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Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

You keep making that claim, but refuse to show how you have been friendly to them.
Instead, you demand others kick in a larger portion of their labor to subsidize your benevolence and call those that freely give of their resources, selfish. Your logic is seriously flawed, my friend.

There are many chuches, not "liberal", that are concerned for children, from anywhere. The broad brush of liberal/conservarive is just that-too broad.

PS: I am female Vigilante, and breathing.:D

Perhaps, or a TRANNY!:D

Careful about dissing those trannies. The first ho is a tranny.
We have allot of compassion for them, they need to be home with their parents and we should make that happen as soon as possible.

Duh, they left home to escape hunger, poverty, and violence. You don't sound like a Christian.

Really laki......you believe that bull shit? How did they get here with no money? Who provided these poor innocent children (mostly 17+ year olds, my Dad signed up with the Army Air Corps at 17 to go to war) a way to trace through Mexico and over a thousand miles to our border. Why didn't they stay in Spanish speaking Mexico? Better yet, why didn't they head south to Chile, why were they brought here.

Hint...... an asshole pretending to be a president and his blow buddy attorney general.
There are many chuches, not "liberal", that are concerned for children, from anywhere. The broad brush of liberal/conservarive is just that-too broad.

PS: I am female Vigilante, and breathing.:D

Perhaps, or a TRANNY!:D

Where I send the DNA test? :eusa_whistle:

If you indeed take care of them yourself, then I have to say thank you. Well done.

However, what is going on on the border with these children on buses coming over in an organized manner, is nothing more than a political move done by this administration for political expediency in this election year.


I hope you are not denying this. It is the truth, and the left wingers (most of them) are nothing but dirty hypocritical pawns for this democratic party who is using their heart strings to gain power.

Meanwhile, we do not see this type of stuff going in any other country. No other country, none, would tolerate this. Not one.

Are you going to at least admit what is going on here has nothing to do with the care of the children and this administration is using their suffering for political gain?

Just like he has done with our troop numbers, and the reason why he chose to abandon the 4 in Benghazi and the reason they lied about the reason it happened.

All of them are political criminals, manipulating the masses to expand power and keep power. All to the loud cheers of the ignorant sheep who cannot tell their ass from their elbow and never have anything original to say other than democratic talking points as put out by the praetorian media that pushes their socialist political agenda.
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Sure you are so...."compassionate"....it resonates across this country from your type.
Those that need some help or have struggled are scum to you and you know it quite well.
Why, because they want your "money" which you cannot equate to something else.
You are such a phony with your "christian compassionate" B*ll Sh*t.
We all know the depth of which you have compassion.

Where is the federal government that should be guarding our borders?

I don't know, but what about those compassionate Christians? Where are they?

us compassionate Christians, want those kids sent back to their country of origin to be reunited with their families and loved ones, why do you disagree with that ?

you liberfucks are supposed to be so compassionate and loving of your fellow human, is it possible you could take in a few until their loving family can be located, surely you can find a little good ness in your heart to house, feed and make sure their health needs are taken care of..., couldn't you do that ?
The leftist racist Obama creates a mess on taxpayers doorstep and his useful idiots demand Christian compassion. Con game by sick creatures for a sick agenda. Shame on you.
Really? nice choice. Flag over human existence.
How utterly compassionate and christian of you.
Or is it more about your sacred Dollar!

Send them back to be with their families. Identify family that has already come here illegally and send them back too.

Keep families together in their home country. So far, Christian compassion is busy putting out the fire when the immigrants burn the American flag.

You know what Hispanics say about Americans? "Fuck you and fuck America."

not according to these "bleeding" heart idiots... they're all just innocent people looking for a new life and if American citizens are against illegal immigration, YOU ARE CALLED all kinds of cute names and accused of having no compassion...

where is all their compassion for those 55MILLON potential citizens of this country that were, ABORTED
MANY OF THESE you can watch
What you dont quite understand is....you are the ones flaunting your "christian beliefs":eusa_liar: and compassion all over yourselves and those that are stupid enough to believe you.

Yeah your friendly enough to teach them to be queer, maybe get a sex change. Teach them to mooch off the system. That it is also okay to kill an unborn baby. All before they are teenagers. You will tolerate them as long as the vote democrat. If they don't you will hate them. Yeah I can feel the love.

Yeah, I can also feel your Christian compassion.

You've yet to show an example of your compassion while you demand it of others, you hypocritical ass.
Really? nice choice. Flag over human existence.
How utterly compassionate and christian of you.
Or is it more about your sacred Dollar!

You know what Hispanics say about Americans? "Fuck you and fuck America."

not according to these "bleeding" heart idiots... they're all just innocent people looking for a new life and if American citizens are against illegal immigration, YOU ARE CALLED all kinds of cute names and accused of having no compassion...

where is all their compassion for those 55MILLON potential citizens of this country that were, ABORTED
MANY OF THESE you can watch

How can you compare poor hungry children to fetuses?
As a Christian, I am deeply concerned about this influx of illegal migrant children into this country. Instinctively, I smell a rat. What is it that has changed so drastically in the native countries of these kids to provoke such desperate measures. Why now? Poverty isn't something new to Latin America; and, with 33 million + of our own
impoverished American citizens, I had to really ponder the eventual outcome and subsequent effects.

Perhaps, as a nation, we should be careful about setting international precedents. If we allow illegal immigrants of any age to bypass established law and boundaries, where do we draw the line? Are we to take on all the orphans and poor children of the entire planet? If we set that precedent we are saying, yes we will!
what is creating against THE legal citizens in the country

I'm not sure we won't have another civil war

and this government and the far LEFT liberals... I don't think it would them bother them one bit
Easy for you to just generalize isn't it. Mr. "christian compassionate.?

Really? nice choice. Flag over human existence.
How utterly compassionate and christian of you.
Or is it more about your sacred Dollar!

Send them back to be with their families. Identify family that has already come here illegally and send them back too.

Keep families together in their home country. So far, Christian compassion is busy putting out the fire when the immigrants burn the American flag.

You know what Hispanics say about Americans? "Fuck you and fuck America."
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

How many diseased Sudanese do you have at your house, Tonto?
THIS is America, and THESE are a few concerned citizens!



That IS a gov't sign erected by YOUR GOVERNMENT!!!!

And NO subversives, I'm not talking about the PATRIOTS that are trying to PROTECT our country from the INVADERS!
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As a Christian, I am deeply concerned about this influx of illegal migrant children into this country. Instinctively, I smell a rat. What is it that has changed so drastically in the native countries of these kids to provoke such desperate measures. Why now? Poverty isn't something new to Latin America; and, with 33 million + of our own
impoverished American citizens, I had to really ponder the eventual outcome and subsequent effects.

Perhaps, as a nation, we should be careful about setting international precedents. If we allow illegal immigrants of any age to bypass established law and boundaries, where do we draw the line? Are we to take on all the orphans and poor children of the entire planet? If we set that precedent we are saying, yes we will!

Have you read the LAW that President George W. Bush signed in 2008?

Meanwhile, on Capitol Hill, Democrats noted that a 2008 law requires the administration to offer extensive and time-consuming procedural protections to the young illegal immigrants. "In 2008, then-President George Bush signed the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act," Rep. Bennie Thompson, ranking Democrat on the House Committee on Homeland Security, said at a hearing. "The law recognizes that special care is demanded when dealing with the young and vulnerable. Under these laws, the Border Patrol is required to take unaccompanied children who are not from Mexico into custody, screen them and transfer them to the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement."

MORE: Administration: Bush-era law requires us to slow-walk deportations | WashingtonExaminer.com

William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008
stop trolling your own thread to keep stirring up shit

you're the biggest loser
THIS is America, and THESE are a few concerned citizens!



That IS a gov't sign erected by YOUR GOVERNMENT!!!!
Those are Vigilantes, the least worthy of all to be called Americans.

When people question why I so often hate America, I point them at threads like these and what Americans think and say. Appalling doesn't begin to accurately describe the mentality of most here.
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I am sure that sign has been there long before Obama came into office. I could be wrong...but that is my opinion. I call BS to the swipe at Obama, but I have no issue with citizen border patrol...but I would like it to be more organized...keep the nutters and fringe Teapers out so its about illegal immigration and not the evil Mehiicans.
Absolutely, they are both mutually exclusive. Sure! Dodge it totally because it doesn't fit your real attitude and compassionate christian values. You know, the ones you "want" to practice.
If you cannot understand your short comings maybe it is better to stop condemning others who don't want to have your "choice" of believes shoved in their faces.

What's going on now has nothing to do with Christianity nor compassion. It's a naked power play to flood our country with low skilled, illiterate non-English speaking hordes in order to overload the welfare state which will in turn continue to overload the middle class with an increasing tax burden. Obama and his fellow travelers hate the middle class. In their Marxist minds, there must only be a small ruling elite compassionately guiding an uneducated proletariat.

A decade ago, Nobel prize-winning economist Milton Friedman admonished the Wall Street Journal for its idée fixe on open-border immigration policy. "It's just obvious you can't have free immigration and a welfare state," he warned. This remark adds insight to the current debate over immigration in the U.S. Senate.

...There is a rough one-to-one fiscal balance between low-skill immigrant families and upper-middle-class families. It takes the entire net tax payments (taxes paid minus benefits received) of one college-educated family to pay for the net benefits received by one low-skill immigrant family. Even Julian Simon, the godfather of open-border advocates, acknowledged that imposing such a burden on taxpayers was unreasonable, stating, "immigrants who would be a direct economic burden upon citizens through the public coffers should have no claim to be admitted" into the nation.

There is also a political dimension to the transfer state. Elections in modern societies are, to a considerable degree, referenda on the magnitude of future income redistribution. An immigration policy which grants citizenship to vast numbers of low-skill, low-income immigrants not only creates new beneficiaries for government transfers, but new voters likely to support even greater transfers in the future.

...The grant of citizenship is a transfer of political power. Access to the U.S. ballot box also provides access to the American taxpayer's bank account. This is particularly problematic with regard to low-skill immigrants. Within an active redistributionist state, as Friedman understood, unlimited immigration can threaten limited government.

Look to Milton: Open borders and the welfare state


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