Where is an example of Trump's negotiation skills

Trump keeps telling us that he is the best deal maker of modern history.

All the trade agreements made by the US in the pasty 40 years were done by idiots who got duped.

Every negotiator from the 6 countries that negotiated the Iran deal, did the worst deal in history.

The Trumpettes cheer this line of happy horse shit.

We know that several of his business deals Trump has made, were reneged by Trump.

We know Trump U was a fraud.

We know he constantly lies.

Trump pulled out of the TPP, China tyook our place &those country made am agreement. Trump negotiated the US being on the outside instead of being a leader in that agreement.

So, where is an example of an agreement he has negotiated on the level of these trade deals?

Look at NK. Trump thinks this is something new. They are working the exact same scam that they did with Clinton, Bush & Obama. Give me money or I will make a nuclear weapon / delivery system. Clinton did it. NK eventually reneged & Bush played hasrd ball, NK got its nuke, then Bush did it, NK reneged under Obama & Obama did it.
Now NK is doing it to Trump. Trump is giving NK its place on the world stage. In the end, NK will promise, Trump will give. In 6 years, prepare for a repeat. Trump will think he won.

So, examples please.

Has Trump negotiated any trade deals? Agreements with other countries? Any agreements that Trump did not personally gain?

Get back to us when Trump sells off 20% of our uranium.

You stupid ignorant uneducated lying dumbass.

Russians bought controlling interest in Uranium One - a CANADIAN Company.

This is how fucking stupid you people are. That Uranium was already owned by the evil socialists Canadians.

Stupid fucking asshole.

Dood, don't get your panties in a bunch.
The Clinton Foundation received millions from investors as Putin took over 20% of US uranium deposits
Most of the donations with links to anything Uranium were made by a man who had sold off his interest in Uranium One years prior.

Another lie from an uneducated dumbass. My God, get in formed or STFU.

Get back to us when you learn how to spell informed....dumbass.
It is a typo, asshole. Nice dodge though.

I have shoved everyone of your uranium posts down your throat.

Got any more lies?
All the trade agreements made by the US in the pasty 40 years were done by idiots who got duped.

Do you have any idea how much IP China has stolen from us? Look its not rocket science, other countries rip us off left and right and have for decades. President Trump promised to put a stop to this and bring our jobs back to the U.S.A. that's why America elected him president.
Wow, can you get any dumber?

China did not steal it. It was given to them. If you sell into China, you either give them the technology or you don;t sell it. It is a choice.
At what risk? It can always be reversed engineered.
It can always be reversed engineered.[

Not always. You can build in safeguards.
In addition. Mr Trump is putting America first which is un-negotiable


He is not putting America first. He is screwing America and you rubes are too stupid to see it.
How is he screwing America?

For starters starting a trade war that no one wins at.
In addition. Mr Trump is putting America first which is un-negotiable


He is not putting America first. He is screwing America and you rubes are too stupid to see it.
How is he screwing America?

For starters starting a trade war that no one wins at.
/——-/ you know ahead of time which trade wars are won and lost???? If so, you could make more money as an advisor that you make flipping burgers.
Won or lost, who suffers?
Who will suffer when Mexico & Canada put tariffs on US farm goods?
/——/ Canada and Mexico will suffer
President Trump negotiated an agreement with North Korea to release three prisoners who would have rotted away in gulags and he didn't even spend a dime. Barry Hussein showered Iran with billions of dollars in cash and we don't even know why. There's your difference in a nutshell.
Trump is turning Obamacare into a bigger disaster. That is why support is higher than it was before Trump took office. Now Trump attacks older people and people with pre-existing conditions by making it more difficult to get insurance.

The courts issued the ruling, not Trump.

The Trump DOJ says it will not defend the law so they are responsible as well. If it happens, it would be a Republican judge legislating from the bench. That is okay when it is something you like but it better not happen when it is something you don't like.
Isn't that what all you snowflake douchebags call "prosecutorial discretion?"

You are the snowflake douchebag. They know this is constitutional yet they are declaring it unconstitutional. Government has the right to regulate insurance companies. Your douchebag ass needs a good spanking.

I thought the courts were the ultimate authority on what is Constitutional. Are you saying Sessions should immediately deport all those so-called DACA kids?

The Supreme Court did not overturn the rulings on DACA so there must be some legal issues. I think these judges are helping Trump. To deport DACA recipients would be a political disaster for Trump. Obamacare is a losing issue for Republicans.
He is not putting America first. He is screwing America and you rubes are too stupid to see it.
How is he screwing America?

For starters starting a trade war that no one wins at.
He is not putting America first. He is screwing America and you rubes are too stupid to see it.
How is he screwing America?

For starters starting a trade war that no one wins at.
/——-/ you know ahead of time which trade wars are won and lost???? If so, you could make more money as an advisor that you make flipping burgers.
Won or lost, who suffers?
Who will suffer when Mexico & Canada put tariffs on US farm goods?
Mexico is not going to start a trade war with the U.S. They will be the biggest loser by far if that ever happens. The same goes for Canada.

We have a trade surplus with Canada. Kiss that goodbye. Americans will pay more if they are still available for Mexican fruits and vegetables. EVERYBODY LOSES.
Trump keeps telling us that he is the best deal maker of modern history.

All the trade agreements made by the US in the pasty 40 years were done by idiots who got duped.

Every negotiator from the 6 countries that negotiated the Iran deal, did the worst deal in history.

The Trumpettes cheer this line of happy horse shit.

We know that several of his business deals Trump has made, were reneged by Trump.

We know Trump U was a fraud.

We know he constantly lies.

Trump pulled out of the TPP, China tyook our place &those country made am agreement. Trump negotiated the US being on the outside instead of being a leader in that agreement.

So, where is an example of an agreement he has negotiated on the level of these trade deals?

Look at NK. Trump thinks this is something new. They are working the exact same scam that they did with Clinton, Bush & Obama. Give me money or I will make a nuclear weapon / delivery system. Clinton did it. NK eventually reneged & Bush played hasrd ball, NK got its nuke, then Bush did it, NK reneged under Obama & Obama did it.
Now NK is doing it to Trump. Trump is giving NK its place on the world stage. In the end, NK will promise, Trump will give. In 6 years, prepare for a repeat. Trump will think he won.

So, examples please.

Has Trump negotiated any trade deals? Agreements with other countries? Any agreements that Trump did not personally gain?

He's been very busy undoing all of Obama's ill advised EO's and dismantling the disaster called Obamacare


Trump is turning Obamacare into a bigger disaster. That is why support is higher than it was before Trump took office. Now Trump attacks older people and people with pre-existing conditions by making it more difficult to get insurance.

The courts issued the ruling, not Trump.

The Trump DOJ says it will not defend the law so they are responsible as well. If it happens, it would be a Republican judge legislating from the bench. That is okay when it is something you like but it better not happen when it is something you don't like.

In short, and I agree, you've called bripat9643 a hypocrite.
President Trump negotiated an agreement with North Korea to release three prisoners who would have rotted away in gulags and he didn't even spend a dime. Barry Hussein showered Iran with billions of dollars in cash and we don't even know why. There's your difference in a nutshell.

Obama gave Iran back their own money. It was theirs all along.
How is he screwing America?

For starters starting a trade war that no one wins at.
How is he screwing America?

For starters starting a trade war that no one wins at.
/——-/ you know ahead of time which trade wars are won and lost???? If so, you could make more money as an advisor that you make flipping burgers.
Won or lost, who suffers?
Who will suffer when Mexico & Canada put tariffs on US farm goods?
Mexico is not going to start a trade war with the U.S. They will be the biggest loser by far if that ever happens. The same goes for Canada.

We have a trade surplus with Canada. Kiss that goodbye. Americans will pay more if they are still available for Mexican fruits and vegetables. EVERYBODY LOSES.

Liberal traitors are free to move to Canada or Mexico, we don't need people like that in America.
Trump keeps telling us that he is the best deal maker of modern history.

All the trade agreements made by the US in the pasty 40 years were done by idiots who got duped.

Every negotiator from the 6 countries that negotiated the Iran deal, did the worst deal in history.

The Trumpettes cheer this line of happy horse shit.

We know that several of his business deals Trump has made, were reneged by Trump.

We know Trump U was a fraud.

We know he constantly lies.

Trump pulled out of the TPP, China tyook our place &those country made am agreement. Trump negotiated the US being on the outside instead of being a leader in that agreement.

So, where is an example of an agreement he has negotiated on the level of these trade deals?

Look at NK. Trump thinks this is something new. They are working the exact same scam that they did with Clinton, Bush & Obama. Give me money or I will make a nuclear weapon / delivery system. Clinton did it. NK eventually reneged & Bush played hasrd ball, NK got its nuke, then Bush did it, NK reneged under Obama & Obama did it.
Now NK is doing it to Trump. Trump is giving NK its place on the world stage. In the end, NK will promise, Trump will give. In 6 years, prepare for a repeat. Trump will think he won.

So, examples please.

Has Trump negotiated any trade deals? Agreements with other countries? Any agreements that Trump did not personally gain?

He's been very busy undoing all of Obama's ill advised EO's and dismantling the disaster called Obamacare


So he has negotiated nothing.

Tearing down is easy.
You are dead on! Obama tore down just about everything he could get away with thanks to useless bags of trash called liberals.

Examples? You got any?
You stains do not accept proof.
He is getting rid of all regulation even when it is necessary. All business has to do is say get rid of it and Republicans jump. When you have necessary regulation, Republicans are too busy sleeping to worry about it. Maybe we should put coal waste in their water since they are not concerned about it.
Name one necessary regulation Trump eliminated.

Coal waste runoff into rivers
Requiring financial advisors to take the best interests of their clients
Requiring airlines to disclose all fees associated with discount tickets
It's already illegal to allow coal waste to runoff into rivers.

You're naive if you think the government can force financial advisors not to do what is in their own best interests.

Passengers find out soon enough about any hidden fees. The word gets out fast. I've flown hundreds of thousands of miles and I never fly Spirit because I'm already aware of all the tricks they play with fees.

They an punish advisors who lie to their clients to take bad deals so they can profit more.

But you voted for a fraud & business cheat.
Lying to your clients is already against the law. It's called fraud.
Financial advisors give subjective opinions. Subjective opinions are not factual and objective based opinions.
Trump keeps telling us that he is the best deal maker of modern history.

All the trade agreements made by the US in the pasty 40 years were done by idiots who got duped.

Every negotiator from the 6 countries that negotiated the Iran deal, did the worst deal in history.

The Trumpettes cheer this line of happy horse shit.

We know that several of his business deals Trump has made, were reneged by Trump.

We know Trump U was a fraud.

We know he constantly lies.

Trump pulled out of the TPP, China tyook our place &those country made am agreement. Trump negotiated the US being on the outside instead of being a leader in that agreement.

So, where is an example of an agreement he has negotiated on the level of these trade deals?

Look at NK. Trump thinks this is something new. They are working the exact same scam that they did with Clinton, Bush & Obama. Give me money or I will make a nuclear weapon / delivery system. Clinton did it. NK eventually reneged & Bush played hasrd ball, NK got its nuke, then Bush did it, NK reneged under Obama & Obama did it.
Now NK is doing it to Trump. Trump is giving NK its place on the world stage. In the end, NK will promise, Trump will give. In 6 years, prepare for a repeat. Trump will think he won.

So, examples please.

Has Trump negotiated any trade deals? Agreements with other countries? Any agreements that Trump did not personally gain?

In his own failed businesses this is how Little Liar Donald did 'business'. Hire middle class contractors to do work on a property. Then don't pay them. They get angry and want to sue but he knows it will cost them more to sue to get paid than the amount of the bill he stiffed them for.

He thinks this is how business works. Worse he thinks this is how the world works and that other countries can be ignored or told what to do. Donald Trump is a worthless piece of shit who is the dear leader of a cult of people who pine for a surrogate daddy that is a worthless piece of shit.
/——/ a complete distortion but that’s the way you roll.

I don't believe Isaac Newton's post is a distortion, and your response does not prove otherwise. Trump's behavior suggests that is how he did his business, & based on how he runs foreign & domestic policy, and the Executive Branch, he remains disordered, confused and colored by a callous disregard for everyone.
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For starters starting a trade war that no one wins at.
For starters starting a trade war that no one wins at.
/——-/ you know ahead of time which trade wars are won and lost???? If so, you could make more money as an advisor that you make flipping burgers.
Won or lost, who suffers?
Who will suffer when Mexico & Canada put tariffs on US farm goods?
Mexico is not going to start a trade war with the U.S. They will be the biggest loser by far if that ever happens. The same goes for Canada.

We have a trade surplus with Canada. Kiss that goodbye. Americans will pay more if they are still available for Mexican fruits and vegetables. EVERYBODY LOSES.

Liberal traitors are free to move to Canada or Mexico, we don't need people like that in America.

Good luck with that, liberals are free to say what they want, express what they want, redress the government for their grievances and believe in a god or not. And it's none of you business; though, as a neo fascists I'm sure you feel it is you right to whine, piss and moan and hate everyone who disagrees with you. And that is about 300 million ++ American Citizens.
Trump keeps telling us that he is the best deal maker of modern history.

All the trade agreements made by the US in the pasty 40 years were done by idiots who got duped.

Every negotiator from the 6 countries that negotiated the Iran deal, did the worst deal in history.

The Trumpettes cheer this line of happy horse shit.

We know that several of his business deals Trump has made, were reneged by Trump.

We know Trump U was a fraud.

We know he constantly lies.

Trump pulled out of the TPP, China tyook our place &those country made am agreement. Trump negotiated the US being on the outside instead of being a leader in that agreement.

So, where is an example of an agreement he has negotiated on the level of these trade deals?

Look at NK. Trump thinks this is something new. They are working the exact same scam that they did with Clinton, Bush & Obama. Give me money or I will make a nuclear weapon / delivery system. Clinton did it. NK eventually reneged & Bush played hasrd ball, NK got its nuke, then Bush did it, NK reneged under Obama & Obama did it.
Now NK is doing it to Trump. Trump is giving NK its place on the world stage. In the end, NK will promise, Trump will give. In 6 years, prepare for a repeat. Trump will think he won.

So, examples please.

Has Trump negotiated any trade deals? Agreements with other countries? Any agreements that Trump did not personally gain?

In his own failed businesses this is how Little Liar Donald did 'business'. Hire middle class contractors to do work on a property. Then don't pay them. They get angry and want to sue but he knows it will cost them more to sue to get paid than the amount of the bill he stiffed them for.

He thinks this is how business works. Worse he thinks this is how the world works and that other countries can be ignored or told what to do. Donald Trump is a worthless piece of shit who is the dear leader of a cult of people who pine for a surrogate daddy that is a worthless piece of shit.
/——/ a complete distortion but that’s the way you roll.

I don't believe Isaac Newton's post is a distortion, and your response does not prove otherwise. Trump's behavior suggests that is how he did his business, & based on how he runs foreign & domestic policy, and the Executive Branch, he remains disordered, confused and colored by a callous disregard for everyone.
/——/ Obozo bent over and let foreigners screw us over. Trump defends American. Now deal with it
/——-/ you know ahead of time which trade wars are won and lost???? If so, you could make more money as an advisor that you make flipping burgers.
Won or lost, who suffers?
Who will suffer when Mexico & Canada put tariffs on US farm goods?
Mexico is not going to start a trade war with the U.S. They will be the biggest loser by far if that ever happens. The same goes for Canada.

We have a trade surplus with Canada. Kiss that goodbye. Americans will pay more if they are still available for Mexican fruits and vegetables. EVERYBODY LOSES.

Liberal traitors are free to move to Canada or Mexico, we don't need people like that in America.

Good luck with that, liberals are free to say what they want, express what they want, redress the government for their grievances and believe in a god or not. And it's none of you business; though, as a neo fascists I'm sure you feel it is you right to whine, piss and moan and hate everyone who disagrees with you. And that is about 300 million ++ American Citizens.
/—-/ Only Republicans are expected to STFU and take the crap you libtards dish out. Trump is kicking you in the nuts. Enjoy.
How is he screwing America?

For starters starting a trade war that no one wins at.
How is he screwing America?

For starters starting a trade war that no one wins at.
/——-/ you know ahead of time which trade wars are won and lost???? If so, you could make more money as an advisor that you make flipping burgers.
Won or lost, who suffers?
Who will suffer when Mexico & Canada put tariffs on US farm goods?
Mexico is not going to start a trade war with the U.S. They will be the biggest loser by far if that ever happens. The same goes for Canada.

We have a trade surplus with Canada. Kiss that goodbye. Americans will pay more if they are still available for Mexican fruits and vegetables. EVERYBODY LOSES.
/——-/ Bloomberg says not so fast: Trump May Actually Be Right About the Trade Deficit With Canada
Check out both sides of an issue, check out who is running things and there behavior, then decide how you lean on the major issues. if your not doing that you don't have enough information.
Trump keeps telling us that he is the best deal maker of modern history.

All the trade agreements made by the US in the pasty 40 years were done by idiots who got duped.

Every negotiator from the 6 countries that negotiated the Iran deal, did the worst deal in history.

The Trumpettes cheer this line of happy horse shit.

We know that several of his business deals Trump has made, were reneged by Trump.

We know Trump U was a fraud.

We know he constantly lies.

Trump pulled out of the TPP, China tyook our place &those country made am agreement. Trump negotiated the US being on the outside instead of being a leader in that agreement.

So, where is an example of an agreement he has negotiated on the level of these trade deals?

Look at NK. Trump thinks this is something new. They are working the exact same scam that they did with Clinton, Bush & Obama. Give me money or I will make a nuclear weapon / delivery system. Clinton did it. NK eventually reneged & Bush played hasrd ball, NK got its nuke, then Bush did it, NK reneged under Obama & Obama did it.
Now NK is doing it to Trump. Trump is giving NK its place on the world stage. In the end, NK will promise, Trump will give. In 6 years, prepare for a repeat. Trump will think he won.

So, examples please.

Has Trump negotiated any trade deals? Agreements with other countries? Any agreements that Trump did not personally gain?

He's been very busy undoing all of Obama's ill advised EO's and dismantling the disaster called Obamacare


Trump is turning Obamacare into a bigger disaster. That is why support is higher than it was before Trump took office. Now Trump attacks older people and people with pre-existing conditions by making it more difficult to get insurance.

The courts issued the ruling, not Trump.

The Trump DOJ says it will not defend the law so they are responsible as well. If it happens, it would be a Republican judge legislating from the bench. That is okay when it is something you like but it better not happen when it is something you don't like.

In short, and I agree, you've called bripat9643 a hypocrite.
Hmmm, no, the people that set the precedent and are now whining about it being employed are the hypocrites.
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President Trump negotiated an agreement with North Korea to release three prisoners who would have rotted away in gulags and he didn't even spend a dime. Barry Hussein showered Iran with billions of dollars in cash and we don't even know why. There's your difference in a nutshell.

Obama gave Iran back their own money. It was theirs all along.

They lost the right to that money when they committed acts of war on America.
How is he screwing America?

For starters starting a trade war that no one wins at.
How is he screwing America?

For starters starting a trade war that no one wins at.
/——-/ you know ahead of time which trade wars are won and lost???? If so, you could make more money as an advisor that you make flipping burgers.
Won or lost, who suffers?
Who will suffer when Mexico & Canada put tariffs on US farm goods?
Mexico is not going to start a trade war with the U.S. They will be the biggest loser by far if that ever happens. The same goes for Canada.

We have a trade surplus with Canada. Kiss that goodbye. Americans will pay more if they are still available for Mexican fruits and vegetables. EVERYBODY LOSES.

Trump will probably impose tariffs only on Mexican manufactured goods. You know, stuff that used to be manufactured in the United States before NAFTA, like cars and trucks.

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