Where Is The Heavily Armed Raid By The FBI? Biden / Democrats Demonstrate Corrupt 2-Tiered Justice System

Dumbass, Trump and his lawyers were caught lying lying and lying again about keeping those documents. When you fully co-operate you don't get "raided".

Are you seriously too fucking stupid to understand the vast difference?
No, Trump and his lawyers, and the FBI had communicated about these documents from the beginning. It wasnt a secret. Quit spreading disinformation.
Apparently you are unable to see a difference. Once of them had the documents in a locked closet that people didn't even know the contents of, vs in open boxes, and strewn around the residence in unlocked desks.

Once it was learned they had classified material they turned it over to the national archives, vs hiding them from the national archives for months, ignoring a subpoena for them, and refusing to turn them over.
Trump didnt hide the documents. The FBI had always known they were there and no one claimed that they werent. Unlike Trump, Biden took these in secret, told no one and he was only VP at the time, so he wasnt legally allowed to have those documents. Only a president can declassify.
No one was requesting them because no one knew that Biden took these over a decade ago.
There's no evidence that he actually "took" them.. There is plenty of evidence that he had them when he was VP and they just got lost in the shuffle and weren't returned when they were supposed to be.

In Trump's case, the documents were not taken from the white house until Trump was already leaving office. He knowingly and intentioinally STOLE them from the white house.
There's no evidence that he actually "took" them.. There is plenty of evidence that he had them when he was VP and they just got lost in the shuffle and weren't returned when they were supposed to be.

In Trump's case, the documents were not taken from the white house until Trump was already leaving office. He knowingly and intentioinally STOLE them from the white house.
They were in a locked closet in Biden's private office. You can pretend that Biden had no idea, but dont expect the rest of us to do that. That would be preposterous and frankly, moronic. "I had no idea" isnt going to work.
Watch the leftist FUCKTARDS defend Biden, when they crucified Trump. ZERO credibility with any of these moronic dick heads.

Ok. Explain how it is anything similar.

So Trump was asked for the documents. Denied he had any. Asked again. Surrendered some. Swore that was all. And finally screamed witch-hunt when the FBI raided to recover the documents.

By comparison. When they found the documents in Biden’s case, they called right away to report the discovery.

He returned SOME of the boxes to the NA with their original request, but not all of them., and he and his attorney issued a sworn affadavit swearing UNDER OATH that all documents had been turned over. The NA found that there were still hundreds of documents not accounted for, and made several more requests, which were ignored, before finally requesting that the FBI get involved. He wasn't cooperating with them at all. He handed over a small portion of the documents, and then lied under oath, claiming that he had turned them all over, and that he didn't have anymote. That is why a search warrant was needed, because the NA knew he was lying, and he refued to coopeate with them.
wrong they were not ignored. They were down there reviewing documents. He opened his home to them.

xiden on the other hand stole them, took them to his private office funded by the chinese and hide them for 6 years until some random attorneys found them

and we don’t know if all of them…now the doj is involved…a special prosecutor is needed ASAP
Ok. Explain how it is anything similar.

So Trump was asked for the documents. Denied he had any. Asked again. Surrendered some. Swore that was all. And finally screamed witch-hunt when the FBI raided to recover the documents.

By comparison. When they found the documents in Biden’s case, they called right away to report the discovery.
no they didn’t…it’s been 6 years! and we have no idea if there is more yet…the DOJ is involved now…after some random attorneys discovered them. We need a special prosecutor to determine if there is more, how these were allowed to disappear for years, who had access, what’s been done with them etc
Ok. Explain how it is anything similar.

So Trump was asked for the documents. Denied he had any. Asked again. Surrendered some. Swore that was all. And finally screamed witch-hunt when the FBI raided to recover the documents.

By comparison. When they found the documents in Biden’s case, they called right away to report the discovery.
Here’s what’s different….

- media is covering for Biden, unlike how they crafted a false narrative for Trump

- No FBI raid for Biden

- libs in here are displaying full on hypocrisy
Oh shit, Democrats are fucked now. The epic hypocrisy, double standards and government corruption is on FULL DISPLAY. Will Biden hold himself accountable to the same standard he held Trump to?
He already has, apparently.

Lawyers for Sleepy Old Uncle Joe came forward immediately upon the discovery of a half-dozen to a dozen classified documents found in an old office.

Lawyers for - and your Orange Baboon-God himself - dissembled and lied about the possession of boxes of them and eventually the FBI raided and seized.

If's the difference between an honest slip-up (Biden) and large-scale intentional theft and concealment of such materials (Trump) and then lying about it.

But that will fall upon deaf ears amongst Neanderthal trailer-trash who support the Orange Comb-Over Benedict Arnold - no real surprise there, I fear.
Biden retained classified documents after he was no longer Vice President housed in his office at a foundation funded with $54M from the Red Chinese thus giving the Chinese access to these classified national security secrets.
He already has, apparently.

Lawyers for Sleepy Old Uncle Joe came forward immediately upon the discovery of a half-dozen to a dozen classified documents found in an old office.

Lawyers for - and your Orange Baboon-God himself - dissembled and lied about the possession of boxes of them and eventually the FBI raided and seized.

If's the difference between an honest slip-up (Biden) and large-scale intentional theft and concealment of such materials (Trump) and then lying about it.

But that will fall upon deaf ears amongst Neanderthal trailer-trash who support the Orange Comb-Over Benedict Arnold - no real surprise there, I fear.
The "my client is a stupid retarded asshole that didn't mean it" is not going to go over as easily as it did for Hillary! :eusa_hand:
He already has, apparently.

Lawyers for Sleepy Old Uncle Joe came forward immediately upon the discovery of a half-dozen to a dozen classified documents found in an old office.

Lawyers for - and your Orange Baboon-God himself - dissembled and lied about the possession of boxes of them and eventually the FBI raided and seized.

If's the difference between an honest slip-up (Biden) and large-scale intentional theft and concealment of such materials (Trump) and then lying about it.

But that will fall upon deaf ears amongst Neanderthal trailer-trash who support the Orange Comb-Over Benedict Arnold - no real surprise there, I fear.
So, only after he was caught did he decide to turn them over eh?
Sounds about right, for a criminal
Apparently you are unable to see a difference. Once of them had the documents in a locked closet that people didn't even know the contents of, vs in open boxes, and strewn around the residence in unlocked desks.

Once it was learned they had classified material they turned it over to the national archives, vs hiding them from the national archives for months, ignoring a subpoena for them, and refusing to turn them over.

Everyone sees the difference
One is part of the Democrat Cult, and one is not.

That's the diff.
There's no evidence that he actually "took" them.. There is plenty of evidence that he had them when he was VP and they just got lost in the shuffle and weren't returned when they were supposed to be.
bwahhhhh ahhahahahhhahah...........bwaahahahhahhaha. hahahahahahaha
"On Monday, Fox News confirmed that a batch of records from Biden's time as vice president, including a "small number of documents with classified markings," were discovered at the Penn Biden Center by the president's personal attorneys on Nov. 2, according to Richard Saubel, special counsel to the White House."

Classified documents in Biden's possession for 6 (SIX) YEARS....

No 'Unprecedented' raid.
No heavy-armed FBI raid.
No big deal.

'One Justice System for THEE, And Another For Criminal ME!'
-- Democrats

I suspect that if the FBI raided the Obama mega mansion on Martha's Vineyard they would find classified documents.

Of course the Obamas being Negros the FBI would probably find other things stolen out of the White House.
There's no evidence that he actually "took" them.. There is plenty of evidence that he had them when he was VP and they just got lost in the shuffle and weren't returned when they were supposed to be.

In Trump's case, the documents were not taken from the white house until Trump was already leaving office. He knowingly and intentioinally STOLE them from the white house.

Besides the fact they where in his private office in DC for the past 6 years in a closet? hahahhah

wow....I can't believe you actually went there

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