Where is an example of Trump's negotiation skills

All the trade agreements made by the US in the pasty 40 years were done by idiots who got duped.

Do you have any idea how much IP China has stolen from us? Look its not rocket science, other countries rip us off left and right and have for decades. President Trump promised to put a stop to this and bring our jobs back to the U.S.A. that's why America elected him president.

What jobs?

So why is he hiring foreign workers? His hat MAGA, ties, socks etc etc etc. are made in China? Ivanka products are made solely from foreign countries.

Can you please explain that to us?
Trump keeps telling us that he is the best deal maker of modern history.

All the trade agreements made by the US in the pasty 40 years were done by idiots who got duped.

Every negotiator from the 6 countries that negotiated the Iran deal, did the worst deal in history.

The Trumpettes cheer this line of happy horse shit.

We know that several of his business deals Trump has made, were reneged by Trump.

We know Trump U was a fraud.

We know he constantly lies.

Trump pulled out of the TPP, China tyook our place &those country made am agreement. Trump negotiated the US being on the outside instead of being a leader in that agreement.

So, where is an example of an agreement he has negotiated on the level of these trade deals?

Look at NK. Trump thinks this is something new. They are working the exact same scam that they did with Clinton, Bush & Obama. Give me money or I will make a nuclear weapon / delivery system. Clinton did it. NK eventually reneged & Bush played hasrd ball, NK got its nuke, then Bush did it, NK reneged under Obama & Obama did it.
Now NK is doing it to Trump. Trump is giving NK its place on the world stage. In the end, NK will promise, Trump will give. In 6 years, prepare for a repeat. Trump will think he won.

So, examples please.

Has Trump negotiated any trade deals? Agreements with other countries? Any agreements that Trump did not personally gain?

Get back to us when Trump sells off 20% of our uranium.

You’ve been watching too much of Hannity.
Trump keeps telling us that he is the best deal maker of modern history.

All the trade agreements made by the US in the pasty 40 years were done by idiots who got duped.

Every negotiator from the 6 countries that negotiated the Iran deal, did the worst deal in history.

The Trumpettes cheer this line of happy horse shit.

We know that several of his business deals Trump has made, were reneged by Trump.

We know Trump U was a fraud.

We know he constantly lies.

Trump pulled out of the TPP, China tyook our place &those country made am agreement. Trump negotiated the US being on the outside instead of being a leader in that agreement.

So, where is an example of an agreement he has negotiated on the level of these trade deals?

Look at NK. Trump thinks this is something new. They are working the exact same scam that they did with Clinton, Bush & Obama. Give me money or I will make a nuclear weapon / delivery system. Clinton did it. NK eventually reneged & Bush played hasrd ball, NK got its nuke, then Bush did it, NK reneged under Obama & Obama did it.
Now NK is doing it to Trump. Trump is giving NK its place on the world stage. In the end, NK will promise, Trump will give. In 6 years, prepare for a repeat. Trump will think he won.

So, examples please.

Has Trump negotiated any trade deals? Agreements with other countries? Any agreements that Trump did not personally gain?

Get back to us when Trump sells off 20% of our uranium.

You stupid ignorant uneducated lying dumbass.

Russians bought controlling interest in Uranium One - a CANADIAN Company.

This is how fucking stupid you people are. That Uranium was already owned by the evil socialists Canadians.

Stupid fucking asshole.

Dood, don't get your panties in a bunch.
The Clinton Foundation received millions from investors as Putin took over 20% of US uranium deposits

I am very surprised that a veteran like you posting this nonsense. This has been debunked several times.

Just to give you a clue. I think (sarcastically) Trump is running the show. This is a very serious case. So why is he not instructed the DOJ to dig and investigate this nonsense uranium BS?
But Trump concentrated on emails.

You only hear this in Fox Hannity circus show. You don’t even hear this in any other parts of Fox News. None except in Hannity.
Trump keeps telling us that he is the best deal maker of modern history.

All the trade agreements made by the US in the pasty 40 years were done by idiots who got duped.

Every negotiator from the 6 countries that negotiated the Iran deal, did the worst deal in history.

The Trumpettes cheer this line of happy horse shit.

We know that several of his business deals Trump has made, were reneged by Trump.

We know Trump U was a fraud.

We know he constantly lies.

Trump pulled out of the TPP, China tyook our place &those country made am agreement. Trump negotiated the US being on the outside instead of being a leader in that agreement.

So, where is an example of an agreement he has negotiated on the level of these trade deals?

Look at NK. Trump thinks this is something new. They are working the exact same scam that they did with Clinton, Bush & Obama. Give me money or I will make a nuclear weapon / delivery system. Clinton did it. NK eventually reneged & Bush played hasrd ball, NK got its nuke, then Bush did it, NK reneged under Obama & Obama did it.
Now NK is doing it to Trump. Trump is giving NK its place on the world stage. In the end, NK will promise, Trump will give. In 6 years, prepare for a repeat. Trump will think he won.

So, examples please.

Has Trump negotiated any trade deals? Agreements with other countries? Any agreements that Trump did not personally gain?

Get back to us when Trump sells off 20% of our uranium.

You stupid ignorant uneducated lying dumbass.

Russians bought controlling interest in Uranium One - a CANADIAN Company.

This is how fucking stupid you people are. That Uranium was already owned by the evil socialists Canadians.

Stupid fucking asshole.

Dood, don't get your panties in a bunch.
The Clinton Foundation received millions from investors as Putin took over 20% of US uranium deposits

I am very surprised that a veteran like you posting this nonsense. This has been debunked several times.

Just to give you a clue. I think (sarcastically) Trump is running the show. This is a very serious case. So why is he not instructed the DOJ to dig and investigate this nonsense uranium BS?
But Trump concentrated on emails.

You only hear this in Fox Hannity circus show. You don’t even hear this in any other parts of Fox News. None except in Hannity.

How about, because the Obama administration left so much crap on the table. Everything in due time.
Trump showing the NFL the "proper" way to respect the flag.


It's supposed to be used for elevating murderous dictators.

My bad.
Trump keeps telling us that he is the best deal maker of modern history.

All the trade agreements made by the US in the pasty 40 years were done by idiots who got duped.

Every negotiator from the 6 countries that negotiated the Iran deal, did the worst deal in history.

The Trumpettes cheer this line of happy horse shit.

We know that several of his business deals Trump has made, were reneged by Trump.

We know Trump U was a fraud.

We know he constantly lies.

Trump pulled out of the TPP, China tyook our place &those country made am agreement. Trump negotiated the US being on the outside instead of being a leader in that agreement.

So, where is an example of an agreement he has negotiated on the level of these trade deals?

Look at NK. Trump thinks this is something new. They are working the exact same scam that they did with Clinton, Bush & Obama. Give me money or I will make a nuclear weapon / delivery system. Clinton did it. NK eventually reneged & Bush played hasrd ball, NK got its nuke, then Bush did it, NK reneged under Obama & Obama did it.
Now NK is doing it to Trump. Trump is giving NK its place on the world stage. In the end, NK will promise, Trump will give. In 6 years, prepare for a repeat. Trump will think he won.

So, examples please.

Has Trump negotiated any trade deals? Agreements with other countries? Any agreements that Trump did not personally gain?

Get back to us when Trump sells off 20% of our uranium.

You stupid ignorant uneducated lying dumbass.

Russians bought controlling interest in Uranium One - a CANADIAN Company.

This is how fucking stupid you people are. That Uranium was already owned by the evil socialists Canadians.

Stupid fucking asshole.

Dood, don't get your panties in a bunch.
The Clinton Foundation received millions from investors as Putin took over 20% of US uranium deposits

I am very surprised that a veteran like you posting this nonsense. This has been debunked several times.

Just to give you a clue. I think (sarcastically) Trump is running the show. This is a very serious case. So why is he not instructed the DOJ to dig and investigate this nonsense uranium BS?
But Trump concentrated on emails.

You only hear this in Fox Hannity circus show. You don’t even hear this in any other parts of Fox News. None except in Hannity.

How about, because the Obama administration left so much crap on the table. Everything in due time.
Like a better economy, lower unemployment, stable car companies and affordable insurance. Oh that Obama. Look at what he did.
Get back to us when Trump sells off 20% of our uranium.

You stupid ignorant uneducated lying dumbass.

Russians bought controlling interest in Uranium One - a CANADIAN Company.

This is how fucking stupid you people are. That Uranium was already owned by the evil socialists Canadians.

Stupid fucking asshole.

Dood, don't get your panties in a bunch.
The Clinton Foundation received millions from investors as Putin took over 20% of US uranium deposits

I am very surprised that a veteran like you posting this nonsense. This has been debunked several times.

Just to give you a clue. I think (sarcastically) Trump is running the show. This is a very serious case. So why is he not instructed the DOJ to dig and investigate this nonsense uranium BS?
But Trump concentrated on emails.

You only hear this in Fox Hannity circus show. You don’t even hear this in any other parts of Fox News. None except in Hannity.

How about, because the Obama administration left so much crap on the table. Everything in due time.
Like a better economy, lower unemployment, stable car companies and affordable insurance. Oh that Obama. Look at what he did.

Trump keeps telling us that he is the best deal maker of modern history.

All the trade agreements made by the US in the pasty 40 years were done by idiots who got duped.

Every negotiator from the 6 countries that negotiated the Iran deal, did the worst deal in history.

The Trumpettes cheer this line of happy horse shit.

We know that several of his business deals Trump has made, were reneged by Trump.

We know Trump U was a fraud.

We know he constantly lies.

Trump pulled out of the TPP, China tyook our place &those country made am agreement. Trump negotiated the US being on the outside instead of being a leader in that agreement.

So, where is an example of an agreement he has negotiated on the level of these trade deals?

Look at NK. Trump thinks this is something new. They are working the exact same scam that they did with Clinton, Bush & Obama. Give me money or I will make a nuclear weapon / delivery system. Clinton did it. NK eventually reneged & Bush played hasrd ball, NK got its nuke, then Bush did it, NK reneged under Obama & Obama did it.
Now NK is doing it to Trump. Trump is giving NK its place on the world stage. In the end, NK will promise, Trump will give. In 6 years, prepare for a repeat. Trump will think he won.

So, examples please.

Has Trump negotiated any trade deals? Agreements with other countries? Any agreements that Trump did not personally gain?

Get back to us when Trump sells off 20% of our uranium.

You stupid ignorant uneducated lying dumbass.

Russians bought controlling interest in Uranium One - a CANADIAN Company.

This is how fucking stupid you people are. That Uranium was already owned by the evil socialists Canadians.

Stupid fucking asshole.

Dood, don't get your panties in a bunch.
The Clinton Foundation received millions from investors as Putin took over 20% of US uranium deposits

I am very surprised that a veteran like you posting this nonsense. This has been debunked several times.

Just to give you a clue. I think (sarcastically) Trump is running the show. This is a very serious case. So why is he not instructed the DOJ to dig and investigate this nonsense uranium BS?
But Trump concentrated on emails.

You only hear this in Fox Hannity circus show. You don’t even hear this in any other parts of Fox News. None except in Hannity.

How about, because the Obama administration left so much crap on the table. Everything in due time.

Wow. Just fucking wow. Obama took office in the midst of the worse recession in 80 years, a near financial meltdown, a housing collapse, losing 800,000 jobs a month, n economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, two quagmire wars and deficits over a trillion, a plummeting stock market.

And poor widdle Doinnie is whining about the longest string of months with positive job growth, a growing economy, a shrinking deficit. Two major military conflicts ended & a path toward defeating ISIS in place.

In his fist 1 1/2 years, Obama passed the stimulus bill withing 4 weeks, passed the ACA in 2010, Killed Bin Laden, Started job growth, Turned around the economy, Creating jobs.

But poor poor poor Donnie had it soooooooo tough whaaa whaaa whaaa
Trump keeps telling us that he is the best deal maker of modern history.

All the trade agreements made by the US in the pasty 40 years were done by idiots who got duped.

Every negotiator from the 6 countries that negotiated the Iran deal, did the worst deal in history.

The Trumpettes cheer this line of happy horse shit.

We know that several of his business deals Trump has made, were reneged by Trump.

We know Trump U was a fraud.

We know he constantly lies.

Trump pulled out of the TPP, China tyook our place &those country made am agreement. Trump negotiated the US being on the outside instead of being a leader in that agreement.

So, where is an example of an agreement he has negotiated on the level of these trade deals?

Look at NK. Trump thinks this is something new. They are working the exact same scam that they did with Clinton, Bush & Obama. Give me money or I will make a nuclear weapon / delivery system. Clinton did it. NK eventually reneged & Bush played hasrd ball, NK got its nuke, then Bush did it, NK reneged under Obama & Obama did it.
Now NK is doing it to Trump. Trump is giving NK its place on the world stage. In the end, NK will promise, Trump will give. In 6 years, prepare for a repeat. Trump will think he won.

So, examples please.

Has Trump negotiated any trade deals? Agreements with other countries? Any agreements that Trump did not personally gain?

He's been very busy undoing all of Obama's ill advised EO's and dismantling the disaster called Obamacare


Successfully negotiated with Stormy Daniels.

Horny Daniels does not deserve any consideration. She has no credibility


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