Where The Uninsured Are


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Damning Data.

Where The Uninsured Are

Hmmm Areas with Indian reservations and high concentrations of illegal immigrants.
Native Americans are covered under IHS, so they have health insurance. Illegal immigrants have been getting free health care for years, not by any federal program, but by mandate that forbids turning people away.
The people who are uninsured should buy life insurance if they want it. Why should I foot their fucking bill? If you're so hell bent on this problem- stroke a check - or STFU, asswipe.
46 million uninsured is what Obama said!
1) 18 million to 23 million are
Nearly 18 million of the uninsured lived in households with annual incomes above $50,000 -- over half of them (9.7 million) in households with incomes that exceed $75,000 annually.
Subtract from 46 million the 18 million and you get 28 million!

2) 14 million that say they are uninsured DON"T KNOW they are covered by Medicaid!
Obama/and CMS of ALL people should know THAT!!!
Subtract from 28 million the 14 million covered by Medicaid leaves 14 million

3) 10 million counted in his "46 million" WERE NOT citizens!!!
Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Subtract from 14 million the 10 million NOT citizens leaves 4 million!

So that leaves 4 million that REALLY NEED and WANT health insurance.
I think we should take this too its logical conclusion, if you don't have insurance, you must purchase it, if you don't have a home, you must purchase one or pay a fine.
@ post#3
Yes there is. The northwest has a lot of reservations and military installations.
The south has a high percentage of illegal aliens.

Alabama shed many of our illegals with our recent immigration law.
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Hmmm Areas with Indian reservations and high concentrations of illegal immigrants.

It must be very weird living inside your head.

Not at all, but that would be plain if you had left my post intact.
The thread is about the uninsured and he points to maps showing poverty.
I showed that poverty doesn't mean lack of health care or health care coverage.
Republicans will say, "Oh, we have so many minorities living in our states". Then you actually check the demographics:

You find out it's 80% white in Tennessee and almost 90% white in Kentucky. Then you find out those are "welfare" states. Then you go to Illinois which is 63% white and "oops", that's a donor state.

Then you say, "Well how can that be? Tennessee and Kentucky have 150 years of conservative rule?"

Then you finally realize. Republicans are racist fucks who want to blame their disastrous policies on minorities. Got it!
Ernie S.
... high concentrations of illegal immigrants...

WHERE are these "high concentrations of illegal immigrants?"

If you know where the "high concentrations of illegal immigrants" are, you should call the authorities cuz they can't find them.
Ernie S.
... high concentrations of illegal immigrants...

WHERE are these "high concentrations of illegal immigrants?"

If you know where the "high concentrations of illegal immigrants" are, you should call the authorities cuz they can't find them.

You've never been to Houston, San Diego, Los Angeles?

If you have - and you don't see illegals - you're either blind or dense. My guess is the latter.

Hey peckerhead, been meaning to ask you. Why's your rep off? Turn it on, I'd like to send you some love.
The people who are uninsured should buy life insurance if they want it. Why should I foot their fucking bill? If you're so hell bent on this problem- stroke a check - or STFU, asswipe.

I'll bet you're against ObamaCare because it means people buying their own insurance.

Bet you just love Reagan's socialist EMTALA because freeloaders can get their care for free and the rest of us to pay for it.

As for the poor red states buying life insurance, that's the whole reason they go the ER. They can't afford to buy insurance of any kind. That's why us BLUES have to pay their (your?) bills.

Ya wanna try that again?
Ernie S.
... high concentrations of illegal immigrants...

WHERE are these "high concentrations of illegal immigrants?"

If you know where the "high concentrations of illegal immigrants" are, you should call the authorities cuz they can't find them.

You've never been to Houston, San Diego, Los Angeles?

If you have - and you don't see illegals - you're either blind or dense. My guess is the latter.

Hey peckerhead, been meaning to ask you. Why's your rep off? Turn it on, I'd like to send you some love.

Nope.. I lived in Tucson for more than 25 years though and you can't just tell by looking at someone.

You just don't like brown people so, to you, they're "illegal".
Republicans will say, "Oh, we have so many minorities living in our states". Then you actually check the demographics:

You find out it's 80% white in Tennessee and almost 90% white in Kentucky. Then you find out those are "welfare" states. Then you go to Illinois which is 63% white and "oops", that's a donor state.

Then you say, "Well how can that be? Tennessee and Kentucky have 150 years of conservative rule?"

Then you finally realize. Republicans are racist fucks who want to blame their disastrous policies on minorities. Got it!

Whether or not the r's like it, fact is the blue states are supporting them.

THAT is why all the blustering and posturing threats to "suceed" (secede) is nothing but talk. They'd starve without us.
The people who are uninsured should buy life insurance if they want it. Why should I foot their fucking bill? If you're so hell bent on this problem- stroke a check - or STFU, asswipe.

You already are, stupid, just in the most expensive, cruel, humiliating way- AND forcing people on to welfare to get Medicaid. Pub dupes!

Red states are going to catch hell when they withhold ferally funded care next year...what a shame.

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