Where oh where did the money come from???? WE know!!!!


Gold Member
Nov 19, 2015
It seems that as the liberal dimshits cry and talk about Trump being the one that is DANGEROUS, They don't want to talk about one thing, IRANS new found wealth!!!. It seems they are buying all sorts of new weapons systems with some money they got from WHERE??? Let's see now who was it that undid sanctions and released billions of dollars of funds to the Iranian terrorist supporters?? HMMMM now Who was that???? Was it Trump, if it was he should be impeached tried and hung shouldn't he liberal dogshit. Especially since they are RIGHT NOW sending millions of dollars worth of rockets to HEZBOLLAH even as they are supporting the TWO state resolution,,, One must look and say "WHY would iran the most vile terrorist regime on earth want to support that they find so distasteful"????? Then it is evident that any two state deal would be just a front to let the hezbollah terrorist group set up and deploy their newly acquired from iran rockets to rain hellfire on The Jewish people. Now who was it that gave them all of that money??? iran is also developing a moving platform for their long range missiles. All they need is the uranium that was released to their ally Russia by the same people who gave them all that money and It will be a full blown nuclear war in the middle east that won't take long to spread world wide. If you stupid liberals don't get the FACTS by now you are too stupid to wash your own ass.

Just go ahead and say it aint so, lie some more, it is all you are good for liberal lying, treasonist vomiters.
It seems that as the liberal dimshits cry and talk about Trump being the one that is DANGEROUS, They don't want to talk about one thing, IRANS new found wealth!!!. It seems they are buying all sorts of new weapons systems with some money they got from WHERE??? Let's see now who was it that undid sanctions and released billions of dollars of funds to the Iranian terrorist supporters?? HMMMM now Who was that???? Was it Trump, if it was he should be impeached tried and hung shouldn't he liberal dogshit. Especially since they are RIGHT NOW sending millions of dollars worth of rockets to HEZBOLLAH even as they are supporting the TWO state resolution,,, One must look and say "WHY would iran the most vile terrorist regime on earth want to support that they find so distasteful"????? Then it is evident that any two state deal would be just a front to let the hezbollah terrorist group set up and deploy their newly acquired from iran rockets to rain hellfire on The Jewish people. Now who was it that gave them all of that money??? iran is also developing a moving platform for their long range missiles. All they need is the uranium that was released to their ally Russia by the same people who gave them all that money and It will be a full blown nuclear war in the middle east that won't take long to spread world wide. If you stupid liberals don't get the FACTS by now you are too stupid to wash your own ass.

Just go ahead and say it aint so, lie some more, it is all you are good for liberal lying, treasonist vomiters.
Hey dummy, if you and your peeps are so concerned about this, than petition Trump and get some shit done about it. Trying to place this shit on the dem's is useless, you whores got the house, the senate, the white house, file a complaint and let them have at it.
It's no secret that Wall Street was laundering money to the Hillary campaign with fake 15 minute mystery speeches astabout 350k per pop. Nobody on the left thought anything about it. The point is that democrats couldn't prevent the nomination of Sessions as Trump's A.G. and now they are desperately trying to destroy his credibility because the DNC will come crashing down permanently the moment Hillary and the Podesta brothers are indicted for influence peddling.
It's no secret that Wall Street was laundering money to the Hillary campaign with fake 15 minute mystery speeches astabout 350k per pop. Nobody on the left thought anything about it. The point is that democrats couldn't prevent the nomination of Sessions as Trump's A.G. and now they are desperately trying to destroy his credibility because the DNC will come crashing down permanently the moment Hillary and the Podesta brothers are indicted for influence peddling.
For the past 33 years they've gotten away with everything upto and including murder and no one has laid a glove on them. They are too good of a walking GOTV for the GOP and they are literally the best, brightest and most honest in the Democratic party so who would commit political suicide by indicting these sleazebags only to see them replaced by honest D incompetents?
It seems that as the liberal dimshits cry and talk about Trump being the one that is DANGEROUS, They don't want to talk about one thing, IRANS new found wealth!!!. It seems they are buying all sorts of new weapons systems with some money they got from WHERE??? Let's see now who was it that undid sanctions and released billions of dollars of funds to the Iranian terrorist supporters?? HMMMM now Who was that???? Was it Trump, if it was he should be impeached tried and hung shouldn't he liberal dogshit. Especially since they are RIGHT NOW sending millions of dollars worth of rockets to HEZBOLLAH even as they are supporting the TWO state resolution,,, One must look and say "WHY would iran the most vile terrorist regime on earth want to support that they find so distasteful"????? Then it is evident that any two state deal would be just a front to let the hezbollah terrorist group set up and deploy their newly acquired from iran rockets to rain hellfire on The Jewish people. Now who was it that gave them all of that money??? iran is also developing a moving platform for their long range missiles. All they need is the uranium that was released to their ally Russia by the same people who gave them all that money and It will be a full blown nuclear war in the middle east that won't take long to spread world wide. If you stupid liberals don't get the FACTS by now you are too stupid to wash your own ass.

Just go ahead and say it aint so, lie some more, it is all you are good for liberal lying, treasonist vomiters.
Hey dummy, if you and your peeps are so concerned about this, than petition Trump and get some shit done about it. Trying to place this shit on the dem's is useless, you whores got the house, the senate, the white house, file a complaint and let them have at it.

Really you didn't say shit about how they got the money So I guess you don't want to say that the mess-I-ah. The shit bitch gave the Russians the options, and the mess-I-ah gave them the money. WHAT the hell can anyone do dumbass the Treasonist that Trump replaced released the money without it being authorized by congress. He used his executive OVERREACH to start in motion a deal that will cost millions of people their lives AND you vomit pumps are too damn stupid to admit it. It is too damn late to stop it stupid They have the money, they are buying superweapons with the money and they intend to use them. Any President that was not intent on bringing this nation down would never have done it.
And Valerie Jarett is an Iranian and we aren't supposed to connect the dots.


It seems that as the liberal dimshits cry and talk about Trump being the one that is DANGEROUS, They don't want to talk about one thing, IRANS new found wealth!!!. It seems they are buying all sorts of new weapons systems with some money they got from WHERE??? Let's see now who was it that undid sanctions and released billions of dollars of funds to the Iranian terrorist supporters?? HMMMM now Who was that???? Was it Trump, if it was he should be impeached tried and hung shouldn't he liberal dogshit. Especially since they are RIGHT NOW sending millions of dollars worth of rockets to HEZBOLLAH even as they are supporting the TWO state resolution,,, One must look and say "WHY would iran the most vile terrorist regime on earth want to support that they find so distasteful"????? Then it is evident that any two state deal would be just a front to let the hezbollah terrorist group set up and deploy their newly acquired from iran rockets to rain hellfire on The Jewish people. Now who was it that gave them all of that money??? iran is also developing a moving platform for their long range missiles. All they need is the uranium that was released to their ally Russia by the same people who gave them all that money and It will be a full blown nuclear war in the middle east that won't take long to spread world wide. If you stupid liberals don't get the FACTS by now you are too stupid to wash your own ass.

Just go ahead and say it aint so, lie some more, it is all you are good for liberal lying, treasonist vomiters.
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I think I would be more likely asking where did Qaddafi's gold go? Who is funneling money to ''Democracy Now', their affiliates, agencies and associations. I would also look back at the history of the Arab world and Hitler and take that and compare it with who is doing what in the world today. Who has continually called Jews their enemy over the ages? It really isn't that hard to come to their idea of what is a "final solution".
It seems that as the liberal dimshits cry and talk about Trump being the one that is DANGEROUS, They don't want to talk about one thing, IRANS new found wealth!!!. It seems they are buying all sorts of new weapons systems with some money they got from WHERE??? Let's see now who was it that undid sanctions and released billions of dollars of funds to the Iranian terrorist supporters?? HMMMM now Who was that???? Was it Trump, if it was he should be impeached tried and hung shouldn't he liberal dogshit. Especially since they are RIGHT NOW sending millions of dollars worth of rockets to HEZBOLLAH even as they are supporting the TWO state resolution,,, One must look and say "WHY would iran the most vile terrorist regime on earth want to support that they find so distasteful"????? Then it is evident that any two state deal would be just a front to let the hezbollah terrorist group set up and deploy their newly acquired from iran rockets to rain hellfire on The Jewish people. Now who was it that gave them all of that money??? iran is also developing a moving platform for their long range missiles. All they need is the uranium that was released to their ally Russia by the same people who gave them all that money and It will be a full blown nuclear war in the middle east that won't take long to spread world wide. If you stupid liberals don't get the FACTS by now you are too stupid to wash your own ass.

Just go ahead and say it aint so, lie some more, it is all you are good for liberal lying, treasonist vomiters.
The dems apologetic was it's their money.
It's going to average to about 5 bucks per body bag.
Hey dummy, if you and your peeps are so concerned about this, than petition Trump and get some shit done about it. Trying to place this shit on the dem's is useless, you whores got the house, the senate, the white house, file a complaint and let them have at it.

Obama is responsible and the damage is done. They already have the money for making a bogus deal with the idiot that used to be in the WH.
Hey dummy, if you and your peeps are so concerned about this, than petition Trump and get some shit done about it. Trying to place this shit on the dem's is useless, you whores got the house, the senate, the white house, file a complaint and let them have at it.

Obama is responsible and the damage is done. They already have the money for making a bogus deal with the idiot that used to be in the WH.
If the damage is done, bitch, than why whine about it? Get a fuckin life or take another meth hit, either way, you have no creds here.
Too bad millions will have to die to inflate the murderers ego. I wonder if there will be a call for HIM to be tried as a war criminal since he has killed far more people than any person in recent history. I am waiting to read a post calling for his trial from those who always scream "warmonger' at those who have been responsible for many less dead people.

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