Where Is The Condemnation of Terrorism from The Right Over the Charlottesville Massacre?

White nationalists thugs, with masks on and armed to the teeth, fighting, kicking and screaming at protesters in the streets. Reports that they reeked of alcohol.

One of theme even mowed down a group of protesters, ISIS style, and not a peep from the USMB right?

What gives?

The President himself could not bring himself to call out the terrorism, and gave some mush-mouth "all sides need to behave"-type response.

When the evidence clearly points to White Nationals run amock with rage and violence in the American streets.

This group has in one day surpassed all the perceived violence and terror you CLAIMED #BlackLivesMatter was promoting.

So far we got 1 civilian dead, 19 others severely injured or maimed, and 2 policemen dead over these far rightwing extremist terrorists.

Are you USMB rightwingers man or woman enough to condemn these acts of terrorism?

Now--Now Trump is not going to call his supporters TERRORISTS--:badgrin:
This horde of neo-Nazis, KKK, and other extremist leaders all openly backing Trump is chilling

A Trump rally is very reminiscent of something that just walked out of the 1960's civil rights movement. An all White, Angry Mob--so it's no surprise we're seeing this hate & violence in the streets. Trump is a magnet for violence, and they came crawling out from under their rocks.

Here is a video describing what is going on in Charlotteville regarding White Nationalists. They believe they've got a friend sitting in the saddle in the Oval office, which has emboldened them.
President Trump tweets about Charlottesville, Va., violence
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I think its ridiculous that you want us to condemn something we are already on record opposing.
The cops should have rounded up and arrested all those anti-White rioters who illegally blocked traffic. The Crooked Hillary Governor intentionally wanted the anti-Whites to cause the MSM to obsess over a controversy since the Russia fake news hoax is total fail. This is how to deal with illegal rioters disrupting traffic (for their own safety and for the safety of normal citizens).

The cops should have rounded up and arrested all those anti-White rioters who illegally blocked traffic. The Crooked Hillary Governor intentionally wanted the anti-Whites to cause the MSM to obsess over a controversy since the Russia fake news hoax is total fail. This is how to deal with illegal rioters disrupting traffic.

Wow ...

Trump supporters? Is this really what you're all about? Perhaps my low opinion of you wasn't low enough.

The face of evil - without his pointy white hood.
White nationalists thugs, with masks on and armed to the teeth, fighting, kicking and screaming at protesters in the streets. Reports that they reeked of alcohol.

One of theme even mowed down a group of protesters, ISIS style, and not a peep from the USMB right?

What gives?

The President himself could not bring himself to call out the terrorism, and gave some mush-mouth "all sides need to behave"-type response.

When the evidence clearly points to White Nationals run amock with rage and violence in the American streets.

This group has in one day surpassed all the perceived violence and terror you CLAIMED #BlackLivesMatter was promoting.

So far we got 1 civilian dead, 19 others severely injured or maimed, and 2 policemen dead over these far rightwing extremist terrorists.

Are you USMB rightwingers man or woman enough to condemn these acts of terrorism?
The right’s reprehensible leader, Trump, has failed to condemn this rightwing terrorism.

Just like the far left drones would not condemn far left terrorism..
White nationalists thugs, with masks on and armed to the teeth, fighting, kicking and screaming at protesters in the streets. Reports that they reeked of alcohol.

One of theme even mowed down a group of protesters, ISIS style, and not a peep from the USMB right?

What gives?

The President himself could not bring himself to call out the terrorism, and gave some mush-mouth "all sides need to behave"-type response.

When the evidence clearly points to White Nationals run amock with rage and violence in the American streets.

This group has in one day surpassed all the perceived violence and terror you CLAIMED #BlackLivesMatter was promoting.

So far we got 1 civilian dead, 19 others severely injured or maimed, and 2 policemen dead over these far rightwing extremist terrorists.

Are you USMB rightwingers man or woman enough to condemn these acts of terrorism?
The right’s reprehensible leader, Trump, has failed to condemn this rightwing terrorism.

Just like the far left drones would not condemn far left terrorism..

Give me an example of far left terrorism that's happened in the past 3 years.
The cops should have rounded up and arrested all those anti-White rioters who illegally blocked traffic. The Crooked Hillary Governor intentionally wanted the anti-Whites to cause the MSM to obsess over a controversy since the Russia fake news hoax is total fail. This is how to deal with illegal rioters disrupting traffic.

Wow ...

Trump supporters? Is this really what you're all about? Perhaps my low opinion of you wasn't low enough.

White Nationalists--aka White Hate groups in this country are in Trump's corner, they always have been. David Duke KKK stated that in Charlotteville, and mentioned Trump's name.

What in the hell did you expect would happen in this country when every single white hate group endorsed Donald Trump? They are now emboldened because Trump is in the Oval office. This is what happens when you campaign on hate and division. Trump did exactly that. He promoted violence at his rallies, there are video's everywhere to prove it.

Here is the video and explanation of what is going on in Charlotteville.
President Trump tweets about Charlottesville, Va., violence


Then his Presidential response to watching a White Nationalist mow down pedestrians in the street, comes to us from his fucking tweeter account.

White Nationalists are now the ALT right of the Republican party.
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oreo, don't tease us. Do it. Post...you know who.

Sure be happy too. What the Trump inner circle still hasn't realised is that they were being watched since 2015 and not by U.S. Intelligence.

"GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't even pull off a secret meeting in the Trump tower.

Which is why Shep Smith knows that Trump surrogates were not only on the phone with the Russian ambassador, but also with Russian intelligence agents, including the very day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.
White nationalists thugs, with masks on and armed to the teeth, fighting, kicking and screaming at protesters in the streets. Reports that they reeked of alcohol.

One of theme even mowed down a group of protesters, ISIS style, and not a peep from the USMB right?

What gives?

The President himself could not bring himself to call out the terrorism, and gave some mush-mouth "all sides need to behave"-type response.

When the evidence clearly points to White Nationals run amock with rage and violence in the American streets.

This group has in one day surpassed all the perceived violence and terror you CLAIMED #BlackLivesMatter was promoting.

So far we got 1 civilian dead, 19 others severely injured or maimed, and 2 policemen dead over these far rightwing extremist terrorists.

Are you USMB rightwingers man or woman enough to condemn these acts of terrorism?

White nationalists are not Comservatives...so why would we defend them? And from the accounts...it was the Antigua fascists who started the fight with the white national fascists......again, neither of them are conservatives so why would we pick a side? Let them beat on each other........

I personally support the Right of all Americans to protest and to exercise their freedom of speech....I do not support violence that is directed at anyone else in order to silence that Right....left wing antics fascists have the right to free speech as do white nationalist fascists.....but the moment the become violent they have crossed the line, they need to be arrested and locked up......that way, conservatives like myself can exercise our free speech Rights without fear of attack by Antifa fascists or white nationalist fascists......

I do not support the socialism of either side...and I don't support the racism of the democrat party.

DOes anyone know if these "whit nationalists" were paid by the Democrat National Committee...since the DNC actually did pay bob creamer and scot focal to send in thugs to Trump rallies to start violent encounters?
So no cops been killed by the left? That proves just how STUPID you are.
Post the leftist that killed cops.

So no condemnation from you huh?


The black lives matter sympathizer who muredered the police in Dallas......the left wing woman hiding in Cuba....the left wing guy, mimosa Jamal on death row for killing the police officer.....and those are just off the top of my head...
"Where Is The Condemnation of Terrorism from The Right Over the Charlottesville Massacre?"

Clearly this is rhetorical.

No such condemnation will come from the cowardly right, frighten by the prospect of alienating their hateful, bigoted, racist base, and losing the votes of bigots and racists as a consequence.
So no cops been killed by the left? That proves just how STUPID you are.
Post the leftist that killed cops.

So no condemnation from you huh?


The black lives matter sympathizer who muredered the police in Dallas......the left wing woman hiding in Cuba....the left wing guy, mimosa Jamal on death row for killing the police officer.....and those are just off the top of my head...

Well, I kinda get your point on the BLM cop-killer, even though BLM quickly condemned him. But the cop-killers were anti-cop. Eh ... I guess it's fair to call them terrorists, yeah. But they lacked a "group". They were just kinda pissed off dudes who hated the police.

I don't know who the woman you're talking about is. Never heard of her.
White nationalists thugs, with masks on and armed to the teeth, fighting, kicking and screaming at protesters in the streets. Reports that they reeked of alcohol.

One of theme even mowed down a group of protesters, ISIS style, and not a peep from the USMB right?

What gives?

The President himself could not bring himself to call out the terrorism, and gave some mush-mouth "all sides need to behave"-type response.

When the evidence clearly points to White Nationals run amock with rage and violence in the American streets.

This group has in one day surpassed all the perceived violence and terror you CLAIMED #BlackLivesMatter was promoting.

So far we got 1 civilian dead, 19 others severely injured or maimed, and 2 policemen dead over these far rightwing extremist terrorists.

Are you USMB rightwingers man or woman enough to condemn these acts of terrorism?
The right’s reprehensible leader, Trump, has failed to condemn this rightwing terrorism.

Just like the far left drones would not condemn far left terrorism..

Give me an example of far left terrorism that's happened in the past 3 years.

The Bernie Sanders supporter who tried to murder the entire Republican baseball team.....the Bernie sanders supporter who stabbed two men to death in Seattle....the black lives sympathizer who murdered Dallas police officers....the left winger from Britain who tried to assassinate Trump at his rally......bob creamer and scot rival who were paid by the DEmocrat national Committee to incite violence at Trump rallies......the antifa fascists who stopped conservatives from speaking on college campuses....

Is that enough?

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