Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

Who is responsible for those children being at our gates?
I don't give a damn, and nether does Jesus according to the book. He did not ask why they were naked, he command that you clothe them.

See, this is why you're a fraud. Take your jesus crap and shove it up your lying ass.

Jesus isn't crap in my hands, he's alive and deeply depressed by the people who claim he is Lord but don't do as he commanded.
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"Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked." Psalm 82:3-4 .

Matthew 27:5....Judas threw down the money and went and hanged himself.

Luke 10:37....Go and do likewise.


"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets."'

Christ taught love, giving and kindness, above all else. Loving thy neighbor is loving God.
Interesting how the godless subversives now try to blame GOD on the U.S. having immigration laws, and where is that SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE when it comes to this?.... I smell HYPOCRISY from the pond scum on the left!
Many Christian, unfortunately, will bow their heads in prayer tomorrow morning for the poor and the weak and the destitute and then during the week stand in front of buses full of scared children and damn them to hell.

I just do not know what drives many of my brothers and sisters.

What are you doing for them? Chanting how much you care, but you would never offer up your house or room to any of them.

Not in your little gated private community.

Why don't you tell us what you are doing.

You stupid fucking pawn for the democratic party. You piece of hypocritical shit.

You want to compare all of the good works Christians do in the world compared to you who does nothing for any of them anywhere?

Every last one of you are worthless sacks of utter shit.
Interesting how the godless subversives now try to blame GOD on the U.S. having immigration laws, and where is that SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE when it comes to this?.... I smell HYPOCRISY from the pond scum on the left!

They are on both sides of every issue. Hypocrites about everything. They are worthless.
I don't give a damn, and nether does Jesus according to the book. He did not ask why they were naked, he command that you clothe them.

See, this is why you're a fraud. Take your jesus crap and shove it up your lying ass.

Jesus isn't crap in my hands, he's alive and deeply depressed by the people who claim he is Lord but don't do as he commanded.

LOL. Tell us about the missing years. Where in the hell was he?
Many Christian, unfortunately, will bow their heads in prayer tomorrow morning for the poor and the weak and the destitute and then during the week stand in front of buses full of scared children and damn them to hell.

I just do not know what drives many of my brothers and sisters.

What are you doing for them? Chanting how much you care, but you would never offer up your house or room to any of them.

Not in your little gated private community.

Why don't you tell us what you are doing.

You stupid fucking pawn for the democratic party. You piece of hypocritical shit.

You want to compare all of the good works Christians do in the world compared to you who does nothing for any of them anywhere?

Every last one of you are worthless sacks of utter shit.

I tell you what I am not doing. I am not playing the Hypocrite and standing in front of a bus that is on the way to document them so they can sent back to their home country. Ignorance displayed in all its glory.
"Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked." Psalm 82:3-4 .

Matthew 27:5....Judas threw down the money and went and hanged himself.

Luke 10:37....Go and do likewise.


"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets."'

Christ taught love, giving and kindness, above all else. Loving thy neighbor is loving God.[/QUOTE]

Tell us all of the good works these liberals are doing. Can you name anything specific?

Want me to list things Christians are doing for the poor around the world? No?

Giggle away.
Many Christian, unfortunately, will bow their heads in prayer tomorrow morning for the poor and the weak and the destitute and then during the week stand in front of buses full of scared children and damn them to hell.

I just do not know what drives many of my brothers and sisters.

What are you doing for them? Chanting how much you care, but you would never offer up your house or room to any of them.

Not in your little gated private community.

Why don't you tell us what you are doing.

You stupid fucking pawn for the democratic party. You piece of hypocritical shit.

You want to compare all of the good works Christians do in the world compared to you who does nothing for any of them anywhere?

Every last one of you are worthless sacks of utter shit.

I tell you what I am not doing. I am not playing the Hypocrite and standing in front of a bus that is on the way to document them so they can sent back to their home country. Ignorance displayed in all its glory.

Fuck you, you fucking pawn. No country would allow it. Not one. None. You stupid fucking moron. You cannot even see this administration is doing this in an election year to edify the hispanic vote.


I am so sick of you pieces of shit doing nothing for anyone and attacking those that feed the poor every day around the world.

You are a worthless hack and a pawn for your democratic puppet masters.

Interesting how the godless subversives now try to blame GOD on the U.S. having immigration laws, and where is that SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE when it comes to this?.... I smell HYPOCRISY from the pond scum on the left!

What the state does is up to the state however if the Christians stand by the words of Jesus then nothing but compassion would be found for these kids, and that's simply not true.
Interesting how the godless subversives now try to blame GOD on the U.S. having immigration laws, and where is that SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE when it comes to this?.... I smell HYPOCRISY from the pond scum on the left!

What the state does is up to the state however if the Christians stand by the words of Jesus then nothing but compassion would be found for these kids, and that's simply not true.

As the ACA has proven Religion takes back seat to the law, and even when the court acknowledges that the law is written in contempt of religious Constitutional rights, it's decision is so NARROW as to make it virtually a continuing battle! We are in America where it is currently SEPARATION, not what religion dictates! .... Especially with a muslim, or muslim sympathizer, whichever you feel best fits, in charge!
Really? nice choice. Flag over human existence.
How utterly compassionate and christian of you.
Or is it more about your sacred Dollar!

Send them back to be with their families. Identify family that has already come here illegally and send them back too.

Keep families together in their home country. So far, Christian compassion is busy putting out the fire when the immigrants burn the American flag.

But yesterday, the news reported the ANTI immgration crowd spreading the flag over buses. Either 'side' a disgrace(.)
Matthew 27:5....Judas threw down the money and went and hanged himself.

Luke 10:37....Go and do likewise.


"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets."'

Christ taught love, giving and kindness, above all else. Loving thy neighbor is loving God.

Tell us all of the good works these liberals are doing. Can you name anything specific?

Want me to list things Christians are doing for the poor around the world? No?

Giggle away.[/QUOTE]

I am not giggling, I am a Christian, and know Christians who have devoted their lives to helping the poor around my area of the US, and in the world.
If we could be guaranteed that only liberal scum would help pay for the illegals and that they could never vote, then we would be all for them coming here and taking every fucking dime from you scum.
And why is it all of a sudden a CHRISTIAN VALUES thing, as I SMELL an ulterior motive, and lots of RELIGIOUS HATE along with the HYPOCRISY... and all promoted by MOSTLY GODLESS and ATHEIST pond scum..... Hmmmmm!!!!!
If we could be guaranteed that only liberal scum would help pay for the illegals and that they could never vote, then we would be all for them coming here and taking every fucking dime from you scum.

Oh, so you're really scared shitless about them voting? You should be, and you'll soon be the minority, whitey.

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