Where is the Proof that Blacks are as Smart as Whites?

i think your post argues eloquently if unintentionally for the intelligence of blacks.

nice work

I take it that is one vote for political squelching of dissent.

No, it was a vote against idiocy and bigotry. Anyone who is willing to life their head out of the sand realizes that intelligence or the lack there of, is not a group characteristic but an individual one.

There are some really smart white people AND there are some really dumb white people.
There are some really smart black people AND there are some really dumb black people.
There are some really smart Asians AND there are some really dumb Asians.

Since every group has both the really smart and the really dumb, only one of the dumb ones would conclude that intelligence or the lack there of is a group characteristic.

Try this one on:

There are women taller than men
There are men shorter than women

Therefore, we can't conclude that being taller is a group characteristic of men

OR DUH... we CAN because it's TRUE!
Blacks are as smart as Whites. But the main reason why blacks do not do as well as whites in school and have a higher drop rate is general due to social/economic status of blacks. many blacks are living in ghettos and live in single father housholds. I would say in the past 25 years teen mothers have been on the rise in black communities. It's quite common now to see a teen pregnant in the black community. And as a result these girls do not finish high school or if they do they never go on to college which leaves them having minimum wage jobs. which thous creates poverty in the community.

secondly because of the poverty rate young blacks (in particular young men) turn to illegal jobs like drug dealing and robbing people for their income.

Now if you look blacks who come from working class/middle class families they tend to be more educated and do just as well as whites in schools because they don't live in poverty and general come from 2 parents households.

I myself come from a black working class family where both my mom and dad worked. I was able to go to private schools my whole life. I went to a high school where there were only a hand full of blacks. And I was able to keep up with the other Caucasian kids that were there. Not going to college wasn't an option for me, as my parents taught me the importance of college education. I didn't have no babies out of wedlock.

I think it's disgusting we have folks in this day in age who believe blacks are not as smart as whites. intelligence is not measured by skin color. people's intelligence is based on surroundings/environment. and even you cannot judge someone's intelligence based on the environment they come from. Because you find some people who grew up in the worst of environments who have an IQ of 140
Blacks are as smart as Whites. But the main reason why blacks do not do as well as whites in school and have a higher drop rate is general due to social/economic status of blacks. many blacks are living in ghettos and live in single father housholds. I would say in the past 25 years teen mothers have been on the rise in black communities. It's quite common now to see a teen pregnant in the black community. And as a result these girls do not finish high school or if they do they never go on to college which leaves them having minimum wage jobs. which thous creates poverty in the community.

secondly because of the poverty rate young blacks (in particular young men) turn to illegal jobs like drug dealing and robbing people for their income.

Now if you look blacks who come from working class/middle class families they tend to be more educated and do just as well as whites in schools because they don't live in poverty and general come from 2 parents households.

I myself come from a black working class family where both my mom and dad worked. I was able to go to private schools my whole life. I went to a high school where there were only a hand full of blacks. And I was able to keep up with the other Caucasian kids that were there. Not going to college wasn't an option for me, as my parents taught me the importance of college education. I didn't have no babies out of wedlock.

I think it's disgusting we have folks in this day in age who believe blacks are not as smart as whites. intelligence is not measured by skin color. people's intelligence is based on surroundings/environment. and even you cannot judge someone's intelligence based on the environment they come from. Because you find some people who grew up in the worst of environments who have an IQ of 140

nia---you are exactly the type of person I am trying to speak to. you have regurgitated the talking points that are put out into the media.

your first point was SES. to test whether it is SES or IQ all we have to do is match up people by SES and find their IQ, and then match up people by IQ and find their SES. this has been done, many times. it turns out that IQ is the stronger indicator but both of them are strongly correlated to each other. eg. a high SES individual is likely to also be high IQ, a low SES individual is likely to be low IQ, high IQ likely high SES, low IQ likely low SES. following so far?

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Blacks are as smart as Whites. But the main reason why blacks do not do as well as whites in school and have a higher drop rate is general due to social/economic status of blacks. many blacks are living in ghettos and live in single father housholds. I would say in the past 25 years teen mothers have been on the rise in black communities. It's quite common now to see a teen pregnant in the black community. And as a result these girls do not finish high school or if they do they never go on to college which leaves them having minimum wage jobs. which thous creates poverty in the community.

secondly because of the poverty rate young blacks (in particular young men) turn to illegal jobs like drug dealing and robbing people for their income.

Now if you look blacks who come from working class/middle class families they tend to be more educated and do just as well as whites in schools because they don't live in poverty and general come from 2 parents households.

I myself come from a black working class family where both my mom and dad worked. I was able to go to private schools my whole life. I went to a high school where there were only a hand full of blacks. And I was able to keep up with the other Caucasian kids that were there. Not going to college wasn't an option for me, as my parents taught me the importance of college education. I didn't have no babies out of wedlock.

I think it's disgusting we have folks in this day in age who believe blacks are not as smart as whites. intelligence is not measured by skin color. people's intelligence is based on surroundings/environment. and even you cannot judge someone's intelligence based on the environment they come from. Because you find some people who grew up in the worst of environments who have an IQ of 140
Ah, jeesh! Who are you fooling...and aren't you a GIRL to boot? Ain't no way you have an IQ higher than a slug.
btw, Ian, if these kids aren't genetically tested to prove race how can we be sure that the data is even correct? I always put "other" when I fill out these race questionnaires...heck, sometimes I even LIE.:eusa_eh:
Blacks are as smart as Whites. But the main reason why blacks do not do as well as whites in school and have a higher drop rate is general due to social/economic status of blacks. many blacks are living in ghettos and live in single father housholds. I would say in the past 25 years teen mothers have been on the rise in black communities. It's quite common now to see a teen pregnant in the black community. And as a result these girls do not finish high school or if they do they never go on to college which leaves them having minimum wage jobs. which thous creates poverty in the community.

secondly because of the poverty rate young blacks (in particular young men) turn to illegal jobs like drug dealing and robbing people for their income.

Now if you look blacks who come from working class/middle class families they tend to be more educated and do just as well as whites in schools because they don't live in poverty and general come from 2 parents households.

I myself come from a black working class family where both my mom and dad worked. I was able to go to private schools my whole life. I went to a high school where there were only a hand full of blacks. And I was able to keep up with the other Caucasian kids that were there. Not going to college wasn't an option for me, as my parents taught me the importance of college education. I didn't have no babies out of wedlock.

I think it's disgusting we have folks in this day in age who believe blacks are not as smart as whites. intelligence is not measured by skin color. people's intelligence is based on surroundings/environment. and even you cannot judge someone's intelligence based on the environment they come from. Because you find some people who grew up in the worst of environments who have an IQ of 140
Ah, jeesh! Who are you fooling...and aren't you a GIRL to boot? Ain't no way you have an IQ higher than a slug.

I dont worry about her intelligence but I do worry about yours. who said blacks can't be smart? or girls? I'm afraid you don't understand averages or 'normal distributions'
btw, Ian, if these kids aren't genetically tested to prove race how can we be sure that the data is even correct? I always put "other" when I fill out these race questionnaires...heck, sometimes I even LIE.:eusa_eh:

hmmm...if you put other then you basically don't get counted. but if you lie...interesting. you could, actually probably, hurt both averages.
Let's do this:

Find a white population somewhere in the world that lived for over 100 years in a society where they had no right to vote until one generation ago, where they were subject to inferior education and job training until that point, and where the rest of society was trained to have a cultural aversion to them - to the point of establishing rules and laws that kept whites segregated and dominated.

Once you find that equivalent white population, compare their educational and performance ratings to the current ratings for blacks in the US.

I look forward to seeing the results.

Sure: whites lived as slaves under Romans for far longer than 100 years. Jews lived as slaves on and off during biblical times.

Yet whites and Jews do pretty well these days.

And NOBODY ever game them "affirmative action" or any other benefit.

The truth is that blacks are just inherently less intelligent.

Try ingesting something that isn't dripping off of don black's dick you unbelievably ignorant waste.
The Roman Empire: in the First Century. The Roman Empire. Social Order. Slaves & Freemen | PBS
btw, Ian, if these kids aren't genetically tested to prove race how can we be sure that the data is even correct? I always put "other" when I fill out these race questionnaires...heck, sometimes I even LIE.:eusa_eh:

hmmm...if you put other then you basically don't get counted. but if you lie...interesting. you could, actually probably, hurt both averages.

How do you classify "whites" and "blacks?" What are the necessary conditions to qualify for each category?
btw, Ian, if these kids aren't genetically tested to prove race how can we be sure that the data is even correct? I always put "other" when I fill out these race questionnaires...heck, sometimes I even LIE.:eusa_eh:

hmmm...if you put other then you basically don't get counted. but if you lie...interesting. you could, actually probably, hurt both averages.

How do you classify "whites" and "blacks?" What are the necessary conditions to qualify for each category?

self identification is sufficient for this discussion
No banks were forced to lend money. They were simply not allowed to charge higher rates and fees to minorities.

It's really a shame to see racism clouding judgment.

did you take a lenthy trip on the Nation of Islam's giant flying spaceship while the housing bubble was being discussed for months? banks were sadled with quotas for minority loans. hell, Obama himself was listed as one of the lawyers for one court case against a lending institution! if banks wanted to do business they had to commit to a fixed percentage of minority loans.
That certainly is politically incorrect! That's like trying to get statistical data for homosexuals (for example, the percentage that were sexually and/or physically abused as children). Finding data for protected classes is very difficult indeed, but good luck with that.

SAT results pour in year after year, broken down by race, income, etc. the results are very poor for blacks.

So, you attribute these disparities to natural intelligence rather than access to quality education........interesting.

have you read Ogbu's book on Shaker Heights? middle class black families going to good schools, same dismaying gap, both in educational achievement and punishable misbehaviours. I really wish you guys would actually look at reality once in a while instead of just spouting platitudes that at best are only partial truths and at worst outright lies.
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The answer is no. You shouldn't charge different rates for people with the same histories because of skin color.

So in your opinion, it is ok to dictate to lenders what data they are allowed to factor into their calculation of risk. Got it. Your concession of the point that kicked this all off is duly accepted.

Have a nice day. :thup:

I don't remember which city had the first big redlining investigation. Boston maybe. during the hearings there was a question asked about the default rates of 'ordinary' borrowers and minority borrowers who were supposedly being denied fair trade by needing to show they were qualified. the attorney for the minorities proclaimed that the default rates were exactly the same for both groups. seemingly unaware that that would imply that the screening methods were dead on target and obviously fair.
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The evidence that whites are inherently smarter than blacks is overwhelming. So is the evidence that we can't even discuss this issue rationally.

the reason we can't discuss this rationally is because the evidence is all on one side. you have to suspend all logic and close your eyes to the mountains of evidence if you want to believe in the fable of egalitarianism.

obviously it isnt easy to defend the equality of black intelligence, otherwise there would be something more than just personal insults on this thread. even the warmers have a better case than the black intelligence defenders. hell, even the 9/11 truthers can muster up a vaguely plausible story.

So, are you of the opinion that if you took two new borns (one white and one black) and dropped them off in the woods, that 9 times out of 10 it would be the white new born that survived because it was (what's your phrase) inherently smarter?

western culture doesn't drop their newborns off in the woods. is it common in black culture? western culture has certain expectations of its children in behaviour and learning which are commonly fufilled. perhaps black culture has its own expectations of its children which don't really dovetail into western civilization.
the reason we can't discuss this rationally is because the evidence is all on one side. you have to suspend all logic and close your eyes to the mountains of evidence if you want to believe in the fable of egalitarianism.

obviously it isnt easy to defend the equality of black intelligence, otherwise there would be something more than just personal insults on this thread. even the warmers have a better case than the black intelligence defenders. hell, even the 9/11 truthers can muster up a vaguely plausible story.

So, are you of the opinion that if you took two new borns (one white and one black) and dropped them off in the woods, that 9 times out of 10 it would be the white new born that survived because it was (what's your phrase) inherently smarter?

western culture doesn't drop their newborns off in the woods. is it common in black culture? western culture has certain expectations of its children in behaviour and learning which are commonly fufilled. perhaps black culture has its own expectations of its children which don't really dovetail into western civilization.

This is a great example of how your racism undermines all of your bullshit claims about science and honesty.
have you read Ogbu's book on Shaker Heights? middle class black families going to good schools, same dismaying gap, both in educational achievement and punishable misbehaviours. I really wish you guys would actually look at reality once in a while instead of just spouting platitudes that at best are only partial truths and at worst outright lies.

Oh...you've read Ogbu's findings???
Frankly I'm astonished. Particularly because the book was written, according to the Fall 2006, The Journal of African American History:

For those who are interested in nurturing high-achieving African American students, regardless of their place in the educational system, Ogbu's findings may help to craft policies that result in significant improvements in the levels of academic achievement.

How did the Black Students' scholastic achievements at Shaker Heights compare with recent Black Immigrants scholastic achievements?
Blacks are as smart as Whites. But the main reason why blacks do not do as well as whites in school and have a higher drop rate is general due to social/economic status of blacks. many blacks are living in ghettos and live in single father housholds. I would say in the past 25 years teen mothers have been on the rise in black communities. It's quite common now to see a teen pregnant in the black community. And as a result these girls do not finish high school or if they do they never go on to college which leaves them having minimum wage jobs. which thous creates poverty in the community.

secondly because of the poverty rate young blacks (in particular young men) turn to illegal jobs like drug dealing and robbing people for their income.

Now if you look blacks who come from working class/middle class families they tend to be more educated and do just as well as whites in schools because they don't live in poverty and general come from 2 parents households.

I myself come from a black working class family where both my mom and dad worked. I was able to go to private schools my whole life. I went to a high school where there were only a hand full of blacks. And I was able to keep up with the other Caucasian kids that were there. Not going to college wasn't an option for me, as my parents taught me the importance of college education. I didn't have no babies out of wedlock.

I think it's disgusting we have folks in this day in age who believe blacks are not as smart as whites. intelligence is not measured by skin color. people's intelligence is based on surroundings/environment. and even you cannot judge someone's intelligence based on the environment they come from. Because you find some people who grew up in the worst of environments who have an IQ of 140
Ah, jeesh! Who are you fooling...and aren't you a GIRL to boot? Ain't no way you have an IQ higher than a slug.

I dont worry about her intelligence but I do worry about yours. who said blacks can't be smart? or girls? I'm afraid you don't understand averages or 'normal distributions'

You need not worry about Ravi's intelligence. She's not being stupid, she's being dishonest.
the faked data and political squelching of disenting opinion brought to light about Global Warming by Climategate has led me to wonder about the differences in intelligence between the races. climategate has shown that a political ideology can overwhelm mainstream thinking to the point of manufacturing false evidence for the approved side of the argument and withholding/ignoring evidence from the unpopular side.

is there any evidence that blacks are as smart as other races? or is it just semantic arguing about what could possibly be if some magical process was finally found? Head Start, special charter school, etc seem to improve things for a short while and then the gap returns to its usual size. where is the actual evidence that the gap is not permanent and biological?

on the other hand, where is the evidence that blacks don't quite measure up intellectually? is just the act of living a form of IQ test where even small advantages in decision making (the active ingredient in intelligence tests) multiply over time to become large differences?

anybody have any thoughts or evidence they would like to discuss?

False Premise. One need not prove blacks are "as smart" as anyone else. It is assumed within the concept that man is a single entity with different flavors.

Each race has differing characteristics. But over all there is only ONE human RACE.
The answer is no. You shouldn't charge different rates for people with the same histories because of skin color.

So in your opinion, it is ok to dictate to lenders what data they are allowed to factor into their calculation of risk. Got it. Your concession of the point that kicked this all off is duly accepted.

Have a nice day. :thup:

I don't remember which city had the first big redlining investigation. Boston maybe. during the hearings there was a question asked about the default rates of 'ordinary' borrowers and minority borrowers who were supposedly being denied fair trade by needing to show they were qualified. the attorney for the minorities proclaimed that the default rates were exactly the same for both groups. seemingly unaware that that would imply that the screening methods were dead on target and obviously fair.

Yep you figured it out. Redlining was a conspiracy designed to blame whitey. No truth to it at all. Why would anyone think that? It's not like this is a nation that had things like water fountains labeled as "whites only." See, someone with common sense would look at that and say gee, if there are groups that would force segregation down to something as petty as water fountains, they would probably try to do it with where people lived. But not you and your camp of hate.
hmmm...if you put other then you basically don't get counted. but if you lie...interesting. you could, actually probably, hurt both averages.

How do you classify "whites" and "blacks?" What are the necessary conditions to qualify for each category?

self identification is sufficient for this discussion

That's a bullshit dodge. Figures you don't have the balls to answer. Did you lay out the definitions on stormfront? Is that why you won't do it here?

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