Where is the tax return outrage?

Super rich Democrat Presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg has not yet released his tax returns as far as we know he is not being audited so why haven't they been released what is he hiding? Now granted Bloomberg much like Trump is under no legal obligation to make his returns public and it is still not a requirement to run for President but given how much outrage there was by many in and out of the media over Trump not doing this you would think we would see a tiny bit of outrage over this but nope nothing.

If Bloomberg gets the nomination and doesn't show voters his tax returns, I will criticize him just as I have criticized Trump.

Of course Bloomberg to my knowledge never promised to release his tax returns as Trump did.

“If I decide to run for office, I’ll produce my tax returns. Absolutely. I would love to do that,” Trump said in a May 2014 television interview, 13 months before announcing his presidential campaign.

“I want to tell you right now I have no problem with giving my tax returns,” he told Fox News in April 2015, two months before coming down his escalator in Trump Tower.
Trump has filed all required financial disclosures, and all are available on line. Due to the number of legal entities involved and the complexity of the business structure, the disclosures are nearly worthless.

Nevertheless, the Leftists in our midst have made such a BIG DEAL out of Trump's refusal to publish his tax returns, the lack of any outrage about Bloomers' silence is a bit funny and more than a bit hypocritical.

I suspect the reason for both of them to remain private is basically the same. Once these large and complex document packages are published, the political enemies of both men will dispatch ARMIES of forensic accountants, looking not for the truth or a simplified picture, but for anything that can be used - even dishonestly - to paint them in a negative light.

The good thing for Bloomers is that this issue can no longer be used to "disqualify" him, since it has already been done by Trump, and Trump shows no sign of backing down.

Trump is the first President in modern history- back to Gerry Ford- not to show voters his tax returns before the election.

And Trump also promised voters he would

“If I decide to run for office, I’ll produce my tax returns. Absolutely. I would love to do that,” Trump said in a May 2014 television interview, 13 months before announcing his presidential campaign.

“I want to tell you right now I have no problem with giving my tax returns,” he told Fox News in April 2015, two months before coming down his escalator in Trump Tower.

If Bloomberg gets the nomination and doesn't release his returns- I will criticize him exactly as I criticize Trump for the same thing.
It is my business. Those people make decisions for the nation. If you don't want your tax returns public fine...do NOT run for office.
Wrong, Adolph.

You don't get to decide who isn't protected by the Bill of Rights.

Nunya bidness.
I dont blame Trump, Hillary, Bloomberg or any of you people for not showing your financial or tax papers. It's none of anybodys damn business, don't vote for them if it bothers your nosy ass so bad. I dont give a damn about somebodys personal life, run the country like a business. Getting off of my soapbox now.
I dont blame Trump, Hillary, Bloomberg or any of you people for not showing your financial or tax papers. It's none of anybodys damn business, don't vote for them if it bothers your nosy ass so bad. I dont give a damn about somebodys personal life, run the country like a business. Getting off of my soapbox now.
The government is not a business. If it were, that would be actual socialism. Not the watered down, fragmented quasi-socialism that makes Trumpanzees shart themselves. Actual socialism.
Super rich Democrat Presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg has not yet released his tax returns as far as we know he is not being audited so why haven't they been released what is he hiding? Now granted Bloomberg much like Trump is under no legal obligation to make his returns public and it is still not a requirement to run for President but given how much outrage there was by many in and out of the media over Trump not doing this you would think we would see a tiny bit of outrage over this but nope nothing.

No need to be outraged at this moment.

I just won't vote for him.

Is what's on a person's tax returns really the BIG DEAL about who people think will make a good PRESIDENT?

For fuck sake NO.
Is what's on a person's tax returns really the BIG DEAL about who people think will make a good PRESIDENT?
Absolutely. For instance, exposing the child president's tax and loan fraud would have been very informative.
I dont blame Trump, Hillary, Bloomberg or any of you people for not showing your financial or tax papers. It's none of anybodys damn business, don't vote for them if it bothers your nosy ass so bad. I dont give a damn about somebodys personal life, run the country like a business. Getting off of my soapbox now.
The government is not a business. If it were, that would be actual socialism. Not the watered down, fragmented quasi-socialism that makes Trumpanzees shart themselves. Actual socialism.

A business, make the United States as strong as possible so its legal residents can succeed. Give nothing away.
Super rich Democrat Presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg has not yet released his tax returns as far as we know he is not being audited so why haven't they been released what is he hiding? Now granted Bloomberg much like Trump is under no legal obligation to make his returns public and it is still not a requirement to run for President but given how much outrage there was by many in and out of the media over Trump not doing this you would think we would see a tiny bit of outrage over this but nope nothing.

Two points:

  1. Trump is a proven liar, he had promised to release his tax records, then claimed he couldn't since they were in audit, and then has sued to keep them private.
  2. Bloomberg has given a plausible excuse, but promised to have them released in the near future. Bloomberg is not a proven liar, so we will need to wait and seen if he eventually releases his taxes.
Is what's on a person's tax returns really the BIG DEAL about who people think will make a good PRESIDENT?
Absolutely. For instance, exposing the child president's tax and loan fraud would have been very informative.

You mean the fraud that the IRS couldn't find? And thank God we don't have a child president. That would be bad, or something a democrat would do.
I dont blame Trump, Hillary, Bloomberg or any of you people for not showing your financial or tax papers. It's none of anybodys damn business, don't vote for them if it bothers your nosy ass so bad. I dont give a damn about somebodys personal life, run the country like a business. Getting off of my soapbox now.
The government is not a business. If it were, that would be actual socialism. Not the watered down, fragmented quasi-socialism that makes Trumpanzees shart themselves. Actual socialism.

A business, make the United States as strong as possible so its legal residents can succeed. Give nothing away.
No, that's not how businesses are run. Business owners care about profit, not the success of their employees. Waaaaay off.

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