Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?


Pictures of minors, I do not even have them on my computer, two were children of a woman who helped my father after a car accident, the other, nephew & niece of my sister, by marriage. No photos, it happened.
(Vigilante wants a DNA test if I post I am female.):lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Come on Peach, there are MILLIONS of pictures of minors on the net and FACEBOOK, as long as you're doing NOTHING PERVERSE, there shouldn't be a problem.... But WE believe you!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Its an invasion of privacy, first; second, many photos I had burned in a fire in 2003. Lake City, Florida. I am not a "scrapbook" individual, cameras are complex in this time, and I do not handle machines well. Never could use a lawnmower correctly, my father said it scared him watching me; still have problems driving on Interstates. I admire those who can operate machines well, in particular, any human that can repair transmissions. Look elsewhere for photos . I can handle a curling iron.:D
Of course a piece of shit like you quotes someone from Guatemala. :eusa_whistle:

M. Daniel Carroll R. (Rodas) is Distinguished Professor of (Old Testament) Jewish Sciptures at Denver Theological Seminary and author of Christians at the Border: Immigration, the Church, and the Bible.

The U.S.-Mexican Border in the San Diego-Tijuana area.
"What has been disconcerting to me is that all too often Christian responses in the United States to immigration are not different in any substantial way from the responses of those who do not profess the faith. Discussions tend to be limited to protecting national borders and “the American way of life.” There are complaints about the supposed economic costs brought on by added pressures to schools, hospitals, and law enforcement. These are legitimate issues, but there is no explicitly Christian orientation to the debate. If there is, it usually is limited to quoting the call (in Romans 13) to submit to the governing authorities.
What might a more fully biblically informed response to the immigration challenge look like? Where would it begin? The starting place of a discussion determines in large measure its tone and content. If we begin with Genesis 1 and the fact that all humans are created in the image of God with infinite worth and great potential, the debate will be quite different than what is witnessed now in media sound-bites. It will focus on persons with needs and gifts that can contribute to the common good, instead of taking a default negative defensive posture against newcomers in our midst." :eusa_whistle:
M. Daniel Carroll R. (Rodas) is Distinguished Professor of (Old Testament) Jewish Sciptures at Denver Theological Seminary and author of Christians at the Border: Immigration, the Church, and the Bible.

The U.S.-Mexican Border in the San Diego-Tijuana area.
"What has been disconcerting to me is that all too often Christian responses in the United States to immigration are not different in any substantial way from the responses of those who do not profess the faith. Discussions tend to be limited to protecting national borders and “the American way of life.” There are complaints about the supposed economic costs brought on by added pressures to schools, hospitals, and law enforcement. These are legitimate issues, but there is no explicitly Christian orientation to the debate. If there is, it usually is limited to quoting the call (in Romans 13) to submit to the governing authorities.
What might a more fully biblically informed response to the immigration challenge look like? Where would it begin? The starting place of a discussion determines in large measure its tone and content. If we begin with Genesis 1 and the fact that all humans are created in the image of God with infinite worth and great potential, the debate will be quite different than what is witnessed now in media sound-bites. It will focus on persons with needs and gifts that can contribute to the common good, instead of taking a default negative defensive posture against newcomers in our midst." :eusa_whistle:

What's your point here? He doesn't speak for Christians.
M. Daniel Carroll R. (Rodas) is Distinguished Professor of (Old Testament) Jewish Sciptures at Denver Theological Seminary and author of Christians at the Border: Immigration, the Church, and the Bible.

The U.S.-Mexican Border in the San Diego-Tijuana area.
"What has been disconcerting to me is that all too often Christian responses in the United States to immigration are not different in any substantial way from the responses of those who do not profess the faith. Discussions tend to be limited to protecting national borders and “the American way of life.” There are complaints about the supposed economic costs brought on by added pressures to schools, hospitals, and law enforcement. These are legitimate issues, but there is no explicitly Christian orientation to the debate. If there is, it usually is limited to quoting the call (in Romans 13) to submit to the governing authorities.
What might a more fully biblically informed response to the immigration challenge look like? Where would it begin? The starting place of a discussion determines in large measure its tone and content. If we begin with Genesis 1 and the fact that all humans are created in the image of God with infinite worth and great potential, the debate will be quite different than what is witnessed now in media sound-bites. It will focus on persons with needs and gifts that can contribute to the common good, instead of taking a default negative defensive posture against newcomers in our midst." :eusa_whistle:

Newsflash guno, Jews don't believe in the New Testament, only the Old, aka the Torah. We are talking about two testaments not one, and an Old Testament theologian lacks credibility in New Testament theology.

If he is willing to dispense with one part of the Bible for another, he has rendered the entire book meaningless.
really something when a Jew has to remind Christians of their scriptures

Matthew 6:34
"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. "So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

What Did Jesus Say About Worry?

Matthew 7:12
“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”

The Golden Rule

I am not rich, famous or beautiful, but I am one of us;- the human race God created! Therefore I ask you to treat me with dignity, and accept me as I am. I want to be accepted and loved. A kind encouraging word will give me confidence. If you treat me with courtesy, it will build my self-esteem. If our language is different, remember we all smile in the same way, and smiles become infectious. For some a smile may even break through their barrier of loneliness.

This is how I would like you to treat me. This is how I shall reach out to you. And who knows, we may even find a new friend, or build a bridge of understanding. The world needs that so much! What amazing practical wisdom we see in the words of Jesus.

Nell Hodgson

What Did Jesus Say? » 26. ?Treat Others As You Want Them To Treat You!? ? Jesus

The Old Testament remains part of the Bible. The Book of Pslams is known to many Christians. :eusa_angel:

True, but Christians are not living under the OT law. Do you understand that the OT law given to Moses was fulfilled by Jesus. Do you understand what that means?

But you pick and chose what you quote from Jewish scipture
Pictures of minors, I do not even have them on my computer, two were children of a woman who helped my father after a car accident, the other, nephew & niece of my sister, by marriage. No photos, it happened.
(Vigilante wants a DNA test if I post I am female.):lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Come on Peach, there are MILLIONS of pictures of minors on the net and FACEBOOK, as long as you're doing NOTHING PERVERSE, there shouldn't be a problem.... But WE believe you!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Its an invasion of pricay, first; second, many photos I had burned in a fire in 2003. Lake City, Florida. I am not a "scrapbook" individual, cameras are complex in this time, and I do not handle machines well. Never could use a lawnmower correctly, my father said it scared him watching me; still have problems driving on Interstates. I admire those who can operate machines well, in particular, any human that can repair transmissions. Look elsewhere for photos . I can handle a curling iron.:D



Who gives a fuck what some Hispanic says about helping illegals invading this country.

Since they are possibly related to those people or just flat out biased for Hispanics, their opinion is shit.
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

So you're super worried about several thousand children whose parents sent them to the U.S. Ok, how about the hundreds of thousands of babies who are killed by elective abortion each year? Where's your compassion for them?

How about if we just start accepting children from all poor countries? Let's see, that would be along the lines of 10 to 15 million kids, at least.

You liberals just don't understand principle, do you? If we allow this wave of thousands of underage illegal immigrants, there will be more and more waves. Hundreds of schools and hospitals in areas with large numbers of illegals are already bursting at the seams and busting budgets. Where's you compassion for our laws, our schools, our hospitals, and the Americans who get short-changed by hospitals and schools being over-crowded?
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

We can't save the world.
If everyone who wanted to, moved to America, there would be no America to move to.

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Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants.

America's also a nation of LAWS.

America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?
Compassion goes out the window when the huddled masses carry shit like drug-resistant TB.

Even Jesus knew to keep the lepers out of the towns.

Yes because as everyone KNOWS Jesus was about national boarders an keeping brown people out of America. In all seriousness, there has to be another solution, if everyone tones down this nonsense
We want to reunite them with their families. How is it compassionate to keep them away from them in concentration camps?
This all gets back to liberal scum hating white people and this country in general. They want open borders so that "brown-skin" people from south of the border will overrun this country turning it into the cesspool they have created south of the US.

They believe somehow the invasion won't affect them kinda like how they thought obamacare won't affect them....
We want to reunite them with their families. How is it compassionate to keep them away from them in concentration camps?

Oh, how Christian of you. You want to reunite them with the hunger, poverty, and violence from which they fled. How compassionate of you.
Asswipe....strange I've been seeing the World Cup from Brasil and numerous Latin American teams playing in it......are they all starving to death? :cuckoo:

We want to reunite them with their families. How is it compassionate to keep them away from them in concentration camps?

Oh, how Christian of you. You want to reunite them with the hunger, poverty, and violence from which they fled. How compassionate of you.
We want to reunite them with their families. How is it compassionate to keep them away from them in concentration camps?

Oh, how Christian of you. You want to reunite them with the hunger, poverty, and violence from which they fled. How compassionate of you.

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

― Gandhi

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