Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

I'm sorry, just exactly what is your point?

I believe he/she thinks that as Christians we should ignore the rule of law.

I think they think even though Christians have been feeding the hungry and clothing the naked every day for 2000 years they are hypocrites even though the ones calling them hypocrites only think you are doing something for the poor if you demand the government do the works of charity rather than them.

I am not sure what else to make of this thread, other than that.
This trumps everything as this form of drug resistant TB has not been encountered here!

Immigration crisis: Tuberculosis spreading at camps

Immigration crisis: Tuberculosis spreading at camps | Fox News

Trust this. They will blame republicans for this.

They will use the cheap labor narrative.

Remember the morons on the left still think democrats are poor.

Of course they ignore the fact Nancy Pelosi (one of the richest politicans) hired illegals to work in her vineyards.
This trumps everything as this form of drug resistant TB has not been encountered here!

Immigration crisis: Tuberculosis spreading at camps

Immigration crisis: Tuberculosis spreading at camps | Fox News

Trust this. They will blame republicans for this.

They will use the cheap labor narrative.

Remember the morons on the left still think democrats are poor.

Of course they ignore the fact Nancy Pelosi (one of the richest politicans) hired illegals to work in her vineyards.

Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

You think it is not a Christian nation so why so two faced in even asking. You are the worse of the worse, you want to use religion as some sort of bludgeon to get your way. Well guess what, unless you do believe the US is a Christian nation STFU.
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

You think it is not a Christian nation so why so two faced in even asking. You are the worse of the worse, you want to use religion as some sort of bludgeon to get your way. Well guess what, unless you do believe the US is a Christian nation STFU.

Well, in truth, the irony is they know this is a Christian nation and that is the MAIN REASON they hate it with the passion they do.

Which, makes it even more insidious how they use the Bible and verses in it where they feel it suits them. They then ignore all of the places it clearly says homosexuality is an abomination.

I say, every last left wing godless, feckless hypocrite are the personification of abomination itself.

They stand for nothing. They shift like the sands of Egypt. They are the wolves in sheeps clothing. They are the seducers of minds. They are....the anti-Christs.

Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

You think it is not a Christian nation so why so two faced in even asking. You are the worse of the worse, you want to use religion as some sort of bludgeon to get your way. Well guess what, unless you do believe the US is a Christian nation STFU.

Well, in truth, the irony is they know this is a Christian nation and that is the MAIN REASON they hate it with the passion they do.

Which, makes it even more insidious how they use the Bible and verses in it where they feel it suits them. They then ignore all of the places it clearly says homosexuality is an abomination.

I say, every last left wing godless, feckless hypocrite are the personification of abomination itself.

They stand for nothing. They shift like the sands of Egypt. They are the wolves in sheeps clothing. They are the seducers of minds. They are....the anti-Christs.


Holy shit. Whoa, there, fella. I dislike leftists too, but I am not going to bring toads raining down on them and otherwise get all biblical about it. You sound like you are about to fucking snap. Tonight may be a good night to send the kids away.


Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

You think it is not a Christian nation so why so two faced in even asking. You are the worse of the worse, you want to use religion as some sort of bludgeon to get your way. Well guess what, unless you do believe the US is a Christian nation STFU.

The Squaw is a lying mother fucker as he's already admitted, he doesn't give a shit about the kids, only the VOTES they represent!

So my understanding of your post is, if the kid is from Mexico FUCK HIM, but if from Central America he's OK to stay! Is that correct?

Read the fucking law, sparky. It's in my signature below.

So you don't care a fuck about the children, do you Tonto, the big fucking liberal could care less UNLESS it works for his subversive goals! The law hasn't been followed PERIOD, and one STOPPED at the border is to be turned around and denied access!...PERIOD

These children aren't sneaking in, they go straight to a border crossing!

BTW Tonto, do you know why it was written that way?
You think it is not a Christian nation so why so two faced in even asking. You are the worse of the worse, you want to use religion as some sort of bludgeon to get your way. Well guess what, unless you do believe the US is a Christian nation STFU.

Well, in truth, the irony is they know this is a Christian nation and that is the MAIN REASON they hate it with the passion they do.

Which, makes it even more insidious how they use the Bible and verses in it where they feel it suits them. They then ignore all of the places it clearly says homosexuality is an abomination.

I say, every last left wing godless, feckless hypocrite are the personification of abomination itself.

They stand for nothing. They shift like the sands of Egypt. They are the wolves in sheeps clothing. They are the seducers of minds. They are....the anti-Christs.


Holy shit. Whoa, there, fella. I dislike leftists too, but I am not going to bring toads raining down on them and otherwise get all biblical about it. You sound like you are about to fucking snap. Tonight may be a good night to send the kids away.


Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com


It is well beyond rage for me......
You think it is not a Christian nation so why so two faced in even asking. You are the worse of the worse, you want to use religion as some sort of bludgeon to get your way. Well guess what, unless you do believe the US is a Christian nation STFU.

Well, in truth, the irony is they know this is a Christian nation and that is the MAIN REASON they hate it with the passion they do.

Which, makes it even more insidious how they use the Bible and verses in it where they feel it suits them. They then ignore all of the places it clearly says homosexuality is an abomination.

I say, every last left wing godless, feckless hypocrite are the personification of abomination itself.

They stand for nothing. They shift like the sands of Egypt. They are the wolves in sheeps clothing. They are the seducers of minds. They are....the anti-Christs.


Holy shit. Whoa, there, fella. I dislike leftists too, but I am not going to bring toads raining down on them and otherwise get all biblical about it. You sound like you are about to fucking snap. Tonight may be a good night to send the kids away.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

He doesn't sound like he's about to snap, he sounds like he's really fed up with this shit and F&F, NSA, IRS, Benghazi, Trade 5 for 1, Forced Obumacare and all the other crimes and punishment these subversive scumbags in Wash. have put us through, and yet they still have these low 2 digit IQ's mother fuckers, here and on other forums beating their gums about how good this cock sucker in the WH is....just put the TRUTH in the back of your mind when one gets his rage on....

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Let's hear the ways your life is being negatively impacted by these people.

Have a good long slurp of Mr. Clean and see what just one person thinks...I know, it's only one, but fairly accurate, better than government work!

Taxes and Healthcare
Barack Obama has made it a cornerstone of his campaign to proclaim how he will give 95% of Americans a tax cut and how he will provide healthcare to those of us who do not have it. What he fails to explain is how those tax cuts are actually tax credits to Americans who do not pay taxes in the first place. That’s where his plan to spread the wealth comes in. He also fails to explain that small business owners will be forced to provide healthcare for their employees or pay a penalty for not doing so. I was speaking to the man who owns the business where I work and he says he has looked at the figures with his accountant and if Obama’s plan is put into effect, he will probably have to lay off at least three people to be able to meet the healthcare requirements and to pay for the extra 18% tax increase the business will see. Does that sound like it will help the economy to you? It sounds like a plan for disaster to me.

I know pro-life voters run the risk of being called one issue voters, but that is not the case. However, supporting life is very important to me and others. Despite John McCain’s support for stem cell research, he is entirely better than Barack Obama. On this issue, there is no comparison. Barack Obama is very much of a supporter of abortion rights, so much so that he has said his first act as President would be to push for passage of the Freedom Of Choice Act. What this legislation would do is to make Roe v. Wade the law of the land and repeal any restrictions on abortion, including late term abortion. This is more than supporting women’s rights, this is supporting the choice to murder an innocent human life, one that has to have someone speak for them. Not only that, but Obama also voted three separate times against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act and lied about his reasons for doing so. If a man or woman has so little regard for human life, they have no business in the White House.

You may ask the question, how much effect does the President actually have on this issue? Let’s think back to Mike Huckabee and what he planned to do. It was something we all applauded him for and that was to use the bully pulpit of the President to be able to speak directly to the American people. It is something that Ronald Reagan did with great impact and Mike Huckabee would have been able to do the same thing. If effect, it would have given pro-life causes the greatest spokesperson we could have ever hoped for. In regards to the abortion and pro-life issues, that is exactly the impact Barack Obama will have. If he wins this election, he will have access to that same bully pulpit and will no doubt use it to greatly effect negative change towards pro-life issues. The next President will also likely have the opportunity to appoint at least two justices to the Supreme Court and that will effect a host of issues itself.

2nd Amendment
Barack Obama’s record on the 2nd Amendment speaks for itself. He wants to proclaim how he is for the 2nd Amendment, but his voting record makes him out to be a liar. He has consistently voted for gun control and we all remember his statement about some of us bitter folk clinging to our God and our guns. What makes anyone think he will be any different as President is beyond me.

1st Amendment
Obama has also shown a high disregard for 1st Amendment rights. When he is faced with accusations about his voting record or his past associations, his first response is to threaten litigation against those who would dare question his record and his statements. Media outlets in Ohio and Missouri have been threatened with lawsuits if they didn’t stop running ads from the NRA that questioned his voting record. Instead of simply presenting his case to the American people, he instead resorts to using his money and his host of lawyers to prevent a message different than his own from even being broadcast. It looks like his idea of freedom of speech is freedom for himself and no one else.

I could go on for several more paragraphs about why I believe Barack Obama poses a very real danger to our country. My feelings about this have nothing to do with his name or his supposed Muslim faith. They do have everything to do with his record, his ideals, and his past associations with people of questionable character. We may have survived eight years of Bill Clinton, but I really believe our country may not survive even four years of Barack Obama. The threat he poses is very real and we need to consider it carefully.

And that was from 2008...only gotten worse, but you pond scum know that, that's why we on the right keep bitch slapping you idiots in here!
Last edited:
Let's hear the ways your life is being negatively impacted by these people.

Have a good long slurp of Mr. Clean and see what just one person thinks...I know, it's only one, but fairly accurate, better than government work!

Taxes and Healthcare
Barack Obama has made it a cornerstone of his campaign to proclaim how he will give 95% of Americans a tax cut and how he will provide healthcare to those of us who do not have it. What he fails to explain is how those tax cuts are actually tax credits to Americans who do not pay taxes in the first place. That’s where his plan to spread the wealth comes in. He also fails to explain that small business owners will be forced to provide healthcare for their employees or pay a penalty for not doing so. I was speaking to the man who owns the business where I work and he says he has looked at the figures with his accountant and if Obama’s plan is put into effect, he will probably have to lay off at least three people to be able to meet the healthcare requirements and to pay for the extra 18% tax increase the business will see. Does that sound like it will help the economy to you? It sounds like a plan for disaster to me.

I know pro-life voters run the risk of being called one issue voters, but that is not the case. However, supporting life is very important to me and others. Despite John McCain’s support for stem cell research, he is entirely better than Barack Obama. On this issue, there is no comparison. Barack Obama is very much of a supporter of abortion rights, so much so that he has said his first act as President would be to push for passage of the Freedom Of Choice Act. What this legislation would do is to make Roe v. Wade the law of the land and repeal any restrictions on abortion, including late term abortion. This is more than supporting women’s rights, this is supporting the choice to murder an innocent human life, one that has to have someone speak for them. Not only that, but Obama also voted three separate times against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act and lied about his reasons for doing so. If a man or woman has so little regard for human life, they have no business in the White House.

You may ask the question, how much effect does the President actually have on this issue? Let’s think back to Mike Huckabee and what he planned to do. It was something we all applauded him for and that was to use the bully pulpit of the President to be able to speak directly to the American people. It is something that Ronald Reagan did with great impact and Mike Huckabee would have been able to do the same thing. If effect, it would have given pro-life causes the greatest spokesperson we could have ever hoped for. In regards to the abortion and pro-life issues, that is exactly the impact Barack Obama will have. If he wins this election, he will have access to that same bully pulpit and will no doubt use it to greatly effect negative change towards pro-life issues. The next President will also likely have the opportunity to appoint at least two justices to the Supreme Court and that will effect a host of issues itself.

2nd Amendment
Barack Obama’s record on the 2nd Amendment speaks for itself. He wants to proclaim how he is for the 2nd Amendment, but his voting record makes him out to be a liar. He has consistently voted for gun control and we all remember his statement about some of us bitter folk clinging to our God and our guns. What makes anyone think he will be any different as President is beyond me.

1st Amendment
Obama has also shown a high disregard for 1st Amendment rights. When he is faced with accusations about his voting record or his past associations, his first response is to threaten litigation against those who would dare question his record and his statements. Media outlets in Ohio and Missouri have been threatened with lawsuits if they didn’t stop running ads from the NRA that questioned his voting record. Instead of simply presenting his case to the American people, he instead resorts to using his money and his host of lawyers to prevent a message different than his own from even being broadcast. It looks like his idea of freedom of speech is freedom for himself and no one else.

I could go on for several more paragraphs about why I believe Barack Obama poses a very real danger to our country. My feelings about this have nothing to do with his name or his supposed Muslim faith. They do have everything to do with his record, his ideals, and his past associations with people of questionable character. We may have survived eight years of Bill Clinton, but I really believe our country may not survive even four years of Barack Obama. The threat he poses is very real and we need to consider it carefully.

And that was from 2008...only gotten worse, but you pond scum know that, that's why we on the right keep bitch slapping you idiots in here!

These kids stuck down there at the border are doing all that to you?

My God, they must be powerful.
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

I'm sorry, just exactly what is your point?

I believe he/she thinks that as Christians we should ignore the rule of law.

Well I was curious if somehow the christians invited them. Seems that Mexico is as christian a nation as the US why are they exporting them?
Let's hear the ways your life is being negatively impacted by these people.

Have a good long slurp of Mr. Clean and see what just one person thinks...I know, it's only one, but fairly accurate, better than government work!

Taxes and Healthcare
Barack Obama has made it a cornerstone of his campaign to proclaim how he will give 95% of Americans a tax cut and how he will provide healthcare to those of us who do not have it. What he fails to explain is how those tax cuts are actually tax credits to Americans who do not pay taxes in the first place. That’s where his plan to spread the wealth comes in. He also fails to explain that small business owners will be forced to provide healthcare for their employees or pay a penalty for not doing so. I was speaking to the man who owns the business where I work and he says he has looked at the figures with his accountant and if Obama’s plan is put into effect, he will probably have to lay off at least three people to be able to meet the healthcare requirements and to pay for the extra 18% tax increase the business will see. Does that sound like it will help the economy to you? It sounds like a plan for disaster to me.

I know pro-life voters run the risk of being called one issue voters, but that is not the case. However, supporting life is very important to me and others. Despite John McCain’s support for stem cell research, he is entirely better than Barack Obama. On this issue, there is no comparison. Barack Obama is very much of a supporter of abortion rights, so much so that he has said his first act as President would be to push for passage of the Freedom Of Choice Act. What this legislation would do is to make Roe v. Wade the law of the land and repeal any restrictions on abortion, including late term abortion. This is more than supporting women’s rights, this is supporting the choice to murder an innocent human life, one that has to have someone speak for them. Not only that, but Obama also voted three separate times against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act and lied about his reasons for doing so. If a man or woman has so little regard for human life, they have no business in the White House.

You may ask the question, how much effect does the President actually have on this issue? Let’s think back to Mike Huckabee and what he planned to do. It was something we all applauded him for and that was to use the bully pulpit of the President to be able to speak directly to the American people. It is something that Ronald Reagan did with great impact and Mike Huckabee would have been able to do the same thing. If effect, it would have given pro-life causes the greatest spokesperson we could have ever hoped for. In regards to the abortion and pro-life issues, that is exactly the impact Barack Obama will have. If he wins this election, he will have access to that same bully pulpit and will no doubt use it to greatly effect negative change towards pro-life issues. The next President will also likely have the opportunity to appoint at least two justices to the Supreme Court and that will effect a host of issues itself.

2nd Amendment
Barack Obama’s record on the 2nd Amendment speaks for itself. He wants to proclaim how he is for the 2nd Amendment, but his voting record makes him out to be a liar. He has consistently voted for gun control and we all remember his statement about some of us bitter folk clinging to our God and our guns. What makes anyone think he will be any different as President is beyond me.

1st Amendment
Obama has also shown a high disregard for 1st Amendment rights. When he is faced with accusations about his voting record or his past associations, his first response is to threaten litigation against those who would dare question his record and his statements. Media outlets in Ohio and Missouri have been threatened with lawsuits if they didn’t stop running ads from the NRA that questioned his voting record. Instead of simply presenting his case to the American people, he instead resorts to using his money and his host of lawyers to prevent a message different than his own from even being broadcast. It looks like his idea of freedom of speech is freedom for himself and no one else.

I could go on for several more paragraphs about why I believe Barack Obama poses a very real danger to our country. My feelings about this have nothing to do with his name or his supposed Muslim faith. They do have everything to do with his record, his ideals, and his past associations with people of questionable character. We may have survived eight years of Bill Clinton, but I really believe our country may not survive even four years of Barack Obama. The threat he poses is very real and we need to consider it carefully.

And that was from 2008...only gotten worse, but you pond scum know that, that's why we on the right keep bitch slapping you idiots in here!

These kids stuck down there at the border are doing all that to you?

My God, they must be powerful.

Ah, you got me, I didn't notice the THESE PEOPLE....How about that TB and other disease thing...waiting for an epidemic? Or the $2 BILLION tax payer money to ship them around?....you get the drift!
Let's hear the ways your life is being negatively impacted by these people.

Have a good long slurp of Mr. Clean and see what just one person thinks...I know, it's only one, but fairly accurate, better than government work!

Taxes and Healthcare
Barack Obama has made it a cornerstone of his campaign to proclaim how he will give 95% of Americans a tax cut and how he will provide healthcare to those of us who do not have it. What he fails to explain is how those tax cuts are actually tax credits to Americans who do not pay taxes in the first place. That’s where his plan to spread the wealth comes in. He also fails to explain that small business owners will be forced to provide healthcare for their employees or pay a penalty for not doing so. I was speaking to the man who owns the business where I work and he says he has looked at the figures with his accountant and if Obama’s plan is put into effect, he will probably have to lay off at least three people to be able to meet the healthcare requirements and to pay for the extra 18% tax increase the business will see. Does that sound like it will help the economy to you? It sounds like a plan for disaster to me.

I know pro-life voters run the risk of being called one issue voters, but that is not the case. However, supporting life is very important to me and others. Despite John McCain’s support for stem cell research, he is entirely better than Barack Obama. On this issue, there is no comparison. Barack Obama is very much of a supporter of abortion rights, so much so that he has said his first act as President would be to push for passage of the Freedom Of Choice Act. What this legislation would do is to make Roe v. Wade the law of the land and repeal any restrictions on abortion, including late term abortion. This is more than supporting women’s rights, this is supporting the choice to murder an innocent human life, one that has to have someone speak for them. Not only that, but Obama also voted three separate times against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act and lied about his reasons for doing so. If a man or woman has so little regard for human life, they have no business in the White House.

You may ask the question, how much effect does the President actually have on this issue? Let’s think back to Mike Huckabee and what he planned to do. It was something we all applauded him for and that was to use the bully pulpit of the President to be able to speak directly to the American people. It is something that Ronald Reagan did with great impact and Mike Huckabee would have been able to do the same thing. If effect, it would have given pro-life causes the greatest spokesperson we could have ever hoped for. In regards to the abortion and pro-life issues, that is exactly the impact Barack Obama will have. If he wins this election, he will have access to that same bully pulpit and will no doubt use it to greatly effect negative change towards pro-life issues. The next President will also likely have the opportunity to appoint at least two justices to the Supreme Court and that will effect a host of issues itself.

2nd Amendment
Barack Obama’s record on the 2nd Amendment speaks for itself. He wants to proclaim how he is for the 2nd Amendment, but his voting record makes him out to be a liar. He has consistently voted for gun control and we all remember his statement about some of us bitter folk clinging to our God and our guns. What makes anyone think he will be any different as President is beyond me.

1st Amendment
Obama has also shown a high disregard for 1st Amendment rights. When he is faced with accusations about his voting record or his past associations, his first response is to threaten litigation against those who would dare question his record and his statements. Media outlets in Ohio and Missouri have been threatened with lawsuits if they didn’t stop running ads from the NRA that questioned his voting record. Instead of simply presenting his case to the American people, he instead resorts to using his money and his host of lawyers to prevent a message different than his own from even being broadcast. It looks like his idea of freedom of speech is freedom for himself and no one else.

I could go on for several more paragraphs about why I believe Barack Obama poses a very real danger to our country. My feelings about this have nothing to do with his name or his supposed Muslim faith. They do have everything to do with his record, his ideals, and his past associations with people of questionable character. We may have survived eight years of Bill Clinton, but I really believe our country may not survive even four years of Barack Obama. The threat he poses is very real and we need to consider it carefully.

And that was from 2008...only gotten worse, but you pond scum know that, that's why we on the right keep bitch slapping you idiots in here!

These kids stuck down there at the border are doing all that to you?

My God, they must be powerful.

Hey Mr Clean, you should really stop acting like you are not ignorant.

These figures from 2010.

The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on U.S. Taxpayers (2010)

Executive Summary

This report estimates the annual costs of illegal immigration at the federal, state and local level to be about $113 billion; nearly $29 billion at the federal level and $84 billion at the state and local level. The study also estimates tax collections from illegal alien workers, both those in the above-ground economy and those in the underground economy. Those receipts do not come close to the level of expenditures and, in any case, are misleading as an offset because over time unemployed and underemployed U.S. workers would replace illegal alien workers.
Key Findings

Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level. The bulk of the costs — some $84 billion — are absorbed by state and local governments.

The annual outlay that illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers is an average amount per native-headed household of $1,117. The fiscal impact per household varies considerably because the greatest share of the burden falls on state and local taxpayers whose burden depends on the size of the illegal alien population in that locality
Education for the children of illegal aliens constitutes the single largest cost to taxpayers, at an annual price tag of nearly $52 billion. Nearly all of those costs are absorbed by state and local governments.

At the federal level, about one-third of outlays are matched by tax collections from illegal aliens. At the state and local level, an average of less than 5 percent of the public costs associated with illegal immigration is recouped through taxes collected from illegal aliens.

Most illegal aliens do not pay income taxes. Among those who do, much of the revenues collected are refunded to the illegal aliens when they file tax returns. Many are also claiming tax credits resulting in payments from the U.S. Treasury.

With many state budgets in deficit, policymakers have an obligation to look for ways to reduce the fiscal burden of illegal migration. California, facing a budget deficit of $14.4 billion in 2010-2011, is hit with an estimated $21.8 billion in annual expenditures on illegal aliens. New York’s $6.8 billion deficit is smaller than its $9.5 billion in yearly illegal alien costs.

The report examines the likely consequences if an amnesty for the illegal alien population were adopted similar to the one adopted in 1986. The report notes that while tax collections from the illegal alien population would likely increase only marginally, the new legal status would make them eligible for receiving Social Security retirement benefits that would further jeopardize the future of the already shaky system. An amnesty would also result in this large population of illegal aliens becoming eligible for numerous social assistance programs available for low-income populations for which they are not now eligible. The overall result would, therefore, be an accentuation of the already enormous fiscal burden.

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