Where Does All the White Rage Go When Donald Trump Loses?

Because if the WH and Senate go blue again, the pubs will never gain the WH again unless it reaches out.

Yeah, all you libs with this "reach out" nonsense but when asked, you can't explain what you mean.
You write stupid but this is really stupid. I am putting a cape on you so you can be super stupid!

How to reach out and what to do has been explained to you super stupids time and again, Faye.

You do not get "just once more" ever again.

You think preaching is acceptable. It is not.
More simply, the Dems are by nature more diverse.
I'm pretty sure that there isn't a very vigorous minority outreach program for Republican internships.

Should there be?

Why would anybody create an "outreach program" for those not interested in joining? There are no barriers here as you suggest. If you want to be part of the Republican party (regardless of race) you are welcome to join.

Yes the Democrats are more diverse. They conned minorities into voting for them; Santa Clause. It's why the number one goal for Democrats is to make whites a minority in this country for the first time since it's founding. It's just the stupid whites can't figure that out yet.

It's this very attitude that is slowly killing the Republican party. The shifting demographics require diversification in order to survive into the future. That aside, doesn't it just make sense to be more representative of the population at large?
What will happen to the brown rage, or the black rage or the female rage? Or are you all so fucking stupid you think that only white males are voting for trump?

Here's some black rage from one of the clinton blm negroes, angry at some kids who support Trump. A lot of ignorant dems on this board who think only us caucasians have rage. I notice that they keep talking about how educated they themselves are and how undeducated the Trumpsters are. I think they're getting education mixed up with indoctrination. I'll keep posting these clips to show the hillary people what goes on in the real world. I know they won't get this from rachel maddow or wolf blitzer. one link below.

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I don't have klan race baiter. Blm thug.

You don't have klan. :lol:

Klan has you.
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:lol: Cartoons always work with the uneducated .. don't do much for people with brains.

I explain hpow Obama is headed to the Supreme Court .. you come back with cartoons. :0)

Obama to the supreme court is the most stupid thing ever posted on this message board, and that says a lot. You do know that his law license was revoked don't you?

I love it when right-wingers prove how utterly ignorant they are.

A. If democrats win the Senate, republicans will be reduced to being spectators on who gets to serve on the SC.

B. If the Senate is split 50-50 .. democrats will control it.


D. After this election, republicans will be desperately trying to remake themselves and court non-white voters to their rapidly sinking party.

E. You're stupid.

A. the dems will not take the senate
B. It will not be 50-50
C. True, but no one who is not a lawyer has ever been on the SC
D. LOL, Hillary and obozo have destroyed the party of Kennedy and Truman. You might as well rename it the socialist party
E, I will match my IQ against yours any day, and I will always win.
.. and typical of the Republican Party you asswipe.

There were more Black democrats elected to the US Congress in 1970 then there have been elected Black republicans to Congress since Reconstruction .. COLLECTIVELY.

What is your argument dummy .. that republicans have lots oif Blacks within their all white party?

As if anyone had to guess why Blacks don't vote for republicans .. just as ALL non-white groups in America don't vote for republicans.

So you blame Republicans for this? Where are the rules that say blacks can't join the RNC?

If blacks don't want to be in the Republican party, there is nothing Republicans can do about that.
Of course we can, Faye: we can reach out honestly to blacks instead of preaching they should act white.

I'm sure you can provide links to verifiable examples of Republicans preaching to blacks that they should "act white". The grown ups will continue the discussion while you go find proof to back up your fantasy.
.. and typical of the Republican Party you asswipe.

There were more Black democrats elected to the US Congress in 1970 then there have been elected Black republicans to Congress since Reconstruction .. COLLECTIVELY.

What is your argument dummy .. that republicans have lots oif Blacks within their all white party?

As if anyone had to guess why Blacks don't vote for republicans .. just as ALL non-white groups in America don't vote for republicans.

So you blame Republicans for this? Where are the rules that say blacks can't join the RNC?

If blacks don't want to be in the Republican party, there is nothing Republicans can do about that.
Of course we can, Faye: we can reach out honestly to blacks instead of preaching they should act white.

I'm sure you can provide links to verifiable examples of Republicans preaching to blacks that they should "act white". The grown ups will continue the discussion while you go find proof to back up your fantasy.
Read Ray, read you, read Correll.

The far right desperation and smell of fear grow by the hour.
.. and typical of the Republican Party you asswipe.

There were more Black democrats elected to the US Congress in 1970 then there have been elected Black republicans to Congress since Reconstruction .. COLLECTIVELY.

What is your argument dummy .. that republicans have lots oif Blacks within their all white party?

As if anyone had to guess why Blacks don't vote for republicans .. just as ALL non-white groups in America don't vote for republicans.

So you blame Republicans for this? Where are the rules that say blacks can't join the RNC?

If blacks don't want to be in the Republican party, there is nothing Republicans can do about that.
Of course we can, Faye: we can reach out honestly to blacks instead of preaching they should act white.

I'm sure you can provide links to verifiable examples of Republicans preaching to blacks that they should "act white". The grown ups will continue the discussion while you go find proof to back up your fantasy.
Read Ray, read you, read Correll.

The far right desperation and smell of fear grow by the hour.

You get one job. One simple job. And you can't deliver. The only person who typed the words "blacks need to act white" was you. Still waiting for proof of your claim. If you got nothing and were just flapping your gums to hear yourself talk, just say so and find something over in general interests to discuss.
.. and typical of the Republican Party you asswipe.

There were more Black democrats elected to the US Congress in 1970 then there have been elected Black republicans to Congress since Reconstruction .. COLLECTIVELY.

What is your argument dummy .. that republicans have lots oif Blacks within their all white party?

As if anyone had to guess why Blacks don't vote for republicans .. just as ALL non-white groups in America don't vote for republicans.

So you blame Republicans for this? Where are the rules that say blacks can't join the RNC?

If blacks don't want to be in the Republican party, there is nothing Republicans can do about that.
Of course we can, Faye: we can reach out honestly to blacks instead of preaching they should act white.

I'm sure you can provide links to verifiable examples of Republicans preaching to blacks that they should "act white". The grown ups will continue the discussion while you go find proof to back up your fantasy.
Read Ray, read you, read Correll.

The far right desperation and smell of fear grow by the hour.

You get one job. One simple job. And you can't deliver. The only person who typed the words "blacks need to act white" was you. Still waiting for proof of your claim. If you got nothing and were just flapping your gums to hear yourself talk, just say so and find something over in general interests to discuss.
You have had all the evidence on the Board for years.

You don't get send silly goal posts and then move them.

You are talking and no one is listening to your nonsense.

Stop preaching and start behaving responsibly.
Just random liberals/socialists?

You're honestly advocating genocide against your fellow Americans simply because they don't share your ideological views?.

After the politicians are dead, yes.

I don't consider Leftist/Liberals/Socialists to be people, never mind human beings.
Interesting question , where do they go what will they do?

There simply are not enough angry white people in America to elect him president. Where will all that anger, which has been slowly building among America’s white working class for half a century, go once it is left without a viable political outlet?

In the months since Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has shifted from amusing diversion to cold political reality, the narrative favored by America’s political and media elite has been one of chickens coming home to roost.

Trump is the P.T. Barnum of 21st-century American politics, a gifted impresario able to spot a sucker a mile off

Uh Oh: Where Does All the White Rage Go When Donald Trump Loses?

back underground where it belongs.

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