Where Is The Condemnation of Terrorism from The Right Over the Charlottesville Massacre?

Call it what it is. Extreme Republican terrorism.

I don't enjoy half assed statements.
I'm pretty sure the POTUS gives a shit what you enjoy or not.

So, I will now call cop assissinations "Extreme Democratic terrorism". I'll call Baltimore, Ferguson, etc. riots the same. :thup:
I'm a historian who has spent a lifetime studying our two party system. The new Republican party is unrecognizable to even recent decades...

About that, i am not wrong honey.
Dems are also unrecognizable to its original party. But for good reasons.
Dems have progressed with time gop has regressed.
Dispute that if you wish but have something to back it up.
Hmmmm....so, you fancy yourself some sort of expert.

Yeah, I really believe you, sugarflanks. :lol:
.... you have to remember who put him in office.
Yes, Americans tired of corrupt, career, self/party-serving, criminal politicians ... which was everything Hillary was/is.
Well you guys sure got the opposite with Trump!

Actually America did....Trump isn't a corrupt, criminal POLITICIAN
And my name's big Bird pal.
Nice to meet you, Big Bird.

This the guy that Trump won't call a rightwing terrorist.

Exercising his right to peaceable assembly.
The better question might be,

where is the condemnation, from conservatives here, of the BELIEFS of the neo-Nazi white supremacists?
On Fox Business last night every Republican pundit was calling those Right marchers very bad names, a string of them. Animals, etc. etc. They had no problem condemning them. I'm not sure the posters here KNOW what these neo-Nazi's stand for. It is just an excuse to whine about how badly they're treated by the meanie Leftists. They live in a very distorted bubble. There has to be a conservative on this board who has the balls to say these marchers stand for BAD stuff and that it was clear they came cruisin for a bruisin.
The anti-protesters didn't mow people down in a car jihadi style.
ONE f..king moron did.

A lone wolf, yeah? Kinda like the Islamic ISIS-inspired lone wolves, yeah? Doesn't make it any less of an act of terror, and it's looking like this was a KKK (or equivalent, there are many such groups) - inspired lone wolf attack. Well, frankly I'm surprised things like this don't happen more often, giving the hate such groups are always spewing. Until lately they haven't had the courage to turn their words to actions.
There have been other such attacks and they were done by the left wing. Take the shooting at the ball field by the left winger and his views were even that far left he was mainstream. One moron drove the car, you need to show a connection to some group to use the term loan wolf. But first I suggest you look up what the term lone wolf actually means.

He was connected with the white supremacists. What the hell are you talking about?

The left winger shooter was some crazy Bernie guy. I don't remember Bernie spouting hate, do you?

So the white supremacist you connect with all white supremacists, the left wing is some lone wolf crazy Sanders supporter. Islamic terrorists are individuals and we shouldn't hold all Muslims accountable for the act of a few.

It seems that your standards change with each group according to your left agenda. To me I hold the individuals accountable for their actions.
Imagine this, BLM or the NAACP is holding one of their rallies and a white supremacy group shows up and there is violence. Who do you think would get the blame? We both know who.
The better question might be,

where is the condemnation, from conservatives here, of the BELIEFS of the neo-Nazi white supremacists?
On Fox Business last night every Republican pundit was calling those Right marchers very bad names, a string of them. Animals, etc. etc. They had no problem condemning them. I'm not sure the posters here KNOW what these neo-Nazi's stand for. It is just an excuse to whine about how badly they're treated by the meanie Leftists. They live in a very distorted bubble. There has to be a conservative on this board who has the balls to say these marchers stand for BAD stuff and that it was clear they came cruisin for a bruisin.
Yeah! We need to hear more about how the left wing is treated poorly by the right wing. Yeah those skin heads even had the counter protestors bussed in so they would have someone to beat on.
I condemn the violence regardless of where it originated from.

The bigger picture that is apparently being overlooked here is that this is yet another sign of the escalating tensions which could lead to a national conflict and eventual martial law. Where did it basically begin? Remember the guy who was going to unite us? Obama. He and Holder fanned the flames of racial tension of the several riots in major US cities like Baltimore. The killings of a few errant young black boys with a chip on their shoulder. The whole BLM thing. Through the whole thing, Obama and Holder played an active roll in fueling hatred against cops, martyring those couple of youths and aiding the division of the country rather than its unity. Rather than speak out against racially motivated actions and events, they repeatedly defended them, therefore justifying the feelings in many eyes.

I thought this whole thing had been settled in the '60's---- until it was dug up again in the last decade or so by the preaching of victimhood by the Democrats. White supremacists don't help the matter but many blacks have been particularly proactive in racial identity and separatism over the years. Everyone is entitled to their view and lifestyle choices but if people can't stop HATING and BLAMING each other for things and just MOVE ON and accept each other and live together, this country is in for a really big problem.

That's why it's critical that Trump denounces this white nationalist shit directly.
How about the B
I don't know if not confronting them is the right answer either. It makes it look like your town/city is okay with racism.

But, I don't know Trump's feelings about what happened. I just know that he missed a HUGE opportunity to score points. My brother, who pretty much hates Trump, even told me that if Trump just did what he should've done and condemned the white nationalists, and not said, "from all sides", he would've won a lot of respect with him. But of course Trump didn't do that.

In my opinion, big mistake. Unless his supporters really are racists and would get mad at him for condemning a racist hate movement.
No matter what Trump said you and your brother wouldn't be happy. If he would have said anything near what you say he should have said you would be just accusing him of pandering.

Not really. I'd have thought, "Well, at least he's not a hypocrite (this time). He did what Obama wouldn't do. He called it by its name."

Instead, I thought, "Wow ... this guy really went after Obama all that time for refusing to call it what it is, and now he does the same damn thing? What a hypocrite!!"

And that was my brother's reaction as well.

All he needed to do was say a few words condemning the hate group's actions and mourn the loss of those who were killed or injured. Big win with little cost. Instead he muddied the waters and brought a whirlwind of criticism on himself.

Again, I provided the statistics on how many were murdered in Chicago this week end. More killed and almost as many wounded. Now, would it be fair for me to condemn all blacks because of what is happening in Chicago/Detroit or any of our inner cities?

I am not defending anyone but it appears that this ONE 20 year old moron acted on his own. Don't you worry their will be plenty of attempts to try and show a connection between him and the white supremacists.

Nothing Trump could have said would have satisfied the left wing, nothing.
Exercising his right to peaceable assembly.

So you would deny Americans their Constitutional right to PEACEFULLY assemble based on the fact that 'YOU' don't agree with them / their ideology / what they stand for?

So you have no problem stripping 'Black Lives Matter', the 'New Black Panthers', 'GLBT', 'Pro-Abortion', 'Daughters of the Confederacy', the NRA, etc from their right to PEACEFULLY assemble if any American does not agree with their 'cause' / ideology?

How very 'Mao' / 'Stalinist' of you....
White nationalists thugs, with masks on and armed to the teeth, fighting, kicking and screaming at protesters in the streets. Reports that they reeked of alcohol.

One of theme even mowed down a group of protesters, ISIS style, and not a peep from the USMB right?

What gives?

The President himself could not bring himself to call out the terrorism, and gave some mush-mouth "all sides need to behave"-type response.

When the evidence clearly points to White Nationals run amock with rage and violence in the American streets.

This group has in one day surpassed all the perceived violence and terror you CLAIMED #BlackLivesMatter was promoting.

So far we got 1 civilian dead, 19 others severely injured or maimed, and 2 policemen dead over these far rightwing extremist terrorists.

Are you USMB rightwingers man or woman enough to condemn these acts of terrorism?
Don't they have a right to protest? are you saying they don't?
White nationalists thugs, with masks on and armed to the teeth, fighting, kicking and screaming at protesters in the streets. Reports that they reeked of alcohol.

One of theme even mowed down a group of protesters, ISIS style, and not a peep from the USMB right?

What gives?

The President himself could not bring himself to call out the terrorism, and gave some mush-mouth "all sides need to behave"-type response.

When the evidence clearly points to White Nationals run amock with rage and violence in the American streets.

This group has in one day surpassed all the perceived violence and terror you CLAIMED #BlackLivesMatter was promoting.

So far we got 1 civilian dead, 19 others severely injured or maimed, and 2 policemen dead over these far rightwing extremist terrorists.

Are you USMB rightwingers man or woman enough to condemn these acts of terrorism?
The right’s reprehensible leader, Trump, has failed to condemn this rightwing terrorism.

Just like the far left drones would not condemn far left terrorism..

Give me an example of far left terrorism that's happened in the past 3 years.

The Bernie Sanders supporter who tried to murder the entire Republican baseball team.....the Bernie sanders supporter who stabbed two men to death in Seattle....the black lives sympathizer who murdered Dallas police officers....the left winger from Britain who tried to assassinate Trump at his rally......bob creamer and scot rival who were paid by the DEmocrat national Committee to incite violence at Trump rallies......the antifa fascists who stopped conservatives from speaking on college campuses....

Is that enough?
The guy who shot Brooke Jennings in the head for being a republican.
I condemn those that feel they have a right to change history. meaning fascists that want to destroy the independence of others simple because something offends them. Yeah, I condemn the Mayor of that city.

This the guy that Trump won't call a rightwing terrorist.


This is Major Nidal Hasan, self-proclaimed 'Soldier of Allah' who gunned down his fellow US Army brethren while yelling 'Allah Akbar' during the Fort Hood terrorist attack...the terrorist Former President Barak Obama refused to call a 'Terrorist'...until he was pressured to do so. Instead he claimed the attack was a case of 'Workplace Violence'.

What was your point again?


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This the guy that Trump won't call a rightwing terrorist.

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This is Major Nidal Hasan, self-proclaimed 'Soldier of Allah' who gunned down his fellow US Army brethren while yelling 'Allah Akbar' during the Fort Hood terrorist attack...the terrorist Former President Barak Obama refused to call a 'Terrorist'...until he was pressured to do so. Instead he claimed the attack was a case of 'Workplace Violence'.

What was your point again?
that most libs are hypocrites?
Yeah, i feel better already. Now that you've called me retarded, i know it must be true!
So, why associate yourself with a murderer? Proud of it? Or just retarded?

Maybe you have a reason other than being a retard. :dunno:

I just hate liberals, so some guy takes a bunch of our enemies and kills them. sounds good to me.

I feel about as bad about that as i do about the bomb Trump dropped on ISIS a while back.

Why do you "hate liberals" so much?

Their intolerance towards conservative attitudes has made their presence in our country problematic.

So they have created a situation where either Conservatism wins, or liberalism makes conservative standpoints (such as opposition to gay marriage and homosexuality) "bigoted" and unacceptable. Therefore, it leaves us with only two options. Either conservatism becomes the singular ideology of America, or Liberalism does.

This is a civil war for the heart of America. There will be casualties, unfortunately. We must hold firm to our beliefs, and seek the defeat of the Liberal enemy.

We must celebrate whenever an enemy of our ideology dies; for this is a step towards victory in the war against Liberalism.
Yeah, i feel better already. Now that you've called me retarded, i know it must be true!
So, why associate yourself with a murderer? Proud of it? Or just retarded?

Maybe you have a reason other than being a retard. :dunno:

I just hate liberals, so some guy takes a bunch of our enemies and kills them. sounds good to me.

I feel about as bad about that as i do about the bomb Trump dropped on ISIS a while back.

Why do you "hate liberals" so much?

Their intolerance towards conservative attitudes has made their presence in our country problematic.

So they have created a situation where either Conservatism wins, or liberalism makes conservative standpoints (such as opposition to gay marriage and homosexuality) "bigoted" and unacceptable. Therefore, it leaves us with only two options. Either conservatism becomes the singular ideology of America, or Liberalism does.

This is a civil war for the heart of America. There will be casualties, unfortunately. We must hold firm to our beliefs, and seek the defeat of the Liberal enemy.

We must celebrate whenever an enemy of our ideology dies; for this is a step towards victory in the war against Liberalism.

If you discriminate against those based on their sexuality, you are a bigot. If you discriminate against people because of their race, you are a bigot. Not because a liberal said so, but because it is the definition of a bigot.


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