Zone1 Where does it say in the Bible only adults can be baptized?

you're a proven liar - the same as the liar moses.
That's you sinning again. According to you the heavens will ask you what you have done about your sinning. According to you you should sin no more. According to you it's the only reply they will accept - your own self determination. According to you no one is going to help you. Help yourself or "parish"... according to you.
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That's you sinning again. According to the heavens - will ask you what you have done about your sinning. According to you you should sin no more. According to you it's the only reply they will accept - your own self determination. According to you no one is going to help you. Help yourself or parish... according to you.

your learning ...

provide the tablets etched in the heavens with the false commandments claimed by the liar moses ... you're a proven liar - the same as moses.

being a liar as to the heavens is a fool on an errand - good luck.
Yes, they said, "you, a mere man, claim to be God." John 10:33

They understood Jesus was claiming to be God. Why don't you?
Simple. Because, as I already said, they were trying to frame a charge of blasphemy against Jesus because they were embarrassed and confounded by the simplicity of the wisdom of God revealed in his teaching that the words in the Law are figurative, the subjects hidden, and not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used as clearly inferred by his command to "eat my flesh" a direct reference to Kosher Law showing that the subject is not food

And, as I already said many times, I would rather be drawn and quartered than to pay homage to any petty pusillanimous demon like you who knowingly and deliberately perpetuates the same exact perverse literal interpretation of the Divine commands that Jesus lived and died opposing.

How is it that satan has entered your mind to perpetuate lies that make Jesus out to be insane?
And why did you falsely accuse me of claiming to be God if not for the same exact reason? Putz.

Take your time..... #Winner. lol..... :splat:
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Simple. Because, as I already said, they were trying to frame a charge of blasphemy against Jesus because they were embarrassed and confounded by the simplicity of the wisdom of God revealed in his teaching that the words in the Law are figurative, the subjects hidden, and not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used as clearly inferred by his command to "eat my flesh" a direct reference to Kosher Law showing that the subject is not food

And, as I already said many times, I would rather be drawn and quartered than to pay homage to any petty pusillanimous demon like you who knowingly and deliberately perpetuates the same exact perverse literal interpretation of the Divine commands that Jesus lived and died opposing.

How is it that satan has entered your mind to perpetuate lies that make Jesus out to be insane?
And why did you falsely accuse me of claiming to be God if not for the same exact reason? Putz.

Take your time..... #Winner. lol..... :splat:
Bend your knee to the one that claimed that whoever saw Him saw the Father (John 14:9).

#StillWinning ;)
Or do you think it was common for Jews to say baptize all nations in my name?
Common? Not at all.

It is one of the defining qualities of the expected Messiah, a prophet like Moses who spoke with God face to face, to destroy "the nations" with a fiery sword. Jer 25:15-38 parallels almost verbatim the so called "great commission" to spread the gospel among all the nations beginning in Jerusalem. Jesus praying in the garden of Gethsemane for "this cup to pass him by" shows that Jesus did not want to curse the nations, but he knew it was the will of God and so he did it.

"I have not come to bring peace but a sword"

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations"

Take this cup of wine and drink it, ALL OF YOU. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant.

"Just art thou, in these thy judgments, thou Holy One who art and wast; For they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink."

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Common? Not at all.

It is one of the defining qualities of the Messiah to destroy the nations with a sword. Jeremiah 25:15-38 parallels the so called "great commission" to spread the gospel among all the nations beginning in Jerusalem. Jesus praying in the garden of Gethsemane for "this cup to pass him by" shows that Jesus did not want to curse the nations, it was the will of God, so he did it.

"I have not come to bring peace but a sword"

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations"

Take this cup of wine and drink it, ALL OF YOU. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant.

"Just art thou, in these thy judgments, thou Holy One who art and wast; For they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink."

They accused Jesus of blaspheme because he claimed he was God.

Bend your knee to the one who never corrected people for treating Him as if He were God (Matthew 26:63-65, John 19:7-10).

#ThisIsWhatWinningLooksLike :)
They accused Jesus of blaspheme because he claimed he was God.

like you, they falsely accused Jesus of claiming to be God specifically to discredit him so people would dismiss his revelation from God out of hand as the drunken hubris of a raving lunatic.

Because it threatened their smooth and easy lives fleecing the downtrodden and brainwashed who were being deliberately kept in the dark about the hidden meaning of the Divine commands.

Of the appointment of 'presbyters'

"When these men have undergone, with blamelessness of conduct, a two year preparation in the fundamentals of the community, they shall be segregated as especially sacred among the formal members of the community. Any knowledge which the expositor of the law may posses but which may have to remain arcane to the ordinary layman, he shall not keep hidden from them; for in their case there need be no fear that it might induce apostasy."

Of religious discussion.

No one is to engage in discussion or disputation with men of ill repute; and in the company of froward men everyone is to abstain from talk about (keep hidden) the meaning of the Law.

Dead Sea scrolls, Manual of discipline
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like you, they falsely accused Jesus of claiming to be God specifically to discredit him so people would dismiss his revelation from God out of hand as the drunken hubris of a raving lunatic.

Because it threatened their smooth and easy lives fleecing the downtrodden and brainwashed who were being deliberately kept in the dark about the hidden meaning of the Divine commands.

Of the appointment of 'presbyters'

"When these men have undergone, with blamelessness of conduct, a two year preparation in the fundamentals of the community, they shall be segregated as especially sacred among the formal members of the community. Any knowledge which the expositor of the law may posses but which may have to remain arcane to the ordinary layman, he shall not keep hidden from them; for in their case there need be no fear that it might induce apostasy."

Of religious discussion.

No one is to engage in discussion or disputation with men of ill repute; and in the company of froward men everyone is to abstain from talk about (keep hidden) the meaning of the Law.

Dead Sea scrolls, Manual of discipline
They most certainly did accuse Jesus of blaspheme because he made that claim repeatedly. Maybe learn to read.

Bend your knee to the one who claimed to have descended from heaven (John 3:13).

#TheBeatingYouAreTakingIsLegendary :lol:
They most certainly did accuse Jesus of blaspheme because he made that claim repeatedly. Maybe learn to read.

you like they are proven liars, they murdered jesus same as the parenthetical claim presently being made - or have anyone in writing, written by jesus for such a claim ...

a stone tablet or clay pottery not written in the 4th century made during the time of the events - only their book of forgeries and fallacies the christian bible, religion of servitude and denial written by the crucifiers themselves. bing.
They most certainly did accuse Jesus of blaspheme because he made that claim repeatedly.
Like I said, they deliberately accused him of claiming to be God because they failed, like you, to comprehend the simple meaning behind sayings like "If you have seen me you have seen the Father, the Father and I are one", etc., because they were embarrassed and confounded by his teaching that he received from God. They like you were denied comprehension by the Father.

"No one comes to the Father except through me", meaning without understanding the teaching of Jesus, the messiah, a man, and acting on it, no one can stand in the presence of the Father.
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Bend your knee to the one who claimed to have descended from heaven (John 3:13).
You dipshits couldn't "beguile" me when I was a child. What chance do you think you have now?
You are an actor and lying fraud whose vile and degrading religious practices are an abomination

God did not create man to kneel. Stand up and walk UPRIGHT, like a man, is what Jesus said to the lost, the dead. Jesus never said to anyone bend your knee to me, scumbag. That would be the Antichrist whose mark is on the middle of your forehead, like Satan's indelible signature, a giant black thumbprint, your sin is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field.

I came down from heaven too, the upper upper class, to mend your rotten ways. You may live out the rest of your days on your knees, but for some mysterious reason I don't care. Many will come to believe in my God as Jesus emerges from the clouds that have obscured him from sight for 1000's of years as they watch you descend further and further into the abyss, by choice, to the astonishment and horror of all who see it, giving thanks to my God that they have been spared.

You have your maudlin beliefs, that God became an innocent little baby boy wearing diapers on Christmas morning only to be reviled, rejected, and crucified as a "perfect human sacrifice" so that "believers" who celebrate his death and eat him in the form of a lifeless matzo made by human hands can sin with impunity for life because he loved the Roman world so very much. :crying:

You claim to be happy with your choice to defy the law of God every Sunday. So fuck off. Loser.
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