Where Is The Condemnation of Terrorism from The Right Over the Charlottesville Massacre?

Did you notice Marc after two days has yet to condemn the killing in Charlottesville.
Over the past few days NUMEROUS Republicans have condemned it over and over. You LYING, stupid basketball-American. How many times do you need it REPEATED before your dumb, crybaby negro brain GETS IT??
ONE f..king moron did.

A lone wolf, yeah? Kinda like the Islamic ISIS-inspired lone wolves, yeah? Doesn't make it any less of an act of terror, and it's looking like this was a KKK (or equivalent, there are many such groups) - inspired lone wolf attack. Well, frankly I'm surprised things like this don't happen more often, giving the hate such groups are always spewing. Until lately they haven't had the courage to turn their words to actions.
There have been other such attacks and they were done by the left wing. Take the shooting at the ball field by the left winger and his views were even that far left he was mainstream. One moron drove the car, you need to show a connection to some group to use the term loan wolf. But first I suggest you look up what the term lone wolf actually means.

He was connected with the white supremacists. What the hell are you talking about?

The left winger shooter was some crazy Bernie guy. I don't remember Bernie spouting hate, do you?

So the white supremacist you connect with all white supremacists, the left wing is some lone wolf crazy Sanders supporter. Islamic terrorists are individuals and we shouldn't hold all Muslims accountable for the act of a few.

It seems that your standards change with each group according to your left agenda. To me I hold the individuals accountable for their actions.
Imagine this, BLM or the NAACP is holding one of their rallies and a white supremacy group shows up and there is violence. Who do you think would get the blame? We both know who.
You're comparing blm and naacp to the kkk and nazis???
A lone wolf, yeah? Kinda like the Islamic ISIS-inspired lone wolves, yeah? Doesn't make it any less of an act of terror, and it's looking like this was a KKK (or equivalent, there are many such groups) - inspired lone wolf attack. Well, frankly I'm surprised things like this don't happen more often, giving the hate such groups are always spewing. Until lately they haven't had the courage to turn their words to actions.
There have been other such attacks and they were done by the left wing. Take the shooting at the ball field by the left winger and his views were even that far left he was mainstream. One moron drove the car, you need to show a connection to some group to use the term loan wolf. But first I suggest you look up what the term lone wolf actually means.

He was connected with the white supremacists. What the hell are you talking about?

The left winger shooter was some crazy Bernie guy. I don't remember Bernie spouting hate, do you?

So the white supremacist you connect with all white supremacists, the left wing is some lone wolf crazy Sanders supporter. Islamic terrorists are individuals and we shouldn't hold all Muslims accountable for the act of a few.

It seems that your standards change with each group according to your left agenda. To me I hold the individuals accountable for their actions.
Imagine this, BLM or the NAACP is holding one of their rallies and a white supremacy group shows up and there is violence. Who do you think would get the blame? We both know who.
You're comparing blm and naacp to the kkk and nazis???
Nope, just the truth about the situation.
There have been other such attacks and they were done by the left wing. Take the shooting at the ball field by the left winger and his views were even that far left he was mainstream. One moron drove the car, you need to show a connection to some group to use the term loan wolf. But first I suggest you look up what the term lone wolf actually means.

He was connected with the white supremacists. What the hell are you talking about?

The left winger shooter was some crazy Bernie guy. I don't remember Bernie spouting hate, do you?

So the white supremacist you connect with all white supremacists, the left wing is some lone wolf crazy Sanders supporter. Islamic terrorists are individuals and we shouldn't hold all Muslims accountable for the act of a few.

It seems that your standards change with each group according to your left agenda. To me I hold the individuals accountable for their actions.
Imagine this, BLM or the NAACP is holding one of their rallies and a white supremacy group shows up and there is violence. Who do you think would get the blame? We both know who.
You're comparing blm and naacp to the kkk and nazis???
Nope, just the truth about the situation.
So you agree they are incomparable?
He was connected with the white supremacists. What the hell are you talking about?

The left winger shooter was some crazy Bernie guy. I don't remember Bernie spouting hate, do you?

So the white supremacist you connect with all white supremacists, the left wing is some lone wolf crazy Sanders supporter. Islamic terrorists are individuals and we shouldn't hold all Muslims accountable for the act of a few.

It seems that your standards change with each group according to your left agenda. To me I hold the individuals accountable for their actions.
Imagine this, BLM or the NAACP is holding one of their rallies and a white supremacy group shows up and there is violence. Who do you think would get the blame? We both know who.
You're comparing blm and naacp to the kkk and nazis???
Nope, just the truth about the situation.
So you agree they are incomparable?
The situations are comparable. What would you be saying if the BLM had a legal demonstration and neo-Nazis showed up and started fighting? Be truthful, what who would you condemn?
Doesn't matter...

The thread is about a false claim, from start to finish, about how 'the right' did not condemn the violence that occurred.

But it's all another lie from the left. Trump condemned it...almost everyone has condemned it. But that is not good enough ... it was never going to be good enough for those controlled by and running on pure partisan hate...
So the white supremacist you connect with all white supremacists, the left wing is some lone wolf crazy Sanders supporter. Islamic terrorists are individuals and we shouldn't hold all Muslims accountable for the act of a few.

It seems that your standards change with each group according to your left agenda. To me I hold the individuals accountable for their actions.
Imagine this, BLM or the NAACP is holding one of their rallies and a white supremacy group shows up and there is violence. Who do you think would get the blame? We both know who.
You're comparing blm and naacp to the kkk and nazis???
Nope, just the truth about the situation.
So you agree they are incomparable?
The situations are comparable. What would you be saying if the BLM had a legal demonstration and neo-Nazis showed up and started fighting? Be truthful, what who would you condemn?
The Nazis! The Nazis every time! When did immediately punching nazis on sight stop being Americans reaction to nazism!?
Yeah, i feel better already. Now that you've called me retarded, i know it must be true!
So, why associate yourself with a murderer? Proud of it? Or just retarded?

Maybe you have a reason other than being a retard. :dunno:

I just hate liberals, so some guy takes a bunch of our enemies and kills them. sounds good to me.

I feel about as bad about that as i do about the bomb Trump dropped on ISIS a while back.

Why do you "hate liberals" so much?

Their intolerance towards conservative attitudes has made their presence in our country problematic.

So they have created a situation where either Conservatism wins, or liberalism makes conservative standpoints (such as opposition to gay marriage and homosexuality) "bigoted" and unacceptable. Therefore, it leaves us with only two options. Either conservatism becomes the singular ideology of America, or Liberalism does.

This is a civil war for the heart of America. There will be casualties, unfortunately. We must hold firm to our beliefs, and seek the defeat of the Liberal enemy.

We must celebrate whenever an enemy of our ideology dies; for this is a step towards victory in the war against Liberalism.

Protesting against nazis is not intolerance towards conservative views. Conservatives are not nazis......

Okay, MOST conservatives are not nazis.
Has Marc condemned the actions of the white supremacists yet? He has seemed to abandon his own thread as he so often does. I guess he approves of the violence.
You already made unsubstantiated claims at the beginning of this thread, so your track record suggests your word is not your bond. :dunno:

It seems that your political agenda comes before your word.
If that's the way you feel, then it's your word against mine, so go fetch.
That riot seems suspicious. David Duke is an intelligent man. But I was wondering why he had brought Pres. Trump into the scene as if Pres. Trump was with them at one time. If Pres. Trump was with him at one time, he could of had pulled the President aside, and talk to him about his comment. But instead he publicize it as if he has wanted to let the world to know it. But any way, Pres. Trump had blamed it on both groups of protesters. But it sound like David Duke was trying to make Pres. Trump into a white supremacist. KKK do not divulge any silent members.

KKK Just Announced It's Funding THIS Presidential Candidate - 'Friends With The Klan'

Stephenson had bitten her many times in his attack. The attending doctor described her condition as having a significant bite on her breast.[9] He later testified that the bite wounds Stephenson inflicted on her were a lead contributor to her death because they resulted in a staph infection that eventually reached her lungs and that she could have been saved if she had been given medical attention sooner. D. C. Stephenson - Wikipedia

Mark of the beast...


So what's suspicious about the right and why do you believe that David Duke is such an intelligent man?

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