Where is an example of Trump's negotiation skills

Trump keeps telling us that he is the best deal maker of modern history.

All the trade agreements made by the US in the pasty 40 years were done by idiots who got duped.

Every negotiator from the 6 countries that negotiated the Iran deal, did the worst deal in history.

The Trumpettes cheer this line of happy horse shit.

We know that several of his business deals Trump has made, were reneged by Trump.

We know Trump U was a fraud.

We know he constantly lies.

Trump pulled out of the TPP, China tyook our place &those country made am agreement. Trump negotiated the US being on the outside instead of being a leader in that agreement.

So, where is an example of an agreement he has negotiated on the level of these trade deals?

Look at NK. Trump thinks this is something new. They are working the exact same scam that they did with Clinton, Bush & Obama. Give me money or I will make a nuclear weapon / delivery system. Clinton did it. NK eventually reneged & Bush played hasrd ball, NK got its nuke, then Bush did it, NK reneged under Obama & Obama did it.
Now NK is doing it to Trump. Trump is giving NK its place on the world stage. In the end, NK will promise, Trump will give. In 6 years, prepare for a repeat. Trump will think he won.

So, examples please.

Has Trump negotiated any trade deals? Agreements with other countries? Any agreements that Trump did not personally gain?

Get back to us when Trump sells off 20% of our uranium.

You stupid ignorant uneducated lying dumbass.

Russians bought controlling interest in Uranium One - a CANADIAN Company.

This is how fucking stupid you people are. That Uranium was already owned by the evil socialists Canadians.

Stupid fucking asshole.
Do you really expect these idiots to learn? They’re ineducable. Notice how not one can name a single deal he’s made with another country; despite running on the platform of being the world’s greatest deal maker.

You're right, but we couldn't find a crap community organizer that wanted to make crap deals.
De Nero said what half the country thinks ,last night
Trump keeps telling us that he is the best deal maker of modern history.

All the trade agreements made by the US in the pasty 40 years were done by idiots who got duped.

Every negotiator from the 6 countries that negotiated the Iran deal, did the worst deal in history.

The Trumpettes cheer this line of happy horse shit.

We know that several of his business deals Trump has made, were reneged by Trump.

We know Trump U was a fraud.

We know he constantly lies.

Trump pulled out of the TPP, China tyook our place &those country made am agreement. Trump negotiated the US being on the outside instead of being a leader in that agreement.

So, where is an example of an agreement he has negotiated on the level of these trade deals?

Look at NK. Trump thinks this is something new. They are working the exact same scam that they did with Clinton, Bush & Obama. Give me money or I will make a nuclear weapon / delivery system. Clinton did it. NK eventually reneged & Bush played hasrd ball, NK got its nuke, then Bush did it, NK reneged under Obama & Obama did it.
Now NK is doing it to Trump. Trump is giving NK its place on the world stage. In the end, NK will promise, Trump will give. In 6 years, prepare for a repeat. Trump will think he won.

So, examples please.

Has Trump negotiated any trade deals? Agreements with other countries? Any agreements that Trump did not personally gain?

Get back to us when Trump sells off 20% of our uranium.

You stupid ignorant uneducated lying dumbass.

Russians bought controlling interest in Uranium One - a CANADIAN Company.

This is how fucking stupid you people are. That Uranium was already owned by the evil socialists Canadians.

Stupid fucking asshole.
Do you really expect these idiots to learn? They’re ineducable. Notice how not one can name a single deal he’s made with another country; despite running on the platform of being the world’s greatest deal maker.

You're right, but we couldn't find a crap community organizer that wanted to make crap deals.
That’s too bad because the last community organizer ended a recession, turned 10% unemployment to 4.8% and tripled the stock market.

And doubled our debt, made a number of crap deals, released five jailed Taliban leaders for a trader, allowed Syria’s civil war and suffering to drag on unchallenged, placed a number of regulations on small businesses.....dumbass.
Trump keeps telling us that he is the best deal maker of modern history.

All the trade agreements made by the US in the pasty 40 years were done by idiots who got duped.

Every negotiator from the 6 countries that negotiated the Iran deal, did the worst deal in history.

The Trumpettes cheer this line of happy horse shit.

We know that several of his business deals Trump has made, were reneged by Trump.

We know Trump U was a fraud.

We know he constantly lies.

Trump pulled out of the TPP, China tyook our place &those country made am agreement. Trump negotiated the US being on the outside instead of being a leader in that agreement.

So, where is an example of an agreement he has negotiated on the level of these trade deals?

Look at NK. Trump thinks this is something new. They are working the exact same scam that they did with Clinton, Bush & Obama. Give me money or I will make a nuclear weapon / delivery system. Clinton did it. NK eventually reneged & Bush played hasrd ball, NK got its nuke, then Bush did it, NK reneged under Obama & Obama did it.
Now NK is doing it to Trump. Trump is giving NK its place on the world stage. In the end, NK will promise, Trump will give. In 6 years, prepare for a repeat. Trump will think he won.

So, examples please.

Has Trump negotiated any trade deals? Agreements with other countries? Any agreements that Trump did not personally gain?

Get back to us when Trump sells off 20% of our uranium.

You stupid ignorant uneducated lying dumbass.

Russians bought controlling interest in Uranium One - a CANADIAN Company.

This is how fucking stupid you people are. That Uranium was already owned by the evil socialists Canadians.

Stupid fucking asshole.
Do you really expect these idiots to learn? They’re ineducable. Notice how not one can name a single deal he’s made with another country; despite running on the platform of being the world’s greatest deal maker.

You're right, but we couldn't find a crap community organizer that wanted to make crap deals.
De Nero said what half the country thinks ,last night

Who the hell cares what De Nero has to say.
Get back to us when Trump sells off 20% of our uranium.

You stupid ignorant uneducated lying dumbass.

Russians bought controlling interest in Uranium One - a CANADIAN Company.

This is how fucking stupid you people are. That Uranium was already owned by the evil socialists Canadians.

Stupid fucking asshole.
Do you really expect these idiots to learn? They’re ineducable. Notice how not one can name a single deal he’s made with another country; despite running on the platform of being the world’s greatest deal maker.

You're right, but we couldn't find a crap community organizer that wanted to make crap deals.
That’s too bad because the last community organizer ended a recession, turned 10% unemployment to 4.8% and tripled the stock market.

And doubled our debt, made a number of crap deals, released five jailed Taliban leaders for a trader, allowed Syria’s civil war and suffering to drag on unchallenged, placed a number of regulations on small businesses.....dumbass.
Bush also doubled our debt only he left us with the worst economy we’ve had in generations, with negative 8% GDP and 700,000 losing their jobs in a month, plus a war he started against a country which had not attacked us nor possessed the stockpiles of WMD over which Bush wrongly invaded and failed to protect us from terrorists hijacking 4 planes in a single morning to be used as missiles.

I’ll take the community organizer any day over a disasterous conservative like that.
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Get back to us when Trump sells off 20% of our uranium.

You stupid ignorant uneducated lying dumbass.

Russians bought controlling interest in Uranium One - a CANADIAN Company.

This is how fucking stupid you people are. That Uranium was already owned by the evil socialists Canadians.

Stupid fucking asshole.
Do you really expect these idiots to learn? They’re ineducable. Notice how not one can name a single deal he’s made with another country; despite running on the platform of being the world’s greatest deal maker.

You're right, but we couldn't find a crap community organizer that wanted to make crap deals.
De Nero said what half the country thinks ,last night

Who the hell cares what De Nero has to say.
For one, all the folks who were cheering wildly for him. See my tag line for an example of said cheering.
You stupid ignorant uneducated lying dumbass.

Russians bought controlling interest in Uranium One - a CANADIAN Company.

This is how fucking stupid you people are. That Uranium was already owned by the evil socialists Canadians.

Stupid fucking asshole.
Do you really expect these idiots to learn? They’re ineducable. Notice how not one can name a single deal he’s made with another country; despite running on the platform of being the world’s greatest deal maker.

You're right, but we couldn't find a crap community organizer that wanted to make crap deals.
That’s too bad because the last community organizer ended a recession, turned 10% unemployment to 4.8% and tripled the stock market.

And doubled our debt, made a number of crap deals, released five jailed Taliban leaders for a trader, allowed Syria’s civil war and suffering to drag on unchallenged, placed a number of regulations on small businesses.....dumbass.
Bush also doubled our debt only he left us with the worst economy we’ve had in generations, with negative 8% GDP and 700,000 losing their jobs in a month, plus a war he started against a country which had not attacked us nor possessed the stockpiles of WMD over which Bush wrongly invaded.

I’ll take the community organizer any day over a disasterous conservative like that.

National Debt has increased more under Obama than under Bush
You stupid ignorant uneducated lying dumbass.

Russians bought controlling interest in Uranium One - a CANADIAN Company.

This is how fucking stupid you people are. That Uranium was already owned by the evil socialists Canadians.

Stupid fucking asshole.
Do you really expect these idiots to learn? They’re ineducable. Notice how not one can name a single deal he’s made with another country; despite running on the platform of being the world’s greatest deal maker.

You're right, but we couldn't find a crap community organizer that wanted to make crap deals.
De Nero said what half the country thinks ,last night

Who the hell cares what De Nero has to say.
For one, all the folks who were cheering wildly for him. See my tag line for an example of said cheering.

Yup, and a few of those cheering were running wildly down the street chasing the Hillary Scooby-Van not too long ago.
'Where is an example of Trump's negotiation skills'

Americans held abroad returned home without having to pay RANSOMS

Companies bringing home jobs to the US & Lowering Taxes, resulting in:

- More jobs / full-time jobs for Americans

- Higher wages

- Bonuses

- Best economy since the 1960s/70s

- Lowest Unemployment in decades

- Lowest black unemployment 'ever'

- Record Stock Market Numbers

- High Home Values

- Record fewest people on Un-Employment, Welfare, Food Stamps

- Clinton/Bush/Obama helped GIVE North Korea nuclear program with missile capability to reach Americans with their nukes - Trump negotiated NK Leader's declaration he will dismantle their nuclear weapons program

- 1st time NK President has left NK - initiated by the President's negotiations

- Peace Talks w/NK President with potential nuclear disarmament AND an official end of the Korean War a possibility... (Actually EARNING a Nobel Peace Prize - if all this happens and he actually is nominated/wins - unlike Barry)


'Nuff Said.

Do you really expect these idiots to learn? They’re ineducable. Notice how not one can name a single deal he’s made with another country; despite running on the platform of being the world’s greatest deal maker.

You're right, but we couldn't find a crap community organizer that wanted to make crap deals.
That’s too bad because the last community organizer ended a recession, turned 10% unemployment to 4.8% and tripled the stock market.

And doubled our debt, made a number of crap deals, released five jailed Taliban leaders for a trader, allowed Syria’s civil war and suffering to drag on unchallenged, placed a number of regulations on small businesses.....dumbass.
Bush also doubled our debt only he left us with the worst economy we’ve had in generations, with negative 8% GDP and 700,000 losing their jobs in a month, plus a war he started against a country which had not attacked us nor possessed the stockpiles of WMD over which Bush wrongly invaded.

I’ll take the community organizer any day over a disasterous conservative like that.

National Debt has increased more under Obama than under Bush

Bush ...... 85.6%
Obama ... 87.7%

And that’s directly attributable to the Great Recession dumped on us.
Do you really expect these idiots to learn? They’re ineducable. Notice how not one can name a single deal he’s made with another country; despite running on the platform of being the world’s greatest deal maker.

You're right, but we couldn't find a crap community organizer that wanted to make crap deals.
De Nero said what half the country thinks ,last night

Who the hell cares what De Nero has to say.
For one, all the folks who were cheering wildly for him. See my tag line for an example of said cheering.

Yup, and a few of those cheering were running wildly down the street chasing the Hillary Scooby-Van not too long ago.
You mean the van being driven by Robert Mueller?
I think it is a hoot and a half hearing these stupid Democrats make comments about Trump's negotiations.

These are the fucking idiots that never said a thing when their little affirmative action Negro Boy gave away the store to Iran, Cuba and everybody else and didn't do a damn thing about the trade imbalance or Korea.
'Where is an example of Trump's negotiation skills'

Americans held abroad returned home without having to pay RANSOMS

Companies bringing home jobs to the US & Lowering Taxes, resulting in:

- More jobs / full-time jobs for Americans

- Higher wages

- Bonuses

- Best economy since the 1960s/70s

- Lowest Unemployment in decades

- Lowest black unemployment 'ever'

- Record Stock Market Numbers

- High Home Values

- Record fewest people on Un-Employment, Welfare, Food Stamps

- Clinton/Bush/Obama helped GIVE North Korea nuclear program with missile capability to reach Americans with their nukes - Trump negotiated NK Leader's declaration he will dismantle their nuclear weapons program

- 1st time NK President has left NK - initiated by the President's negotiations

- Peace Talks w/NK President with potential nuclear disarmament AND an official end of the Korean War a possibility... (Actually EARNING a Nobel Peace Prize - if all this happens and he actually is nominated/wins - unlike Barry)


'Nuff Said.

Name one of those trends which didn’t begin before Trump became president....

Now ‘nuff has been said.
What did Barry Hussein ever negotiate? When we opened diplomatic relations with Cuba he didn't even have the guts to demand that convicted Cop killer Joanne Chesimard and about half a dozen other fugitive scum be returned to U.S. custody or that the Cuban regime release political prisoners. Hussein spent his eight years apologizing for American decadence and bowing down to every two bit dictator in the world.
I think it is a hoot and a half hearing these stupid Democrats make comments about Trump's negotiations.

These are the fucking idiots that never said a thing when their little affirmative action Negro Boy gave away the store to Iran, Cuba and everybody else and didn't do a damn thing about the trade imbalance or Korea.
Like always — poke a conservative, find a flaming racist ^^^
Trump keeps telling us that he is the best deal maker of modern history.

All the trade agreements made by the US in the pasty 40 years were done by idiots who got duped.

Every negotiator from the 6 countries that negotiated the Iran deal, did the worst deal in history.

The Trumpettes cheer this line of happy horse shit.

We know that several of his business deals Trump has made, were reneged by Trump.

We know Trump U was a fraud.

We know he constantly lies.

Trump pulled out of the TPP, China tyook our place &those country made am agreement. Trump negotiated the US being on the outside instead of being a leader in that agreement.

So, where is an example of an agreement he has negotiated on the level of these trade deals?

Look at NK. Trump thinks this is something new. They are working the exact same scam that they did with Clinton, Bush & Obama. Give me money or I will make a nuclear weapon / delivery system. Clinton did it. NK eventually reneged & Bush played hasrd ball, NK got its nuke, then Bush did it, NK reneged under Obama & Obama did it.
Now NK is doing it to Trump. Trump is giving NK its place on the world stage. In the end, NK will promise, Trump will give. In 6 years, prepare for a repeat. Trump will think he won.

So, examples please.

Has Trump negotiated any trade deals? Agreements with other countries? Any agreements that Trump did not personally gain?
He's working on it...he doesn't get tons of help.....man.....wait for the results.
I think it is a hoot and a half hearing these stupid Democrats make comments about Trump's negotiations.

These are the fucking idiots that never said a thing when their little affirmative action Negro Boy gave away the store to Iran, Cuba and everybody else and didn't do a damn thing about the trade imbalance or Korea.
Like always — poke a conservative, find a flaming racist ^^^
oh please the left makes statements like that.....just ask mia love or ben carson.
What did Barry Hussein ever negotiate? When we opened diplomatic relations with Cuba he didn't even have the guts to demand that convicted Cop killer Joanne Chesimard and about half a dozen other fugitive scum be returned to U.S. custody or that the Cuban regime release political prisoners. Hussein spent his eight years apologizing for American decadence and bowing down to every two bit dictator in the world.

That, to them, is leadership.
I think it is a hoot and a half hearing these stupid Democrats make comments about Trump's negotiations.

These are the fucking idiots that never said a thing when their little affirmative action Negro Boy gave away the store to Iran, Cuba and everybody else and didn't do a damn thing about the trade imbalance or Korea.
Like always — poke a conservative, find a flaming racist ^^^

I am not a racist Liberal that elected a racist asshole that attended a church for 20 years that preached hate against White and Jews, like you.
I think it is a hoot and a half hearing these stupid Democrats make comments about Trump's negotiations.

These are the fucking idiots that never said a thing when their little affirmative action Negro Boy gave away the store to Iran, Cuba and everybody else and didn't do a damn thing about the trade imbalance or Korea.
Like always — poke a conservative, find a flaming racist ^^^

I am not a racist Liberal that elected a racist asshole that attended a church for 20 years that preached hate against White and Jews, like you.
Go cry on someone else’s shoulder, ya flamin’ racist.
I think it is a hoot and a half hearing these stupid Democrats make comments about Trump's negotiations.

These are the fucking idiots that never said a thing when their little affirmative action Negro Boy gave away the store to Iran, Cuba and everybody else and didn't do a damn thing about the trade imbalance or Korea.
Like always — poke a conservative, find a flaming racist ^^^
oh please the left makes statements like that.....just ask mia love or ben carson.
I’ve seen this putz’s posts for years — he’s an unabashed racist.

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