Where Is The Condemnation of Terrorism from The Right Over the Charlottesville Massacre?

The OP must not have been listening or paying attention because there has been plenty of condemnation.

The OP also seemingly seeks to falsely assign 'ownership' of such racism and / or violence to Conservatives / the right when our history has shown racism knows no political boundaries.

I do not know anyone or have heard of anyone 'celebrating' what happened or not condemning what happened yesterday. I sat in church this morning surrounded by fellow AMERICANS who prayed and even wept over yesterday and for this country.

Anyone who seeks to use the tragedy yesterday for biased, partisan political gain is not an 'American' first but is instead loyal 1st and foremost to PARTY and divisional politics.

The events of yesterday was a black mark on this country, not on any 1 party. As AMERICANS we should ALL stand together in condemnation of what happened and of those responsible, declaring, "This is not who we are as a nation and not what we are about."
This asshole is either mentally ill or evil. A young woman is dead robbed of her life. I doubt this douchebag is mentally ill enough to escape paying for his crime so execute him. If he refuses to plead guilty send him to GITMO let him cook in the sun until his trial.
Anthony The Mooch Scaramucci is criticizing Trump & "Bannonbart". et tu, Mooch?

Scaramucci: Trump should have been 'much harsher' on white nationalists

"I wouldn't have recommended that statement," Scaramucci said on ABC News’ "This Week." “I think he needed to be much harsher as it related to the white supremacists and the nature of that, I applaud Gen. McMaster for calling it out for what it is — it’s actually terrorism.”

“You also got this some of Bannon-bart influence in there which I think is a snag on the president,” he said, coining a portmanteau. “If the president really wants to execute that legislative agenda that I think is so promising for the American people ... Then he has to move away from that sort of Bannon-bart nonsense.”
If there was going to be a fight between the Crips and Bloods, would curious millenials show up and pick a side and participate?
the media needs to be condemned!

"Where Is The Condemnation of Terrorism from The Right Over the Charlottesville Massacre?"

Clearly this is rhetorical.

No such condemnation will come from the cowardly right, frighten by the prospect of alienating their hateful, bigoted, racist base, and losing the votes of bigots and racists as a consequence.

It has all through out this thread, you seem to be stuck on being dishonest.

I love how he calls one death a massacre.

He is a real drama queen that is for sure.
"Where Is The Condemnation of Terrorism from The Right Over the Charlottesville Massacre?"

Clearly this is rhetorical.

No such condemnation will come from the cowardly right, frighten by the prospect of alienating their hateful, bigoted, racist base, and losing the votes of bigots and racists as a consequence.

It has all through out this thread, you seem to be stuck on being dishonest.

I love how he calls one death a massacre.

He is a real drama queen that is for sure.

From what I've gathered these :gay:people are famous for it....
I condemn the violence regardless of where it originated from.

The bigger picture that is apparently being overlooked here is that this is yet another sign of the escalating tensions which could lead to a national conflict and eventual martial law. Where did it basically begin? Remember the guy who was going to unite us? Obama. He and Holder fanned the flames of racial tension of the several riots in major US cities like Baltimore. The killings of a few errant young black boys with a chip on their shoulder. The whole BLM thing. Through the whole thing, Obama and Holder played an active roll in fueling hatred against cops, martyring those couple of youths and aiding the division of the country rather than its unity. Rather than speak out against racially motivated actions and events, they repeatedly defended them, therefore justifying the feelings in many eyes.

I thought this whole thing had been settled in the '60's---- until it was dug up again in the last decade or so by the preaching of victimhood by the Democrats. White supremacists don't help the matter but many blacks have been particularly proactive in racial identity and separatism over the years. Everyone is entitled to their view and lifestyle choices but if people can't stop HATING and BLAMING each other for things and just MOVE ON and accept each other and live together, this country is in for a really big problem.

That's why it's critical that Trump denounces this white nationalist shit directly.

That's why it's critical that Trump denounces this white nationalist shit directly.

He already has in denouncing all sides involved. ALL sides. If you think he is going to just blame them as 100% totally responsible and leave the Lefty Loons off the hook who provoked the mess, just so he can avoid being called a David Duke lover or something by the media, you have another thing coming.

The counter protesters provoked the killer; how? He was standing with other Neo Nazis and had a shield. Then he got into his car and proceeded to KILL.

You have a link to that information?
Give me an example of far left terrorism that's happened in the past 3 years.

The Bernie Sanders supporter who tried to murder the entire Republican baseball team.....the Bernie sanders supporter who stabbed two men to death in Seattle....the black lives sympathizer who murdered Dallas police officers....the left winger from Britain who tried to assassinate Trump at his rally......bob creamer and scot rival who were paid by the DEmocrat national Committee to incite violence at Trump rallies......the antifa fascists who stopped conservatives from speaking on college campuses....

Is that enough?

Bernie Sanders does not promote hate or violence, unlike white supremacists.

BLM is an awful group but they condemned the Dallas cop-killer almost immediately.

The would-be assassin didn't have a group. He just hated Trump, as far as I know.

The rabble rousers were not terrorists. Just dickheads and political stooges.

The censorship goon squad is full of opportunists and anarchists. They're probably the closest thing to a genuine leftist terrorist group you've brought up, but as far as I know they haven't made an attempt to kill large numbers of people, such as what happened in Virginia.

Funny...his supporters seem to think he does...his "hate the rich" promotion has inspired two actual killers, the antifa fascists and any number of violent actions.....

No....black lives matter has called for the killing of police.

the bernie sanders supporter in Seattle stabbed two men to death and the Bernie Sanders supporter tried to murder the entire Republican baseball team...the black lives matter shooter in Dallas murdered 5 officers......

Find me a quote of Bernie encouraging his followers to hate or hurt anyone. I'd be very surprised to see or hear it.

BLM is pretty disorganized. There are members that have called for violence, but it doesn't really have a coherent message. It's hard to see it as a hate group. More like a bunch of people who don't really know what they're fighting for.

You are spinning, Dallas was brought on by hate by the BLM, whether they condemned it or not, it was their hate that spurred the killing of Dallas police officers. Baltimore riots, another instance of left wing hate.

You think the white supremacist was organized and encouraged by those at the rally? They seem to be disorganized as well.

The bottom line is that you asked for left wing violence and it was given, you just don't like it, your bias shows.

There is a pretty big difference between neo-nazis and BLM. They're both bad, but the degree to which they are bad is like comparing an annoying douchebag who gets drunk at a party and breaks your lamp to a career criminal with 3 felony assaults and a pending murder investigation.
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The Bernie Sanders supporter who tried to murder the entire Republican baseball team.....the Bernie sanders supporter who stabbed two men to death in Seattle....the black lives sympathizer who murdered Dallas police officers....the left winger from Britain who tried to assassinate Trump at his rally......bob creamer and scot rival who were paid by the DEmocrat national Committee to incite violence at Trump rallies......the antifa fascists who stopped conservatives from speaking on college campuses....

Is that enough?

Bernie Sanders does not promote hate or violence, unlike white supremacists.

BLM is an awful group but they condemned the Dallas cop-killer almost immediately.

The would-be assassin didn't have a group. He just hated Trump, as far as I know.

The rabble rousers were not terrorists. Just dickheads and political stooges.

The censorship goon squad is full of opportunists and anarchists. They're probably the closest thing to a genuine leftist terrorist group you've brought up, but as far as I know they haven't made an attempt to kill large numbers of people, such as what happened in Virginia.

Funny...his supporters seem to think he does...his "hate the rich" promotion has inspired two actual killers, the antifa fascists and any number of violent actions.....

No....black lives matter has called for the killing of police.

the bernie sanders supporter in Seattle stabbed two men to death and the Bernie Sanders supporter tried to murder the entire Republican baseball team...the black lives matter shooter in Dallas murdered 5 officers......

Find me a quote of Bernie encouraging his followers to hate or hurt anyone. I'd be very surprised to see or hear it.

BLM is pretty disorganized. There are members that have called for violence, but it doesn't really have a coherent message. It's hard to see it as a hate group. More like a bunch of people who don't really know what they're fighting for.

You are spinning, Dallas was brought on by hate by the BLM, whether they condemned it or not, it was their hate that spurred the killing of Dallas police officers. Baltimore riots, another instance of left wing hate.

You think the white supremacist was organized and encouraged by those at the rally? They seem to be disorganized as well.

The bottom line is that you asked for left wing violence and it was given, you just don't like it, your bias shows.

There is a pretty big difference between neo-nazis and BLM. They're both bad, but the degree to which they are bad is like comparing an annoying douchebag who gets drunk at a party and breaks your lamp to a career criminal with 3 felony assaults and a pending murder investigation.

Both have called for killing, they both are terrible. So one group murders and they are equivalent to a drunk at a party and the other group murders and you equate that to three felonies and a murder?

You have some pretty screwed up logic.

Once you cross the line and go violent, then you are equal in my book. The world would be a better place without either. Yesterday the worst group were the supremacists, the other protesters and their violent acts put themselves right up there. You lower your values, it is what it is.
When have the leaders of the BLM movement (if there even are any) called for violence? I must've missed that one.

Groups like the KKK have been killing for over a hundred years, fully condoned and supported by management.

Come on, man. They aren't in the same league. And this is coming from someone who thinks BLM is a joke.
When have the leaders of the BLM movement (if there even are any) called for violence? I must've missed that one.

Groups like the KKK have been killing for over a hundred years, fully condoned and supported by management.

Come on, man. They aren't in the same league. And this is coming from someone who thinks BLM is a joke.

The BLM has chapters all over the US. They have leaders who take charge of the whole movement.


They have been sued several times for inciting violence. They are a violent organization as are their bothers in crime the KKK. The fuel off the same negative energy, hate.
Yeah, i feel better already. Now that you've called me retarded, i know it must be true!
So, why associate yourself with a murderer? Proud of it? Or just retarded?

Maybe you have a reason other than being a retard. :dunno:

I just hate liberals, so some guy takes a bunch of our enemies and kills them. sounds good to me.

I feel about as bad about that as i do about the bomb Trump dropped on ISIS a while back.

Why do you "hate liberals" so much?

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