Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

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America's also a nation of LAWS.

Compassion goes out the window when the huddled masses carry shit like drug-resistant TB.

Even Jesus knew to keep the lepers out of the towns.

No, he didn't. He went to them , and healed them.

Well, there is something that you can do, Ask your buddy , Senator Reid (D-USSR) to ABOLISH THE WELFARE STATE,

Doing so will relieve taxpayers from a massive burden,

If we could be guaranteed that only liberal scum would help pay for the illegals and that they could never vote, then we would be all for them coming here and taking every fucking dime from you scum.

There are real Christians who follow the precepts of their religion and then there are hateful vermin who call themselves christian , you are "sir" are in the later category
If we could be guaranteed that only liberal scum would help pay for the illegals and that they could never vote, then we would be all for them coming here and taking every fucking dime from you scum.

Oh, so you're really scared shitless about them voting? You should be, and you'll soon be the minority, whitey.

How do you know the poster is white, you racist piece of shit.
Typical of an inferior breed....calling us crackers and whitey to make up for your pathetic state of life.

If we could be guaranteed that only liberal scum would help pay for the illegals and that they could never vote, then we would be all for them coming here and taking every fucking dime from you scum.

Oh, so you're really scared shitless about them voting? You should be, and you'll soon be the minority, whitey.
Guano....Shouldn't you be out licking the outhouse clean? It's Saturday night in Nor Carlina.....

If we could be guaranteed that only liberal scum would help pay for the illegals and that they could never vote, then we would be all for them coming here and taking every fucking dime from you scum.

There are real Christians who follow the precepts of their religion and then there are hateful vermin who call themselves christian , you are "sir" are in the later category
If we could be guaranteed that only liberal scum would help pay for the illegals and that they could never vote, then we would be all for them coming here and taking every fucking dime from you scum.

There are real Christians who follow the precepts of their religion and then there are hateful vermin who call themselves christian , you are "sir" are in the later category

Tell us who is a real Christian. Give us a name.
If we could be guaranteed that only liberal scum would help pay for the illegals and that they could never vote, then we would be all for them coming here and taking every fucking dime from you scum.

There are real Christians who follow the precepts of their religion and then there are hateful vermin who call themselves christian , you are "sir" are in the later category

And until you liberals stop slaughtering children in the womb, you do not get to call yourselves compassionate. Until you stop giving people free money and food and make them earn their way; stop perpetuating poverty, you do not get to call yourselves compassionate.
If we could be guaranteed that only liberal scum would help pay for the illegals and that they could never vote, then we would be all for them coming here and taking every fucking dime from you scum.
We'll trade. You pay for Defense and we'll pay for them. Okay?
If we could be guaranteed that only liberal scum would help pay for the illegals and that they could never vote, then we would be all for them coming here and taking every fucking dime from you scum.

There are real Christians who follow the precepts of their religion and then there are hateful vermin who call themselves christian , you are "sir" are in the later category

Tell us who is a real Christian. Give us a name.

The Pope is a decent start...
If we could be guaranteed that only liberal scum would help pay for the illegals and that they could never vote, then we would be all for them coming here and taking every fucking dime from you scum.
We'll trade. You pay for Defense and we'll pay for them. Okay?

You have to pay for defense. It's constitutional. Too bad. How does a country survive without military defense?
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really something when a Jew has to remind Christians of their scriptures

Matthew 6:34
"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. "So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

What Did Jesus Say About Worry?

Matthew 7:12
“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”

The Golden Rule

I am not rich, famous or beautiful, but I am one of us;- the human race God created! Therefore I ask you to treat me with dignity, and accept me as I am. I want to be accepted and loved. A kind encouraging word will give me confidence. If you treat me with courtesy, it will build my self-esteem. If our language is different, remember we all smile in the same way, and smiles become infectious. For some a smile may even break through their barrier of loneliness.

This is how I would like you to treat me. This is how I shall reach out to you. And who knows, we may even find a new friend, or build a bridge of understanding. The world needs that so much! What amazing practical wisdom we see in the words of Jesus.

Nell Hodgson

What Did Jesus Say? » 26. ?Treat Others As You Want Them To Treat You!? ? Jesus
If we could be guaranteed that only liberal scum would help pay for the illegals and that they could never vote, then we would be all for them coming here and taking every fucking dime from you scum.

Oh, so you're really scared shitless about them voting? should be, and you'll soon be the minority, whitey.

Well THANK YOU SQUAW, for finally OUTING you subversive pond scum as to it ONLY being about MINORITY VOTING IN YEARS TO COME AS MORE SCUMBAD SUBVERSIVES!!!

I knew if we waited long enough one of these brain dead morons would OUT the whole debacle, that those patriots, and decent citizens knew about from the start! Perhaps you should change your screen name to CHIEF SHOTHIMSELF!
If we could be guaranteed that only liberal scum would help pay for the illegals and that they could never vote, then we would be all for them coming here and taking every fucking dime from you scum.
We'll trade. You pay for Defense and we'll pay for them. Okay?

You have to pay for defense. It's constitutional. Too bad. How does a country survive without military defense?

News for you, if I pay for what I don't like, so do you...
really something when a Jew has to remind Christians of their scriptures

Matthew 6:34
"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. "So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

What Did Jesus Say About Worry?

Matthew 7:12
“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”

The Golden Rule

I am not rich, famous or beautiful, but I am one of us;- the human race God created! Therefore I ask you to treat me with dignity, and accept me as I am. I want to be accepted and loved. A kind encouraging word will give me confidence. If you treat me with courtesy, it will build my self-esteem. If our language is different, remember we all smile in the same way, and smiles become infectious. For some a smile may even break through their barrier of loneliness.

This is how I would like you to treat me. This is how I shall reach out to you. And who knows, we may even find a new friend, or build a bridge of understanding. The world needs that so much! What amazing practical wisdom we see in the words of Jesus.

Nell Hodgson

What Did Jesus Say? » 26. ?Treat Others As You Want Them To Treat You!? ? Jesus

The Old Testament remains part of the Bible. The Book of Pslams is known to many Christians. :eusa_angel:
really something when a Jew has to remind Christians of their scriptures

Matthew 6:34
"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. "So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

What Did Jesus Say About Worry?

Matthew 7:12
“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”

The Golden Rule

I am not rich, famous or beautiful, but I am one of us;- the human race God created! Therefore I ask you to treat me with dignity, and accept me as I am. I want to be accepted and loved. A kind encouraging word will give me confidence. If you treat me with courtesy, it will build my self-esteem. If our language is different, remember we all smile in the same way, and smiles become infectious. For some a smile may even break through their barrier of loneliness.

This is how I would like you to treat me. This is how I shall reach out to you. And who knows, we may even find a new friend, or build a bridge of understanding. The world needs that so much! What amazing practical wisdom we see in the words of Jesus.

Nell Hodgson

What Did Jesus Say? » 26. ?Treat Others As You Want Them To Treat You!? ? Jesus

The Old Testament remains part of the Bible. The Book of Pslams is known to many Christians. :eusa_angel:

Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience.

Romans 13:1-7.
M. Daniel Carroll R. (Rodas) is Distinguished Professor of (Old Testament) Jewish Sciptures at Denver Theological Seminary and author of Christians at the Border: Immigration, the Church, and the Bible.

The U.S.-Mexican Border in the San Diego-Tijuana area.
"What has been disconcerting to me is that all too often Christian responses in the United States to immigration are not different in any substantial way from the responses of those who do not profess the faith. Discussions tend to be limited to protecting national borders and “the American way of life.” There are complaints about the supposed economic costs brought on by added pressures to schools, hospitals, and law enforcement. These are legitimate issues, but there is no explicitly Christian orientation to the debate. If there is, it usually is limited to quoting the call (in Romans 13) to submit to the governing authorities.
What might a more fully biblically informed response to the immigration challenge look like? Where would it begin? The starting place of a discussion determines in large measure its tone and content. If we begin with Genesis 1 and the fact that all humans are created in the image of God with infinite worth and great potential, the debate will be quite different than what is witnessed now in media sound-bites. It will focus on persons with needs and gifts that can contribute to the common good, instead of taking a default negative defensive posture against newcomers in our midst." :eusa_whistle:
really something when a Jew has to remind Christians of their scriptures

Matthew 6:34
"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. "So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

What Did Jesus Say About Worry?

Matthew 7:12
“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”

The Golden Rule

I am not rich, famous or beautiful, but I am one of us;- the human race God created! Therefore I ask you to treat me with dignity, and accept me as I am. I want to be accepted and loved. A kind encouraging word will give me confidence. If you treat me with courtesy, it will build my self-esteem. If our language is different, remember we all smile in the same way, and smiles become infectious. For some a smile may even break through their barrier of loneliness.

This is how I would like you to treat me. This is how I shall reach out to you. And who knows, we may even find a new friend, or build a bridge of understanding. The world needs that so much! What amazing practical wisdom we see in the words of Jesus.

Nell Hodgson

What Did Jesus Say? » 26. ?Treat Others As You Want Them To Treat You!? ? Jesus

The Old Testament remains part of the Bible. The Book of Pslams is known to many Christians. :eusa_angel:

True, but Christians are not living under the OT law. Do you understand that the OT law given to Moses was fulfilled by Jesus. Do you understand what that means?

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