even make any sense... So you get all upset and mad... And always make it personal... Because you know you have nothing rational to argue with... As for your moral laws, those are likely totally messed up as well...

You've not addressed my theories, or anyone's theories for that matter. All you did was all you ever do... drop in, deliver boring and uninteresting trollery, then stick around way past your welcome. I am happy to discuss any aspect of anything I've posted whenever you feel you have the mental capacity to engage in conversation. As of now, all you've done is troll and be obnoxious.

What's really sad and pathetic is, you're not even a very good troll. If you're intent on being a troll, at least find a good troll to study and emulate. You're sort of the Keebler Elf of trollery. But at least they have cookie making going for them.... you have nothing.

ding : No offense man, I am going to "unwatch" this thread. We've both made our cases and we'll have to agree to disagree on this. I don't have time to waste on boring trolls like Mudda. Good luck and carry on!
No worries. Honest men can have honest differences of opinion.
It's official, NOBODY agrees with you. :lmao:
I think I can live with that. It will be tough, but I will get by some way.
Then you arguing there is no such thing as God and physical nature created itself. I don't believe that and I don't think science has proven it. Sorry.
I'm not arguing that. I am arguing how He did it. I am arguing that this proves a first cause.
You cannot "prove" a "first cause" even if your conceptual definitions made any sense.
The universe requires a creator because physical nature cannot create itself. Likewise, the laws of nature cannot create themselves.
You should take a Philosophy of Science class.
A "creator"?
Who created the "creator"?
Then you arguing there is no such thing as God and physical nature created itself. I don't believe that and I don't think science has proven it. Sorry.
I'm not arguing that. I am arguing how He did it. I am arguing that this proves a first cause.
You cannot "prove" a "first cause" even if your conceptual definitions made any sense.
I already have. Science and reason sense tell us that the Laws of Nature were in place before space and time were created. Science and reason tell us that there must be a first cause. Science and reason tell us that the attributes of the first cause is something which is eternal and unchanging.
The universe requires a creator because physical nature cannot create itself. Likewise, the laws of nature cannot create themselves.
You should take a Philosophy of Science class.
A "creator"?
Who created the "creator"?
You are making an argument of a child. Atheism truly is an intellectual dead end.
I already have. Science and reason sense tell us that the Laws of Nature were in place before space and time were created. Science and reason tell us that there must be a first cause. Science and reason tell us that the attributes of the first cause is something which is eternal and unchanging.
Then you must have a link to a scientific site explaining this. Where is it?
I already have. Science and reason sense tell us that the Laws of Nature were in place before space and time were created. Science and reason tell us that there must be a first cause. Science and reason tell us that the attributes of the first cause is something which is eternal and unchanging.
Then you must have a link to a scientific site explaining this. Where is it?
I already have. Science and reason sense tell us that the Laws of Nature were in place before space and time were created. Science and reason tell us that there must be a first cause. Science and reason tell us that the attributes of the first cause is something which is eternal and unchanging.
Then you must have a link to a scientific site explaining this. Where is it?

That's some guy's opinion. I meant a real web site from a real science community.
I already have. Science and reason sense tell us that the Laws of Nature were in place before space and time were created. Science and reason tell us that there must be a first cause. Science and reason tell us that the attributes of the first cause is something which is eternal and unchanging.
Then you must have a link to a scientific site explaining this. Where is it?

That's some guy's opinion. I meant a real web site from a real science community.

lol, some guy's opinion. You didn't even watch it.

His name is Alexander Vilinken. He is a leading cosmologist. Who are you to argue with him especially since you didn't even watch it to understand what he said.
I already have. Science and reason sense tell us that the Laws of Nature were in place before space and time were created. Science and reason tell us that there must be a first cause. Science and reason tell us that the attributes of the first cause is something which is eternal and unchanging.
Then you must have a link to a scientific site explaining this. Where is it?

That's some guy's opinion. I meant a real web site from a real science community.

lol, some guy's opinion. You didn't even watch it.

His name is Alexander Vilinken. He is a leading cosmologist. Who are you to argue with him especially since you didn't even watch it to understand what he said.

I'm talking about scientific proof. An interview isn't one of them, no matter what he says. Has he written a scientific paper on the subject that's been published in a scientific journal or website? You know, like real scientists do? Got a link?
I already have. Science and reason sense tell us that the Laws of Nature were in place before space and time were created. Science and reason tell us that there must be a first cause. Science and reason tell us that the attributes of the first cause is something which is eternal and unchanging.
Then you must have a link to a scientific site explaining this. Where is it?

That's some guy's opinion. I meant a real web site from a real science community.

lol, some guy's opinion. You didn't even watch it.

His name is Alexander Vilinken. He is a leading cosmologist. Who are you to argue with him especially since you didn't even watch it to understand what he said.

I'm talking about scientific proof. An interview isn't one of them, no matter what he says. Has he written a scientific paper on the subject that's been published in a scientific journal or website? You know, like real scientists do? Got a link?

Yes he has, dipstick. So have Guth, Linde, Hawking and others. What makes you think you will understand their papers when you couldn't even understand his spoken explanation. What do you want to do, check his math?
Then you must have a link to a scientific site explaining this. Where is it?

That's some guy's opinion. I meant a real web site from a real science community.

lol, some guy's opinion. You didn't even watch it.

His name is Alexander Vilinken. He is a leading cosmologist. Who are you to argue with him especially since you didn't even watch it to understand what he said.

I'm talking about scientific proof. An interview isn't one of them, no matter what he says. Has he written a scientific paper on the subject that's been published in a scientific journal or website? You know, like real scientists do? Got a link?

Yes he has, dipstick. So have Guth, Linde, Hawking and others. What makes you think you will understand their papers when you couldn't even understand his spoken explanation. What do you want to do, check his math?

Is this your way of saying that you don't have a link to back up what you claim?

That's some guy's opinion. I meant a real web site from a real science community.

lol, some guy's opinion. You didn't even watch it.

His name is Alexander Vilinken. He is a leading cosmologist. Who are you to argue with him especially since you didn't even watch it to understand what he said.

I'm talking about scientific proof. An interview isn't one of them, no matter what he says. Has he written a scientific paper on the subject that's been published in a scientific journal or website? You know, like real scientists do? Got a link?

Yes he has, dipstick. So have Guth, Linde, Hawking and others. What makes you think you will understand their papers when you couldn't even understand his spoken explanation. What do you want to do, check his math?

Is this your way of saying that you don't have a link to back up what you claim?

No. it was my way of pointing out your idiocracy.

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