Where Is The Condemnation of Terrorism from The Right Over the Charlottesville Massacre?

White nationalists thugs, with masks on and armed to the teeth, fighting, kicking and screaming at protesters in the streets. Reports that they reeked of alcohol. Misleading the audience and probably yourself too. Much and probably most of the violence came from the left, and remember, the left came to disrupt the white nationalists practicing their 1st amendment rights, which the left is doing every day.

One of theme even mowed down a group of protesters, ISIS style, and not a peep from the USMB right? You got us a good one. Every one of us assume drive our vehicles into leftists. Thanks for showing everyone the way.

What gives? Nothing anymore, you got us. We're all KKK, and we support a US traitor bent over for Putin.

The President himself could not bring himself to call out the terrorism, and gave some mush-mouth "all sides need to behave"-type response. Technically, and you know this cuz you're so smart, anytime someone destroys, intimidates or hurts someone in protest it's the definition of terrorism. I'm sure Trump hasn't used the term terrorism as a official response, as the left meets the definition all the time. But you're right, he didn't call it terrorism cuz the culprit is white privileged.

When the evidence clearly points to White Nationals run amock with rage and violence in the American streets. You mind offering a link or two to said violence? Everyone knows about the vehicle incident. Sounds like they were on the offensive to those who protested the protest.

This group has in one day surpassed all the perceived violence and terror you CLAIMED #BlackLivesMatter was promoting. I know, we lied about BLM violence, and all the other violent acts not committed by leftists. I could use those links mentioned above though. I can't imagine one act or one day of violence surpasses all the leftists violence that never occurred, since I don't know, 6-7 years?

Are you USMB rightwingers man or woman enough to condemn these acts of terrorism? This supposed to be a challenge? I "thought you were smart", but I take it all back, some things go without saying, and you're too fucking stupid to recognize it. That and you're a liar, a hypocrite, ignorant as fuck. No dumb fuck, we actually like it when "conservatives" act like leftists, drive people over, stuff like that.

Most of the right leaning USMB posters have condemned the driver of the car. Just look through this thread alone.

Could you provide the link that reported them reeking of alcohol, thanks.

LOL........I'm sure some reeked of alcohol, this is America. Has no meaning to me, unless of course they're brandishing weapons etc.
Because it was a PEACEFUL march until the crazy PSYCHO Antifa showed up! Remember even the liberal ACLU fought for the rights of the white groups to march!

Compare that to over 200 people killed in the past week by MUSLIM terrorists!! There is NO comparison! The Muslim threat is an Elephant while the white supremacist threat is a mouse if not an ant!! See yourself below the list of Islamic terror attacks the past week!

Jihad Report
Jul 29, 2017 -
Aug 04, 2017

Attacks 43
Killed 226
Injured 236
Suicide Blasts 14
Countries 16

Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth
Here’s why the U.S. needs to focus on right-wing, not Islamist, extremism

Islamic terrorists killed a few more people, but right wing terrorists lead in number of attacks.

So very wrong, it is actually leftwing extremist groups that committed more domestic terror attacks. Those are the government figures. I'll find the link and post them again. So keep lying no distorting and we will continue to prove how dishonest you are.
Where is the Muslim condemnation of the Boston marathon Bombers? Where was the Muslim condemnation of the Muslims that planned and committed those attacks, come to think of it. Remember 9/11? We instead, have to defend ourselves against noticing what horrible creeps and sociopaths Muslims are. Excuse the hell out of me.
He's already condemned them. Many times in the past....

Trump denounces 'alt-right' movement's racist wing and defends top adviser | Daily Mail Online

and today....

Donald J. Trump


We ALL must be united & condemn all that hate stands for. There is no place for this kind of violence in America. Lets come together as one!

10:19 AM - Aug 12, 2017

He did not address the group specifically, despite railing against Obama for failing to name Islamic terrorism. It's a pretty glaring hypocrisy.

And an unforced error to most people. Of course the hardcore Trump supporters on here won't see it that way. ... but most ordinary people will.

Therefore we can conclude that by liberal narrative, every act by the left that's within the definition of terrorism was labeled terrorism by Trump's response statement. You're going to have to prove that, and until you do, anyone in sound mind believes you're a liar and/or a fool.

Terrorism defined: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Fool defined: a person who acts unwisely or imprudently; a silly person.

Lie defined: a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.

Liar defined: Someone who tells lies.

Wtf are you on about?

I'm the guy who called out your BS.

No, you aren't. You're actually making no damn sense. Either that or you're REALLY, really bad at making your point clear.

If you'd like to start over, you said Trump is a hypocrite because he didn't label the act terrorism. For intelligent people, this would imply every act demonstrated by the left that meets the definition of terrorism, was declared terrorism by POUS Donald Trump when speaking to the country. Without looking I know the answer, which is of course not. In other terms, you are wrong.
I am conservative and I condemn murdering people with an automobile.

Why do progressives need constant reassurance?

Shoot the POS in the face twice and leave his body in the street for all I care. I'm not going to excuse or try to explain away bad behavior. I'll leave that to the progs.
He condemned the bigotry and hatred from both sides.

White supremacists are not the moral equivalent of the people protesting against them. Being part of that movement is abhorrent. Especially dressing up in armor and hitting people with clubs and cars.

We aren't talking moral equivalents, we are talking two groups that showed up and violence occurred. Two groups, if one of the two had not shown up, nothing would of happened. So it still takes two to fight. Who was the aggressor, we don't know however there is a lot of blame to go around. Both had a right to protest, both have the right of free speech, it looks like neither side respected the other side's rights.

State police and national guardsmen watched passively for hours as self-proclaimed Nazis engaged in street battles with counter-protesters.

Police Stood By As Mayhem Mounted in Charlottesville

I also noticed that as I watched it live. Why were they so passive? Why did they just sit back and watch? Someone needs to answer for that.
Because it was a PEACEFUL march until the crazy PSYCHO Antifa showed up! Remember even the liberal ACLU fought for the rights of the white groups to march!

Compare that to over 200 people killed in the past week by MUSLIM terrorists!! There is NO comparison! The Muslim threat is an Elephant while the white supremacist threat is a mouse if not an ant!! See yourself below the list of Islamic terror attacks the past week!

Jihad Report
Jul 29, 2017 -
Aug 04, 2017

Attacks 43
Killed 226
Injured 236
Suicide Blasts 14
Countries 16

Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth
Here’s why the U.S. needs to focus on right-wing, not Islamist, extremism

Islamic terrorists killed a few more people, but right wing terrorists lead in number of attacks.

So very wrong, it is actually leftwing extremist groups that committed more domestic terror attacks. Those are the government figures. I'll find the link and post them again. So keep lying no distorting and we will continue to prove how dishonest you are.
I think you will have a hard time providing the link. For one reason I think it is pretty much even and secondly the links you will find will be predominately left wing, which will sugar coat the statistics.

What is alarming is that those who do engage in violence, i.e. the shooting of the Republican congressmen, are not holding extremist left wing views. They are more "mainstream" liberal. The fringe and mainstream is starting to blur, that is really, really worrisome.
State police and national guardsmen watched passively for hours as self-proclaimed Nazis engaged in street battles with counter-protesters.

Police Stood By As Mayhem Mounted in Charlottesville | HuffPost

I also noticed that as I watched it live. Why were they so passive? Someone needs to answer for that.
they should have busted the heads of all the liberals that were their protesting, is that what you are saying? If the left wing hadn't shown up and attacked their wouldn't have been fighting.
He did not address the group specifically, despite railing against Obama for failing to name Islamic terrorism. It's a pretty glaring hypocrisy.

And an unforced error to most people. Of course the hardcore Trump supporters on here won't see it that way. ... but most ordinary people will.

Therefore we can conclude that by liberal narrative, every act by the left that's within the definition of terrorism was labeled terrorism by Trump's response statement. You're going to have to prove that, and until you do, anyone in sound mind believes you're a liar and/or a fool.

Terrorism defined: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Fool defined: a person who acts unwisely or imprudently; a silly person.

Lie defined: a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.

Liar defined: Someone who tells lies.

Wtf are you on about?

I'm the guy who called out your BS.

No, you aren't. You're actually making no damn sense. Either that or you're REALLY, really bad at making your point clear.

If you'd like to start over, you said Trump is a hypocrite because he didn't label the act terrorism. For intelligent people, this would imply every act demonstrated by the left that meets the definition of terrorism, was declared terrorism by POUS Donald Trump when speaking to the country. Without looking I know the answer, which is of course not. In other terms, you are wrong.

Because ...

FIRST OF ALL, white supremacy has nothing to do with conservatism, though the supremacists are mostly conservative.

SECOND, I'm not sure what you're even referring to. The censorship? The riots? I think we can all agree those are bad, but terrorism? Not unless you consider anarchists an ideological force. Those people were loosely organized, not well-established hate groups with roots stretching back hundreds of years, aka white nationalists.

It's just not the same thing. Unless you're referring to some lefty terrorist act that I'm not aware of.
State police and national guardsmen watched passively for hours as self-proclaimed Nazis engaged in street battles with counter-protesters.

Police Stood By As Mayhem Mounted in Charlottesville | HuffPost

I also noticed that as I watched it live. Why were they so passive? Someone needs to answer for that.
they should have busted the heads of all the liberals that were their protesting, is that what you are saying? If the left wing hadn't shown up and attacked their wouldn't have been fighting.

The Nazi terrorists showed up on the campus with torches chanting racist epithets as they surrounded the statue of Robert E. Lee.
Where is the Muslim condemnation of the Boston marathon Bombers? Where was the Muslim condemnation of the Muslims that planned and committed those attacks, come to think of it. Remember 9/11? We instead, have to defend ourselves against noticing what horrible creeps and sociopaths Muslims are. Excuse the hell out of me.

The left wing ghouls hardly gives time for there to be a statement of condemnation because they don't want one.
Last edited:
White nationalists thugs, with masks on and armed to the teeth, fighting, kicking and screaming at protesters in the streets. Reports that they reeked of alcohol. Misleading the audience and probably yourself too. Much and probably most of the violence came from the left, and remember, the left came to disrupt the white nationalists practicing their 1st amendment rights, which the left is doing every day.

One of theme even mowed down a group of protesters, ISIS style, and not a peep from the USMB right? You got us a good one. Every one of us assume drive our vehicles into leftists. Thanks for showing everyone the way.

What gives? Nothing anymore, you got us. We're all KKK, and we support a US traitor bent over for Putin.

The President himself could not bring himself to call out the terrorism, and gave some mush-mouth "all sides need to behave"-type response. Technically, and you know this cuz you're so smart, anytime someone destroys, intimidates or hurts someone in protest it's the definition of terrorism. I'm sure Trump hasn't used the term terrorism as a official response, as the left meets the definition all the time. But you're right, he didn't call it terrorism cuz the culprit is white privileged.

When the evidence clearly points to White Nationals run amock with rage and violence in the American streets. You mind offering a link or two to said violence? Everyone knows about the vehicle incident. Sounds like they were on the offensive to those who protested the protest.

This group has in one day surpassed all the perceived violence and terror you CLAIMED #BlackLivesMatter was promoting. I know, we lied about BLM violence, and all the other violent acts not committed by leftists. I could use those links mentioned above though. I can't imagine one act or one day of violence surpasses all the leftists violence that never occurred, since I don't know, 6-7 years?

Are you USMB rightwingers man or woman enough to condemn these acts of terrorism? This supposed to be a challenge? I "thought you were smart", but I take it all back, some things go without saying, and you're too fucking stupid to recognize it. That and you're a liar, a hypocrite, ignorant as fuck. No dumb fuck, we actually like it when "conservatives" act like leftists, drive people over, stuff like that.

Most of the right leaning USMB posters have condemned the driver of the car. Just look through this thread alone.

Could you provide the link that reported them reeking of alcohol, thanks.

LOL........I'm sure some reeked of alcohol, this is America. Has no meaning to me, unless of course they're brandishing weapons etc.

You made a statement that you can't back up. So who reported that the reeked of alcohol? You claim there were reports. According to you they were "armed to the teeth." So it must have a meaning according to you or did you make that up to?
Because it was a PEACEFUL march until the crazy PSYCHO Antifa showed up! Remember even the liberal ACLU fought for the rights of the white groups to march!

Compare that to over 200 people killed in the past week by MUSLIM terrorists!! There is NO comparison! The Muslim threat is an Elephant while the white supremacist threat is a mouse if not an ant!! See yourself below the list of Islamic terror attacks the past week!

Jihad Report
Jul 29, 2017 -
Aug 04, 2017

Attacks 43
Killed 226
Injured 236
Suicide Blasts 14
Countries 16

Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth
Here’s why the U.S. needs to focus on right-wing, not Islamist, extremism

Islamic terrorists killed a few more people, but right wing terrorists lead in number of attacks.

So very wrong, it is actually leftwing extremist groups that committed more domestic terror attacks. Those are the government figures. I'll find the link and post them again. So keep lying no distorting and we will continue to prove how dishonest you are.
I think you will have a hard time providing the link. For one reason I think it is pretty much even and secondly the links you will find will be predominately left wing, which will sugar coat the statistics.

What is alarming is that those who do engage in violence, i.e. the shooting of the Republican congressmen, are not holding extremist left wing views. They are more "mainstream" liberal. The fringe and mainstream is starting to blur, that is really, really worrisome.

I'm looking for it. I posted it once. Puerto Rico based terror was number one then came left wing terror and the right wing was way back.
He condemned the bigotry and hatred from both sides.

White supremacists are not the moral equivalent of the people protesting against them. Being part of that movement is abhorrent. Especially dressing up in armor and hitting people with clubs and cars.

We aren't talking moral equivalents, we are talking two groups that showed up and violence occurred. Two groups, if one of the two had not shown up, nothing would of happened. So it still takes two to fight. Who was the aggressor, we don't know however there is a lot of blame to go around. Both had a right to protest, both have the right of free speech, it looks like neither side respected the other side's rights.

The anti-protesters didn't mow people down in a car jihadi style.
I am so afraid to speak my mind in public. Liberals scare me, they take away my freedom of speech, they are so hateful and antidemocratic. We all want freedom, but Libs want to control the narrative and they threaten and use hate to shut us down, well that worked well on the last election. All I want is for people to LISTEN. Not ignore and us and talk past us.
He condemned the bigotry and hatred from both sides.

White supremacists are not the moral equivalent of the people protesting against them. Being part of that movement is abhorrent. Especially dressing up in armor and hitting people with clubs and cars.

We aren't talking moral equivalents, we are talking two groups that showed up and violence occurred. Two groups, if one of the two had not shown up, nothing would of happened. So it still takes two to fight. Who was the aggressor, we don't know however there is a lot of blame to go around. Both had a right to protest, both have the right of free speech, it looks like neither side respected the other side's rights.

The anti-protesters didn't mow people down in a car jihadi style.
ONE f..king moron did.
I am so afraid to speak my mind in public. Liberals scare me, they take away my freedom of speech, they are so hateful and antidemocratic. We all want freedom, but Libs want to control the narrative and they threaten and use hate to shut us down, well that worked well on the last election. All I want is for people to LISTEN. Not ignore and us and talk past us.

Okay. What is it you want to say?
I am so afraid to speak my mind in public. Liberals scare me, they take away my freedom of speech, they are so hateful and antidemocratic. We all want freedom, but Libs want to control the narrative and they threaten and use hate to shut us down, well that worked well on the last election. All I want is for people to LISTEN. Not ignore and us and talk past us.
I was at a friends daughter's wedding whom both are rabid democrats. I had never once spoken of politics to them or voiced an opinion. This was before face book and social media. As the reception was winding down the woman corners me and starts yelling at me about George Bush and how she can't, affordably, get the medicine she needs. I just took it and didn't say one word. As you say, these people are coming off the rails. There is no longer a fringe of the democrat party they are all lunatics.

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