where was the panic during the swine flu outbreak ?

the swine flu h1n1 infected millions in the US and hundreds of thousands were hospitalized and thousands died ! where was the panic ? and where was the criticism of the Obama administrations poor performance in containing it ? i hate to politicize the covid 19 outbreak but that ship has already sailed thanks to the left ! but hopefully we will not loose nearly as many Americans to covid 19 as we did to swine flu h1n1 ...and if we dont what will the left have to say about the Trump administrations response compared to Obamas response to swine flu h1n1 a less lethal virus that killed thousands and hospitalized hundreds of thousands ?
Where the panic level for a disease with a fraction of the transmission ability of COVID-19 belongs. But then again, conservatives absolutely shit mountains into their pants over Ebola despite it having zero chance of spreading in the U.S. That must be why you're asking this question.

You didn't utter a peep when millions were infected under O.
The death rate is higher during Trump's coronavirus.
That was Different.
If a Democrat were in office right now, The Media would be telling people not to wash their hands, and encourage people to kiss random strangers.

Don’t think all these little people who are getting thrown out of jobs in the bar and restaurant industry won’t remember who gave the order to lay them off like some of these Lefty Governors are doing
Meanwhile Democrats keep murdering Babies, and don’t give a damn about Fentanyl and Opioid Deaths from Mexican Drug Cartels.

60 Million dead babies and DemNazis don’t care.

Don’t you have some Old Ladies to beat up and candy to take from babies?

Influenza kills more people than coronavirus so everyone is overreacting, right? Wrong — and here’s why

So what are the differences between coronavirus and the flu? For starters, there is no vaccine for COVID-19 and it could take many months or years to get one to market, and, unlike the influenza viruses for which there are several vaccines, humans have not built up an immunity over multiple generations. What’s worse, doctors fear the virus will mutate.

Of course, there are similarities between influenza and COVID-19. Both viruses are untreatable with antibiotics, and they have almost identical symptoms — fever, coughing, night sweats, aching bones, tiredness and, in more severe cases of both viruses, nausea and even diarrhea. They can be spread by touching your face, coughing and sneezing.

But doctors say their differences are just as varied. “It’s a little simple to think the novel coronavirus is just like flu,” Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the John Hopkins Center for Health Security and a spokesman for the Infectious Diseases Society of America, told MarketWatch.

“We don’t want another flu,” he said. “This is additive, not in place of. Yes, the flu kills thousands of people every year, but we’re going to have more deaths.”


Much More: Influenza kills more people than coronavirus so everyone is overreacting, right? Wrong — and here’s why

Food for thought. Good article.
Dear Democrats:

You will not be allowed to vote in November!

Martial Law will be declared and Donald Trump becomes Emperor for Life!
Influenza kills more people than coronavirus so everyone is overreacting, right? Wrong — and here’s why

So what are the differences between coronavirus and the flu? For starters, there is no vaccine for COVID-19 and it could take many months or years to get one to market, and, unlike the influenza viruses for which there are several vaccines, humans have not built up an immunity over multiple generations. What’s worse, doctors fear the virus will mutate.

Of course, there are similarities between influenza and COVID-19. Both viruses are untreatable with antibiotics, and they have almost identical symptoms — fever, coughing, night sweats, aching bones, tiredness and, in more severe cases of both viruses, nausea and even diarrhea. They can be spread by touching your face, coughing and sneezing.

But doctors say their differences are just as varied. “It’s a little simple to think the novel coronavirus is just like flu,” Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the John Hopkins Center for Health Security and a spokesman for the Infectious Diseases Society of America, told MarketWatch.

“We don’t want another flu,” he said. “This is additive, not in place of. Yes, the flu kills thousands of people every year, but we’re going to have more deaths.”


Much More: Influenza kills more people than coronavirus so everyone is overreacting, right? Wrong — and here’s why

Food for thought. Good article.
It's possible to get the flu and the coronavirus at the same time

Dr. Christie Alexander, an associate professor at the Florida State University College of Medicine and president of the Florida Academy of Family Physicians, said in a press release last month she recommends "continuing to get the flu shot to not only avoid getting the flu, but to avoid complications from the flu, such as hospitalizations, influenza-associated illnesses like pneumonia or even death."

It's avoiding those complications that may make getting the flu shot especially important during outbreaks of the novel coronavirus, which is more likely to cause serious symptoms or lead to death in people with certain health conditions, including respiratory issues.

Woc-Colburn said that while it's unclear if having the flu will make you more susceptible to the coronavirus, anyone who's had one virus in their household only to contract another while they're on the mend can understand why that might be the case. "When you're recovering from a disease, you don't want to be hit again with another disease," she said.

Plus, it's possible to get both at once, which will only exacerbate symptoms, as one case study out of China illustrates.

Why you should still get the flu shot, even though it won't directly protect you from the coronavirus

More food for thought.
Last edited:
Influenza kills more people than coronavirus so everyone is overreacting, right? Wrong — and here’s why

So what are the differences between coronavirus and the flu? For starters, there is no vaccine for COVID-19 and it could take many months or years to get one to market, and, unlike the influenza viruses for which there are several vaccines, humans have not built up an immunity over multiple generations. What’s worse, doctors fear the virus will mutate.

Of course, there are similarities between influenza and COVID-19. Both viruses are untreatable with antibiotics, and they have almost identical symptoms — fever, coughing, night sweats, aching bones, tiredness and, in more severe cases of both viruses, nausea and even diarrhea. They can be spread by touching your face, coughing and sneezing.

But doctors say their differences are just as varied. “It’s a little simple to think the novel coronavirus is just like flu,” Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the John Hopkins Center for Health Security and a spokesman for the Infectious Diseases Society of America, told MarketWatch.

“We don’t want another flu,” he said. “This is additive, not in place of. Yes, the flu kills thousands of people every year, but we’re going to have more deaths.”


Much More: Influenza kills more people than coronavirus so everyone is overreacting, right? Wrong — and here’s why

Food for thought. Good article.
The young, healthful and rich will survive. Old, weak and poor will die. Everything is as usual.
Flu-hysteria makes people poor and weak and only increase the death rate.
We need to make our people healthy and rich because only strong nation can answer any challenge.
The Trump administration has also being doing testing.
Neat! Of course, the point I made was the timeliness of the testing, which you completely ignored. Naturally.

I swear, 90% of my time here is spent correcting the intentional and ignorant misrepresentations of my own words by whiny fucks.
How many did Obama test and when?
He truly was a magic negro, you will be howling about him beyond the grave. So hopelessly triggered by the existence of one human being.
Influenza kills more people than coronavirus so everyone is overreacting, right? Wrong — and here’s why

So what are the differences between coronavirus and the flu? For starters, there is no vaccine for COVID-19 and it could take many months or years to get one to market, and, unlike the influenza viruses for which there are several vaccines, humans have not built up an immunity over multiple generations. What’s worse, doctors fear the virus will mutate.

Of course, there are similarities between influenza and COVID-19. Both viruses are untreatable with antibiotics, and they have almost identical symptoms — fever, coughing, night sweats, aching bones, tiredness and, in more severe cases of both viruses, nausea and even diarrhea. They can be spread by touching your face, coughing and sneezing.

But doctors say their differences are just as varied. “It’s a little simple to think the novel coronavirus is just like flu,” Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the John Hopkins Center for Health Security and a spokesman for the Infectious Diseases Society of America, told MarketWatch.

“We don’t want another flu,” he said. “This is additive, not in place of. Yes, the flu kills thousands of people every year, but we’re going to have more deaths.”


Much More: Influenza kills more people than coronavirus so everyone is overreacting, right? Wrong — and here’s why

Food for thought. Good article.
The young, healthful and rich will survive. Old, weak and poor will die. Everything is as usual.
Flu-hysteria makes people poor and weak and only increase the death rate.
We need to make our people healthy and rich because only strong nation can answer any challenge.

That would be lovely but we resourced having a military presence in 70% of the nations on the planet while supporting 73% of the world's dictatorships and endless bogus unconstitutional wars instead.
We have a sad scared man child as President so there is a good reason to have little confidence. With Obama, we had a grown up. So we had confidence.

which is ironic because the blob is a well known confidence man
Over 12000 died from H1N1 while Obungo played golf. How many Americans have died from coronavirus?
Not enough for you, right? We'll get hindsight on this one too in time, no need to pre-ejaculate in every aspect of life. Do you really want to draw attention to Don's time golfing while in office?
The Trump administration has also being doing testing.
Neat! Of course, the point I made was the timeliness of the testing, which you completely ignored. Naturally.

I swear, 90% of my time here is spent correcting the intentional and ignorant misrepresentations of my own words by whiny fucks.
How many did Obama test and when?
He truly was a magic negro, you will be howling about him beyond the grave. So hopelessly triggered by the existence of one human being.
Avoiding the question, I see. The sure sign of a douchebag.
We have a sad scared man child as President so there is a good reason to have little confidence. With Obama, we had a grown up. So we had confidence.

which is ironic because the blob is a well known confidence man
Over 12000 died from H1N1 while Obungo played golf. How many Americans have died from coronavirus?
Not enough for you, right? We'll get hindsight on this one too in time, no need to pre-ejaculate in every aspect of life. Do you really want to draw attention to Don's time golfing while in office?
Poor baby. The propaganda isn't working.
That was Different.
If a Democrat were in office right now, The Media would be telling people not to wash their hands, and encourage people to kiss random strangers.

Don’t think all these little people who are getting thrown out of jobs in the bar and restaurant industry won’t remember who gave the order to lay them off like some of these Lefty Governors are doing
Aw you poor, sad little man :itsok:
the problem has been corrected nazi ...... dont worry soon this will be all over ! oh and in just a few minutes Biden is going to show the world he is mentally challenged ... not making fun of the old guy ...just a sad fact .
Nothing you ever post is a fact.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Gee, Tramp's hand picked CDC head has done almost no testing just as Tramp wanted, almost all the testing is being done by private companies,
The private sector is more efficient.
no it isn't.
Few considerations:

1. Corona has higher infection rate.
2. It's not just the US millions and millions are quarantined all over the world.
3. This is the boomer virus, so boomers take it seriously.
Anyone who isn`t an idiot takes it seriously.
That was Different.
If a Democrat were in office right now, The Media would be telling people not to wash their hands, and encourage people to kiss random strangers.

Don’t think all these little people who are getting thrown out of jobs in the bar and restaurant industry won’t remember who gave the order to lay them off like some of these Lefty Governors are doing
Aw you poor, sad little man :itsok:
Donald Trump Emperor for LIFE!

Martial Law Baby!
The Trump administration has also being doing testing.
Neat! Of course, the point I made was the timeliness of the testing, which you completely ignored. Naturally.

I swear, 90% of my time here is spent correcting the intentional and ignorant misrepresentations of my own words by whiny fucks.
How many did Obama test and when?
He truly was a magic negro, you will be howling about him beyond the grave. So hopelessly triggered by the existence of one human being.
Avoiding the question, I see. The sure sign of a douchebag.
Finally, something you may have a background in, douchebaggery. No wonder you've glommed onto Don so.
That was Different.
If a Democrat were in office right now, The Media would be telling people not to wash their hands, and encourage people to kiss random strangers.

Don’t think all these little people who are getting thrown out of jobs in the bar and restaurant industry won’t remember who gave the order to lay them off like some of these Lefty Governors are doing
Aw you poor, sad little man :itsok:
Donald Trump Emperor for LIFE!

Martial Law Baby!

I have no doubt the power structure is thinking about it, wondering how to pitch it, looking for the perfect excuse. And the necessary components of that perfect storm are all in place. The most expansive incarceration apparatus ever known to humankind, portions of it for profit. Militarized "law enforcement". A for profit internment / concentration camp apparatus already in place and tacitly accepted by the public so long as it's for someone else for now. A mass surveillance state apparatus partnership of corporate state interests with Israeli high tech mass surveillance watching over the land, the Israelis knowing the thing or two about population subjection. A population in which 87% of us are working paycheck to paycheck in a predatory economic system with no elasticity left to wrangle to maintain the status quo further.

Concentrated capital is very nervous.

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