Where is the Proof that Blacks are as Smart as Whites?

Not germane to the thread, but...

The mere fact that you would draw a distinction betrays a fundamental ignorance about how credit markets work. If you are not allowed to match risk with rates, you are indeed being implicitly "forced" to lend money.

So, you think you are showing a 'fundamental knowledge' of how credit markets work?

So, in your opinion, if two peole went to a bank for a $500,000 loan and they had identical credit reports, identical debts, and identical assets; charging them different interest rates (or even denying one of them access to credit) shows that you have some fundamental understanding of how credit markets work?
No, but I think it does show that he supports punishing people because of their skin color or gender.

Ravi doesn't speak for me and she's once again full of shit. :thup:
That's not what they were doing. They were charging one group higher rates, not based on income or credit score, but based on skin color. In other words the risk was not greater but the fees were.

And no bank EVER has to make a loan to ANYONE.

Hypothetically speaking, what if the demographic data shows that ALL ELSE EQUAL, minorities are twice as likely to default as a white borrower? Would it be ok to include that piece of data in the calculation of risk?

You say that here and then contradict yourself with your very next post in this thread.

Which is it? Is it ok to factor racial default data in the calculation of risk or, in your own words, is that punishing someone for the color of their skin?
Hypothetically speaking, what if the demographic data shows that ALL ELSE EQUAL, minorities are twice as likely to default as a white borrower? Would it be ok to include that piece of data in the calculation of risk?

You say that here and then contradict yourself with your very next post in this thread.

Which is it? Is it ok to factor racial default data in the calculation of risk or, in your own words, is that punishing someone for the color of their skin?

I forgot the :rolleyes: emoticon.

If two people have the same credit history, job stability, etc...it would be stupid to punish one of them because of their skin color. The only factor that would make it happen would be greed on the part of the banker...because the banker believed he could get away with it.

Do you disagree?

You say that here and then contradict yourself with your very next post in this thread.

Which is it? Is it ok to factor racial default data in the calculation of risk or, in your own words, is that punishing someone for the color of their skin?

I forgot the :rolleyes: emoticon.

If two people have the same credit history, job stability, etc...it would be stupid to punish one of them because of their skin color. The only factor that would make it happen would be greed on the part of the banker...because the banker believed he could get away with it.

Do you disagree?

So you refuse to answer my hypothetical question.

Understood. :thup:

Your question is silly. I doubt there is any demographic information that shows that people with good credit scores and good jobs are more of a risk depending on skin color. You don't get good credit scores and good jobs if you are an inherent risk.

Ravi doubts that demographic data finds it's way into actuarial tables. :lol:

And she expects to be taken seriously. :rofl:
Ravi doubts that demographic data finds it's way into actuarial tables. :lol:

And she expects to be taken seriously. :rofl:
heh...I don't doubt that it finds its way in, I just doubt that there is data that shows that people with good credit scores and good jobs default at higher rates because of their skin color. If you have evidence to prove me wrong then let us see it.
Ravi doubts that demographic data finds it's way into actuarial tables. :lol:

And she expects to be taken seriously. :rofl:
heh...I don't doubt that it finds its way in, I just doubt that there is data that shows that people with good credit scores and good jobs default at higher rates because of their skin color. If you have evidence to prove me wrong then let us see it.

So you refuse to answer my hypothetical question.

Got it already, thanks. :thup:
The answer is no. You shouldn't charge different rates for people with the same histories because of skin color.

I'd still like to see your demographics that show that people with similar histories default in greater numbers because of skin color.
The answer is no. You shouldn't charge different rates for people with the same histories because of skin color.

So in your opinion, it is ok to dictate to lenders what data they are allowed to factor into their calculation of risk. Got it. Your concession of the point that kicked this all off is duly accepted.

Have a nice day. :thup:
I never made any such statement.

Banks can and do loan to whomever they please. Your boy Ian seems to think that legislation outlawing redlining led to the economic collapse. It did not. It simply disallowed charging one group more than the other.
The evidence that whites are inherently smarter than blacks is overwhelming. So is the evidence that we can't even discuss this issue rationally.

the reason we can't discuss this rationally is because the evidence is all on one side. you have to suspend all logic and close your eyes to the mountains of evidence if you want to believe in the fable of egalitarianism.

obviously it isnt easy to defend the equality of black intelligence, otherwise there would be something more than just personal insults on this thread. even the warmers have a better case than the black intelligence defenders. hell, even the 9/11 truthers can muster up a vaguely plausible story.

So, are you of the opinion that if you took two new borns (one white and one black) and dropped them off in the woods, that 9 times out of 10 it would be the white new born that survived because it was (what's your phrase) inherently smarter?
Hypothetically speaking, what if the demographic data shows that ALL ELSE EQUAL, minorities are twice as likely to default as a white borrower? Would it be ok to include that piece of data in the calculation of risk?

You say that here and then contradict yourself with your very next post in this thread.

Which is it? Is it ok to factor racial default data in the calculation of risk or, in your own words, is that punishing someone for the color of their skin?

Since a lending decision is supposed to be made based on an 'individual's ability to re-pay', any calculation that took into account what group one belonged to would be totally inappropriate and illegal.
So, are you of the opinion that if you took two new borns (one white and one black) and dropped them off in the woods, that 9 times out of 10 it would be the white new born that survived because it was (what's your phrase) inherently smarter?

I think the white newborn would buy crack from the black newborn, and then the po-po would ice the black baby.
So, are you of the opinion that if you took two new borns (one white and one black) and dropped them off in the woods, that 9 times out of 10 it would be the white new born that survived because it was (what's your phrase) inherently smarter?

I think the white newborn would buy crack from the black newborn, and then the po-po would ice the black baby.

So, are you saying the black baby would 'figure out chemistry' before the white baby?... :razz:
So, are you of the opinion that if you took two new borns (one white and one black) and dropped them off in the woods, that 9 times out of 10 it would be the white new born that survived because it was (what's your phrase) inherently smarter?

I think the white newborn would buy crack from the black newborn, and then the po-po would ice the black baby.

So, are you saying the black baby would 'figure out chemistry' before the white baby?... :razz:

Well, sure, unless he found a abandoned hispanic baby that did it for him in an abandoned single-wide trailor near the rail road tracks.

You say that here and then contradict yourself with your very next post in this thread.

Which is it? Is it ok to factor racial default data in the calculation of risk or, in your own words, is that punishing someone for the color of their skin?

Since a lending decision is supposed to be made based on an 'individual's ability to re-pay', any calculation that took into account what group one belonged to would be totally inappropriate and illegal.
That's pretty much my thinking. I can't imagine an ability to classify people as bad risks when they have the credit score and job history that prove them good risks. :confused:
The evidence that whites are inherently smarter than blacks is overwhelming. So is the evidence that we can't even discuss this issue rationally.

the reason we can't discuss this rationally is because the evidence is all on one side. you have to suspend all logic and close your eyes to the mountains of evidence if you want to believe in the fable of egalitarianism.

obviously it isnt easy to defend the equality of black intelligence, otherwise there would be something more than just personal insults on this thread. even the warmers have a better case than the black intelligence defenders. hell, even the 9/11 truthers can muster up a vaguely plausible story.

So, are you of the opinion that if you took two new borns (one white and one black) and dropped them off in the woods, that 9 times out of 10 it would be the white new born that survived because it was (what's your phrase) inherently smarter?
I'd love to try this experiment using IanC and the Bass (if he's really black). Which would be more likely to make it out alive...maybe a poll is in order.
the reason we can't discuss this rationally is because the evidence is all on one side. you have to suspend all logic and close your eyes to the mountains of evidence if you want to believe in the fable of egalitarianism.

obviously it isnt easy to defend the equality of black intelligence, otherwise there would be something more than just personal insults on this thread. even the warmers have a better case than the black intelligence defenders. hell, even the 9/11 truthers can muster up a vaguely plausible story.

So, are you of the opinion that if you took two new borns (one white and one black) and dropped them off in the woods, that 9 times out of 10 it would be the white new born that survived because it was (what's your phrase) inherently smarter?
I'd love to try this experiment using IanC and the Bass (if he's really black). Which would be more likely to make it out alive...maybe a poll is in order.

Have you ever seen an african american stand up comic make observations about horror movies? It's fucking hilarious!

"If anyone questions who would survive in the wilderness between blacks and whites all I got to say is watch any American horror film that involves being in the woods. Friday the 13th! White people hear strange sounds so they say:

(in a nerdy white voice)
"Oh honey, wait, I have a flashlight in the roadside kit in the car. Let's go see what it is."

There they go! Four white people taking their last nature hike!

Put some brothas and sistas
in the exact same situation, and this is what the dialogue would sound like:

"Yo, you hear that? What is that? I don't know."

"You got a flashlight?"

"Yeah but I aint taking it in there unless it's strapped to the top of my 12 gauge!"
Let's do this:

Find a white population somewhere in the world that lived for over 100 years in a society where they had no right to vote until one generation ago, where they were subject to inferior education and job training until that point, and where the rest of society was trained to have a cultural aversion to them - to the point of establishing rules and laws that kept whites segregated and dominated.

Once you find that equivalent white population, compare their educational and performance ratings to the current ratings for blacks in the US.

I look forward to seeing the results.

Sure: whites lived as slaves under Romans for far longer than 100 years. Jews lived as slaves on and off during biblical times.

Yet whites and Jews do pretty well these days.

And NOBODY ever game them "affirmative action" or any other benefit.

The truth is that blacks are just inherently less intelligent.

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