Where Is The Condemnation of Terrorism from The Right Over the Charlottesville Massacre?

Find me a quote of Bernie encouraging his followers to hate or hurt anyone. I'd be very surprised to see or hear it.

BLM is pretty disorganized. There are members that have called for violence, but it doesn't really have a coherent message. It's hard to see it as a hate group. More like a bunch of people who don't really know what they're fighting for.

The Tea Party never called for, condoned or acted in a violent way.....and they have been accused of inciting violence.....bernie attacks the rich in every speech...he is inciting violence against them...

The Tea Party was not a hate group, even though some of the guys who belonged to the movement were hateful.

No one in the Tea Party was hateful.......that is a lie pushed by democrats....

There are always gonna be some shitbirds in the group.

But the left wing has shitbirds as the majority of their groups.....

Even if that's true, it doesn't make them terrorists. None of those groups you were talking about condones violence or hate, or has either baked into their platform like the KKK does. They have members that are violent, but the groups themselves aren't really promoting it.

Except for the censorship squad. They just aren't really murderous terrorists ... yet.

And again, he is right.....the violence didn't start till the democrat, antifa fascists showed up and started spraying people with pepper spray and throwing things...then the left wing white nationalists fascists started fighting back....

you socialists...can't you fuckers have rallies without resorting to violence......?
White people are not allowed to fight back. That's hateful!

It's only a matter of time until all the videos come out showing how ANTIFA and BLM thugs instigated all the violence. Of course, not youTube may censor them all.

And again, he is right.....the violence didn't start till the democrat, antifa fascists showed up and started spraying people with pepper spray and throwing things...then the left wing white nationalists fascists started fighting back....

you socialists...can't you fuckers have rallies without resorting to violence......?

Duh, it all started when the white nationalists showed up Friday night with torches as they surrounded the statue of Robert E. Lee and chanting racial epithets on the college campus.

But the white supremacists who flooded into the city’s Emancipation Park — a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee sits in the center of the park — had spent months openly planning for war. The Daily Stormer, a popular neo-Nazi website, encouraged rally attendees to bring shields, pepper spray, and fascist flags and flagpoles. A prominent racist podcast told its listeners to come carrying guns. “Bring whatever you need, that you feel you need for your self defense. Do what you need to do for security of your own person,” said Mike “Enoch” Peinovich on The Right Stuff podcast.

And the white supremacists who showed up in Charlottesville did indeed come prepared for violence. Many wore helmets and carried clubs, medieval-looking round wooden shields, and rectangular plexiglass shields, similar to those used by riot police.

Clad in a black, Nazi-style helmet, Matthew Heimbach told ProPublica, “We’re defending our heritage.” Heimbach, who heads the Traditionalist Workers Party, a self-declared fascist group, said he was willing to die for his cause and would do whatever it took to defend himself. He was surrounded by a brigade of white supremacists, including members of the League of the South and the National Socialist Movement.

Police Stood By As Mayhem Mounted in Charlottesville

And again, he is right.....the violence didn't start till the democrat, antifa fascists showed up and started spraying people with pepper spray and throwing things...then the left wing white nationalists fascists started fighting back....

you socialists...can't you fuckers have rallies without resorting to violence......?

Duh, it all started when the white nationalists showed up Friday night with torches as they surrounded the statue of Robert E. Lee and chanting racial epithets on the college campus.

In other words, it was a peaceful demonstration. You'll have to provide some video of these racial epithets. No one accepts the word of a snowflake on these things.

But the white supremacists who flooded into the city’s Emancipation Park — a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee sits in the center of the park — had spent months openly planning for war. The Daily Stormer, a popular neo-Nazi website, encouraged rally attendees to bring shields, pepper spray, and fascist flags and flagpoles. A prominent racist podcast told its listeners to come carrying guns. “Bring whatever you need, that you feel you need for your self defense. Do what you need to do for security of your own person,” said Mike “Enoch” Peinovich on The Right Stuff podcast.

The were preparing to be assaulted, and that's exactly what happened. We know you and the BLM thugs were disappointed that you weren't able to assault people with impunity as you have in the past.

And the white supremacists who showed up in Charlottesville did indeed come prepared for violence. Many wore helmets and carried clubs, medieval-looking round wooden shields, and rectangular plexiglass shields, similar to those used by riot police.

Clad in a black, Nazi-style helmet, Matthew Heimbach told ProPublica, “We’re defending our heritage.” Heimbach, who heads the Traditionalist Workers Party, a self-declared fascist group, said he was willing to die for his cause and would do whatever it took to defend himself. He was surrounded by a brigade of white supremacists, including members of the League of the South and the National Socialist Movement.

Police Stood By As Mayhem Mounted in Charlottesville | HuffPost

You just admitted they were prepared to defend themselves. What you fail to understand is that you only incriminated ANTIFA and the BLM because it has become obvious that anyone who protests the latest leftwing outrage will be assaulted and beaten by these thugs.

And again, he is right.....the violence didn't start till the democrat, antifa fascists showed up and started spraying people with pepper spray and throwing things...then the left wing white nationalists fascists started fighting back....

you socialists...can't you fuckers have rallies without resorting to violence......?

Duh, it all started when the white nationalists showed up Friday night with torches as they surrounded the statue of Robert E. Lee and chanting racial epithets on the college campus.

But the white supremacists who flooded into the city’s Emancipation Park — a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee sits in the center of the park — had spent months openly planning for war. The Daily Stormer, a popular neo-Nazi website, encouraged rally attendees to bring shields, pepper spray, and fascist flags and flagpoles. A prominent racist podcast told its listeners to come carrying guns. “Bring whatever you need, that you feel you need for your self defense. Do what you need to do for security of your own person,” said Mike “Enoch” Peinovich on The Right Stuff podcast.

And the white supremacists who showed up in Charlottesville did indeed come prepared for violence. Many wore helmets and carried clubs, medieval-looking round wooden shields, and rectangular plexiglass shields, similar to those used by riot police.

Clad in a black, Nazi-style helmet, Matthew Heimbach told ProPublica, “We’re defending our heritage.” Heimbach, who heads the Traditionalist Workers Party, a self-declared fascist group, said he was willing to die for his cause and would do whatever it took to defend himself. He was surrounded by a brigade of white supremacists, including members of the League of the South and the National Socialist Movement.

Police Stood By As Mayhem Mounted in Charlottesville

Dipshit....who started the physical violence? The antifa did...as they do all over the country. Even white nationalist socialists have the Right to rally and protest......it wasn't until the antifa fascists showed up that the violence started....

The ones who threw the first punch or sprayed pepper spray first are to blame for the violence....that was the antifa assholes...as usual.

And again, he is right.....the violence didn't start till the democrat, antifa fascists showed up and started spraying people with pepper spray and throwing things...then the left wing white nationalists fascists started fighting back....

you socialists...can't you fuckers have rallies without resorting to violence......?
White people are not allowed to fight back. That's hateful!

It's only a matter of time until all the videos come out showing how ANTIFA and BLM thugs instigated all the violence. Of course, not youTube may censor them all.

And at this point...how do we know that the guy who drove into the crowd was the white nationalist socialist? Imagine how fast this story will go away if it turns out the guy driving the car was a left wing antifa fascist...who supports bernie......

And this is why people should wait to find out who actually did what......it will be funny if this bites the democrats on the ass...again...

Are you kidding me? this is the best shit i've ever seen.

Listen to those Antifa fucks SCREAAAAMM!! hahaha

All those people with phones out... Why isn't there more video of this incident being released?
White nationalists thugs, with masks on and armed to the teeth, fighting, kicking and screaming at protesters in the streets. Reports that they reeked of alcohol.

One of theme even mowed down a group of protesters, ISIS style, and not a peep from the USMB right?

What gives?

The President himself could not bring himself to call out the terrorism, and gave some mush-mouth "all sides need to behave"-type response.

When the evidence clearly points to White Nationals run amock with rage and violence in the American streets.

This group has in one day surpassed all the perceived violence and terror you CLAIMED #BlackLivesMatter was promoting.

So far we got 1 civilian dead, 19 others severely injured or maimed, and 2 policemen dead over these far rightwing extremist terrorists.

Are you USMB rightwingers man or woman enough to condemn these acts of terrorism?

Yeah, I condemn the racist group BLM for picking a fight. Bigger blame goes to Obama for enabling the group

When there is acknowledgment of violence coming from the left down there, then we can talk........until then, the double standard bs results in the silent treatment. That's the way its gonna be too...........

And again, he is right.....the violence didn't start till the democrat, antifa fascists showed up and started spraying people with pepper spray and throwing things...then the left wing white nationalists fascists started fighting back....

you socialists...can't you fuckers have rallies without resorting to violence......?
White people are not allowed to fight back. That's hateful!

It's only a matter of time until all the videos come out showing how ANTIFA and BLM thugs instigated all the violence. Of course, not youTube may censor them all.

Outstanding point................social media will be inundated with seeing those faggy snowflakes pulling all that ghey shit...........
I believe that this was a set up by George Soros and David Duke. They had probably both worked together on this rally. They said that 90% of the demonstrators were from other states. Even some were from Colorado. It was a lot of money that was spend on this protest. Hardly none of the locals were at this rally. Virginia are full of Hillbillies that lives in the Appalachian's mountains. They hardly ever comes down from them hills. They are very illiterate and crazy and they practice incest, that they doesn't keep up with the big towns public events. Soros and Duke probably had thought that they were going to be at this event and slaughter their paid protesters to death, so that it will start a racist war.
They need to put a temporary ban on protesting for a couple of years, until Soros is dead.


I am a conservative capitalist. I condemn these animals. They are thugs. They are criminals. They are anti-American. They are terrorists. There is no right, no justification, for that kind of hate in America. The President needs to take charge and unite US by speaking out against these pigs.
You're the FIRST rightwinger on USMB I've seen respond so clearly, unequivocally and vociferously against these acts of terrorism.

Pay attention
White nationalists thugs, with masks on and armed to the teeth, fighting, kicking and screaming at protesters in the streets. Reports that they reeked of alcohol.

One of theme even mowed down a group of protesters, ISIS style, and not a peep from the USMB right?

What gives?

The President himself could not bring himself to call out the terrorism, and gave some mush-mouth "all sides need to behave"-type response.

When the evidence clearly points to White Nationals run amock with rage and violence in the American streets.

This group has in one day surpassed all the perceived violence and terror you CLAIMED #BlackLivesMatter was promoting.

So far we got 1 civilian dead, 19 others severely injured or maimed, and 2 policemen dead over these far rightwing extremist terrorists.

Are you USMB rightwingers man or woman enough to condemn these acts of terrorism?
Trump’s ‘both sides’ is just as reprehensible and wrong as saying nothing at all; in fact it’s likely worse.

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