Zone1 Where does it say in the Bible only adults can be baptized?

bing really is a religious character ... phony baloney, predictor in sheep's clothing.
I know.

So I reckon since he swallowed the preposterous "belief" that an innocent Jesus died so he can sin for life and not die, Ding, a he-goat "without blemish", guilty as shit, wouldn't mind being a sacrifice, slaughtered for the expiation of sin. His blood drained into the ground, the fat trimmed from the flesh and thrown on the fire is a soothing and fragrant offering to the Lord, my God.
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#ThisIsWhatWinningLooksLike :)

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you like they are proven liars, they murdered jesus same as the parenthetical claim presently being made - or have anyone in writing, written by jesus for such a claim ...

a stone tablet or clay pottery not written in the 4th century made during the time of the events - only their book of forgeries and fallacies the christian bible, religion of servitude and denial written by the crucifiers themselves. bing.
The liar is you. The sinner is you. You are moving away from God with every lying post you make.
Like I said, they deliberately accused him of claiming to be God because they failed, like you, to comprehend the simple meaning behind sayings like "If you have seen me you have seen the Father, the Father and I are one", etc., because they were embarrassed and confounded by his teaching that he received from God. They like you were denied comprehension by the Father.

"No one comes to the Father except through me", meaning without understanding the teaching of Jesus, the messiah, a man, and acting on it, no one can stand in the presence of the Father.
Bend your knee to the one that claimed to have the power to raise himself from the dead (John 2:19, 10:17-18).

#TheBeatingYouAreTakingIsLegendary :lol:
You dipshits couldn't "beguile" me when I was a child. What chance do you think you have now?
You are an actor and lying fraud whose vile and degrading religious practices are an abomination

God did not create man to kneel. Stand up and walk UPRIGHT, like a man, is what Jesus said to the lost, the dead. Jesus never said to anyone bend your knee to me, scumbag. That would be the Antichrist whose mark is on the middle of your forehead, like Satan's indelible signature, a giant black thumbprint, your sin is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field.

I came down from heaven too, the upper upper class, to mend your rotten ways. You may live out the rest of your days on your knees, but for some mysterious reason I don't care. Many will come to believe in my God as Jesus emerges from the clouds that have obscured him from sight for 1000's of years as they watch you descend further and further into the abyss, by choice, to the astonishment and horror of all who see it, giving thanks to my God that they have been spared.

You have your maudlin beliefs, that God became an innocent little baby boy wearing diapers on Christmas morning only to be reviled, rejected, and crucified as a "perfect human sacrifice" so that "believers" who celebrate his death and eat him in the form of a lifeless matzo made by human hands can sin with impunity for life because he loved the Roman world so very much. :crying:

You claim to be happy with your choice to defy the law of God every Sunday. So fuck off. Loser.
Bend your knee to the one that claimed to be replacing the temple (John 2:19-21).

#TheBeatingYouAreTakingIsLegendary :lol:
The Bible says that baptism is for repentance. What does an infant have to repent for? Are infants even mentally capable of repentance?
Well some Christians believe that all people are born with original sin. The Catholics for example believe that babies who die prior to baptism can't enter heaven and are sent to purgatory.

I personally don't believe in original sin. One cannot be a sinner until on is mature enough to understand the difference between right and wrong. Baptism is choice made by people when they understand what sin is and they are making the choice to turn away from sin. Baptizing a child who has no such understanding, and especially believing that God would punish that child, who has no understanding of sin or right and wrong, unless they are baptized is incredibly idiotic in my view.
The Catholics for example believe that babies who die prior to baptism can't enter heaven and are sent to purgatory.
Not what Catholics believe.

Catholics are aware that neither the Bible nor Apostolic tradition address what happens to babies who die prior to baptism. Since this is not addressed, children not baptized are left in the hands of a merciful and loving God.
The liar is you. The sinner is you. You are moving away from God with every lying post you make.
a stone tablet or clay pottery not written in the 4th century made during the time of the events - only their book of forgeries and fallacies the christian bible, religion of servitude and denial written by the crucifiers themselves. bing.

by not being a phony 4th century christian is certain as to what you are -
Catholics are aware that neither the Bible nor Apostolic tradition address what happens to babies who die prior to baptism. Since this is not addressed, children not baptized are left in the hands of a merciful and loving God.

- and your deposition for those that fail at the time of birth before their first breath their error of latent baptism is to be punished for all eternity ...
Right. I'm sure that it seems that way to you but I assure you it only seems that way. To you.

When you gain enough wisdom and understanding to stop perpetuating the specious lie that one can receive eternal life by worshipping and eating a lifeless matzo MADE BY HUMAN HANDS every Sunday, even though scripture openly and clearly teaches that such a vile and degrading practice, idolatry, results in death, hell, and ultimately destruction, I might listen to what you say.

Until then.

Until you gain enough faith in the truth to do what is right and bear fruit worthy of repentance...


I can finally call you by name.

Should I reveal who you are?

Or should I do what God has asked me to do this entire time?

God has given me the go ahead...but God has given me the gift of mercy.

by not being a phony 4th century christian is certain as to what you are -
No one is more phoney than you. What's your religion again? That's right, no one knows. Can't have a more clear sign of phoniness. You and Hobelim are two phoney peas in a pod. Both of you are subversive perverts.
- and your deposition for those that fail at the time of birth before their first breath their error of latent baptism is to be punished for all eternity ...

Relax. Breeze - you have good intentions and your intentions are pure. Relax and let things happen as they surely will.
No one is more phoney than you. What's your religion again? That's right, no one knows. Can't have a more clear sign of phoniness. You and Hobelim are two phoney peas in a pod. Both of you are subversive perverts.
a stone tablet or clay pottery not written in the 4th century made during the time of the events - only their book of forgeries and fallacies the christian bible, religion of servitude and denial written by the crucifiers themselves. bing.

show the contemporary stone tablets etched with the claims of your 4th century christian bible, ceramic or clay tiles w/ the same inscriptions ... the same for the false commandments used by the desert religions to persecute and victimize the innocent.

the repudiation of judaism, 1st century events - those that were destroyed ... good luck, hades boy.
show the contemporary stone tablets etched with the claims of your 4th century christian bible, ceramic or clay tiles w/ the same inscriptions ... the same for the false commandments used by the desert religions to persecute and victimize the innocent.

the repudiation of judaism, 1st century events - those that were destroyed ... good luck, hades boy.
Show your fake religion that you keep secret, Vladimir.
- the spoken heavenly religion of antiquity is well known by you - try being more discrete in your lies ... will be less embarrassing for everyone else.
The spoken heavenly religion of antiquity is well known by me? Yes, it's called Christianity.

It was from antiquity.
It was spoken.
And it was from Christ who came from heaven.

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