Where Is The Condemnation of Terrorism from The Right Over the Charlottesville Massacre?

White nationalists thugs, with masks on and armed to the teeth, fighting, kicking and screaming at protesters in the streets. Reports that they reeked of alcohol.

One of theme even mowed down a group of protesters, ISIS style, and not a peep from the USMB right?

What gives?

The President himself could not bring himself to call out the terrorism, and gave some mush-mouth "all sides need to behave"-type response.

When the evidence clearly points to White Nationals run amock with rage and violence in the American streets.

This group has in one day surpassed all the perceived violence and terror you CLAIMED #BlackLivesMatter was promoting.

So far we got 1 civilian dead, 19 others severely injured or maimed, and 2 policemen dead over these far rightwing extremist terrorists.

Are you USMB rightwingers man or woman enough to condemn these acts of terrorism?

Who does NOT condemn them?
White nationalists thugs, with masks on and armed to the teeth, fighting, kicking and screaming at protesters in the streets. Reports that they reeked of alcohol.

One of theme even mowed down a group of protesters, ISIS style, and not a peep from the USMB right?

What gives?

The President himself could not bring himself to call out the terrorism, and gave some mush-mouth "all sides need to behave"-type response.

When the evidence clearly points to White Nationals run amock with rage and violence in the American streets.

This group has in one day surpassed all the perceived violence and terror you CLAIMED #BlackLivesMatter was promoting.

So far we got 1 civilian dead, 19 others severely injured or maimed, and 2 policemen dead over these far rightwing extremist terrorists.

Are you USMB rightwingers man or woman enough to condemn these acts of terrorism?
The right’s reprehensible leader, Trump, has failed to condemn this rightwing terrorism.

Just like the far left drones would not condemn far left terrorism..

Give me an example of far left terrorism that's happened in the past 3 years.

The Bernie Sanders supporter who tried to murder the entire Republican baseball team.....the Bernie sanders supporter who stabbed two men to death in Seattle....the black lives sympathizer who murdered Dallas police officers....the left winger from Britain who tried to assassinate Trump at his rally......bob creamer and scot rival who were paid by the DEmocrat national Committee to incite violence at Trump rallies......the antifa fascists who stopped conservatives from speaking on college campuses....

Is that enough?

Bernie Sanders does not promote hate or violence, unlike white supremacists.

BLM is an awful group but they condemned the Dallas cop-killer almost immediately.

The would-be assassin didn't have a group. He just hated Trump, as far as I know.

The rabble rousers were not terrorists. Just dickheads and political stooges.

The censorship goon squad is full of opportunists and anarchists. They're probably the closest thing to a genuine leftist terrorist group you've brought up, but as far as I know they haven't made an attempt to kill large numbers of people, such as what happened in Virginia.
oreo, don't tease us. Do it. Post...you know who.

Sure be happy too. What the Trump inner circle still hasn't realised is that they were being watched since 2015 and not by U.S. Intelligence.

"GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't even pull off a secret meeting in the Trump tower.

Which is why Shep Smith knows that Trump surrogates were not only on the phone with the Russian ambassador, but also with Russian intelligence agents, including the very day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

They actually know that, you brain damaged numskull. Actually what happened is that the Obama administration used British intelligence to spy on the Trump campaign. However, all you leftwing dim bulbs emphatically denied it when it came to light and called it fake news. Now you're just admitting what a gang of scumbags your leaders are.
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Why does Trump favor and protect homegrown terrorists?
Because those homegrown terrorist make up much of his voting base – votes he’ll need to be reelected.

The actual terrorists are apparently bernie sanders supporters....antifa, and the various murderers...who actually attempted to assassinate Trump, and the entire Republican baseball team...as well as the guy who murdered the two men in Seattle...

Don't forget the antifa fascists who burned buildings and destroyed property, and beat people up to keep conservatives from giving speeches...

You guys.....lie as much as you want...we aren't going to let you get away with it...
White nationalists thugs, with masks on and armed to the teeth, fighting, kicking and screaming at protesters in the streets. Reports that they reeked of alcohol.

One of theme even mowed down a group of protesters, ISIS style, and not a peep from the USMB right?

What gives?

The President himself could not bring himself to call out the terrorism, and gave some mush-mouth "all sides need to behave"-type response.

When the evidence clearly points to White Nationals run amock with rage and violence in the American streets.

This group has in one day surpassed all the perceived violence and terror you CLAIMED #BlackLivesMatter was promoting.

So far we got 1 civilian dead, 19 others severely injured or maimed, and 2 policemen dead over these far rightwing extremist terrorists.

Are you USMB rightwingers man or woman enough to condemn these acts of terrorism?
The right’s reprehensible leader, Trump, has failed to condemn this rightwing terrorism.

Just like the far left drones would not condemn far left terrorism..

Give me an example of far left terrorism that's happened in the past 3 years.

The Bernie Sanders supporter who tried to murder the entire Republican baseball team.....the Bernie sanders supporter who stabbed two men to death in Seattle....the black lives sympathizer who murdered Dallas police officers....the left winger from Britain who tried to assassinate Trump at his rally......bob creamer and scot rival who were paid by the DEmocrat national Committee to incite violence at Trump rallies......the antifa fascists who stopped conservatives from speaking on college campuses....

Is that enough?

Bernie Sanders does not promote hate or violence, unlike white supremacists.

BLM is an awful group but they condemned the Dallas cop-killer almost immediately.

The would-be assassin didn't have a group. He just hated Trump, as far as I know.

The rabble rousers were not terrorists. Just dickheads and political stooges.

The censorship goon squad is full of opportunists and anarchists. They're probably the closest thing to a genuine leftist terrorist group you've brought up, but as far as I know they haven't made an attempt to kill large numbers of people, such as what happened in Virginia.

Funny...his supporters seem to think he does...his "hate the rich" promotion has inspired two actual killers, the antifa fascists and any number of violent actions.....

No....black lives matter has called for the killing of police.

the bernie sanders supporter in Seattle stabbed two men to death and the Bernie Sanders supporter tried to murder the entire Republican baseball team...the black lives matter shooter in Dallas murdered 5 officers......
The right’s reprehensible leader, Trump, has failed to condemn this rightwing terrorism.

Just like the far left drones would not condemn far left terrorism..

Give me an example of far left terrorism that's happened in the past 3 years.

The Bernie Sanders supporter who tried to murder the entire Republican baseball team.....the Bernie sanders supporter who stabbed two men to death in Seattle....the black lives sympathizer who murdered Dallas police officers....the left winger from Britain who tried to assassinate Trump at his rally......bob creamer and scot rival who were paid by the DEmocrat national Committee to incite violence at Trump rallies......the antifa fascists who stopped conservatives from speaking on college campuses....

Is that enough?

Bernie Sanders does not promote hate or violence, unlike white supremacists.

BLM is an awful group but they condemned the Dallas cop-killer almost immediately.

The would-be assassin didn't have a group. He just hated Trump, as far as I know.

The rabble rousers were not terrorists. Just dickheads and political stooges.

The censorship goon squad is full of opportunists and anarchists. They're probably the closest thing to a genuine leftist terrorist group you've brought up, but as far as I know they haven't made an attempt to kill large numbers of people, such as what happened in Virginia.

Funny...his supporters seem to think he does...his "hate the rich" promotion has inspired two actual killers, the antifa fascists and any number of violent actions.....

No....black lives matter has called for the killing of police.

the bernie sanders supporter in Seattle stabbed two men to death and the Bernie Sanders supporter tried to murder the entire Republican baseball team...the black lives matter shooter in Dallas murdered 5 officers......

Find me a quote of Bernie encouraging his followers to hate or hurt anyone. I'd be very surprised to see or hear it.

BLM is pretty disorganized. There are members that have called for violence, but it doesn't really have a coherent message. It's hard to see it as a hate group. More like a bunch of people who don't really know what they're fighting for.
So no cops been killed by the left? That proves just how STUPID you are.
Post the leftist that killed cops.

So no condemnation from you huh?


The black lives matter sympathizer who muredered the police in Dallas......the left wing woman hiding in Cuba....the left wing guy, mimosa Jamal on death row for killing the police officer.....and those are just off the top of my head...

Also the riots and violence at Berkley and the guy that shot at Congress critters, the far left people that tried to run a politician off the road, etc.

There are plenty of examples if you actually spend 10 seconds look for them.

Just like the Op cheered when cops were being killed!

Obama cited riots along with his hate monger Al Sharpton.

Again plenty of example, next time look for them.
So no cops been killed by the left? That proves just how STUPID you are.
Post the leftist that killed cops.

So no condemnation from you huh?


The black lives matter sympathizer who muredered the police in Dallas......the left wing woman hiding in Cuba....the left wing guy, mimosa Jamal on death row for killing the police officer.....and those are just off the top of my head...

Also the riots and violence at Berkley and the guy that shot at Congress critters, the far left people that tried to run a politician off the road, etc.

There are plenty of examples if you actually spend 10 seconds look for them.

Just like the Op cheered when cops were being killed!

Obama cited riots along with his hate monger Al Sharpton.

Again plenty of example, next time look for them.

Already explained why these are not the same. Acts of terror? You could say that. But Bernie Sanders was not out there applauding the shooter. BLM is more questionable, but that group is such a shitshow that it seems like no one really knows what they're supposed to be doing. The rioters haven't been trying to kill people, but they are terrorists in a way. More like anarchists though.

It's not the same as an attempt to mow down dozens of people, an attack inspired by a group that is based on racial superiority and hate. That's some ISIS level shit right there.
At this point there needs to be a law to protect folks who have a legal permit to assemble. This insane "anti-white antifata" should thus be automatically be arrested for violating the rights of the folks legally there.
So no cops been killed by the left? That proves just how STUPID you are.
Post the leftist that killed cops.

So no condemnation from you huh?


The black lives matter sympathizer who muredered the police in Dallas......the left wing woman hiding in Cuba....the left wing guy, mimosa Jamal on death row for killing the police officer.....and those are just off the top of my head...

Also the riots and violence at Berkley and the guy that shot at Congress critters, the far left people that tried to run a politician off the road, etc.

There are plenty of examples if you actually spend 10 seconds look for them.

Just like the Op cheered when cops were being killed!

Obama cited riots along with his hate monger Al Sharpton.

Again plenty of example, next time look for them.

Already explained why these are not the same. Acts of terror? You could say that. But Bernie Sanders was not out there applauding the shooter. BLM is more questionable, but that group is such a shitshow that it seems like no one really knows what they're supposed to be doing. The rioters haven't been trying to kill people, but they are terrorists in a way. More like anarchists though.

It's not the same as an attempt to mow down dozens of people, an attack inspired by a group that is based on racial superiority and hate.

They are acts of Terror no matter how any far left drone wants to spin it.

Then again there would have been no violence today , until the far left groups started it.

One far left protester started spraying a chemical on people that started the violence.
At this point there needs to be a law to protect folks who have a legal permit to assemble. This insane "anti-white antifata" should thus be automatically be arrested for violating the rights of the folks legally there.

No...you have to look at this the way the democrat left wingers do...since there is violence at these rallies and protests...started by left wingers....all rallies and protests must be banned...
Why are you guys pulling a "but Obama" again? Why can't you just admit that white supremacy is a sick ideology and, though we have to put up with their nonsense because of the 1st amendment, that does not mean we shouldn't condemn them for the hate group that they are? If one of their leaders comes out and disavows the terrorist, then I'll say, "Okay, as much as these people sicken me, at least they aren't condoning terrorist violence." But I doubt that's gonna happen.
Just like the far left drones would not condemn far left terrorism..

Give me an example of far left terrorism that's happened in the past 3 years.

The Bernie Sanders supporter who tried to murder the entire Republican baseball team.....the Bernie sanders supporter who stabbed two men to death in Seattle....the black lives sympathizer who murdered Dallas police officers....the left winger from Britain who tried to assassinate Trump at his rally......bob creamer and scot rival who were paid by the DEmocrat national Committee to incite violence at Trump rallies......the antifa fascists who stopped conservatives from speaking on college campuses....

Is that enough?

Bernie Sanders does not promote hate or violence, unlike white supremacists.

BLM is an awful group but they condemned the Dallas cop-killer almost immediately.

The would-be assassin didn't have a group. He just hated Trump, as far as I know.

The rabble rousers were not terrorists. Just dickheads and political stooges.

The censorship goon squad is full of opportunists and anarchists. They're probably the closest thing to a genuine leftist terrorist group you've brought up, but as far as I know they haven't made an attempt to kill large numbers of people, such as what happened in Virginia.

Funny...his supporters seem to think he does...his "hate the rich" promotion has inspired two actual killers, the antifa fascists and any number of violent actions.....

No....black lives matter has called for the killing of police.

the bernie sanders supporter in Seattle stabbed two men to death and the Bernie Sanders supporter tried to murder the entire Republican baseball team...the black lives matter shooter in Dallas murdered 5 officers......

Find me a quote of Bernie encouraging his followers to hate or hurt anyone. I'd be very surprised to see or hear it.

BLM is pretty disorganized. There are members that have called for violence, but it doesn't really have a coherent message. It's hard to see it as a hate group. More like a bunch of people who don't really know what they're fighting for.

The Tea Party never called for, condoned or acted in a violent way.....and they have been accused of inciting violence.....bernie attacks the rich in every speech...he is inciting violence against them...
Give me an example of far left terrorism that's happened in the past 3 years.

The Bernie Sanders supporter who tried to murder the entire Republican baseball team.....the Bernie sanders supporter who stabbed two men to death in Seattle....the black lives sympathizer who murdered Dallas police officers....the left winger from Britain who tried to assassinate Trump at his rally......bob creamer and scot rival who were paid by the DEmocrat national Committee to incite violence at Trump rallies......the antifa fascists who stopped conservatives from speaking on college campuses....

Is that enough?

Bernie Sanders does not promote hate or violence, unlike white supremacists.

BLM is an awful group but they condemned the Dallas cop-killer almost immediately.

The would-be assassin didn't have a group. He just hated Trump, as far as I know.

The rabble rousers were not terrorists. Just dickheads and political stooges.

The censorship goon squad is full of opportunists and anarchists. They're probably the closest thing to a genuine leftist terrorist group you've brought up, but as far as I know they haven't made an attempt to kill large numbers of people, such as what happened in Virginia.

Funny...his supporters seem to think he does...his "hate the rich" promotion has inspired two actual killers, the antifa fascists and any number of violent actions.....

No....black lives matter has called for the killing of police.

the bernie sanders supporter in Seattle stabbed two men to death and the Bernie Sanders supporter tried to murder the entire Republican baseball team...the black lives matter shooter in Dallas murdered 5 officers......

Find me a quote of Bernie encouraging his followers to hate or hurt anyone. I'd be very surprised to see or hear it.

BLM is pretty disorganized. There are members that have called for violence, but it doesn't really have a coherent message. It's hard to see it as a hate group. More like a bunch of people who don't really know what they're fighting for.

The Tea Party never called for, condoned or acted in a violent way.....and they have been accused of inciting violence.....bernie attacks the rich in every speech...he is inciting violence against them...

The Tea Party was not a hate group, even though some of the guys who belonged to the movement were hateful. Same as any group; there are always gonna be a few scumbags in the bunch.

But the white nationalists are different. They love what happened .They love what that guy did. They aren't condemning that shit. They're hardly better than Islamic terrorists. Just less adept and less powerful.
The Bernie Sanders supporter who tried to murder the entire Republican baseball team.....the Bernie sanders supporter who stabbed two men to death in Seattle....the black lives sympathizer who murdered Dallas police officers....the left winger from Britain who tried to assassinate Trump at his rally......bob creamer and scot rival who were paid by the DEmocrat national Committee to incite violence at Trump rallies......the antifa fascists who stopped conservatives from speaking on college campuses....

Is that enough?

Bernie Sanders does not promote hate or violence, unlike white supremacists.

BLM is an awful group but they condemned the Dallas cop-killer almost immediately.

The would-be assassin didn't have a group. He just hated Trump, as far as I know.

The rabble rousers were not terrorists. Just dickheads and political stooges.

The censorship goon squad is full of opportunists and anarchists. They're probably the closest thing to a genuine leftist terrorist group you've brought up, but as far as I know they haven't made an attempt to kill large numbers of people, such as what happened in Virginia.

Funny...his supporters seem to think he does...his "hate the rich" promotion has inspired two actual killers, the antifa fascists and any number of violent actions.....

No....black lives matter has called for the killing of police.

the bernie sanders supporter in Seattle stabbed two men to death and the Bernie Sanders supporter tried to murder the entire Republican baseball team...the black lives matter shooter in Dallas murdered 5 officers......

Find me a quote of Bernie encouraging his followers to hate or hurt anyone. I'd be very surprised to see or hear it.

BLM is pretty disorganized. There are members that have called for violence, but it doesn't really have a coherent message. It's hard to see it as a hate group. More like a bunch of people who don't really know what they're fighting for.

The Tea Party never called for, condoned or acted in a violent way.....and they have been accused of inciting violence.....bernie attacks the rich in every speech...he is inciting violence against them...

The Tea Party was not a hate group, even though some of the guys who belonged to the movement were hateful.

No one in the Tea Party was hateful.......that is a lie pushed by democrats....
Bernie Sanders does not promote hate or violence, unlike white supremacists.

BLM is an awful group but they condemned the Dallas cop-killer almost immediately.

The would-be assassin didn't have a group. He just hated Trump, as far as I know.

The rabble rousers were not terrorists. Just dickheads and political stooges.

The censorship goon squad is full of opportunists and anarchists. They're probably the closest thing to a genuine leftist terrorist group you've brought up, but as far as I know they haven't made an attempt to kill large numbers of people, such as what happened in Virginia.

Funny...his supporters seem to think he does...his "hate the rich" promotion has inspired two actual killers, the antifa fascists and any number of violent actions.....

No....black lives matter has called for the killing of police.

the bernie sanders supporter in Seattle stabbed two men to death and the Bernie Sanders supporter tried to murder the entire Republican baseball team...the black lives matter shooter in Dallas murdered 5 officers......

Find me a quote of Bernie encouraging his followers to hate or hurt anyone. I'd be very surprised to see or hear it.

BLM is pretty disorganized. There are members that have called for violence, but it doesn't really have a coherent message. It's hard to see it as a hate group. More like a bunch of people who don't really know what they're fighting for.

The Tea Party never called for, condoned or acted in a violent way.....and they have been accused of inciting violence.....bernie attacks the rich in every speech...he is inciting violence against them...

The Tea Party was not a hate group, even though some of the guys who belonged to the movement were hateful.

No one in the Tea Party was hateful.......that is a lie pushed by democrats....

There are always gonna be some shitbirds in the group.
White nationalists thugs, with masks on and armed to the teeth, fighting, kicking and screaming at protesters in the streets. Reports that they reeked of alcohol.

One of theme even mowed down a group of protesters, ISIS style, and not a peep from the USMB right?

What gives?

The President himself could not bring himself to call out the terrorism, and gave some mush-mouth "all sides need to behave"-type response.

When the evidence clearly points to White Nationals run amock with rage and violence in the American streets.

This group has in one day surpassed all the perceived violence and terror you CLAIMED #BlackLivesMatter was promoting.

So far we got 1 civilian dead, 19 others severely injured or maimed, and 2 policemen dead over these far rightwing extremist terrorists.

Are you USMB rightwingers man or woman enough to condemn these acts of terrorism?
The right’s reprehensible leader, Trump, has failed to condemn this rightwing terrorism.

Just like the far left drones would not condemn far left terrorism..

Give me an example of far left terrorism that's happened in the past 3 years.

The Bernie Sanders supporter who tried to murder the entire Republican baseball team.....the Bernie sanders supporter who stabbed two men to death in Seattle....the black lives sympathizer who murdered Dallas police officers....the left winger from Britain who tried to assassinate Trump at his rally......bob creamer and scot rival who were paid by the DEmocrat national Committee to incite violence at Trump rallies......the antifa fascists who stopped conservatives from speaking on college campuses....

Is that enough?
The left conveniently forgets those incidents.

I will to it that list Obama's inflammatory rhetoric lead to shootings of cops, but the left ignores this too. How can anyone take them seriously?
Funny...his supporters seem to think he does...his "hate the rich" promotion has inspired two actual killers, the antifa fascists and any number of violent actions.....

No....black lives matter has called for the killing of police.

the bernie sanders supporter in Seattle stabbed two men to death and the Bernie Sanders supporter tried to murder the entire Republican baseball team...the black lives matter shooter in Dallas murdered 5 officers......

Find me a quote of Bernie encouraging his followers to hate or hurt anyone. I'd be very surprised to see or hear it.

BLM is pretty disorganized. There are members that have called for violence, but it doesn't really have a coherent message. It's hard to see it as a hate group. More like a bunch of people who don't really know what they're fighting for.

The Tea Party never called for, condoned or acted in a violent way.....and they have been accused of inciting violence.....bernie attacks the rich in every speech...he is inciting violence against them...

The Tea Party was not a hate group, even though some of the guys who belonged to the movement were hateful.

No one in the Tea Party was hateful.......that is a lie pushed by democrats....

There are always gonna be some shitbirds in the group.

But the left wing has shitbirds as the majority of their groups.....
White nationalists thugs, with masks on and armed to the teeth, fighting, kicking and screaming at protesters in the streets. Reports that they reeked of alcohol.

One of theme even mowed down a group of protesters, ISIS style, and not a peep from the USMB right?

What gives?

The President himself could not bring himself to call out the terrorism, and gave some mush-mouth "all sides need to behave"-type response.

When the evidence clearly points to White Nationals run amock with rage and violence in the American streets.

This group has in one day surpassed all the perceived violence and terror you CLAIMED #BlackLivesMatter was promoting.

So far we got 1 civilian dead, 19 others severely injured or maimed, and 2 policemen dead over these far rightwing extremist terrorists.

Are you USMB rightwingers man or woman enough to condemn these acts of terrorism?
The right’s reprehensible leader, Trump, has failed to condemn this rightwing terrorism.

Just like the far left drones would not condemn far left terrorism..

Give me an example of far left terrorism that's happened in the past 3 years.

The Bernie Sanders supporter who tried to murder the entire Republican baseball team.....the Bernie sanders supporter who stabbed two men to death in Seattle....the black lives sympathizer who murdered Dallas police officers....the left winger from Britain who tried to assassinate Trump at his rally......bob creamer and scot rival who were paid by the DEmocrat national Committee to incite violence at Trump rallies......the antifa fascists who stopped conservatives from speaking on college campuses....

Is that enough?
The left conveniently forgets those incidents.

I will to it that list Obama's inflammatory rhetoric lead to shootings of cops, but the left ignores this too. How can anyone take them seriously?

You have to take them seriously, they are violent and hateful and in the past have easily gone to firing squads and gas chambers.......they are dangerous and violent.....

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