Where Is The Leftist Hate For Biden's 'Kids In Cages'?

Snowflakes rushed to demonize Trump when the Fake News media posted pictures of BARRY'S 'kids in cages' while falsely claiming they were photos taken under Trump.

The jig is up, the Biden 'dirty little secret' is out - the humanitarian crisis Biden has caused resulting in the inhumane treatment and incarceration of unaccompanied children, called a 'disaster' by a visiting Democrat, is now undeniable....

Where are the snowflakes now? Where is the Neil's condemnation?

Because under Obama, it was a matter of doing it as a last resort.
Under you blob, it was done as a "deterrent".
You should really just admit that you don't give a rat's hairy ass about "kids in cages". Your only pleasure was in trying to denigrate Trump. No one who actually gives a damn about children can look at what Biden has done and call it anything other than the clusterfuck it is. The misery that Beijing's bitch has brought to at least 13,000 children should haunt your fucking dreams.
Under Obama it was done as a last resort.
Under Trump, the putting of kids in cages was applauded. Blob supporters love cruelty...for some reason.

Biden inherited a mess and his efforts so far have been disappointing. Its good to see he's enlisting the public sector in mitigation instead of paying private prisons billions like your blob did, however.

Your post highlights that your blob did very little to solve an immigration problem he created. It was a high price to pay to try to keep brown people away.
Bullshit. You lowlife fucking democrats created this nightmare. Don't even think you can salve your conscious by trying to pretend that this started under Trump.
We've had basically the same border since the 1960's in terms of immigration. The blob came along and made you guys into the hateful little pieces of shit you've become. Meanwhile since the 60's the lives of average Americans have expanded in every possible way. Immigration has had very little negative effect during that time.

The only thing that is markedly different is the hate engendered by the blob.
Spin it any way you can but it doesn't change the facts. Biden, with your help set the children up to be used as pawns. That's all they are to democrats. Something to be used to try to further your political goals. You guys must have a serf class after all. Democrats can't succeed unless they can promote classism. And if you want to see hateful just turn your face to your mirror. How badly do you hate those children to allow them to be used as a passport for drug cartels into the USA. How much do you hate Americans to know that you're helping to flood this nation with the fentanyl and heroin killing young people in order to cement democrat power that will never really benefit you. You're also a pawn, just a willing one.

Its not spin. It's fact. You can look on this board pre 2015 and see how many posts there were about immigration compared to after the blob arrived on the scene.
Snowflakes rushed to demonize Trump when the Fake News media posted pictures of BARRY'S 'kids in cages' while falsely claiming they were photos taken under Trump.

The jig is up, the Biden 'dirty little secret' is out - the humanitarian crisis Biden has caused resulting in the inhumane treatment and incarceration of unaccompanied children, called a 'disaster' by a visiting Democrat, is now undeniable....

Where are the snowflakes now? Where is the Neil's condemnation?

The deplorable conditions Biden is subjecting these children to aren't even allowed in prisons.
It isn't bad enough. It needs to be much worse.
Snowflakes rushed to demonize Trump when the Fake News media posted pictures of BARRY'S 'kids in cages' while falsely claiming they were photos taken under Trump.

The jig is up, the Biden 'dirty little secret' is out - the humanitarian crisis Biden has caused resulting in the inhumane treatment and incarceration of unaccompanied children, called a 'disaster' by a visiting Democrat, is now undeniable....

Where are the snowflakes now? Where is the Neil's condemnation?

Shows you just how PHONY the left are. Nothing but a bunch of lying dishonest lowlife filth.
Snowflakes rushed to demonize Trump when the Fake News media posted pictures of BARRY'S 'kids in cages' while falsely claiming they were photos taken under Trump.

The jig is up, the Biden 'dirty little secret' is out - the humanitarian crisis Biden has caused resulting in the inhumane treatment and incarceration of unaccompanied children, called a 'disaster' by a visiting Democrat, is now undeniable....

Where are the snowflakes now? Where is the Neil's condemnation?

Because under Obama, it was a matter of doing it as a last resort.
Under you blob, it was done as a "deterrent".
You should really just admit that you don't give a rat's hairy ass about "kids in cages". Your only pleasure was in trying to denigrate Trump. No one who actually gives a damn about children can look at what Biden has done and call it anything other than the clusterfuck it is. The misery that Beijing's bitch has brought to at least 13,000 children should haunt your fucking dreams.
Under Obama it was done as a last resort.
Under Trump, the putting of kids in cages was applauded. Blob supporters love cruelty...for some reason.

Biden inherited a mess and his efforts so far have been disappointing. Its good to see he's enlisting the public sector in mitigation instead of paying private prisons billions like your blob did, however.

Your post highlights that your blob did very little to solve an immigration problem he created. It was a high price to pay to try to keep brown people away.

VP Harris campaigned on closing these centers outright once elected. She’s one heartbeat away. What’s stopping her? Democrats built the cages and they took a manageable situation and made it worse.
Snowflakes rushed to demonize Trump when the Fake News media posted pictures of BARRY'S 'kids in cages' while falsely claiming they were photos taken under Trump.

The jig is up, the Biden 'dirty little secret' is out - the humanitarian crisis Biden has caused resulting in the inhumane treatment and incarceration of unaccompanied children, called a 'disaster' by a visiting Democrat, is now undeniable....

Where are the snowflakes now? Where is the Neil's condemnation?

Because under Obama, it was a matter of doing it as a last resort.
Under you blob, it was done as a "deterrent".
You should really just admit that you don't give a rat's hairy ass about "kids in cages". Your only pleasure was in trying to denigrate Trump. No one who actually gives a damn about children can look at what Biden has done and call it anything other than the clusterfuck it is. The misery that Beijing's bitch has brought to at least 13,000 children should haunt your fucking dreams.
Under Obama it was done as a last resort.
Under Trump, the putting of kids in cages was applauded. Blob supporters love cruelty...for some reason.

Biden inherited a mess and his efforts so far have been disappointing. Its good to see he's enlisting the public sector in mitigation instead of paying private prisons billions like your blob did, however.

Your post highlights that your blob did very little to solve an immigration problem he created. It was a high price to pay to try to keep brown people away.

VP Harris campaigned on closing these centers outright once elected. She’s one heartbeat away. What’s stopping her? Democrats built the cages and they took a manageable situation and made it worse.
Obama built the cages. They were used as a last resort
Trump filled them. They were used as a deterrent.
Joe needs to do better on this.
Snowflakes rushed to demonize Trump when the Fake News media posted pictures of BARRY'S 'kids in cages' while falsely claiming they were photos taken under Trump.

The jig is up, the Biden 'dirty little secret' is out - the humanitarian crisis Biden has caused resulting in the inhumane treatment and incarceration of unaccompanied children, called a 'disaster' by a visiting Democrat, is now undeniable....

Where are the snowflakes now? Where is the Neil's condemnation?

Who knows?? They certainly had a wealth of hate when Trump was POTUS and kids were in cages. Now that the stuttering fuck is POTUS its okay to put kids in cages.

By the way, they should load them up on busses and ship them all back to the border. Let Mexico deal with them.
Snowflakes rushed to demonize Trump when the Fake News media posted pictures of BARRY'S 'kids in cages' while falsely claiming they were photos taken under Trump.

The jig is up, the Biden 'dirty little secret' is out - the humanitarian crisis Biden has caused resulting in the inhumane treatment and incarceration of unaccompanied children, called a 'disaster' by a visiting Democrat, is now undeniable....

Where are the snowflakes now? Where is the Neil's condemnation?

Because under Obama, it was a matter of doing it as a last resort.
Under you blob, it was done as a "deterrent".
You should really just admit that you don't give a rat's hairy ass about "kids in cages". Your only pleasure was in trying to denigrate Trump. No one who actually gives a damn about children can look at what Biden has done and call it anything other than the clusterfuck it is. The misery that Beijing's bitch has brought to at least 13,000 children should haunt your fucking dreams.
Under Obama it was done as a last resort.
Under Trump, the putting of kids in cages was applauded. Blob supporters love cruelty...for some reason.

Biden inherited a mess and his efforts so far have been disappointing. Its good to see he's enlisting the public sector in mitigation instead of paying private prisons billions like your blob did, however.

Your post highlights that your blob did very little to solve an immigration problem he created. It was a high price to pay to try to keep brown people away.

VP Harris campaigned on closing these centers outright once elected. She’s one heartbeat away. What’s stopping her? Democrats built the cages and they took a manageable situation and made it worse.
Obama built the cages. They were used as a last resort
Trump filled them. They were used as a deterrent.
Joe needs to do better on this.

LOL Guess you missed those pic from 2014 with kids in cages. Barry was POTUS then. Last resort my ass.

The stuttering fuck you voted for has created a crisis at our border and it costing we tax payer billions.

Keep defending him. He's going to need it.
Last edited:
Snowflakes rushed to demonize Trump when the Fake News media posted pictures of BARRY'S 'kids in cages' while falsely claiming they were photos taken under Trump.

The jig is up, the Biden 'dirty little secret' is out - the humanitarian crisis Biden has caused resulting in the inhumane treatment and incarceration of unaccompanied children, called a 'disaster' by a visiting Democrat, is now undeniable....

Where are the snowflakes now? Where is the Neil's condemnation?

Because under Obama, it was a matter of doing it as a last resort.
Under you blob, it was done as a "deterrent".
You should really just admit that you don't give a rat's hairy ass about "kids in cages". Your only pleasure was in trying to denigrate Trump. No one who actually gives a damn about children can look at what Biden has done and call it anything other than the clusterfuck it is. The misery that Beijing's bitch has brought to at least 13,000 children should haunt your fucking dreams.
Under Obama it was done as a last resort.
Under Trump, the putting of kids in cages was applauded. Blob supporters love cruelty...for some reason.

Biden inherited a mess and his efforts so far have been disappointing. Its good to see he's enlisting the public sector in mitigation instead of paying private prisons billions like your blob did, however.

Your post highlights that your blob did very little to solve an immigration problem he created. It was a high price to pay to try to keep brown people away.

VP Harris campaigned on closing these centers outright once elected. She’s one heartbeat away. What’s stopping her? Democrats built the cages and they took a manageable situation and made it worse.
Obama built the cages. They were used as a last resort
Trump filled them. They were used as a deterrent.
Joe needs to do better on this.

LOL Guess you missed those pic from 2014 with kids in cages. Barry was POTUS them. Last resort my ass.

The stuttering fuck you voted for has created a crisis at our border and it costing we tax payer billions.

Keep defending him. He's going to need it.

Nope, it's Trumps fault because Biden wrote the executive orders to open the border up. :D All kidding aside.

FLASHBACK: Joe Biden calls for an immediate surge of illegals to the border when he becomes president

During one of the Democratic debates, Joe Biden actually told Jorge Ramos that he would ensure that there was an immediate surge of illegals to the border if he became president:

Snowflakes rushed to demonize Trump when the Fake News media posted pictures of BARRY'S 'kids in cages' while falsely claiming they were photos taken under Trump.

The jig is up, the Biden 'dirty little secret' is out - the humanitarian crisis Biden has caused resulting in the inhumane treatment and incarceration of unaccompanied children, called a 'disaster' by a visiting Democrat, is now undeniable....

Where are the snowflakes now? Where is the Neil's condemnation?

Because under Obama, it was a matter of doing it as a last resort.
Under you blob, it was done as a "deterrent".
You should really just admit that you don't give a rat's hairy ass about "kids in cages". Your only pleasure was in trying to denigrate Trump. No one who actually gives a damn about children can look at what Biden has done and call it anything other than the clusterfuck it is. The misery that Beijing's bitch has brought to at least 13,000 children should haunt your fucking dreams.
Under Obama it was done as a last resort.
Under Trump, the putting of kids in cages was applauded. Blob supporters love cruelty...for some reason.

Biden inherited a mess and his efforts so far have been disappointing. Its good to see he's enlisting the public sector in mitigation instead of paying private prisons billions like your blob did, however.

Your post highlights that your blob did very little to solve an immigration problem he created. It was a high price to pay to try to keep brown people away.

VP Harris campaigned on closing these centers outright once elected. She’s one heartbeat away. What’s stopping her? Democrats built the cages and they took a manageable situation and made it worse.
Obama built the cages. They were used as a last resort
Trump filled them. They were used as a deterrent.
Joe needs to do better on this.

LOL Guess you missed those pic from 2014 with kids in cages. Barry was POTUS them. Last resort my ass.

The stuttering fuck you voted for has created a crisis at our border and it costing we tax payer billions.

Keep defending him. He's going to need it.

Yeah, you're full of shit.
Snowflakes rushed to demonize Trump when the Fake News media posted pictures of BARRY'S 'kids in cages' while falsely claiming they were photos taken under Trump.

The jig is up, the Biden 'dirty little secret' is out - the humanitarian crisis Biden has caused resulting in the inhumane treatment and incarceration of unaccompanied children, called a 'disaster' by a visiting Democrat, is now undeniable....

Where are the snowflakes now? Where is the Neil's condemnation?

Because under Obama, it was a matter of doing it as a last resort.
Under you blob, it was done as a "deterrent".
You should really just admit that you don't give a rat's hairy ass about "kids in cages". Your only pleasure was in trying to denigrate Trump. No one who actually gives a damn about children can look at what Biden has done and call it anything other than the clusterfuck it is. The misery that Beijing's bitch has brought to at least 13,000 children should haunt your fucking dreams.
Under Obama it was done as a last resort.
Under Trump, the putting of kids in cages was applauded. Blob supporters love cruelty...for some reason.

Biden inherited a mess and his efforts so far have been disappointing. Its good to see he's enlisting the public sector in mitigation instead of paying private prisons billions like your blob did, however.

Your post highlights that your blob did very little to solve an immigration problem he created. It was a high price to pay to try to keep brown people away.

VP Harris campaigned on closing these centers outright once elected. She’s one heartbeat away. What’s stopping her? Democrats built the cages and they took a manageable situation and made it worse.
Obama built the cages. They were used as a last resort
Trump filled them. They were used as a deterrent.
Joe needs to do better on this.

LOL Guess you missed those pic from 2014 with kids in cages. Barry was POTUS them. Last resort my ass.

The stuttering fuck you voted for has created a crisis at our border and it costing we tax payer billions.

Keep defending him. He's going to need it.

Yeah, you're full of shit.

LOL Not as much as you are. Keep lying to yourself.
Snowflakes rushed to demonize Trump when the Fake News media posted pictures of BARRY'S 'kids in cages' while falsely claiming they were photos taken under Trump.

The jig is up, the Biden 'dirty little secret' is out - the humanitarian crisis Biden has caused resulting in the inhumane treatment and incarceration of unaccompanied children, called a 'disaster' by a visiting Democrat, is now undeniable....

Where are the snowflakes now? Where is the Neil's condemnation?

Because under Obama, it was a matter of doing it as a last resort.
Under you blob, it was done as a "deterrent".
You should really just admit that you don't give a rat's hairy ass about "kids in cages". Your only pleasure was in trying to denigrate Trump. No one who actually gives a damn about children can look at what Biden has done and call it anything other than the clusterfuck it is. The misery that Beijing's bitch has brought to at least 13,000 children should haunt your fucking dreams.
Under Obama it was done as a last resort.
Under Trump, the putting of kids in cages was applauded. Blob supporters love cruelty...for some reason.

Biden inherited a mess and his efforts so far have been disappointing. Its good to see he's enlisting the public sector in mitigation instead of paying private prisons billions like your blob did, however.

Your post highlights that your blob did very little to solve an immigration problem he created. It was a high price to pay to try to keep brown people away.

VP Harris campaigned on closing these centers outright once elected. She’s one heartbeat away. What’s stopping her? Democrats built the cages and they took a manageable situation and made it worse.
Obama built the cages. They were used as a last resort
Trump filled them. They were used as a deterrent.
Joe needs to do better on this.

Why build them in the first place if you have any reservations whatsoever on the morality of it? Really not much difference between “last resort” and “as a deterrant”. Biden has dug himself a big hole on this and it continues to get worse. Why not go with Harris’s promise to close these centers immediately? Hold her accountable.
Snowflakes rushed to demonize Trump when the Fake News media posted pictures of BARRY'S 'kids in cages' while falsely claiming they were photos taken under Trump.

The jig is up, the Biden 'dirty little secret' is out - the humanitarian crisis Biden has caused resulting in the inhumane treatment and incarceration of unaccompanied children, called a 'disaster' by a visiting Democrat, is now undeniable....

Where are the snowflakes now? Where is the Neil's condemnation?

Because under Obama, it was a matter of doing it as a last resort.
Under you blob, it was done as a "deterrent".
You should really just admit that you don't give a rat's hairy ass about "kids in cages". Your only pleasure was in trying to denigrate Trump. No one who actually gives a damn about children can look at what Biden has done and call it anything other than the clusterfuck it is. The misery that Beijing's bitch has brought to at least 13,000 children should haunt your fucking dreams.
Under Obama it was done as a last resort.
Under Trump, the putting of kids in cages was applauded. Blob supporters love cruelty...for some reason.

Biden inherited a mess and his efforts so far have been disappointing. Its good to see he's enlisting the public sector in mitigation instead of paying private prisons billions like your blob did, however.

Your post highlights that your blob did very little to solve an immigration problem he created. It was a high price to pay to try to keep brown people away.

VP Harris campaigned on closing these centers outright once elected. She’s one heartbeat away. What’s stopping her? Democrats built the cages and they took a manageable situation and made it worse.
Obama built the cages. They were used as a last resort
Trump filled them. They were used as a deterrent.
Joe needs to do better on this.

LOL Guess you missed those pic from 2014 with kids in cages. Barry was POTUS them. Last resort my ass.

The stuttering fuck you voted for has created a crisis at our border and it costing we tax payer billions.

Keep defending him. He's going to need it.

Nope, it's Trumps fault because Biden wrote the executive orders to open the border up. :D All kidding aside.

FLASHBACK: Joe Biden calls for an immediate surge of illegals to the border when he becomes president

During one of the Democratic debates, Joe Biden actually told Jorge Ramos that he would ensure that there was an immediate surge of illegals to the border if he became president:

Clearly, this was his plan. And Obama’s so-called “last resort” has become Biden-Harris “Go To”. Makes the policy of “Deterrent” the prettiest turd in the pile of shit Obama built in the first place.
Snowflakes rushed to demonize Trump when the Fake News media posted pictures of BARRY'S 'kids in cages' while falsely claiming they were photos taken under Trump.

The jig is up, the Biden 'dirty little secret' is out - the humanitarian crisis Biden has caused resulting in the inhumane treatment and incarceration of unaccompanied children, called a 'disaster' by a visiting Democrat, is now undeniable....

Where are the snowflakes now? Where is the Neil's condemnation?

Because under Obama, it was a matter of doing it as a last resort.
Under you blob, it was done as a "deterrent".
You should really just admit that you don't give a rat's hairy ass about "kids in cages". Your only pleasure was in trying to denigrate Trump. No one who actually gives a damn about children can look at what Biden has done and call it anything other than the clusterfuck it is. The misery that Beijing's bitch has brought to at least 13,000 children should haunt your fucking dreams.
Under Obama it was done as a last resort.
Under Trump, the putting of kids in cages was applauded. Blob supporters love cruelty...for some reason.

Biden inherited a mess and his efforts so far have been disappointing. Its good to see he's enlisting the public sector in mitigation instead of paying private prisons billions like your blob did, however.

Your post highlights that your blob did very little to solve an immigration problem he created. It was a high price to pay to try to keep brown people away.

VP Harris campaigned on closing these centers outright once elected. She’s one heartbeat away. What’s stopping her? Democrats built the cages and they took a manageable situation and made it worse.
Obama built the cages. They were used as a last resort
Trump filled them. They were used as a deterrent.
Joe needs to do better on this.

Why build them in the first place if you have any reservations whatsoever on the morality of it? Really not much difference between “last resort” and “as a deterrant”. Biden has dug himself a big hole on this and it continues to get worse. Why not go with Harris’s promise to close these centers immediately? Hold her accountable.

The Bible teaches how we should 'count the cost' before acting, meaning beforre you start building a house make sure you have the supplies you need and can afford to build the house....or make sure you have the resources you need to open up the borders and take in tens of thousands of illegals.

The Biden administration, as did the Obama administration, underestimated the number of illegals who would flood into the country once they opened the border and were not prepared for them.

THOUSANDS of children packed on top of each other, not enough people to care for them, not enough food for them, no useable water, virus-infected and spreading like wildfire, having to build holding facilities on govt bases and property, paying hundreds of thousands of tax dollars to house illegal families in hotels while over 600,000 homeless Americans sleep on the streets.....

This border situation is an all-out humanitarian and national security disaster....and its all Joe's and the Democrats'...
Snowflakes rushed to demonize Trump when the Fake News media posted pictures of BARRY'S 'kids in cages' while falsely claiming they were photos taken under Trump.

The jig is up, the Biden 'dirty little secret' is out - the humanitarian crisis Biden has caused resulting in the inhumane treatment and incarceration of unaccompanied children, called a 'disaster' by a visiting Democrat, is now undeniable....

Where are the snowflakes now? Where is the Neil's condemnation?

Because under Obama, it was a matter of doing it as a last resort.
Under you blob, it was done as a "deterrent".
You should really just admit that you don't give a rat's hairy ass about "kids in cages". Your only pleasure was in trying to denigrate Trump. No one who actually gives a damn about children can look at what Biden has done and call it anything other than the clusterfuck it is. The misery that Beijing's bitch has brought to at least 13,000 children should haunt your fucking dreams.
Under Obama it was done as a last resort.
Under Trump, the putting of kids in cages was applauded. Blob supporters love cruelty...for some reason.

Biden inherited a mess and his efforts so far have been disappointing. Its good to see he's enlisting the public sector in mitigation instead of paying private prisons billions like your blob did, however.

Your post highlights that your blob did very little to solve an immigration problem he created. It was a high price to pay to try to keep brown people away.
Cruelty!....Bwhahhaa! Prog areas are bastions of cruelties to themselves and spread it out to others. This while plying endless resources into them.
Snowflakes rushed to demonize Trump when the Fake News media posted pictures of BARRY'S 'kids in cages' while falsely claiming they were photos taken under Trump.

The jig is up, the Biden 'dirty little secret' is out - the humanitarian crisis Biden has caused resulting in the inhumane treatment and incarceration of unaccompanied children, called a 'disaster' by a visiting Democrat, is now undeniable....

Where are the snowflakes now? Where is the Neil's condemnation?

Because under Obama, it was a matter of doing it as a last resort.
Under you blob, it was done as a "deterrent".
You should really just admit that you don't give a rat's hairy ass about "kids in cages". Your only pleasure was in trying to denigrate Trump. No one who actually gives a damn about children can look at what Biden has done and call it anything other than the clusterfuck it is. The misery that Beijing's bitch has brought to at least 13,000 children should haunt your fucking dreams.
Under Obama it was done as a last resort.
Under Trump, the putting of kids in cages was applauded. Blob supporters love cruelty...for some reason.

Biden inherited a mess and his efforts so far have been disappointing. Its good to see he's enlisting the public sector in mitigation instead of paying private prisons billions like your blob did, however.

Your post highlights that your blob did very little to solve an immigration problem he created. It was a high price to pay to try to keep brown people away.
Biden was handed a secure border, then he screwed it up.

"This Is NOT Kids Being Kept In Cages."
- WH Press Secretary Jen Psaki


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