Where & How Does Romney Make up the Ground?

Romney's biggest problem is his approval among women and Latinos. He currently has an 18 point deficit among women compared with Obama, and according to a recent poll, his approval among Latinos is at 14%. McCain got 31% of the Latino vote, and we all know how that election worked out for him. There is no way that Romney can gain enough of the Latino vote to close that astronomically huge gap. He's also not helping himself by saying millions of undocumented Latinos should "self-deport", and that he would veto the DREAM Act if he were POTUS.
Probably one of the biggest mistakes democrats are making is to continually attack Romney's religion. I hope they keep doing it. For one thing, it makes clear that democrats really do have a war on religion.

Please point out where Democrats have attacked his whacky religion.


Well, there's this guy:


Oh wait, he's a Republican. He's also now backing Romney despite calling Mormonism a cult. Like a lot of the extreme right, he's a hypocrite.

Pastor Who Called Mormonism a Cult Now Backs Romney

Robert Jeffress, the Dallas megachurch pastor who caused a media firestorm last fall when he said Christians should not support Mitt Romney because Mormonism is a cult, has endorsed Romney.

"I haven't changed my tune. In fact, I never said Christians should not vote for Mitt Romney. When I talked about his theology, I was answering a question about theology. And I still maintain there are vast differences in theology between Mormons and Christians, but we do share many of the same values, like the sanctity of life and religious freedom," Jeffress said Sunday on Fox News' "Fox and Friends."
Probably one of the biggest mistakes democrats are making is to continually attack Romney's religion. I hope they keep doing it. For one thing, it makes clear that democrats really do have a war on religion.

Please point out where Democrats have attacked his whacky religion.


Well, there's this guy:


Oh wait, he's a Republican. He's also now backing Romney despite calling Mormonism a cult. Like a lot of the extreme right, he's a hypocrite.

Pastor Who Called Mormonism a Cult Now Backs Romney

Robert Jeffress, the Dallas megachurch pastor who caused a media firestorm last fall when he said Christians should not support Mitt Romney because Mormonism is a cult, has endorsed Romney.

"I haven't changed my tune. In fact, I never said Christians should not vote for Mitt Romney. When I talked about his theology, I was answering a question about theology. And I still maintain there are vast differences in theology between Mormons and Christians, but we do share many of the same values, like the sanctity of life and religious freedom," Jeffress said Sunday on Fox News' "Fox and Friends."

If someone asked me if I like liver...I would say I hate it.

If that same person found me starving to death and all that was available to eat was liver....would he call me a hypocrite for eating it?

Come on...you are WAY to good for that partisan crap. Well...at least you were when you started posting on this site.
Romney's biggest problem is his approval among women and Latinos. He currently has an 18 point deficit among women compared with Obama, and according to a recent poll, his approval among Latinos is at 14%. McCain got 31% of the Latino vote, and we all know how that election worked out for him. There is no way that Romney can gain enough of the Latino vote to close that astronomically huge gap. He's also not helping himself by saying millions of undocumented Latinos should "self-deport", and that he would veto the DREAM Act if he were POTUS.

I think these are both big problems.

But I think the thing is, the reasons he prevailed in the primaries won't work for him in the general.

He was able to win because he was about to massively outspend weak opponents with horribly negative ads the media was unwilling to call him on.

This simply won't be the case in November.

Obama will have just as much money, will be a formidable candidate, and if Romney tries going negative, the Media will call him out. This "I had no idea what my PAC was doing" isn't going to fly.
Who says Mitts down by 10 points??

If it some poll then forget it. Polls have to many variable to be precise in any way. They go up and then they go down. Aint worth shit in my book. Barry will lead one week and Romney the next.

I think Romney can beat Barry but its not gonna be by a landslide. Of course I could be wrong and hope I am.

He's only up by 10 points or more in enough states to give him 240 (not enough to win) but he's up by 6 points or more (I used that cutoff because that's well outside the polling margin for error) in enough states to give hime 309 (which is more than enough to win).

And I use RCP polling averages (as linked above) to balance out poll biases.

But yeah, I agree 100% in that Romney certainly CAN win and that the polls are likely to move around. What I'm looking for are some opinoins on WHAT needs to happen for Romney so those numbers start skewing more in his favor. It seems that by simply reporting the poll averages as they stand offends some people??????

Thanks for the clarificatioin.

What needs to happen is once Mitt gets the nomination he needs to go after Barry. He has loads of ammo.

Once its between Mitt and Barry then you will see how Mitt can make up ground.

Anyone but a brain dead Obamabot knows this guy has done a lousy job as POTUS.

Well ... it wasn't really a clarification, I just restated exactly what I said the in the original post. I'm glad you got it this time. You know it is just as easy for people who disagree with you to say "Anyone but a brain dead Boehner worshipper knows Obama has done an excellent job as president." Statements like that really don't add much to a conversation.
Romney's biggest problem is his approval among women and Latinos. He currently has an 18 point deficit among women compared with Obama, and according to a recent poll, his approval among Latinos is at 14%. McCain got 31% of the Latino vote, and we all know how that election worked out for him. There is no way that Romney can gain enough of the Latino vote to close that astronomically huge gap. He's also not helping himself by saying millions of undocumented Latinos should "self-deport", and that he would veto the DREAM Act if he were POTUS.

Well his overall approval rating of 35% or so looks problamatic. Especially since he hasn't been through a general election. I mean what are people responding negatively to? What have they seen that they don't like?

Obama's apporval ratings certainly indicate that he's vulnerable. But Romney's approval ratings don't seem to indicate that he's in a very good position to capitalize on that - yet. As I said this things are apt to change and shift around.

But if the election were held today - the poll averages indicate it would go 332 - 206 Obama. Not as big as the 365/173 he had in 2008.
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Romney will certainly can ground if he will simply state, "We win in Afghanistan, and I will bring the troops home."

He can also add that he will make the rebuilding of our devastated ARNG and USAR one of the major goals of his administration plus increase VA benefits for our men and women who have served.

I'm just wondering how Mr. "Hid in France during Vietnam" is going to really instill military confidence.

Fact is, most Americans don't think Afghanistan is worth it. Not at this point. Nor is it winnable. So if he's going to try to run on the "we need to win" platform, he's pretty much out of touch.

Being on a mission for his church, kid, is not hiding in France. On the rest of it you agree with me good other than "we need to win" is not what I said. It is what you said.

I simply said he should say, "We win and we are bringing our troops home."

You have trouble with declarative sentence, no biggy because you are nearing eighty.
romney's biggest problem is his approval among women and latinos. He currently has an 18 point deficit among women compared with obama.
That is not funny, because it is true. He needs to chop that down to 5 to 6% by election time. He is very fortunate that his wife Ann is so formidable as well as likeable.

Don't believe every outlier poll which does not release methodology that you see.
romney's biggest problem is his approval among women and latinos. He currently has an 18 point deficit among women compared with obama.
That is not funny, because it is true. He needs to chop that down to 5 to 6% by election time. He is very fortunate that his wife Ann is so formidable as well as likeable.

Unleash Ann - win over women. I think that's a pretty good idea. Right now, the latest poll on her favoribility shows her + 21 and 39% said they didn't know enough about her to say. As she gets more and more exposure, if she can hold that margin - or even build on it - I think she could be a powerful assest.
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That is not funny, because it is true. He needs to chop that down to 5 to 6% by election time. He is very fortunate that his wife Ann is so formidable as well as likeable.

Don't believe every outlier poll which does not release methodology that you see.

You sound like the liberals with that silly comment. One reads all the polls paying particular attention to realclearpolitics.com.

Please don't sound like Dick tuck.
I think that is probably true before Ann appeared at the NRA, which was solid ground for MR.

So at least a negative 15%, which I think she will chip into quite a bit by September. I hope so.
That is not funny, because it is true. He needs to chop that down to 5 to 6% by election time. He is very fortunate that his wife Ann is so formidable as well as likeable.

Don't believe every outlier poll which does not release methodology that you see.

You sound like the liberals with that silly comment. One reads all the polls paying particular attention to realclearpolitics.com.

Please don't sound like Dick tuck.

You know - I really encourage people to view the information they receive critically. Yeah - kick the tires, check under the hood ... but to dismiss information just because it doesn't support your personal preferences, well ... I don't think that produces an informed electorate and I don't think it helps you in mapping out a strategy to achieve partisan goals either.
Romney's at 14% with Hispanic voters. McCain got 31% and still lost.

Romney will flip flop on pretty much every hardline rightwing immigration position he's taken in the past,

and in fact has already started. Last night Maddow played a clip of him denying he ever said the Arizona immigration law should be a model for the country, and then played a prior clip of him saying just that.
Romeny will have to speak more to get elected.

That means he will have to flip flop and lie to pander to the rest of the country which is not tea party nutters.

He is toast and the republican base is to blame
Don't believe every outlier poll which does not release methodology that you see.

You sound like the liberals with that silly comment. One reads all the polls paying particular attention to realclearpolitics.com.

Please don't sound like Dick tuck.

You know - I really encourage people to view the information they receive critically. Yeah - kick the tires, check under the hood ... but to dismiss information just because it doesn't support your personal preferences, well ... I don't think that produces an informed electorate and I don't think it helps you in mapping out a strategy to achieve partisan goals either.

Another swallower of the '18 point down' Leftist goo, I see.

Dem Gender Gap Claims are Bogus! Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert! at DickMorris.com

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