where was the republican outrage

By the time stamp I'm guessing someone was watching Ed Schultz on MSNBC....

I have Schultz on now and actually he was talking about BP's resurgence of drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, and how Obama is the "Drill Baby Drill" president according to his guest commentator. Oil production is waaaaay up under Obama. And although there is abundant damage to wildlife with deformed sea life, Obama and EPA made sure BP got back into the game.

Now.....WTF were you saying about MSNBC and Schultz?

Schults is a brain dead fucktard. Just like you.

So you think I'm making this up? Sorry, but Obama has made your life better, not worse. If he had actually done what he said he was going to do about offshore drilling, you'd be paying $5 a gallon for gas right now. Not $3.75. And you can thank the EPA for their help in keeping your fuel costs down, too. They were part of it.
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You leftwing fucktards are amazing... you'll be babbling on and on about Bush when you're sucking soup inn a rest home... that's if you don't go completely batshit berzerk and jump off a tall building before that point.

Honey, there's about 40,000 wounded veterans who will be babbling on and on about Bush as they suck soup in their own homes right now, if they're not HOMELESS altogether.

So, do you always respond when someone says "leftwing fucktard"?

You leftwing fucktards are amazing... you'll be babbling on and on about Bush when you're sucking soup inn a rest home... that's if you don't go completely batshit berzerk and jump off a tall building before that point.

Honey, there's about 40,000 wounded veterans who will be babbling on and on about Bush as they suck soup in their own homes right now, if they're not HOMELESS altogether.

And that's where they're gonna stay until they work their way up Obama's VA waiting list. The list he said he wouldn't sleep until things were fixed. Sometime in 2010. Of course he lied about the sleep part, too, but not to have been unexpected, now was it?
And how many dead and maimed resulted from LBJ & the dems Vietnam?

Oh wait, that's Bush's fault too...
I have Schultz on now and actually he was talking about BP's resurgence of drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, and how Obama is the "Drill Baby Drill" president according to his guest commentator. Oil production is waaaaay up under Obama. And although there is abundant damage to wildlife with deformed sea life, Obama and EPA made sure BP got back into the game.

Now.....WTF were you saying about MSNBC and Schultz?

Schults is a brain dead fucktard. Just like you.

So you think I'm making this up? Sorry, but Obama has made your life better, not worse. If he had actually done what he said he was going to do about offshore drilling, you'd be paying $5 a gallon for gas right now. Not $3.75. And you can thank the EPA for their help in keeping your fuel costs down, too. They were part of it.

Average gas price Jan. 2009: 1.84/gal
Thanks, Obama!

Drilling permits:
PICKET: Flashback - Oil drilling permits down 36 percent under Obama - Washington Times
no crying form the knuckle daggers on this, back then
Veterans Groups Sue Bush Administration Over Delayed Benefits Claims
The lawsuit says that Department of Veterans Affairs claims decisions average more than six months.

By Amanda Ruggeri Nov. 10, 2008

Veterans Groups Sue Bush Administration Over Delayed Benefits Claims - US News

For all of the military member's and their spouse out there. We need to stop listening to party members that claim to be the party of the military. Look at what this administration has really done to you! Below are only a few examples of veterans benefits and pay cuts.

Bush Administration underfunded veterans' health care by $2 billion. The Bush Administration's 2004 budget underfunded veterans' health care by nearly $2 billion. ("Vets Health Low on Bush's Priority List," The Hill, September 17, 2003; "Support for Troops Questioned," Washington Post, June 17, 2003; U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs, September 2002)

Bush Administration budget cuts force more than 200,000 veterans to wait for health care. Over 200,000 United States veterans have to wait more than six months for a medical visit because of health care shortages. ("VA Health Care Funding Alert," Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Press Release, January 31, 2003)
What George Bush has done for soldiers and veterans. - Journals - CafeMom
I speak from personal experience when I say the neglect of veterans has been going on for some time. Before Obama. I had to actually get my Congressman and both US Senators to intercede in a case in 2008. I tried to get attention drawn to the the plight of vets for years.

There have been vets returning from Iraq and Afghanistan with traumatic brain injuries who have not been getting all the care they need. And that, my friends, was all on Bush. My Congressman specifically told me it would have taken an additional $50 billion of spending, and that was not going to happen under Bush.

The crocodile tears of the demagogues today turns my stomach. Where the fuck were those assholes five years ago?

We were at a town hall meeting in 2007 with our congressman, Rush Holt, when a Viet Nam vet stood up and said he'd recently been diagnosed with cancer. So he went to the VA but was turned down because Bush passed a law in 2003 discontinuing benefits for vets who either had not used them to-date since leaving the service or made more than $35,000 a year.

Our useless congressman did nothing, of course.
It looks like our liberal friends got the message from lefty websites to go on a preemptive strike to cover Obama's ass and blame Bush.

Newsflash: the VA has been fucked up for a long time.
Schults is a brain dead fucktard. Just like you.

So you think I'm making this up? Sorry, but Obama has made your life better, not worse. If he had actually done what he said he was going to do about offshore drilling, you'd be paying $5 a gallon for gas right now. Not $3.75. And you can thank the EPA for their help in keeping your fuel costs down, too. They were part of it.

Average gas price Jan. 2009: 1.84/gal
Thanks, Obama!

Drilling permits:
PICKET: Flashback - Oil drilling permits down 36 percent under Obama - Washington Times

Nope. Sorry. That's called spin from the WT.

"""But overall, oil production in areas under federal jurisdiction increased under Obama. We again compared the last three full fiscal years of Bush’s term with the next three years, a period that falls almost entirely under Obama’s time in office
Oil production on federal lands and in federal waters grew by 14 percent — or 241 million barrels of oil — during that time (see table 2).

(The increase is 15 percent when we exclude fiscal year 2009 and compare fiscal years 2007 and 2008 with 2010 and 2011.)

Adam Sieminski, the administrator of the EIA, explained to Congress in August that oil production on federal lands and in federal waters is dominated by offshore drilling. He said the decrease in production in 2011 reflects the impact and aftermath of the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill. As we noted before, the Obama administration instituted a temporary moratorium on new drilling following the spill."""

Obama?s Drilling Denials

The spike in gas prices is so that the American public can pay for BP's multi-billion dollar clean up and restitution of the lost businesses on the Gulf. They're not going to pay it. How do you think they stayed in business?
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It looks like our liberal friends got the message from lefty websites to go on a preemptive strike to cover Obama's ass and blame Bush.

Newsflash: the VA has been fucked up for a long time.

"...from lefty websites"? Maybe you read too many rightwing blogs.

Was it the lefty websites that reported the thousands of returning wounded from Iraq and Afghanistan? Guess I'd better check them out.
You leftwing fucktards are amazing... you'll be babbling on and on about Bush when you're sucking soup inn a rest home... that's if you don't go completely batshit berzerk and jump off a tall building before that point.

Honey, there's about 40,000 wounded veterans who will be babbling on and on about Bush as they suck soup in their own homes right now, if they're not HOMELESS altogether.

there will be Vets in every part of the Country from every decade since the 60's who will be babbling on and on about how EVERY Administration,including this one,have given returning Vets sub-standard care....ALL of them are guilty of doing this....
Exactly what about the Afghanistan war was phony? Are you claiming that we were not attacked by Al- Qaeda on 9-11-2001 and that their headquarters and primary base of operations at that time was not Afghanistan?
Obama's Republican guard comes to the rescue again.

Obama had no idea anything bad was going on.
He first learned about this when he was watching the news... or.
This is Bush's fault.It has nothing to do with Obama...

Yeah we get it.It never has anything to do with Obama.

He's had 5 Years to do something...after all? He was on the Senate Veteran's Affairs Committee...and what of those promises He and Biden made back in '08?

Obama's Republican guard comes to the rescue again.

Obama had no idea anything bad was going on.
He first learned about this when he was watching the news... or.
This is Bush's fault.It has nothing to do with Obama...

Yeah we get it.It never has anything to do with Obama.

He's had 5 Years to do something...after all? He was on the Senate Veteran's Affairs Committee...and what of those promises He and Biden made back in '08?


He probably voted 'Present'

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