Where was the armed security guard at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High?

Even then, self defense is a crap shoot. Many concealed carry classes stress finding suitable cover and not shooting unless it's necessary.

Of course, and it's not always going to be feasible, but to try to take away or to minimize that option is very disturbing. Who knows if the coward might even run away at the mere sight of another person with a gun?

Look at the history of the majority of mass shooting events: In most cases, the shooter caps himself in the head once he's confronted with armed resistance. The Florida school shooter didn't because he probably ran out of ammunition before the police arrived, and he left the rifle and walked away.

The church shooter that happened a few months ago fled when he was confronted by an armed neighbor who shot at him and ended up killing him in the end.

After all those people were already dead. The shooter was leaving...

At least he didn't make it very far, leftist faggot scum.

Too bad the neighbor hadn't come out sooner. Anyways, he did save SOME lives. Not all of the people were killed thankfully.
Even then, self defense is a crap shoot. Many concealed carry classes stress finding suitable cover and not shooting unless it's necessary.

Of course, and it's not always going to be feasible, but to try to take away or to minimize that option is very disturbing. Who knows if the coward might even run away at the mere sight of another person with a gun?

Look at the history of the majority of mass shooting events: In most cases, the shooter caps himself in the head once he's confronted with armed resistance. The Florida school shooter didn't because he probably ran out of ammunition before the police arrived, and he left the rifle and walked away.

The church shooter that happened a few months ago fled when he was confronted by an armed neighbor who shot at him and ended up killing him in the end.

After all those people were already dead. The shooter was leaving...

At least he didn't make it very far, leftist faggot scum.

Still a whole lot of dead people. Just like at this school shooting, and Newtown, and Orland and Vegas... Lot of people killed really fast by a semi-auto rifle with high capacity magazines.
Even then, self defense is a crap shoot. Many concealed carry classes stress finding suitable cover and not shooting unless it's necessary.

Of course, and it's not always going to be feasible, but to try to take away or to minimize that option is very disturbing. Who knows if the coward might even run away at the mere sight of another person with a gun?

Look at the history of the majority of mass shooting events: In most cases, the shooter caps himself in the head once he's confronted with armed resistance. The Florida school shooter didn't because he probably ran out of ammunition before the police arrived, and he left the rifle and walked away.

The church shooter that happened a few months ago fled when he was confronted by an armed neighbor who shot at him and ended up killing him in the end.

After all those people were already dead. The shooter was leaving...

At least he didn't make it very far, leftist faggot scum.

Leftist faggot scum? You pitiful dumbass - he was a Trump supporter. He even wore a red MAGA hat.
Of course, and it's not always going to be feasible, but to try to take away or to minimize that option is very disturbing. Who knows if the coward might even run away at the mere sight of another person with a gun?

Look at the history of the majority of mass shooting events: In most cases, the shooter caps himself in the head once he's confronted with armed resistance. The Florida school shooter didn't because he probably ran out of ammunition before the police arrived, and he left the rifle and walked away.

The church shooter that happened a few months ago fled when he was confronted by an armed neighbor who shot at him and ended up killing him in the end.

After all those people were already dead. The shooter was leaving...

At least he didn't make it very far, leftist faggot scum.

Leftist faggot scum? You pitiful dumbass - he was a Trump supporter. He even wore a red MAGA hat.

The Texas shooter? I was referring to Brain357 as leftist faggot scum. (which he is)
Right. Better to just lie down and die like a coward with no dignity.
Wrong. Better is not having the guy with the AR standing at the classroom door.

And here we are, back at trying to control the criminally insane with laws. *sigh* Murdering people is "banned" yet it happens every day. You have to face the facts that there are certain people who are going to ignore laws and do whatever the fuck they want to do.

A proper hanging might would stop them. :rolleyes:

Countries with strong gun control don't have this problem.

No, they just have more knife murders, rapes, and home invasions.

They have much lower homicide rates and many have straight lower crime rates. Oh and they don't have mass shootings regularly. And their police aren't shot and killed regularly. We lost two just yesterday.
All I have to do is imagine myself in such a situation, and I can say without a doubt, 100% for sure I would want a gun. What anyone else thinks about that doesn't really come into play, honestly. :dunno:

Democrat unions have far outspent the NRA in political donations billions to millions over the years.
I don't get why people have to lose freedoms because 3 levels of government messed up, can someone explain that to me?

Shouldn't we be looking at them instead of us?

Freedom is an assault rifle? Is freedom having armed guards around every corner? That's where we are headed.

That's losing freedom. So is the inability to get the gun you want.

You have to understand, some of us grew up in a much freer America.

You probably grew up in an America without AR15's. I know nobody had high capacity magazines and assault rifles when I was a kid. And we were better off because of it. Those dead kids sure lost their freedom.

When I grew up you could mail-order rifles from magazines.

The Kennedy assassination changed that, and Americans lost freedom.

Used to be able to get M1s, now they're $1400, sup with that?

That was the Gun Control Act of 1968. I bought two really nice WW2 German Mausers in 1965, for $15 apiece. The post office charged me about $4 to ship each one to my door.

If anything, gun control just makes your firearms collection more valuable. Prices were up on everything when people thought Obama was going to pass some anti-gun legislation. There were ammunition shortages because people were buying it up and hoarding it.

The prices dropped when Trump was elected, and everyone firearms became worth less money. But I'd look for them to start rising again soon, with all this kerfuffle happening.
While true I still think he's a pussy and I hope he eats a barrel in guilt.

I do agree that they guy is going to have alot of weight on his shoulders for the rest of his life. But we all can't be heroes because sometimes it works out that way, sometimes it doesn't. That's just the way life is, I guess.

I agree that not everyone is cut out or has what it takes to be a hero. That is why your self defense is your own responsibility.

Even then, self defense is a crap shoot. Many concealed carry classes stress finding suitable cover and not shooting unless it's necessary.

Yup, Fight smart. Let the shooter come to you.
That's never going to save children in a school.

I think he means to close in on the shooter and wait for him to expose himself or turn his back. Or if the shooter is actively shooting you have a good chance to catch him while his attention is on his targets.
Which would be wise if you're out gunned.
Wait. You trust the police to keep you safe? Why?
And you would trust teachers over the armed police presence on campus during a shooting?

Don't get me wrong. I think the error the deputy made is tantamount to cowardice. But if trained law enforcement can be ineffective in a shooting, what chance would you give Mrs. Hudson and her Fourth Grade class has? She's scared and dealing with two dozen scared ten year olds. Meanwhile she's packing a snub nose .38 and the guy with the AR is standing at the classroom door.

What cinematic situation does the gun lovers expect to happen?

Right. Better to just lie down and die like a coward with no dignity.
Wrong. Better is not having the guy with the AR standing at the classroom door.

Of course that would require a good guy with a gun stop him at the schools front door.
That's one way to look at it. Another would be to first make sure that guy could rationally own and operate the AR in his hands.

Another way would be to ask; what is the virtue of that AR and why are they necessary on our streets?
While true I still think he's a pussy and I hope he eats a barrel in guilt.

I do agree that they guy is going to have alot of weight on his shoulders for the rest of his life. But we all can't be heroes because sometimes it works out that way, sometimes it doesn't. That's just the way life is, I guess.

I agree that not everyone is cut out or has what it takes to be a hero. That is why your self defense is your own responsibility.

Even then, self defense is a crap shoot. Many concealed carry classes stress finding suitable cover and not shooting unless it's necessary.

Yup, Fight smart. Let the shooter come to you.
That's never going to save children in a school.

Crazy people should be locked up. That would.
Throw in the 50+ people killed in the Orlando and Vegas shootings and they are mass killing guns. There is no doubt.

Horseshit....in 2016 there were about 340 rifle murders compared to over 7,000 with pistols. One dingbat on CNN asked if carrying a "concealed shotgun" is legal....I thought, only if you're wearing a trenchcoat ya imbecile.
Do you seriously think "not selling them" in gun store or gun shows, is going to stop a criminal from finding a way to get one?
Some or most of the time? Yes, of course. That's why the Aurora shooter and the UVA shooter did not have grenades and fully automatic weapons.

So, duh, yes.
Wait. You trust the police to keep you safe? Why?
And you would trust teachers over the armed police presence on campus during a shooting?

Don't get me wrong. I think the error the deputy made is tantamount to cowardice. But if trained law enforcement can be ineffective in a shooting, what chance would you give Mrs. Hudson and her Fourth Grade class has? She's scared and dealing with two dozen scared ten year olds. Meanwhile she's packing a snub nose .38 and the guy with the AR is standing at the classroom door.

What cinematic situation does the gun lovers expect to happen?

Right. Better to just lie down and die like a coward with no dignity.
Wrong. Better is not having the guy with the AR standing at the classroom door.

Of course that would require a good guy with a gun stop him at the schools front door.
That's one way to look at it. Another would be to first make sure that guy could rationally own and operate the AR in his hands.

Another way would be to ask; what is the virtue of that AR and why are they necessary on our streets?

The guy shouldnt have had access to a firearm after he was visited by the authorities on 39 occasions and had students voice their concern about him multiple times.
Wait. You trust the police to keep you safe? Why?
And you would trust teachers over the armed police presence on campus during a shooting?

Don't get me wrong. I think the error the deputy made is tantamount to cowardice. But if trained law enforcement can be ineffective in a shooting, what chance would you give Mrs. Hudson and her Fourth Grade class has? She's scared and dealing with two dozen scared ten year olds. Meanwhile she's packing a snub nose .38 and the guy with the AR is standing at the classroom door.

What cinematic situation does the gun lovers expect to happen?

Right. Better to just lie down and die like a coward with no dignity.
Wrong. Better is not having the guy with the AR standing at the classroom door.

And here we are, back at trying to control the criminally insane with laws. *sigh* Murdering people is "banned" yet it happens every day. You have to face the facts that there are certain people who are going to ignore laws and do whatever the fuck they want to do.

A proper hanging might would stop them. :rolleyes:

Agreed. Is there some way they can hang Cruz 17 times? :biggrin:
I do agree that they guy is going to have alot of weight on his shoulders for the rest of his life. But we all can't be heroes because sometimes it works out that way, sometimes it doesn't. That's just the way life is, I guess.

I agree that not everyone is cut out or has what it takes to be a hero. That is why your self defense is your own responsibility.

Even then, self defense is a crap shoot. Many concealed carry classes stress finding suitable cover and not shooting unless it's necessary.

Yup, Fight smart. Let the shooter come to you.
That's never going to save children in a school.

Crazy people should be locked up. That would.

They did used to be.
I do agree that they guy is going to have alot of weight on his shoulders for the rest of his life. But we all can't be heroes because sometimes it works out that way, sometimes it doesn't. That's just the way life is, I guess.

I agree that not everyone is cut out or has what it takes to be a hero. That is why your self defense is your own responsibility.

Even then, self defense is a crap shoot. Many concealed carry classes stress finding suitable cover and not shooting unless it's necessary.

Yup, Fight smart. Let the shooter come to you.
That's never going to save children in a school.

I think he means to close in on the shooter and wait for him to expose himself or turn his back. Or if the shooter is actively shooting you have a good chance to catch him while his attention is on his targets.
Which would be wise if you're out gunned.

And how many die in the mean time? That's the problem, the shooter has a gun for mass killing. He seldom has to reload. He just shoots and shoots and many die so quickly. The only answer is regulating these guns.

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