Where is this mountain of evidence for evolution?

Irrelevant. I asked for factual evidence for evolution. Got any?
Mountains of it, dumb ass. From fossils to DNA. You silly asses are beyond stupid.
and fossils and DNA prove the random accident theory how exactly ?

Repeating a straw man argument only demonstrates that you are not paying attention to what we are telling you.

  • I think you protest my point of view because you don't find my point of view convenient.

Protest would not be the word I would choose to use to describe the fact that I am attempting to show you how ill-informed you are wrt to evolutionary biology. You are arguing from a point of sheer ignorance of science, the scientific method, and even what the evidence is and is not. Perhaps you should try to educate yourself a bit then come back and we can talk some more.
well, aren't we the pretentious, little bitch
Mountains of it, dumb ass. From fossils to DNA. You silly asses are beyond stupid.
and fossils and DNA prove the random accident theory how exactly ?

Repeating a straw man argument only demonstrates that you are not paying attention to what we are telling you.

  • I think you protest my point of view because you don't find my point of view convenient.

Protest would not be the word I would choose to use to describe the fact that I am attempting to show you how ill-informed you are wrt to evolutionary biology. You are arguing from a point of sheer ignorance of science, the scientific method, and even what the evidence is and is not. Perhaps you should try to educate yourself a bit then come back and we can talk some more.
well, aren't we the pretentious, little bitch

I am hard headed about this, I don't make any pretentions about it. Why? I am a published geologist with 26 years of field experience. So when I see the sheer ignorance you are posting, yeah, I get a little testy and have to point out the flaws in your arguments. Is it my fault you bring a knife to a gun fight? :)
Where is this mountain of evidence for evolution?
All around you.
what a stupid answer

Where is this mountain of evidence for evolution?
All around you.
what a stupid answer

It isn't stupid if it is right. It is right because the evidence IS all around you. The fact that you choose to ignore it is on you, and no one else.
the whole theory is based on a collection of substances and chemicals that happened to somehow become alive`

  • I don't think I'm misrepresenting Evolution by saying that it is randomness and accidental. That's all you guys leave us to conclude, since you don't allow God or some higher intelligence to be involved.
Allow? Exactly what do you mean by that? What the scientists do is look at the evidence, and see what that evidence points to. And the evidence for evolution is simply overwhelming, especially as we are already engineering organisms using the building blocks of evolution.
When you learn to seperate abiogenisis from evolution, you might learn something. At present, the problem considered by those dealing with abiogenisis, is not a lack of possible paths from chemistry to life, but which of a multiplicity of possible routes did life take on this planet. Before flapping ones yap, it allways pays to have a look at where the research is at present.
Where is this mountain of evidence for evolution?
All around you.
what a stupid answer

Where is this mountain of evidence for evolution?
All around you.
what a stupid answer

It isn't stupid if it is right. It is right because the evidence IS all around you. The fact that you choose to ignore it is on you, and no one else.
the whole theory is based on a collection of substances and chemicals that happened to somehow become alive`
Do you lack sustance and chemicals?
Where is this mountain of evidence for evolution?
All around you.
what a stupid answer

Where is this mountain of evidence for evolution?
All around you.
what a stupid answer

It isn't stupid if it is right. It is right because the evidence IS all around you. The fact that you choose to ignore it is on you, and no one else.
the whole theory is based on a collection of substances and chemicals that happened to somehow become alive`

You are confused. The theory of evolution is not about the origin of life. It is about the diversity of life. Write it down. Tape it to your computer so you don't forget.
When you can show spontaneous generation and (the emergence of life from inorganic materials you might be on to something

Are you blind? How may times must it be pointed out to you that spontaneous generation would be evidence AGAINST evolution, not evidence FOR it. Moreover, the only one I know of who claims that life emerged from inorganic materials is YOU.

When you can show spontaneous generation and (the emergence of life from inorganic materials you might be on to something

Are you blind? How may times must it be pointed out to you that spontaneous generation would be evidence AGAINST evolution, not evidence FOR it. Moreover, the only one I know of who claims that life emerged from inorganic materials is YOU.
I must say. You evolutionist guys really crack me up. One of you claim that abiogenesis is not part of evoultion. How absurd. It is part of evolution, simply because evolution cannot happen without it. It is all part of an unbroken chain of events. Evolutionists disowned because they didn't have a clue how it might have happened. It's as simple as that. And your other comments... I saw a lot of 'you just dont understand', 'you're just ignorant' and ' scientists say' arguments, but I have yet to see any of you present factual evidence. This is because there is none. It's simply a bunch of made up stories. A fairy tale for adults. Nothing more.

When you can show spontaneous generation and (the emergence of life from inorganic materials you might be on to something

Are you blind? How may times must it be pointed out to you that spontaneous generation would be evidence AGAINST evolution, not evidence FOR it. Moreover, the only one I know of who claims that life emerged from inorganic materials is YOU.
I must say. You evolutionist guys really crack me up. One of you claim that abiogenesis is not part of evoultion.

That is correct. Abiogenesis is an entirely different theory.

How absurd. It is part of evolution, simply because evolution cannot happen without it.

It is not, and never was a part of the theory of evolution.

It is all part of an unbroken chain of events. Evolutionists disowned because they didn't have a clue how it might have happened. It's as simple as that. And your other comments... I saw a lot of 'you just dont understand', 'you're just ignorant' and ' scientists say' arguments, but I have yet to see any of you present factual evidence. This is because there is none. It's simply a bunch of made up stories. A fairy tale for adults. Nothing more.

And this is where we are going to part company, I'm afraid. Some scholars say it is a waste of time to debate these issues with creationists because it only makes them more intransigent. I have always given them the benefit of the doubt because I have in the past gotten a few to "see the light". But it is increasingly evident to me that that is the exception, not the rule. You have not, nor, I think, will you ever acknowledge any of the facts I've tried to lay out before you. I could lay out plenty more, but what's the point? It benefits me not, and you couldn't care less about the truth. So be it.

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