Where Is The Leftist Hate For Biden's 'Kids In Cages'?

oh my, and this is what you brain dead retards of the demonRATS voted for....are you proud of yourselves yet? fucking retards
Lice is the least of their worries.....................What percent of these kids have all their shots like a US kid. Between dodging murderous drug cartels I bet ZERO cartels and starving?

Diptheria and Whooping Cough. My Lord this is hilarious
Lice was a part of the OT- not one of my 4 grand kids have been vaccinated for anything- they were born here.
Dogs get Diptheria shots- The cartels are all about making money. Period. It's a business transaction for them. Yes, most of the kids are hungry, that goes without saying- kids are always hungry. Throw in going without anything to eat over several weeks and I'm pretty sure hunger is a priority- and, not all are Mexican- many are Central American-

The lack of compassion is astounding- the lack of asking what if the shoe was on the other foot amazes me-
I posted a thread about a book I read, The Border, by Don Winslow, a part of it was describing the trip from Central America (through Mexico) and the trials faced by the kids- often alone- it didn't dwell on the deaths, but mentioned it in passing- a part of the book was about the cartels and a part of it was about the NY Drug task force (under cover) and a part of it was about the protagonist, a DEA filed agent, who took the job of Head MFIC at the DEA- he had been fighting the Drug War (the cartels in particular) for 20 years (the story took place just prior to 2015-

There is a lot more to what's going on at the border than the presstitutes report on-
Snowflakes rushed to demonize Trump when the Fake News media posted pictures of BARRY'S 'kids in cages' while falsely claiming they were photos taken under Trump.

The jig is up, the Biden 'dirty little secret' is out - the humanitarian crisis Biden has caused resulting in the inhumane treatment and incarceration of unaccompanied children, called a 'disaster' by a visiting Democrat, is now undeniable....

Where are the snowflakes now? Where is the Neil's condemnation?

Because under Obama, it was a matter of doing it as a last resort.
Under you blob, it was done as a "deterrent".
You should really just admit that you don't give a rat's hairy ass about "kids in cages". Your only pleasure was in trying to denigrate Trump. No one who actually gives a damn about children can look at what Biden has done and call it anything other than the clusterfuck it is. The misery that Beijing's bitch has brought to at least 13,000 children should haunt your fucking dreams.
Under Obama it was done as a last resort.
Under Trump, the putting of kids in cages was applauded. Blob supporters love cruelty...for some reason.

Biden inherited a mess and his efforts so far have been disappointing. Its good to see he's enlisting the public sector in mitigation instead of paying private prisons billions like your blob did, however.

Your post highlights that your blob did very little to solve an immigration problem he created. It was a high price to pay to try to keep brown people away.
Bullshit. You lowlife fucking democrats created this nightmare. Don't even think you can salve your conscious by trying to pretend that this started under Trump.
We've had basically the same border since the 1960's in terms of immigration. The blob came along and made you guys into the hateful little pieces of shit you've become. Meanwhile since the 60's the lives of average Americans have expanded in every possible way. Immigration has had very little negative effect during that time.

The only thing that is markedly different is the hate engendered by the blob.
Spin it any way you can but it doesn't change the facts. Biden, with your help set the children up to be used as pawns. That's all they are to democrats. Something to be used to try to further your political goals. You guys must have a serf class after all. Democrats can't succeed unless they can promote classism. And if you want to see hateful just turn your face to your mirror. How badly do you hate those children to allow them to be used as a passport for drug cartels into the USA. How much do you hate Americans to know that you're helping to flood this nation with the fentanyl and heroin killing young people in order to cement democrat power that will never really benefit you. You're also a pawn, just a willing one.

Its not spin. It's fact. You can look on this board pre 2015 and see how many posts there were about immigration compared to after the blob arrived on the scene.
It is absolutely spin. Illegal immigration and border security have been a major issue since right after 9/11. BY 2005 people were mailing bricks to senators telling them to build the damned wall. Quit making lame excuses for the absolute human tragedy that Biden and his supporters have created for thousands of children. You claim that Trump policies were enacted as a deterrent. Isn't deterring catastrophic amounts of child abuse a good thing? Child abuse is EXACTLY what Biden is causing by NOT deterring thousands of people to use their children to gain access to the USA. Lack of deterrent that encourages people to work with human traffickers and allows children to be targeted by cartels for the sex trade. This is sick and those who support this policy are as guilty as those who created it.
You can look at the postings here and see that you're incorrect...it wasn't a big deal before your blob whipped up you guys hatred of brown folks.

Your blob had about a million apprehensions in 2019. Were you bitching about his performance?


Of course you weren't. Why? Because you didn't give a shit. The only reason you give a shit now is because you were told to give a shit.
Snowflakes rushed to demonize Trump when the Fake News media posted pictures of BARRY'S 'kids in cages' while falsely claiming they were photos taken under Trump.

The jig is up, the Biden 'dirty little secret' is out - the humanitarian crisis Biden has caused resulting in the inhumane treatment and incarceration of unaccompanied children, called a 'disaster' by a visiting Democrat, is now undeniable....

Where are the snowflakes now? Where is the Neil's condemnation?

Because under Obama, it was a matter of doing it as a last resort.
Under you blob, it was done as a "deterrent".
You should really just admit that you don't give a rat's hairy ass about "kids in cages". Your only pleasure was in trying to denigrate Trump. No one who actually gives a damn about children can look at what Biden has done and call it anything other than the clusterfuck it is. The misery that Beijing's bitch has brought to at least 13,000 children should haunt your fucking dreams.
Under Obama it was done as a last resort.
Under Trump, the putting of kids in cages was applauded. Blob supporters love cruelty...for some reason.

Biden inherited a mess and his efforts so far have been disappointing. Its good to see he's enlisting the public sector in mitigation instead of paying private prisons billions like your blob did, however.

Your post highlights that your blob did very little to solve an immigration problem he created. It was a high price to pay to try to keep brown people away.
Bullshit. You lowlife fucking democrats created this nightmare. Don't even think you can salve your conscious by trying to pretend that this started under Trump.
We've had basically the same border since the 1960's in terms of immigration. The blob came along and made you guys into the hateful little pieces of shit you've become. Meanwhile since the 60's the lives of average Americans have expanded in every possible way. Immigration has had very little negative effect during that time.

The only thing that is markedly different is the hate engendered by the blob.
Spin it any way you can but it doesn't change the facts. Biden, with your help set the children up to be used as pawns. That's all they are to democrats. Something to be used to try to further your political goals. You guys must have a serf class after all. Democrats can't succeed unless they can promote classism. And if you want to see hateful just turn your face to your mirror. How badly do you hate those children to allow them to be used as a passport for drug cartels into the USA. How much do you hate Americans to know that you're helping to flood this nation with the fentanyl and heroin killing young people in order to cement democrat power that will never really benefit you. You're also a pawn, just a willing one.

Its not spin. It's fact. You can look on this board pre 2015 and see how many posts there were about immigration compared to after the blob arrived on the scene.
It is absolutely spin. Illegal immigration and border security have been a major issue since right after 9/11. BY 2005 people were mailing bricks to senators telling them to build the damned wall. Quit making lame excuses for the absolute human tragedy that Biden and his supporters have created for thousands of children. You claim that Trump policies were enacted as a deterrent. Isn't deterring catastrophic amounts of child abuse a good thing? Child abuse is EXACTLY what Biden is causing by NOT deterring thousands of people to use their children to gain access to the USA. Lack of deterrent that encourages people to work with human traffickers and allows children to be targeted by cartels for the sex trade. This is sick and those who support this policy are as guilty as those who created it.
You can look at the postings here and see that you're incorrect...it wasn't a big deal before your blob whipped up you guys hatred of brown folks.

Your blob had about a million apprehensions in 2019. Were you bitching about his performance?

View attachment 474663

Of course you weren't. Why? Because you didn't give a shit. The only reason you give a shit now is because you were told to give a shit.
I don't normally post on sleazy's threads, but I saw your post. From my viewpoint, there's no real tragedy for these kids. If they aren't returned to a point of entry with parents, they most likely will receive HS educations and healthcare, financial aid for college if they have ability, and probably eventual citizenship. I'm not happy about it, but aside from the increase in numbers, this is no change from the Trump years after courts forced his administration to stop jailing them just for the terror factor shown to potential illegal immigrants.
Snowflakes rushed to demonize Trump when the Fake News media posted pictures of BARRY'S 'kids in cages' while falsely claiming they were photos taken under Trump.

The jig is up, the Biden 'dirty little secret' is out - the humanitarian crisis Biden has caused resulting in the inhumane treatment and incarceration of unaccompanied children, called a 'disaster' by a visiting Democrat, is now undeniable....

Where are the snowflakes now? Where is the Neil's condemnation?

Because under Obama, it was a matter of doing it as a last resort.
Under you blob, it was done as a "deterrent".
You should really just admit that you don't give a rat's hairy ass about "kids in cages". Your only pleasure was in trying to denigrate Trump. No one who actually gives a damn about children can look at what Biden has done and call it anything other than the clusterfuck it is. The misery that Beijing's bitch has brought to at least 13,000 children should haunt your fucking dreams.
Under Obama it was done as a last resort.
Under Trump, the putting of kids in cages was applauded. Blob supporters love cruelty...for some reason.

Biden inherited a mess and his efforts so far have been disappointing. Its good to see he's enlisting the public sector in mitigation instead of paying private prisons billions like your blob did, however.

Your post highlights that your blob did very little to solve an immigration problem he created. It was a high price to pay to try to keep brown people away.
Bullshit. You lowlife fucking democrats created this nightmare. Don't even think you can salve your conscious by trying to pretend that this started under Trump.
We've had basically the same border since the 1960's in terms of immigration. The blob came along and made you guys into the hateful little pieces of shit you've become. Meanwhile since the 60's the lives of average Americans have expanded in every possible way. Immigration has had very little negative effect during that time.

The only thing that is markedly different is the hate engendered by the blob.
Spin it any way you can but it doesn't change the facts. Biden, with your help set the children up to be used as pawns. That's all they are to democrats. Something to be used to try to further your political goals. You guys must have a serf class after all. Democrats can't succeed unless they can promote classism. And if you want to see hateful just turn your face to your mirror. How badly do you hate those children to allow them to be used as a passport for drug cartels into the USA. How much do you hate Americans to know that you're helping to flood this nation with the fentanyl and heroin killing young people in order to cement democrat power that will never really benefit you. You're also a pawn, just a willing one.

Its not spin. It's fact. You can look on this board pre 2015 and see how many posts there were about immigration compared to after the blob arrived on the scene.
It is absolutely spin. Illegal immigration and border security have been a major issue since right after 9/11. BY 2005 people were mailing bricks to senators telling them to build the damned wall. Quit making lame excuses for the absolute human tragedy that Biden and his supporters have created for thousands of children. You claim that Trump policies were enacted as a deterrent. Isn't deterring catastrophic amounts of child abuse a good thing? Child abuse is EXACTLY what Biden is causing by NOT deterring thousands of people to use their children to gain access to the USA. Lack of deterrent that encourages people to work with human traffickers and allows children to be targeted by cartels for the sex trade. This is sick and those who support this policy are as guilty as those who created it.
You can look at the postings here and see that you're incorrect...it wasn't a big deal before your blob whipped up you guys hatred of brown folks.

Your blob had about a million apprehensions in 2019. Were you bitching about his performance?

View attachment 474663

Of course you weren't. Why? Because you didn't give a shit. The only reason you give a shit now is because you were told to give a shit.
More unequivocal bullshit. I've been on this board since 2008 and know better. Border security and immigration have been an issue since Reagan's amnesty. Save your "hatred of brown people " crap for someone willing to believe it. Expecting everyone to abide by the laws of the land is not hateful or racist. You don't get to post your disingenuous and misleading chart and try to pretend in any way that this was Trump's doing. Your chart fails to mention that Trump was proactively returning those apprehended back to Mexico. You and those you helped put in power have encouraged child abuse on a massive scale and your pretense at caring are fooling no one. This misery lies at your door step. Every child injured because you won't attempt to deter this nightmare is your damned fault and shows your hatred of brown people. You hate them so much that you don't care that they're used and abused as long as you think your party can gain power. What does their pain matter to you after all because if your eyes, they're expendable.
Snowflakes rushed to demonize Trump when the Fake News media posted pictures of BARRY'S 'kids in cages' while falsely claiming they were photos taken under Trump.

The jig is up, the Biden 'dirty little secret' is out - the humanitarian crisis Biden has caused resulting in the inhumane treatment and incarceration of unaccompanied children, called a 'disaster' by a visiting Democrat, is now undeniable....

Where are the snowflakes now? Where is the Neil's condemnation?

Because under Obama, it was a matter of doing it as a last resort.
Under you blob, it was done as a "deterrent".
You should really just admit that you don't give a rat's hairy ass about "kids in cages". Your only pleasure was in trying to denigrate Trump. No one who actually gives a damn about children can look at what Biden has done and call it anything other than the clusterfuck it is. The misery that Beijing's bitch has brought to at least 13,000 children should haunt your fucking dreams.
Under Obama it was done as a last resort.
Under Trump, the putting of kids in cages was applauded. Blob supporters love cruelty...for some reason.

Biden inherited a mess and his efforts so far have been disappointing. Its good to see he's enlisting the public sector in mitigation instead of paying private prisons billions like your blob did, however.

Your post highlights that your blob did very little to solve an immigration problem he created. It was a high price to pay to try to keep brown people away.
Bullshit. You lowlife fucking democrats created this nightmare. Don't even think you can salve your conscious by trying to pretend that this started under Trump.
We've had basically the same border since the 1960's in terms of immigration. The blob came along and made you guys into the hateful little pieces of shit you've become. Meanwhile since the 60's the lives of average Americans have expanded in every possible way. Immigration has had very little negative effect during that time.

The only thing that is markedly different is the hate engendered by the blob.
Spin it any way you can but it doesn't change the facts. Biden, with your help set the children up to be used as pawns. That's all they are to democrats. Something to be used to try to further your political goals. You guys must have a serf class after all. Democrats can't succeed unless they can promote classism. And if you want to see hateful just turn your face to your mirror. How badly do you hate those children to allow them to be used as a passport for drug cartels into the USA. How much do you hate Americans to know that you're helping to flood this nation with the fentanyl and heroin killing young people in order to cement democrat power that will never really benefit you. You're also a pawn, just a willing one.

Its not spin. It's fact. You can look on this board pre 2015 and see how many posts there were about immigration compared to after the blob arrived on the scene.
It is absolutely spin. Illegal immigration and border security have been a major issue since right after 9/11. BY 2005 people were mailing bricks to senators telling them to build the damned wall. Quit making lame excuses for the absolute human tragedy that Biden and his supporters have created for thousands of children. You claim that Trump policies were enacted as a deterrent. Isn't deterring catastrophic amounts of child abuse a good thing? Child abuse is EXACTLY what Biden is causing by NOT deterring thousands of people to use their children to gain access to the USA. Lack of deterrent that encourages people to work with human traffickers and allows children to be targeted by cartels for the sex trade. This is sick and those who support this policy are as guilty as those who created it.
You can look at the postings here and see that you're incorrect...it wasn't a big deal before your blob whipped up you guys hatred of brown folks.

Your blob had about a million apprehensions in 2019. Were you bitching about his performance?

View attachment 474663

Of course you weren't. Why? Because you didn't give a shit. The only reason you give a shit now is because you were told to give a shit.
I don't normally post on sleazy's threads, but I saw your post. From my viewpoint, there's no real tragedy for these kids. If they aren't returned to a point of entry with parents, they most likely will receive HS educations and healthcare, financial aid for college if they have ability, and probably eventual citizenship. I'm not happy about it, but aside from the increase in numbers, this is no change from the Trump years after courts forced his administration to stop jailing them just for the terror factor shown to potential illegal immigrants.
No real tragedy for these kids? Really? You need to do some research and learn how many young children and young girls make to to this country WITHOUT being sexually assaulted. You need to see if you can find the statistics as to how many are moved into the sex trade once they get here. How many are moved into gangs by the drug cartels in order to pay the family debt to the coyotes. If you can look at this and not see tragedy it's because you aren't looking.
From my viewpoint, there's no real tragedy for these kids.
You're a really sick individual. If you represent all snowflakes and Democrats, its no wonder why you don't get upset every time a Democrat, like Clinton, Richardson, etc...., gets caught screwing kids and have no problem with Obama / Biden Kiddie Cages.

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