Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

50 pages of liberals telling us they will do nothing for the illegals themselves while they accuse Christians of not doing anything for the illegals while Christians actually feed and clothe the illegals.

They are also stupid enough to not acknowledge they are used as pawns by the democrats in this election year in order to push the long tired narrative that republicans hate poor children that are not white.

This illegal action by the administration (endless illegal actions) done in order to edify the hispanic vote for November and it is that obvious. Of course the msm media falls right in line and reports the republicans are all mean, while no one on the left even attempts to let us which country in the world would allow this. None. Not one.

All of that does not matter. Anyone trying to link the Obama appointee Cecilia Munoz as head of the Domestic Policy Department who just so happened to be the senior vice president of the radical group National Council of La Raza? Rather crucial, is it not?

50 pages of seeing why we are so hopeless. Piece of shit, American hating assholes like paintmyhouse and the rest of them. It is becoming totally intolerable to see what these left wing schmucks are doing to this country with their perpetual false accusations as they cheer at our destruction.
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Whites have stolen everything they have. It's time to give some back.

Actually, Indians sold a lot of their land, like Manhattan, it was bought for some shiny trinkets. :D

That was only true in the European version of events.

Indian "ownership" of land has far different implications.

For the most part, Indians didn't believe they "owned" the land. They believed they were a part of it.

You survival of the fittest atheists certainly have selective observations.

While you are giving your land to one of these natives, why don't you contemplate how natives never had a word for wheel.

I will let that marinate and I will now see how you really do not believe in the survival of the fittest in the human species.

However, it does exist in every other one.


Anyone ever notice that liberals do nothing for anyone? They claim they love the poor illegals, but they would never give up one of their little rooms. They do not even lift a finger. Then you have these assholes that feign outrage over the word REDSKINS and claim how they much they hate the land was taken from the native, however you would never see these liberals give up their land to a native. Ever notice that?

Other than the systematic destruction of America, what do liberals stand for? Name it. I will show how they are hypocrites about everything.
So we're expected to believe that little 5 year old beaners walked BY THEMSELVES all the way from Central America? And their parents aren't just waiting inside Mehico to come up once their kids are accepted as landed illegals? Ok, ya sure.
Once again conservatives are shown for who they are.

They are ruthless and heartless and greedy.

As a result, I submit that the US government start sending the billions/trillions to the poor in Mexico. That way those poor people can be spared the dangerous journey across the border.

Are you going to volunteer to head down there and help out ?
Democrats want voters. Republicans want cheap labor. It ain't rocket science...

The difference is mom and pop Republicans are against illegal immigration, it's the Republican business owners that want the slave labor.

Dims and libs like you, on the other hand have no problem with illegals sneaking into our country.
Democrats want voters. Republicans want cheap labor. It ain't rocket science...

The difference is mom and pop Republicans are against illegal immigration, it's the Republican business owners that want the slave labor.

Dims and libs like you, on the other hand have no problem with illegals sneaking into our country.


the Ds and libs know poor illiterate non-English speakers will vote D...so all is good...in their simple minds...and consequences be damned.....

Even Lil' JoeyB has no problem with poor illiterate people flooding our nation, because they will not take HIS job...typical...it is all about their personal lives...but they will take poor American's jobs...more proof libs can't think logically.
Democrats want voters. Republicans want cheap labor. It ain't rocket science...

The difference is mom and pop Republicans are against illegal immigration, it's the Republican business owners that want the slave labor.

Dims and libs like you, on the other hand have no problem with illegals sneaking into our country.

How about those who are retired on a fixed income, how about the poor?

Where is the federal government that should be guarding our borders?

Damned right.

I could care less about a bunch of illegal children. They aren't the responsibility of anyone in the US.

As for our borders? Don't hold your breath. All those clowns in DC are angling for the Hispanic vote and could give shit one about how much these illegals cost the taxpayers of America.

The fence should have been built decades ago and any illegals caught should be on a three month work program here in the States. Work their asses off and then ship their asses home and shoot em if they try to cross again.

Shoot a few and the rest will get the picture.

Oh how Christian of you , You love jesus I bet, and wear a cross around your neck too :eusa_whistle:
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

And where are the charities? Republicans say charity not government should help the poor and needy. This is a great test to see how the charities of America respond in a crisis.

And I'm sorry people from South America, but you have to go die for your freedom. If a drug cartel guy owns your village, someone with no family needs to go take him and his entire crew out with a bomb or gun. Sure you will probably die too, but that's sometimes what you have to do for freedom. You don't just get to come here. We don't want you. Let the other south American countries manage the crisis, fight the drug cartels and YOU must be the front lines of this war just like Americans did in the war of Independence.
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

And where are the charities? Republicans say charity not government should help the poor and needy. This is a great test to see how the charities of America respond in a crisis.

And I'm sorry people from South America, but you have to go die for your freedom. If a drug cartel guy owns your village, someone with no family needs to go take him and his entire crew out with a bomb or gun. Sure you will probably die too, but that's sometimes what you have to do for freedom. You don't just get to come here. We don't want you. Let the other south American countries manage the crisis, fight the drug cartels and YOU must be the front lines of this war just like Americans did in the war of Independence.

Don't forget that Americans had a little help in their war of Independence...
Duh, they left home to escape hunger, poverty, and violence. You don't sound like a Christian.

Yep, that's what the coaches told them to say, they paid as much as $800.00 per head to get them here, that will buy allot of food in Honduras. Ever wonder where they got all the money to ship 60,000 across Mexico, paying food, transportation, bribes and other expenses. If you think a bunch of peasants put that together you're more delusional than most think you are.

That's what I'd like to know. Who is financing this fiasco ?

Me too and what braniac came up with this idea. An idea to dump busloads of illegals where they aren't wanted. Whoever it is should be fucking shot.
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

I'm sorry, just exactly what is your point?

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