Where is the USMB support for the exciting new nation of 'Chaz'?

I don't believe I have seen a single post in support of this huge victory for the Left. Come on guys, Antifa actually forced a police precinct to EVACUATE and they have walled off 7 city blocks and literally created their own country! Surely there has to be some enthusiasm from our Leftist Trump hating USMB members. :dunno:
Would love to see them send in some mustard gas.

Can't wait to see them all charged as domestic terrorists and enemies of the USA.

Send them to GITMO for waterboarding and revoke their citizenship.

Then let the muslims have their asses.
I think the muslims draw the line at smelly goats and other assorted barnyard animals....
Simple solution.

Have the Department of Homeland Security move a blockade around this new nation and set up "Ports of Entry" and demand passports to enter the United States. Ensure we have adequate enforcement to keep the citizens of Chaz from rushing our borders and arrest any who attempt to leave by any egress other than an authorized port of entry.

Disallow food, water, and medical supplies into this new country until an adequate treaty can be signed.
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I don't believe I have seen a single post in support of this huge victory for the Left. Come on guys, Antifa actually forced a police precinct to EVACUATE and they have walled off 7 city blocks and literally created their own country! Surely there has to be some enthusiasm from our Leftist Trump hating USMB members. :dunno:
I quyit reading when you repeated the Antifa lie.
Maybe they are upset about having to pay fees or something....did they start aiming weapons at police yet?


I liken this to the occupy wallstreet stuff and the WTO riots they had back in Seattle......it will dissipate in a couple of weeks -- but if you want to drone strike them or something.....we do have precedent for that.....Waco, Philly, Tulsa.....

Maybe Trump can make that happen for you....
I don't believe I have seen a single post in support of this huge victory for the Left. Come on guys, Antifa actually forced a police precinct to EVACUATE and they have walled off 7 city blocks and literally created their own country! Surely there has to be some enthusiasm from our Leftist Trump hating USMB members. :dunno:

It is peaceful local sit in. Check out the history of Seattle and sit ins. You'll learn something.
The governor, Seattle Mayor and police chief are incompetent losers. Total disgrace.
I don't believe I have seen a single post in support of this huge victory for the Left. Come on guys, Antifa actually forced a police precinct to EVACUATE and they have walled off 7 city blocks and literally created their own country! Surely there has to be some enthusiasm from our Leftist Trump hating USMB members. :dunno:

It is peaceful local sit in. Check out the history of Seattle and sit ins. You'll learn something.
I'm old enough to remember the peaceful sit ins during the 60s and 70s. They never involved armed guards and extorting money from citizens.
Someone on another thread has already mentioned a military aspect to current events. We will name the thread once we find it again. Police were not allowed into Christiania, the police being symbolic of the superego, and insurance investigators of riot destruction should set up and take notice, as well as Confederate flag enthusiasts at NASCAR: Chaz is a replay of Copenhagen's Christiania:
'....the Forbidden City of the Military....hippie movement....rock group Bifrost....4th largest tourist attraction in Copenhagen....since the 1970s....LGBT community....riots over the demolition of a house (2007)....no private cars are allowed....drugs....Hell's Angels biker war....In Fiction and Popular Culture....The flag of Christiania originates from the military standard of the Roman emperor Constantine....Swedish rapper Promoe....'
I don't believe I have seen a single post in support of this huge victory for the Left. Come on guys, Antifa actually forced a police precinct to EVACUATE and they have walled off 7 city blocks and literally created their own country! Surely there has to be some enthusiasm from our Leftist Trump hating USMB members. :dunno:
I quyit reading when you repeated the Antifa lie.
So your approach is to pretend that Antifa doesn't exist, got it.
I don't believe I have seen a single post in support of this huge victory for the Left. Come on guys, Antifa actually forced a police precinct to EVACUATE and they have walled off 7 city blocks and literally created their own country! Surely there has to be some enthusiasm from our Leftist Trump hating USMB members. :dunno:
I quyit reading when you repeated the Antifa lie.
You can deny Antifa's involvement if you want. That is secondary to armed takeover of city property and extorting money from innocent civilians.
I don't believe I have seen a single post in support of this huge victory for the Left. Come on guys, Antifa actually forced a police precinct to EVACUATE and they have walled off 7 city blocks and literally created their own country! Surely there has to be some enthusiasm from our Leftist Trump hating USMB members. :dunno:
I quyit reading when you repeated the Antifa lie.
So your approach is to pretend that Antifa doesn't exist, got it.
I don't believe I have seen a single post in support of this huge victory for the Left. Come on guys, Antifa actually forced a police precinct to EVACUATE and they have walled off 7 city blocks and literally created their own country! Surely there has to be some enthusiasm from our Leftist Trump hating USMB members. :dunno:
I quyit reading when you repeated the Antifa lie.
You can deny Antifa's involvement if you want. That is secondary to armed takeover of city property and extorting money from innocent civilians.
No they exist. But they are not the blame for everything like you & your fat asssed orange buddy claim.

You Pro-Fascists are really something.
#29: Whilst keeping an eye on the rise of christian nationalism, your mention of extorsion is something new we also noticed in Madison, Wisconsin, though our extorsion example is also a link to religion. In our extorsion example, the store's window was not damaged, and this indeed links to protection money having paid the fee. Therefore, we must by default implicate Trump carrying the bible to the Episcopal "Church of the Presidents" and calling in the military on the rioters. If New Chaz excludes the police, symbol of the superego, then Zizek's passage links Jesus's inversion as a Xian uncoupling while exposing the class difference that was already present (though not mentioned) in the Floyd case:

'It is precisely in order to emphasize this suspension of the social hierarchy that Christ (like Buddha before him) addresses in particular those who belong to the very bottom of the social hierarchy, the outcasts of the social order (beggars, prostitutes....) as the privileged and exemplary members of his new community. This new community is then explicitly constructed as a collective of outcasts, the antipode to any established 'organic' group....In order to specify these communities further, one is tempted to risk the reference to Freud himself -- in his Crowd Psychology he provides two examples of crowd formation: the Church and the Army. Usually, one takes them as equivalent, without considering the difference between the two. What, however, if this difference (is [italics]) crucial, along the lines of Laclau's opposition between the structure of differences and the antagonistic logic of equivalences?....and we often have a militant Church, or, on the contrary, an Army that functions as a Churchlike corporate social institution....it is the Church which is often close to the antagonistic functioning of the Army, and vice versa....With regard to political struggles, Freud's wo es war, soll ich werden can thus also be read as: where the Church was, the Army should arrive.'
(Zizek, The Fragile Absolute, pp. 123-4)
I don't believe I have seen a single post in support of this huge victory for the Left. Come on guys, Antifa actually forced a police precinct to EVACUATE and they have walled off 7 city blocks and literally created their own country! Surely there has to be some enthusiasm from our Leftist Trump hating USMB members. :dunno:

HI MarathonMike
I was also looking for threads on CHAZ but found them closed or outdated.

Here is a NPR take on what is going on.

Here is a similar protest that took place in Houston in 1996, where APV residents
refused eviction because they were fighting in court to defend their rights to enforce
contracts and subgrant agreements under HOPE VI HUD reform legislation that
recognized their democratically elected tenant council as having input in all decisions
in development of the historic public housing and surrounding nationally registered district:

More on Freedmen's Town, the settlement around the APV housing complex,
where both sites are separate Nationally Registered Historic landmarks:

The curious and devastating issue to me is that
when BLACK residents had rights under federal laws to defend their
historic housing community and campus plans from eviction and demolition,
the Democrats in charge were on the side of the City and Corporate developers
who abused the Public Housing Authority and Federal Courts to
force the residents out. They even hired lawyers to LIE ie commit PERJURY
by misrepresenting to the Judge and Court what their "restoration" plans were.

The plans to destroy the entire complex, then to change that to 2/3 destroyed
and 1/3 preserved was still destroying the Residents' plans, passed under the
HOPE VI HUD reforms www.campusplan.org
And their false "expert witness" testimony misrepresented the historic
gravesites they denied were under the ground below the APV complex,
thus requiring more skilled archeaologists in African American history to preserve.

None of this was brought out in court, and the residents had no legal resources
or political support to appeal, and fight against Corporate developers who ran
the City of Houston and decided which Democrats would get to keep which offices.

Had this case been in the media today, maybe those residents would stand a chance.

So that's the biggest slap in the face, to me!

When people WITH NO DIRECT CLAIMS of govt abuse, use "collective punishment"
against "policy brutality in GENERAL" to seize property they didn't pay for,
and the police and Democrats support this claim as a VALID protest and demand for restitution.

What does this say about a REAL case of restitution?

Where residents were robbed of their rights by legal abuse of Govt, Court and Federal Authority
and abuse of taxpayers money to forcibly evict residents to destroy a nationally protected historic site
the residents planned to preserve as a landmark, and a sustainable campus AS WRITTEN INTO FEDERAL LAWS
the corrupt officials violated instead of defending?

That is almost unreal to me.

I just wish whatever support the people in Seattle have, for doing things ILLEGALLY and saying that's "patriotic"
why not support the people in Freedmen's Town who had the law on their side, and were
defending rights LEGALLY but got bulldozed over by bureaucrats and corrupt Corporate interests
abusing public authority and resources to violate rights, seize property and destroy it.

Even though the federal subgrant agreements authorized "community input in all phases of development"
which the city authorities ignored and deliberately censored and destroyed by eviction and demolition.

Both APV and Freedmen's Town are national historic registered landmarks --
to Freed Slave history and Black church history,
and Military WWII and Civil Rights history.

Where is the support to save THAT district for Black leaders and ownership
and reparation to Blacks for slavery and political discrimination?

Only when White Antifa get involved, then they hijack the issue for their benefits?

What about the Black leaders and residents who didn't break any laws, but defended their rights properly?

This is beautiful art.
What I question is why is it that when it comes to SERIOUS practical solutions
that BLACK COMMUNITY LEADERS designed and even passed into law as FEDERAL HUD REFORMS
including renovating public housing as sustainable campuses
managed locally by democratically elected resident council,
REAL SOLUTIONS are censored and destroyed.

But when Liberals come up with SYMBOLIC plans,
these get coverage in the media and supported as patriotic!

Now where is the support for the REAL work to create
sustainable education, health care and jobs to support that?

I even posted links to nonprofit founders of a viable

But when I present this to my liberal/progressive friends, they balk.
They want GOVERNMENT to do that for them.

Then when Government leads to bureaucracy, they complain!
When the solution is to build it directly and democratically.

So strange!

It is almost like watching friends who can't handle healthy relationships.
They CLING to abusive ones, demanding the abusive partner needs to change.

When they have the opportunity to build sustainable relationships,
they want to run away.

And either have SOCIALIST type of dictatorship force programs through Govt.

Or now this other extreme of wanting Govt to give them control of property,
while they do what they want on it? How can you have it both ways?

The leap in logic I'm missing here:
How does the lawsuit against "excessive force by police"
justify taking over 6 blocks of land if the grievance is about George Floyd and police brutality against BLACKS.

Are they claiming this land as Reparations for BLACKS for slavery and police brutality?
Or for themselves?


When I compare the police station they took over
to the Black historic landmarks in Freedmen's Town,
I can see how the Black history and Civil Rights stand for Black heritage
and the right to defend that and RECLAIM the 40, 80 or 144 blocks that
used to be Freedmen's Town, built by Freed Slaves.

That makes sense to me as a Reparations project.

I don't get the connection with Seattle and these activists.
If they want to set up a cooperative campus, fine.
But are they are planning to compensate taxpayers
and property owners for the land they are claiming?

In Freedmen's Town, the city took over the land from the Black and
Italian minority homeowners and business owners by abusing Eminent Domain.

I would think the Black descendants of Freed Slaves have more
claim to THAT land, and don't quite see the legal justification
in the Seattle case, based on the cited complaints of
excess police force used to stop protestors.
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Here, another update. Where the same Mayor
who on one hand was the target of protestors demanding resignation
is on the other hand applauding them as patriotic.

I guess the most compassionate conscientious response I can give
is to appeal to both the Mayor and the leader of the insurrection
to lay out a plan for converting the area into a sustainable campus,
and honor the Black lives of real communities robbed of rights by govt abuse.

If they want to hand the land over to Native Americans and/or
Freed Slave descendants or people with mixed lineage from either one,
the jobs to support the campus should be sustainable for a viable economy.

* environmental restoration of forests, oceans, wildlife and ecosystems
* job training and education for people in recovery from rape, abuse, trafficking or other crimes
* internships in public health, especially treating mental, criminal and abusive or addictive disorders
(see www.medcoops.info www.paceuniversal.com www.campusplan.org www.earnedamnesty.org)

There are ways to create a cooperative campus community,
but it can't be built on hostile takeover, like Hawaii or other indigenous areas suffered.
Two wrongs don't make it right, but double the wrongs and injuries inflicted, created twice as many victims.

I hear Nashville also has an autonomous zone now.

Didn't the whole state have autonomous zones about 60 years ago?

I think that it was called segregation.

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