Where were Jews the most hated - Persia/Iran or America?

There are some who do not know that of the jewish population of Iran pre 1960---
more than 90% have now fled-----that level of "fleeing oppression" meets the definition of genocide.
Iran NOW has the largest remnant of jews in the Middle east-----other jewish
populations in other Islamic cesspits are virtually extinct (genocided out of

Nice claim - but a lie.
There were about 100,000 Jews in pre revolution Iran, but a lot cowarded out at the time of the Islamic revolution.
About 30,000 remain, a number that has remained constant since 1979.

A claim of genocide has been made - a lie - so I ask the poster to prove it.

you have a lot to learn about the stink of genocidal islam, Freddie------
------"population remains constant"----is simply yet another sign of the stink of
Islamic genocide------natural population growth thwarted in a population held
virtually CAPTIVE

------"cowarded out in 1979"-----what a joke is Freddie----the exodus from the
stink and filth of islamicism did not BEGIN in 1979----my very own part of the
USA began to get a flood of Iranian jewish teenagers -----sent to safety by
their parents ---by the early 1960s. Children sent to safety----the first response to the threat of Islamo Nazi genocide-----you have actually disproven your own idiot islamo Nazi denial------and used the typical islamo Nazi techniques at that

oh let's ask the one jew who is In a bit of a position to protect the desperate
remaining community to criticize the rulers. Maimonides did not spit in the
face of sa'aladin either------his letters were secret-----a few got the bearers thereof----murdered by the stink
By Jason Rezaian October 2, 2013

Chafing at Netanyahu’s words
Members of Iran’s Jewish community say allegations by Israel, such as recent claims of a foiled Iranian terrorism plot in Tel Aviv and ongoing accusations that Iran is building a nuclear weapon for use against Israel, distort the Islamic republic’s relationship with Judaism and its own Jewish population.

Netanyahu’s warnings, coupled with ongoing questions about whether the Islamic republic officially recognizes the Holocaust, have cast a negative light on Iran just days after a historic phone call between the country’s new president, Hassan Rouhani, and President Obama signaled the start of a new era in relations between Tehran and Washington.

Israeli leaders deeply oppose any thaw in the U.S.-Iranian relationship, but Jews here, along with most Iranians, believe that restored ties with the United States could lead to an easing of the international sanctions imposed on the country over allegations that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons.

The chairman of Iran’s Jewish Association, Homayun Sameyah, said in an interview that the Rosh Hashanah greetings that Rouhani and his foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, posted on Facebook and Twitter last month reflected a friendlier approach to Jews everywhere on the part of Iran’s leaders. He drew a contrast between Rouhani and his more confrontational predecessor, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

“During the Ahmadinejad years, because of his Holocaust denial, some Jewish activists had problems here, but now that we see that Rouhani has a different opinion, we’re hopeful that such difficulties are behind us,” Sameyah said.

For more than a century, since the Qajar dynasty of the 19th century, Jews have had a representative in the Iranian parliament. But very few Iranian Jews enter politics, even though the regime does not bar them from doing so.

“We are not tenants in this country. We are Iranians, and we have been for 30 centuries,” Ciamak Morsadegh, Iran’s lone Jewish lawmaker, said Monday. Morsadegh traveled as a member of Rouhani’s delegation to the United Natio
You claim genocide - prove it.
Link to reliable site, showing these mass killings.
You claim genocide - prove it.
Link to reliable site, showing these mass killings.

Freddie again proves his dense ignorance-----anyone interested in the definition
of genocide should google--------"MASS KILLINGS" are not a necessary component of genocide ------in the past century-----based on the filth islamicism brought to Iran-----an estimated 95% of the THREE MILLENIA old Iranian jewish community-----fled GENOCIDE!!!!!! a greater percentage of the 3000 year old community fled the filth and stink of islam over there than is the percentage of
"Palestinian" arabs who fled Israel ----in the past whole century----MUCH
GREATER <<<<not genocide----so they invented a new word as part of the
islamo Nazi lie "naqba"

strictly speaking ----the stench of islam also genocided the jewish community of Indonesia out of Indonesia-------before the stink---Indonesia was actually a site of
refuge for middle eastern jews fleeing the stink of islam-----there are something like 12 jews left in Indonesia because of the stink of ISLAMIC GENOCIDE ----no
mass killings----the pigs and dogs simply completely disenfranchised jews by
defining Judaism as a "not legal religion"----the pigs and dogs and sluts and scum
also destroyed all of the Synagogues of Indonesia ------disgusting whores and pimps that they are.
thanks freely for that Jason REZAain article. Long ago---when I was young (and beautiful) I began to hear about atrocities by PAPA DOC DUVALIER---in Haiti----
I asked a colleague from Haiti about it-----the poor young guy looked like he was about to vomit. There were many Haitians in the large hospital in which I was working-----docs, nurses, aids----etc. Haitians did not talk about PAPA DOC---
and later on they never spoke about "baby doc"---other than "nice guy"----YEARS later I encountered Christians from Syria------all refused to comment on both
Bashars (baby and papa) Hubby was born in a shariah cesspit----he did
notice that I commented on that cesspit and warned me "there are still a few
jews over there------you put them in danger"---------(maybe even freely can understand -------but probably not)
..................^^ Another fabricated irosie story to fit every topic and situation. ...... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
..................^^ Another fabricated irosie story to fit every topic and situation. ...... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:

way to go sunni-----more khutbah jumaat shit. I encountered lots of
muslims---starting more than 45 years ago. Hindus too.
Curious kid that I was-----
I asked questions----even read the Gita, Ramayana (of course
kama sudtra) and
the depraved koran (picthall version)
My curiosity brought me invitations-----I got to attend
hindu things------singing/dancing/instrument----celebrations--
--some professional and some amateur------and I got invited to
a mosque. By that time I had already
learned that meccaist children are taught-----that anything written by jews , Christians and hindus is LIE----and even the ancient books are ALL FORGERIES <<<< OK lots of people learn filth from depraved
parents------I grew up in a town chock full of inebriated Nazi scum.
The "N" word was considered ok by some of my little friends (my mom
told me it is a dirty world----when I was about six----long before
rosa parks did the bus ride) With
friends I attended churches----and even Sunday school------I never heard
the really rotten shit in churches or sunday schools------thus I was
surprised when on a GOOD FRIDAY----the Imam dog chose to talk
about "GOOD FRIDAY"----by teaching that the account thereof
THE ENEMEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM" I almost vomited on the carpet.
The Imam pig was supposed to be some genius "scholar"---visitor from
Egypt. I felt insulted-----the foreign dog-----in a largely Christian city----
farting out insults about EASTER "scholar"---farting into the ears
of little boys (good Friday was a school holiday)
I felt insulted-----the foreign dog-----in a largely Christian city----
farting out insults about EASTER "scholar"---farting into the ears
of little boys (good Friday was a school holiday)
Your posts read like you are mentally deranged.

Just saying......... :cool:
I felt insulted-----the foreign dog-----in a largely Christian city----
farting out insults about EASTER "scholar"---farting into the ears
of little boys (good Friday was a school holiday)
Your posts read like you are mentally deranged.

Just saying......... :cool:

yes-----of course Another very interesting factoid. THERE IS NO MENTAL
DERANGEMENT in Islamic lands-----other than -----rejection of islam------
there was no mental derangement in communist Russia other than "being a
capitalist" My education on islam ----in my youth came from muslim doctors---educated in muslim lands ----from them I learned that true followers of
islam-----never experience mental derangement------LATER on I learned
about communist Russia from escapee docs from that land-----persons mentally
deranged were described as "capitalists" and confined in "hospitals for the
insane" my all time fave is the INCIDENCE OF AIDS in Saudi Arabia---
reported by Saudi Arabia as ZERO ----for years------even the muslim docs
laughed When the Saudis finally broke down in admitted the reality----they
blamed it on "foreign workers" (those hindus and Christians they use----and---well those Israeli docs they fly in to care for the important folk).

anyone interested in mental illness in the islamically adherent----take a walk
in Islamic enclaves-----especially during "eid" times


Next question.

I think you need to back that up with reasons, and links to prove them.

In fact, apart from accusations, there has been no evidence at all of serious problems throughout the whole of Jewish history.
So, unless any last minute posters manage any anti Jewish stuff in Iran, perhaps we should look at America and Jews.

Jews Murder Gentile Babies In USA Real Jew News

JEWS HAVE USED A LIE to murder over 50 million Gentile babies since 1973 when the Supreme Court decided to grant the Jews their murderous demand in the Abortion-Rights case of Roe Vs Wade.

Yes - over a half a million Gentile babies have been murdered by the “Jewish” decision of the Supreme Court Justices in theRoe Vs Wade case. Even today, there is a Jewish Pro-Abortionist feminist on the Supreme Court bench by the name of Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

Clearly a load of old shit, but it does suggest a serious anti Jewish movement in the US.
To understand a country, you need to understand its people, not uts government.

BBC News - The book in every Iranian home

When one reads a snapshot of real life, myths and stereotypes tend to be useless.
This tells of a story of a people very different from the black picture we're fed by much of the press.
Does this sound like a people out to murder, oppress and generally be nasty?
To understand a country, you need to understand its people, not uts government.

BBC News - The book in every Iranian home

When one reads a snapshot of real life, myths and stereotypes tend to be useless.
This tells of a story of a people very different from the black picture we're fed by much of the press.
Does this sound like a people out to murder, oppress and generally be nasty?
This may interest you Fred, you will understand then why the majority of american right wing christian fundamentalist are anti-Semites.
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