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Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

It seems that Liberals are about the only friends these poor children have.

Do you ever have anything, other than a democratic talking point, or anything remotely intelligent, or anything original to say.


You stupid fucking pawn.

I haven't seen any Liberals starting fights, taunting, and protesting against immigrant children. Have you?
I've seen immigrant children starting fights, taunting and protesting against a country that is providing them benefits.
I've seen Liberals protest against plenty. When Conservatives protest, they wear funny hats and carry flags. When Liberals protest, they shit on police cars and rape young women.

I love my funny hat.


But you do have the Media and they have the manual on how to portray protests.

It seems that Liberals are about the only friends these poor children have.

Yeah your friendly enough to teach them to be queer, maybe get a sex change. Teach them to mooch off the system. That it is also okay to kill an unborn baby. All before they are teenagers. You will tolerate them as long as the vote democrat. If they don't you will hate them. Yeah I can feel the love.

Yeah, I can also feel your Christian compassion.

You've yet to show an example of your compassion while you demand it of others, you hypocritical ass.
It seems that Liberals are about the only friends these poor children have.

Yeah your friendly enough to teach them to be queer, maybe get a sex change. Teach them to mooch off the system. That it is also okay to kill an unborn baby. All before they are teenagers. You will tolerate them as long as the vote democrat. If they don't you will hate them. Yeah I can feel the love.

Yeah, I can also feel your Christian compassion.

Truth hurts? Fact is liberalism is turning the once great nation into a shit hole. Look what it did to Detroit. It's almost to the point that illegals won't want to come here. Especially if Hillary becomes our next president. The only reason you have so called compassion, is hoping that these illegals become democrat voters. Other than that you could care less. Also you could care less about our own children getting diseases from the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.
What's going on now has nothing to do with Christianity nor compassion. It's a naked power play to flood our country with low skilled, illiterate non-English speaking hordes in order to overload the welfare state which will in turn continue to overload the middle class with an increasing tax burden. Obama and his fellow travelers hate the middle class. In their Marxist minds, there must only be a small ruling elite compassionately guiding an uneducated proletariat.

A decade ago, Nobel prize-winning economist Milton Friedman admonished the Wall Street Journal for its idée fixe on open-border immigration policy. "It's just obvious you can't have free immigration and a welfare state," he warned. This remark adds insight to the current debate over immigration in the U.S. Senate.

...There is a rough one-to-one fiscal balance between low-skill immigrant families and upper-middle-class families. It takes the entire net tax payments (taxes paid minus benefits received) of one college-educated family to pay for the net benefits received by one low-skill immigrant family. Even Julian Simon, the godfather of open-border advocates, acknowledged that imposing such a burden on taxpayers was unreasonable, stating, "immigrants who would be a direct economic burden upon citizens through the public coffers should have no claim to be admitted" into the nation.

There is also a political dimension to the transfer state. Elections in modern societies are, to a considerable degree, referenda on the magnitude of future income redistribution. An immigration policy which grants citizenship to vast numbers of low-skill, low-income immigrants not only creates new beneficiaries for government transfers, but new voters likely to support even greater transfers in the future.

...The grant of citizenship is a transfer of political power. Access to the U.S. ballot box also provides access to the American taxpayer's bank account. This is particularly problematic with regard to low-skill immigrants. Within an active redistributionist state, as Friedman understood, unlimited immigration can threaten limited government.

Look to Milton: Open borders and the welfare state

Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

Why do posters, who claim not to be Christian, always seem to worry about what Christians do, say, and or think?

Where is your compassion for those children? Are you down there on the border taking care of any of them? No, you are on a political message board, pontificating about what other people should be doing. Typical Liberal/Socialist.
Reading the last couple of pages, I can only think of this:

"Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots."

Why is it none of you lefties want to discuss who is providing the millions and millions of dollars to bring these kids north and creating this thing to begin with? Without the massive amounts of money this wouldn't be happening.
I have, and I hope many in that area of the country will do so also.


Pictures of minors, I do not even have them on my computer, two were children of a woman who helped my father after a car accident, the other, nephew & niece of my sister, by marriage. No photos, it happened.
(Vigilante wants a DNA test if I post I am female.):lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Come on Peach, there are MILLIONS of pictures of minors on the net and FACEBOOK, as long as you're doing NOTHING PERVERSE, there shouldn't be a problem.... But WE believe you!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
I'm just sick already of these people posting threads..

Asking where other's compassion is while they're propped up on a computer

they can all either go down take in a few IN, come back here and prove IT...


They don't have a Christian bone in their body or they wouldn't post this hateful shit about people in this country
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It seems that Liberals are about the only friends these poor children have.

You keep making that claim, but refuse to show how you have been friendly to them.
Instead, you demand others kick in a larger portion of their labor to subsidize your benevolence and call those that freely give of their resources, selfish. Your logic is seriously flawed, my friend.

There are many chuches, not "liberal", that are concerned for children, from anywhere. The broad brush of liberal/conservarive is just that-too broad.

PS: I am female Vigilante, and breathing.:D

Perhaps, or a TRANNY!:D
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

Comparing legal immigrants to illegal aliens is like comparing paying customers to shop lifters in a business. Why should people who follow the law and come here legally be punished because other people break the law and come here illegally?
Leave it to the radical left to play the religion card. Where is the rest of the world's "compassion" for illegal alien children? I don't see the French offering to take a couple of thousand kids. How about "Christian" South America? No word from Brazil, Argentina or Central America. Let's ship the diseased illegal criminal foreign teen aged gang members to Detroit or Chicago and see how they like it.
You keep making that claim, but refuse to show how you have been friendly to them.
Instead, you demand others kick in a larger portion of their labor to subsidize your benevolence and call those that freely give of their resources, selfish. Your logic is seriously flawed, my friend.

There are many chuches, not "liberal", that are concerned for children, from anywhere. The broad brush of liberal/conservarive is just that-too broad.

PS: I am female Vigilante, and breathing.:D

Perhaps, or a TRANNY!:D

Where I send the DNA test? :eusa_whistle:
Really? nice choice. Flag over human existence.
How utterly compassionate and christian of you.
Or is it more about your sacred Dollar!

Send them back to be with their families. Identify family that has already come here illegally and send them back too.

Keep families together in their home country. So far, Christian compassion is busy putting out the fire when the immigrants burn the American flag.

You know what Hispanics say about Americans? "Fuck you and fuck America."
...America is a nation of immigrants...

Legal ones.

Not Illegal Aliens.

Big difference.

...America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers...
Nahhhh... but it IS a Christian -dominated / Christian -leaning / Christianity -rooted secular polity.

...So, where is that Christian compassion?
Tempered, in large part, by the Illegal Alien status of these younglings.

Tempered, in large part, by refusing to behave as their families probably wish us to behave; preparing to send them home rather than taking them in, as their families had hoped.

Compassion is one thing.

Refusing to be played for fools by outsiders who callously send their younglings across the border unaccompanied is quite another.

We will see sufficient compassion doled-out in caring for these youngsters as we prepare to return them.

Beyond that, the 'refusing to be taken for chumps' mentality kicks in, and tempers further charity.

It might not be what Jesus of Nazareth would have done.

But it's a respectable form of Practical Christianity at-work; providing care, while preparing to send them home again.

This is an especially nefarious form of Illegal Immigration and it will not be allowed to succeed.

Regardless of how many LibProg America-Bashing Christian-Bashing naysayers come out of the woodwork, to try to warp American thinking to the contrary.
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