Where was the armed security guard at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High?


Yup, that has turned into an absolute disaster. It seems like since gun control laws have been introduced, things have gotten worse. Maybe criminals/murderers feel emboldened, thinking people are defenseless against them? Ya think? :)
I do agree that they guy is going to have alot of weight on his shoulders for the rest of his life. But we all can't be heroes because sometimes it works out that way, sometimes it doesn't. That's just the way life is, I guess.

I agree that not everyone is cut out or has what it takes to be a hero. That is why your self defense is your own responsibility.

Even then, self defense is a crap shoot. Many concealed carry classes stress finding suitable cover and not shooting unless it's necessary.

Yup, Fight smart. Let the shooter come to you.
That's never going to save children in a school.

Crazy people should be locked up. That would.

Would the Vegas shooter ever been locked up? Many of these mass shooters have no signs before they start killing. But they all use these guns for mass killing.
Wrong. Better is not having the guy with the AR standing at the classroom door.

And here we are, back at trying to control the criminally insane with laws. *sigh* Murdering people is "banned" yet it happens every day. You have to face the facts that there are certain people who are going to ignore laws and do whatever the fuck they want to do.

A proper hanging might would stop them. :rolleyes:

Countries with strong gun control don't have this problem.

No, they just have more knife murders, rapes, and home invasions.

They have much lower homicide rates and many have straight lower crime rates. Oh and they don't have mass shootings regularly. And their police aren't shot and killed regularly. We lost two just yesterday.

So move there, already, what's stopping you?
Wait. You trust the police to keep you safe? Why?
And you would trust teachers over the armed police presence on campus during a shooting?

Don't get me wrong. I think the error the deputy made is tantamount to cowardice. But if trained law enforcement can be ineffective in a shooting, what chance would you give Mrs. Hudson and her Fourth Grade class has? She's scared and dealing with two dozen scared ten year olds. Meanwhile she's packing a snub nose .38 and the guy with the AR is standing at the classroom door.

What cinematic situation does the gun lovers expect to happen?

We have seen time and time again. Unarmed and defenseless people are merely victims waiting to die. With a gun, you have a chance to fight back. You might lose. You might die. But you will certainly die if you do nothing.

In a way, it is like a fire extinguisher in your car. There are few fires that can be contained by a small extinguisher. It may only be good for putting out the fire on a person. But it is better than nothing. It gives you a better chance than standing there with your hands in your pockets. Your car may still burn to the metal frame. The notional victim may still die from being burned. But you try.

It is illegal to plan to commit murder, or mass murder. It’s illegal to take a weapon on the school grounds. It’s illegal to pull a fire alarm when there is no fire. Words on a piece of paper are powerless to do anything.

Now, think about this. Do these mass murderers walk into the police station to shoot it up? No. Because the people in that building are armed. Interviews with criminals have shown that two thirds of them consider the likelihood of a victim being armed before they act. Think about it. Muggers target little old ladies and those who look helpless. They don’t target the guy who looks like a pro wrestler with muscles in his eyebrows.

A gun levels the playing field. As for being “outgunned” I say nonsense. Having more, or bigger, or more powerful weapons does not guarantee victory. Ask the Russians about that in Afghanistan. Ask our troops who are there now. They have the superior technology and weapons, and we are still losing.

It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the fight in the dog.
Wait. You trust the police to keep you safe? Why?
And you would trust teachers over the armed police presence on campus during a shooting?

Don't get me wrong. I think the error the deputy made is tantamount to cowardice. But if trained law enforcement can be ineffective in a shooting, what chance would you give Mrs. Hudson and her Fourth Grade class has? She's scared and dealing with two dozen scared ten year olds. Meanwhile she's packing a snub nose .38 and the guy with the AR is standing at the classroom door.

What cinematic situation does the gun lovers expect to happen?

Right. Better to just lie down and die like a coward with no dignity.
Wrong. Better is not having the guy with the AR standing at the classroom door.

And here we are, back at trying to control the criminally insane with laws. *sigh* Murdering people is "banned" yet it happens every day. You have to face the facts that there are certain people who are going to ignore laws and do whatever the fuck they want to do.
Are Americans crazier than any other citizenry around the developed world? I don't think so. But if we are not that much crazier, why do we suffer from so many mass shootings?

Could it be that, while we enjoy a level of crazy in line with other nations, we are also awash with guns?

At the root of it, what puts the ',ass' in 'mass shooting' is the rate of fire of the weapon of choice. Could there be some way to limit such weapons? Surely your right to self defense will not be compromised. You advocate schools defend themselves with less lethal weapons.

Yup, that has turned into an absolute disaster. It seems like since gun control laws have been introduced, things have gotten worse. Maybe criminals/murderers feel emboldened, thinking people are defenseless against them? Ya think? :)

Actually things have been much worse as gun control has gotten more lax. Have you noticed each and every mass shooting is the new worst mass shooting? Violent crime is up. Our police are being shot and killed regularly. These things don't happen when there is strong gun control.
Wait. You trust the police to keep you safe? Why?
And you would trust teachers over the armed police presence on campus during a shooting?

Don't get me wrong. I think the error the deputy made is tantamount to cowardice. But if trained law enforcement can be ineffective in a shooting, what chance would you give Mrs. Hudson and her Fourth Grade class has? She's scared and dealing with two dozen scared ten year olds. Meanwhile she's packing a snub nose .38 and the guy with the AR is standing at the classroom door.

What cinematic situation does the gun lovers expect to happen?

Right. Better to just lie down and die like a coward with no dignity.
Wrong. Better is not having the guy with the AR standing at the classroom door.

And here we are, back at trying to control the criminally insane with laws. *sigh* Murdering people is "banned" yet it happens every day. You have to face the facts that there are certain people who are going to ignore laws and do whatever the fuck they want to do.
Are Americans crazier than any other citizenry around the developed world? I don't think so. But if we are not that much crazier, why do we suffer from so many mass shootings?

Could it be that, while we enjoy a level of crazy in line with other nations, we are also awash with guns?

At the root of it, what puts the ',ass' in 'mass shooting' is the rate of fire of the weapon of choice. Could there be some way to limit such weapons? Surely your right to self defense will not be compromised. You advocate schools defend themselves with less lethal weapons.

We mix crazy with lots of guns. Other countries have the sense to have gun control. And they don't suffer from regular mass shootings and have much lower homicide rates.
Wait. You trust the police to keep you safe? Why?
And you would trust teachers over the armed police presence on campus during a shooting?

Don't get me wrong. I think the error the deputy made is tantamount to cowardice. But if trained law enforcement can be ineffective in a shooting, what chance would you give Mrs. Hudson and her Fourth Grade class has? She's scared and dealing with two dozen scared ten year olds. Meanwhile she's packing a snub nose .38 and the guy with the AR is standing at the classroom door.

What cinematic situation does the gun lovers expect to happen?

Right. Better to just lie down and die like a coward with no dignity.
Wrong. Better is not having the guy with the AR standing at the classroom door.

And here we are, back at trying to control the criminally insane with laws. *sigh* Murdering people is "banned" yet it happens every day. You have to face the facts that there are certain people who are going to ignore laws and do whatever the fuck they want to do.
Are Americans crazier than any other citizenry around the developed world? I don't think so. But if we are not that much crazier, why do we suffer from so many mass shootings?

Could it be that, while we enjoy a level of crazy in line with other nations, we are also awash with guns?

At the root of it, what puts the ',ass' in 'mass shooting' is the rate of fire of the weapon of choice. Could there be some way to limit such weapons? Surely your right to self defense will not be compromised. You advocate schools defend themselves with less lethal weapons.

Guns exist. That is another fact.
Being a small and petite woman, a gun is definitely leverage or an equalizer in my eyes. :)

And you could defend yourself fine with a 6 shot revolver You don't need a weapon for mass killing.
We have a bunch of dead kids and some people are worried about the freedom to own guns for mass killing. So very sad.

There were 3.3 million AR-15s owned by other people in the US on the day Cruz shot those students. As far as I know, none of them shot anyone.

In other words, your odds of getting shot that day by someone with an AR-15 were 3,300,000/1
And you would trust teachers over the armed police presence on campus during a shooting?

Don't get me wrong. I think the error the deputy made is tantamount to cowardice. But if trained law enforcement can be ineffective in a shooting, what chance would you give Mrs. Hudson and her Fourth Grade class has? She's scared and dealing with two dozen scared ten year olds. Meanwhile she's packing a snub nose .38 and the guy with the AR is standing at the classroom door.

What cinematic situation does the gun lovers expect to happen?

Right. Better to just lie down and die like a coward with no dignity.
Wrong. Better is not having the guy with the AR standing at the classroom door.

And here we are, back at trying to control the criminally insane with laws. *sigh* Murdering people is "banned" yet it happens every day. You have to face the facts that there are certain people who are going to ignore laws and do whatever the fuck they want to do.

A proper hanging might would stop them. :rolleyes:

Agreed. Is there some way they can hang Cruz 17 times? :biggrin:

Seen the end of Braveheart? Put it on CSpan.
And you would trust teachers over the armed police presence on campus during a shooting?

Don't get me wrong. I think the error the deputy made is tantamount to cowardice. But if trained law enforcement can be ineffective in a shooting, what chance would you give Mrs. Hudson and her Fourth Grade class has? She's scared and dealing with two dozen scared ten year olds. Meanwhile she's packing a snub nose .38 and the guy with the AR is standing at the classroom door.

What cinematic situation does the gun lovers expect to happen?

Right. Better to just lie down and die like a coward with no dignity.
Wrong. Better is not having the guy with the AR standing at the classroom door.

And here we are, back at trying to control the criminally insane with laws. *sigh* Murdering people is "banned" yet it happens every day. You have to face the facts that there are certain people who are going to ignore laws and do whatever the fuck they want to do.
Are Americans crazier than any other citizenry around the developed world? I don't think so. But if we are not that much crazier, why do we suffer from so many mass shootings?

Could it be that, while we enjoy a level of crazy in line with other nations, we are also awash with guns?

At the root of it, what puts the 'mass' in 'mass shooting' is the rate of fire of the weapon of choice. Could there be some way to limit such weapons? Surely your right to self defense will not be compromised. You advocate schools defend themselves with less lethal weapons.

Guns exist. That is another fact.
Wow! Really? Do you have a point?
We have a bunch of dead kids and some people are worried about the freedom to own guns for mass killing. So very sad.

There were 3.3 million AR-15s owned by other people in the US on the day Cruz shot those students. As far as I know, none of them shot anyone.

In other words, your odds of getting shot that day by someone with an AR-15 were 3,300,000/1

The sure didn't help those kids now did it?

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